
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Celocentesis is a new sampling tool for prenatal diagnosis available from 7 weeks in case of couples at risk for genetic diseases. In this study, we reported the feasibility of earlier prenatal diagnosis by celocentesis in four cases of cystic fibrosis and one case of cystic fibrosis and β-thalassemia co-inherited in the same fetus. Celomic fluids were aspired from the celomic cavity between 8+2 and 9+3 weeks of gestation and fetal cells were picked up by micromanipulator. Maternal DNA contamination was tested and target regions of fetal DNA containing parental pathogenetic variants of CFTR and HBB genes were amplified and sequenced. Four of the five fetuses resulted as being affected by cystic fibrosis and, in all cases, the women decided to interrupt the pregnancy. In the other case, the fetus presented a healthy carrier of cystic fibrosis. The results were confirmed in three cases on placental tissue. In one case, no abortive tissue was obtained. In the last case, the woman refused the prenatal diagnosis to confirm the celocentesis data; the pregnancy is ongoing without complications. This procedure provides prenatal diagnosis of monogenic diseases at least four weeks earlier than traditional procedures, reducing the anxiety of patients and providing the option for medical termination of the affected fetus at 8-10 weeks of gestation, which is less traumatic and safer than surgical termination in the second trimester.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Celocentesis is an invasive technique that can provide prenatal diagnosis of single-gene disorders, from as early as 7 weeks\' gestation. The objective of this study was to examine the safety of celocentesis.
    In this prospective study, celocentesis was performed for prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathy in 402 singleton pregnancies in which both parents were carriers of β-thalassemia or sickle cell disease trait. We assessed procedure-related maternal discomfort or pain, success of sampling and obtaining results, pregnancy outcome and postnatal follow-up.
    First, celocentesis was carried out at a median gestational age of 8.6 (range, 6.9-9.9) weeks and celomic fluid was successfully aspirated in 99.8% of cases. Second, 67% of women had no or only mild discomfort, 18% had moderate discomfort, 12% had mild-to-moderate pain and 3% had severe pain. Third, prenatal diagnosis from analysis of the celomic fluid was successful in 93.8% cases, and in the last 121 cases, it was always successful. Fourth, in all cases of successful sampling and analysis of celomic fluid, the diagnosis was concordant with results obtained from additional prenatal or postnatal testing. Fifth, in addition to diagnosis of hemoglobinopathy, quantitative fluorescence polymerase chain reaction analysis, which was performed to evaluate maternal contamination using several markers for chromosomes X, Y, 21, 18 and 13, led to the accurate diagnosis of chromosomal aneuploidy. Sixth, in all cases of an affected fetus diagnosed by celocentesis in which the parents chose termination of pregnancy, this was carried out < 10 weeks\' gestation. Seventh, in 97.1% (298/307) of the continuing pregnancies there was live birth, in seven (2.3%) there was miscarriage and in two (0.7%) there was loss to follow-up. Eighth, fetal abnormalities were diagnosed in three (1%) cases, including unilateral transverse amputation of the forearm, unilateral moderate hydronephrosis and small-bowel duplication. All neonates were examined by a pediatrician and were found to be phenotypically normal, except for the three cases with a prenatally diagnosed defect.
    Celocentesis can be used for early prenatal diagnosis of genetic abnormalities, and the procedure-related risk of pregnancy complications appears to be low. Copyright © 2020 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Currently, prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders requires chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis carried out after 11 and 16 weeks of gestation, respectively. Celocentesis is a procedure for prenatal diagnosis that could be used from as early as 7 weeks. The present investigation evaluated the feasibility of performing diagnosis for monogenic diseases using celomic fluid containing cells of fetal origin.
    METHODS: Analysis consisted of 489 singleton pregnancies undergoing celocentesis for the prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies (n = 367) or before surgical termination of pregnancy for social indications (n = 122). Embryo-fetal cells were isolated from celomic fluid using CD71 antibodies or by micromanipulation. Quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction of short tandem repeat sequences of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y were used to determine the presence of maternal DNA.
    RESULTS: 357/489 (73%) of celomic fluid samples were contaminated with maternal cells. In two cases, diagnosis was not possible due to the high contamination of celomic fluid. Eighty-seven (23.8%) fetuses were affected by hemoglobinopathies and, in five cases, chromosomal aneuploidies were found, including three cases of trisomy 21, one of trisomy 13 and one of triploidy. In all cases, the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies and chromosomal abnormalities was confirmed by molecular and traditional cytogenetic analysis after amniocentesis, chorionic villus or placental tissue collection following pregnancy termination.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study demonstrate that embryo-fetal cell selection from celomic fluid allows reliable and early prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies and can give more information on any fetal aneuploidy following the control of maternal contamination by quantitative fluorescent-PCR.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Transabdominal ultrasound examination carried out at 11.3 weeks\' gestation suggested the diagnosis of holoprosencephaly (HPE). Transvaginal three-dimensional (3D) scan performed using the niche-mode technique enabled diagnosis of HPE, hypotelorism, and cleft lip (CL). The fetus was diagnosed with trisomy 18 by means of transvaginal celocentesis at the time of pregnancy termination. Although prenatal diagnosis of orofacial cleft can be enhanced by 3D ultrasound, only a few cases have been detected early in pregnancy. Here, we report a first-trimester case in which 3D ultrasound in niche mode improved the antenatal diagnosis of CL. Early fetal karyotyping can be accomplished by celocentesis in these cases.





