convolutional neural networks

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Radiologists are tasked with visually scrutinizing large amounts of data produced by 3D volumetric imaging modalities. Small signals can go unnoticed during the 3D search because they are hard to detect in the visual periphery. Recent advances in machine learning and computer vision have led to effective computer-aided detection (CADe) support systems with the potential to mitigate perceptual errors.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixteen nonexpert observers searched through digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) phantoms and single cross-sectional slices of the DBT phantoms. The 3D/2D searches occurred with and without a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based CADe support system. The model provided observers with bounding boxes superimposed on the image stimuli while they looked for a small microcalcification signal and a large mass signal. Eye gaze positions were recorded and correlated with changes in the area under the ROC curve (AUC).
    UNASSIGNED: The CNN-CADe improved the 3D search for the small microcalcification signal ( Δ   AUC = 0.098 , p = 0.0002 ) and the 2D search for the large mass signal ( Δ   AUC = 0.076 , p = 0.002 ). The CNN-CADe benefit in 3D for the small signal was markedly greater than in 2D ( Δ Δ   AUC = 0.066 , p = 0.035 ). Analysis of individual differences suggests that those who explored the least with eye movements benefited the most from the CNN-CADe ( r = - 0.528 , p = 0.036 ). However, for the large signal, the 2D benefit was not significantly greater than the 3D benefit ( Δ Δ   AUC = 0.033 , p = 0.133 ).
    UNASSIGNED: The CNN-CADe brings unique performance benefits to the 3D (versus 2D) search of small signals by reducing errors caused by the underexploration of the volumetric data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Images and videos containing fake faces are the most common type of digital manipulation. Such content can lead to negative consequences by spreading false information. The use of machine learning algorithms to produce fake face images has made it challenging to distinguish between genuine and fake content. Face manipulations are categorized into four basic groups: entire face synthesis, face identity manipulation (deepfake), facial attribute manipulation and facial expression manipulation. The study utilized lightweight convolutional neural networks to detect fake face images generated by using entire face synthesis and generative adversarial networks. The dataset used in the training process includes 70,000 real images in the FFHQ dataset and 70,000 fake images produced with StyleGAN2 using the FFHQ dataset. 80% of the dataset was used for training and 20% for testing. Initially, the MobileNet, MobileNetV2, EfficientNetB0, and NASNetMobile convolutional neural networks were trained separately for the training process. In the training, the models were pre-trained on ImageNet and reused with transfer learning. As a result of the first trainings EfficientNetB0 algorithm reached the highest accuracy of 93.64%. The EfficientNetB0 algorithm was revised to increase its accuracy rate by adding two dense layers (256 neurons) with ReLU activation, two dropout layers, one flattening layer, one dense layer (128 neurons) with ReLU activation function, and a softmax activation function used for the classification dense layer with two nodes. As a result of this process accuracy rate of 95.48% was achieved with EfficientNetB0 algorithm. Finally, the model that achieved 95.48% accuracy was used to train MobileNet and MobileNetV2 models together using the stacking ensemble learning method, resulting in the highest accuracy rate of 96.44%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Missed diagnosis of evolving or coexisting idiopathic (IIH) and spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is often the reason for persistent or worsening symptoms after foramen magnum decompression for Chiari malformation (CM) I. We explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI)/convolutional neural networks (CNN) in Chiari I malformation in a combinatorial role for the first time in literature, exploring both upstream and downstream magnetic resonance findings as initial screening profilers in CM-1. We have also put together a review of all existing subtypes of CM and discuss the role of upright (gravity-aided) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluating equivocal tonsillar descent on a lying-down MRI. We have formulated a workflow algorithm MaChiP 1.0 (Manjila Chiari Protocol 1.0) using upstream and downstream profilers, that cause de novo or worsening Chiari I malformation, which we plan to implement using AI.
    UNASSIGNED: The PRISMA guidelines were used for \"CM and machine learning and CNN\" on PubMed database articles, and four articles specific to the topic were encountered. The radiologic criteria for IIH and SIH were applied from neurosurgical literature, and they were applied between primary and secondary (acquired) Chiari I malformations. An upstream etiology such as IIH or SIH and an isolated downstream etiology in the spine were characterized using the existing body of literature. We propose the utility of using four selected criteria for IIH and SIH each, over MRI T2 images of the brain and spine, predominantly sagittal sequences in upstream etiology in the brain and multiplanar MRI in spinal lesions.
    UNASSIGNED: Using MaChiP 1.0 (patent/ copyright pending) concepts, we have proposed the upstream and downstream profilers implicated in progressive Chiari I malformation. The upstream profilers included findings of brain sagging, slope of the third ventricular floor, pontomesencephalic angle, mamillopontine distance, lateral ventricular angle, internal cerebral vein-vein of Galen angle, and displacement of iter, clivus length, tonsillar descent, etc., suggestive of SIH. The IIH features noted in upstream pathologies were posterior flattening of globe of the eye, partial empty sella, optic nerve sheath distortion, and optic nerve tortuosity in MRI. The downstream etiologies involved spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak from dural tear, meningeal diverticula, CSF-venous fistulae, etc.
    UNASSIGNED: AI would help offer predictive analysis along the spectrum of upstream and downstream etiologies, ensuring safety and efficacy in treating secondary (acquired) Chiari I malformation, especially with coexisting IIH and SIH. The MaChiP 1.0 algorithm can help document worsening of a previously diagnosed CM-1 and find the exact etiology of a secondary CM-I. However, the role of posterior fossa morphometry and cine-flow MRI data for intracranial CSF flow dynamics, along with advanced spinal CSF studies using dynamic myelo-CT scanning in the formation of secondary CM-I is still being evaluated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Persuasive technologies, in connection with human factor engineering requirements for healthy workplaces, have played a significant role in ensuring a change in human behavior. Healthy workplaces suggest different best practices applicable to body posture, proximity to the computer system, movement, lighting conditions, computer system layout, and other significant psychological and cognitive aspects. Most importantly, body posture suggests how users should sit or stand in workplaces in line with best and healthy practices. In this study, we developed two study phases (pilot and main) using two deep learning models: convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Yolo-V3. To train the two models, we collected posture datasets from creative common license YouTube videos and Kaggle. We classified the dataset into comfortable and uncomfortable postures. Results show that our YOLO-V3 model outperformed CNN model with a mean average precision of 92%. Based on this finding, we recommend that YOLO-V3 model be integrated in the design of persuasive technologies for a healthy workplace. Additionally, we provide future implications for integrating proximity detection taking into consideration the ideal number of centimeters users should maintain in a healthy workplace.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is an epoch-making technology, among which the 2 most advanced parts are machine learning and deep learning algorithms that have been further developed by machine learning, and it has been partially applied to assist EUS diagnosis. AI-assisted EUS diagnosis has been reported to have great value in the diagnosis of pancreatic tumors and chronic pancreatitis, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, esophageal early cancer, biliary tract, and liver lesions. The application of AI in EUS diagnosis still has some urgent problems to be solved. First, the development of sensitive AI diagnostic tools requires a large amount of high-quality training data. Second, there is overfitting and bias in the current AI algorithms, leading to poor diagnostic reliability. Third, the value of AI still needs to be determined in prospective studies. Fourth, the ethical risks of AI need to be considered and avoided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It\'s a major public health problem of global concern that malignant gliomas tend to grow rapidly and infiltrate surrounding tissues. Accurate grading of the tumor can determine the degree of malignancy to formulate the best treatment plan, which can eliminate the tumor or limit widespread metastasis of the tumor, saving the patient\'s life and improving their prognosis. To more accurately predict the grading of gliomas, we proposed a novel method of combining the advantages of 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for tumor grading by multimodality on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The core of the innovation lies in our combination of tumor 3D information extracted from multimodal data with those obtained from a 2D ResNet50 architecture. It solves both the lack of temporal-spatial information provided by 3D imaging in 2D convolutional neural networks and avoids more noise from too much information in 3D convolutional neural networks, which causes serious overfitting problems. Incorporating explicit tumor 3D information, such as tumor volume and surface area, enhances the grading model\'s performance and addresses the limitations of both approaches. By fusing information from multiple modalities, the model achieves a more precise and accurate characterization of tumors. The model I s trained and evaluated using two publicly available brain glioma datasets, achieving an AUC of 0.9684 on the validation set. The model\'s interpretability is enhanced through heatmaps, which highlight the tumor region. The proposed method holds promise for clinical application in tumor grading and contributes to the field of medical diagnostics for prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schizophrenia (SZ) is a severe, chronic mental disorder without specific treatment. Due to the increasing prevalence of SZ in societies and the similarity of the characteristics of this disease with other mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, most people are not aware of having it in their daily lives. Therefore, early detection of this disease will allow the sufferer to seek treatment or at least control it. Previous SZ detection studies through machine learning methods, require the extraction and selection of features before the classification process. This study attempts to develop a novel, end-to-end approach based on a 15-layers convolutional neural network (CNN) and a 16-layers CNN- long short-term memory (LSTM) to help psychiatrists automatically diagnose SZ from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The deep model uses CNN layers to learn the temporal properties of the signals, while LSTM layers provide the sequence learning mechanism. Also, data augmentation method based on generative adversarial networks is employed over the training set to increase the diversity of the data. Results on a large EEG dataset show the high diagnostic potential of both proposed methods, achieving remarkable accuracy of 98% and 99%. This study shows that the proposed framework is able to accurately discriminate SZ from healthy subject and is potentially useful for developing diagnostic tools for SZ disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostate cancer is one of the most common and fatal diseases among men, and its early diagnosis can have a significant impact on the treatment process and prevent mortality. Since it does not have apparent clinical symptoms in the early stages, it is difficult to diagnose. In addition, the disagreement of experts in the analysis of magnetic resonance images is also a significant challenge. In recent years, various research has shown that deep learning, especially convolutional neural networks, has appeared successfully in machine vision (especially in medical image analysis). In this research, a deep learning approach was used on multi-parameter magnetic resonance images, and the synergistic effect of clinical and pathological data on the accuracy of the model was investigated. The data were collected from Trita Hospital in Tehran, which included 343 patients (data augmentation and learning transfer methods were used during the process). In the designed model, four different types of images are analyzed with four separate ResNet50 deep convolutional networks, and their extracted features are transferred to a fully connected neural network and combined with clinical and pathological features. In the model without clinical and pathological data, the maximum accuracy reached 88%, but by adding these data, the accuracy increased to 96%, which shows the significant impact of clinical and pathological data on the accuracy of diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Colorectal and prostate cancers are the most common types of cancer in men worldwide. To diagnose colorectal and prostate cancer, a pathologist performs a histological analysis on needle biopsy samples. This manual process is time-consuming and error-prone, resulting in high intra- and interobserver variability, which affects diagnosis reliability.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop an automatic computerized system for diagnosing colorectal and prostate tumors by using images of biopsy samples to reduce time and diagnosis error rates associated with human analysis.
    METHODS: In this study, we proposed a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for classifying colorectal and prostate tumors from multispectral images of biopsy samples. The key idea was to remove the last block of the convolutional layers and halve the number of filters per layer.
    RESULTS: Our results showed excellent performance, with an average test accuracy of 99.8% and 99.5% for the prostate and colorectal data sets, respectively. The system showed excellent performance when compared with pretrained CNNs and other classification methods, as it avoids the preprocessing phase while using a single CNN model for the whole classification task. Overall, the proposed CNN architecture was globally the best-performing system for classifying colorectal and prostate tumor images.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed CNN architecture was detailed and compared with previously trained network models used as feature extractors. These CNNs were also compared with other classification techniques. As opposed to pretrained CNNs and other classification approaches, the proposed CNN yielded excellent results. The computational complexity of the CNNs was also investigated, and it was shown that the proposed CNN is better at classifying images than pretrained networks because it does not require preprocessing. Thus, the overall analysis was that the proposed CNN architecture was globally the best-performing system for classifying colorectal and prostate tumor images.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When solving a structure of a protein from single-wavelength anomalous diffraction X-ray data, the initial phases obtained by phasing from an anomalously scattering substructure usually need to be improved by an iterated electron-density modification. In this manuscript, the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for segmentation of the initial experimental phasing electron-density maps is proposed. The results reported demonstrate that a CNN with U-net architecture, trained on several thousands of electron-density maps generated mainly using X-ray data from the Protein Data Bank in a supervised learning, can improve current density-modification methods.





