blood pressure measurement

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate arm circumference (AC) measurement is required for accurate blood pressure (BP) readings. Standards stipulate measuring arm circumference at the midpoint between the acromion process (AP) and the olecranon process. However, which part of the AP to use is not stipulated. Furthermore, BP is measured sitting but arm circumference is measured standing. We sought to understand how landmarking during AC measurement and body position affect cuff size selection. Two variations in measurement procedure were studied. First, AC was measured at the top of the acromion (TOA) and compared to the spine of the acromion (SOA). Second, standing versus seated measurements using each landmark were compared. AC was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm at the mid-point of the upper arm by two independent observers, blinded from each other\'s measurements. In 51 participants, the mean (±SD) mid-AC measurement using the anchoring landmarks TOA and SOA in the standing position were 32.4 cm (±6.18) and 32.1 cm (±6.07), respectively (mean difference of 0.3 cm). In the seated position, mean arm circumference was 32.2 (±6.10) using TOA and 31.1 (±6.03) using SOA (mean difference 1.1 cm). Kappa agreement for cuff selection in the standing position between TOA and SOA was 0.94 (p < 0.001). The landmark on the acromion process can change the cuff selection in a small percentage of cases. The overall impact of this landmark selection is small. However, standardizing landmark selection and body position for AC measurement could further reduce variability in cuff size selection during BP measurement and validation studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intra-arterial blood pressure (IABP) measurement, although considered the gold standard in critically ill children, is associated with certain risks and lacks widespread availability. This study was conducted to determine the differences and agreements between oscillometric non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) and invasive IABP measurements in children. Inclusion criteria consisted of children (from 1 month to 18 years) admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of a teaching hospital who required arterial catheter insertion for blood pressure (BP) monitoring. The comparison between IABP and NIBP was studied using paired t -test, Bland-Altman analysis, and Pearson\'s correlation coefficient. In total, 4,447 pairs of simultaneously recorded hourly NIBP and IABP measurements were collected from 65 children. Mean differences between IABP and NIBP were -3.6 ± 12.85, -4.7 ± 9.3, and -3.12 ± 9.30 mm Hg for systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial BP, respectively ( p  < 0.001), with wide limits of agreement. NIBP significantly overestimated BP ( p  < 0.001) in all three BP states (hypotensive, normotensive, and hypertensive), except systolic blood pressure (SBP) during hypertension where IABP was significantly higher. The difference in SBP was most pronounced during hypotension. The difference in SBP was significant in children <10 years ( p  < 0.001), with the maximum difference being in infants. It was insignificant in adolescents ( p  = 0.28) and underweight children ( p  = 0.55). NIBP recorded significantly higher BP in all states of BP except SBP in the hypertensive state. SBP measured by NIBP tended to be the most reliable in adolescents and underweight children. NIBP was the most unreliable in infants, obese children, and during hypotension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It would be useful to develop a reliable method for the cuffless measurement of blood pressure (BP), as such a method could be made available anytime and anywhere for the effective screening and monitoring of arterial hypertension. The purpose of this study is to evaluate blood pressure measurements through a CardioQVARK device in clinical practice in different patient groups.
    METHODS: This study involved 167 patients aged 31 to 88 years (mean 64.2 ± 7.8 years) with normal blood pressure, high blood pressure, and compensated high blood pressure. During each session, three routine blood pressure measurements with intervals of 30 s were taken using a sphygmomanometer with an appropriate cuff size, and the mean value was selected for comparison. The measurements were carried out by two observers trained at the same time with a reference sphygmomanometer using a Y-shaped connector. In the minute following the last cuff-based measurements, an electrocardiogram (ECG) with an I-lead and a photoplethysmocardiogram were recorded simultaneously for 3 min with the CardioQVARK device. We compared the systolic and diastolic BP obtained from a cuff-based mercury sphygmomanometer and smartphone-case-based BP device: the CardioQVARK monitor. A statistical analysis plan was developed using the IEEE Standard for Wearable Cuffless Blood Pressure Devices. Bland-Altman plots were used to estimate the precision of cuffless measurements.
    RESULTS: The mean difference between the values defined by CardioQVARK and the cuff-based sphygmomanometer for systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 0.31 ± 3.61, while that for diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was 0.44 ± 3.76. The mean absolute difference (MAD) for SBP was 3.44 ± 2.5 mm Hg, and that for DBP was 3.21 ± 2.82 mm Hg. In the subgroups, the smallest error (less than 3 mm Hg) was observed in the prehypertension group, with a slightly larger error (up to 4 mm Hg) found among patients with a normal blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension. The largest error was found in the stage 2 hypertension group (4-5.5 mm Hg). The largest error was 4.2 mm Hg in the high blood pressure group. We, therefore, did not record an error in excess of 7 mmHg, the upper boundary considered acceptable in the IEEE recommendations. We also did not reach a mean error of 5 mmHg, the upper boundary considered acceptable according to the very recent ESH recommendations. At the same time, in all groups of patients, the systolic blood pressure was determined with an error of less than 5 mm Hg in more than 80% of patients. While this study shows that the CardioQVARK device meets the standards of IEEE, the Bland-Altman analysis indicates that the cuffless measurement of diastolic blood pressure has significant bias. The difference was very small and unlikely to be of clinical relevance for the individual patient, but it may well have epidemiological relevance on a population level. Therefore, the CardioQVARK device, while being worthwhile for monitoring patients over time, may not be suitable for screening purposes. Cuffless blood pressure measurement devices are emerging as a convenient and tolerable alternative to cuff-based devices. However, there are several limitations to cuffless blood pressure measurement devices that should be considered. For instance, this study showed a high proportion of measurements with a measurement error of <5 mmHg, while detecting a small, although statistically significant, bias in the measurement of diastolic blood pressure. This suggests that this device may not be suitable for screening purposes. However, its value for monitoring BP over time is confirmed. Furthermore, and most importantly, the easy measurement method and the device portability (integrated in a smartphone) may increase the self-awareness of hypertensive patients and, potentially, lead to an improved adherence to their treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cuffless blood pressure technology developed in this study was tested in accordance with the IEEE protocol and showed great precision in patient groups with different blood pressure ranges. This approach, therefore, has the potential to be applied in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to evaluate primary care providers\' adherence to the standard of measuring blood pressure for people aged 35 or above during their initial visit, as per Chinese guidelines, and to identify factors affecting their practices.
    UNASSIGNED: We developed 11 standardized patients (SP) cases as tracer conditions to evaluate primary care, and deployed trained SPs for unannounced visits to randomly selected providers in seven provinces of China. The SPs used a checklist based on guidelines to record whether and how blood pressure was measured. Data were analyzed descriptively and regression analysis was performed to examine the association between outcomes and factors such as provider, patient, facility, and clinical case characteristics.
    UNASSIGNED: The SPs conducted 1201 visits and found that less than one-third of USPs ≥35 had their blood pressure measured. Only 26.9% of migraine and 15.4% of diabetes cases received blood pressure measurements. Additionally, these measurements did not follow the proper guidelines and recommended steps. On average, 55.6% of the steps were followed with few providers considering influencing factors before measurement and only 6.0% of patients received both-arm measurements. The use of wrist sphygmomanometers was associated with poor blood pressure measurement.
    UNASSIGNED: In China, primary care hypertension screening practices fall short of guidelines, with infrequent initiation of blood pressure measurements and inadequate adherence to proper measurement steps. To address this, priority should be placed on adopting, implementing, and upholding guidelines for hypertension screening and measurement.
    UNASSIGNED: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Doctoral Fund Project of Inner Mongolia Medical University, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a prototype of a new, non-invasive, cuffless, self-calibrating blood pressure measuring device equipped with a pneumatic pressure sensor. The developed sensor has a double function: it measures the waveform of blood pressure and calibrates the device. The device was used to conduct proof-of-concept measurements on 10 volunteers. The main novelty of the device is the pneumatic pressure sensor, which works on the principle of a pneumatic nozzle flapper amplifier with negative feedback. The developed device does not require a cuff and can be used on arteries where cuff placement would be impossible (e.g., on the carotid artery). The obtained results showed that the systolic and diastolic pressure measurement errors of the proposed device did not exceed ±6.6% and ±8.1%, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Optimal clinical care, diagnosis and treatment requires accurate blood pressure (BP) values. The primary objective was to compare BP readings taken while adhering to American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines to those typical of routine clinical care. Specifically studied: the combined effect of feet flat on the floor, back supported, and arm supported with cuff at heart level, while adhering to other guideline recommendations.
    UNASSIGNED: In this prospective, randomised, three-group cohort study, a modified cross-over design was applied in a primary care outpatient office setting in Columbus (OH, USA). Eligible participants were adults (aged ≥18 years) with an arm circumference of ≥18 cm and ≤42 cm who did not have a renal dialysis shunt or a previous or current diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. 150 recruited volunteers meeting the inclusion criteria were randomly randomised into the three groups. Group methodologies were BP readings taken on a fixed-height exam table followed by readings taken in an exam chair with adjustable positioning options (Group A), readings taken in the reverse order, chair then table (Group B), and both sets of readings in the exam chair (Group C). A rest period occurred before each set of readings. Group C was included for the purpose of obtaining an independent estimate of the order effect. The order in which the two types of readings (table vs chair) were taken was randomised. The primary outcome was the difference between the mean of three BP readings taken on the table and the mean of three readings taken in the chair.
    UNASSIGNED: Between September and October, 2022, 150 participants were enrolled in the study; all 150 of whom completed testing: 48 in Group A, 49 in Group B, 53 in Group C. The mean systolic/diastolic BP (SBP/DBP) of readings taken on the table (Group A first readings, Group B second readings) were 7.0/4.5 mmHg higher than those taken in the chair (Group A second readings, Group B first readings); both statistically significant, p < 0.0001. These findings show that AHA-recommended positioning-feet flat on the floor, back supported, arm supported with the BP cuff at heart level-results in substantially lower BP values than improper positioning. The mean SBP/DBP of the first set of readings taken on the chair were 1.6/0.6 mmHg higher than for the second set of readings (Group C, included to estimate order effect).
    UNASSIGNED: The observed benefit of proper positioning is sufficient to change the BP classification of several million patients from having hypertension to not having hypertension and therefore avoiding medication and/or intense follow-up.
    UNASSIGNED: Midmark Corporation, Versailles, Ohio, USA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypertension is a prevalent chronic disease associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) premature death, and its severe form manifests as resistant hypertension (RH). The accurate prevalence of resistant hypertension is difficult to determine due to the discrepancy in data from various populations, but according to recent publications, it ranges from 6% to 18% in hypertensive patients. However, a comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of RH is essential. This review emphasizes the importance of identifying the causes of treatment resistance in antihypertensive therapy and highlights the utilization of appropriate diagnostic methods. We discussed innovative therapies such as autonomic neuromodulation techniques like renal denervation (RDN) and carotid baroreceptor stimulation, along with invasive interventions such as arteriovenous anastomosis as potential approaches to support patients with inadequate medical treatment and enhance outcomes in RH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Real-time monitoring of vital sounds from cardiovascular and respiratory systems via wearable devices together with modern data analysis schemes have the potential to reveal a variety of health conditions. Here, a flexible piezoelectret sensing system is developed to examine audio physiological signals in an unobtrusive manner, including heart, Korotkoff, and breath sounds. A customized electromagnetic shielding structure is designed for precision and high-fidelity measurements and several unique physiological sound patterns related to clinical applications are collected and analyzed. At the left chest location for the heart sounds, the S1 and S2 segments related to cardiac systole and diastole conditions, respectively, are successfully extracted and analyzed with good consistency from those of a commercial medical device. At the upper arm location, recorded Korotkoff sounds are used to characterize the systolic and diastolic blood pressure without a doctor or prior calibration. An Omron blood pressure monitor is used to validate these results. The breath sound detections from the lung/ trachea region are achieved a signal-to-noise ration comparable to those of a medical recorder, BIOPAC, with pattern classification capabilities for the diagnosis of viable respiratory diseases. Finally, a 6×6 sensor array is used to record heart sounds at different locations of the chest area simultaneously, including the Aortic, Pulmonic, Erb\'s point, Tricuspid, and Mitral regions in the form of mixed data resulting from the physiological activities of four heart valves. These signals are then separated by the independent component analysis algorithm and individual heart sound components from specific heart valves can reveal their instantaneous behaviors for the accurate diagnosis of heart diseases. The combination of these demonstrations illustrate a new class of wearable healthcare detection system for potentially advanced diagnostic schemes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This consensus statement presents a comprehensive and evidence-based set of guidelines that modify the general European or US guidelines for hypotension management with vasopressors during cesarean delivery. It is tailored to the Southeast Asian context in terms of local human and medical resources, health system capacity, and local values and preferences.
    RESULTS: These guidelines were prepared using a methodological approach. Two principal sources were used to obtain the evidence: scientific evidence and opinion-based evidence. A team of five anesthesia experts from Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand came together to define relevant clinical questions; search for literature-based evidence using the MEDLINE, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Cochrane libraries; evaluate existing guidelines; and contextualize recommendations for the Southeast Asian region. Furthermore, a survey was developed and distributed among 183 practitioners in the captioned countries to gather representative opinions of the medical community and identify best practices for the management of hypotension with vasopressors during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia.
    CONCLUSIONS: This consensus statement advocates proactive management of maternal hypotension during cesarean section after spinal anesthesia, which can be detrimental for both the mother and fetus, supports the choice of phenylephrine as a first-line vasopressor and offers a perspective on the use of prefilled syringes in the Southeast Asian region, where factors such as healthcare features, availability, patient safety, and cost should be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The following article highlights the need for methodological transparency and consensus for an accurate and non-invasive assessment of central aortic blood pressure (aoBP), which would contribute to increasing its validity and value in both clinical and physiological research settings. The recording method and site, the mathematical model used to quantify aoBP, and mainly the method applied to calibrate pulse waveforms are essential when estimating aoBP and should be considered when analyzing and/or comparing data from different works, populations and/or obtained with different approaches. Up to now, many questions remain concerning the incremental predictive ability of aoBP over peripheral blood pressure and the possible role of aoBP-guided therapy in everyday practice. In this article, we focus on \"putting it on the table\" and discussing the main aspects analyzed in the literature as potential determinants of the lack of consensus on the non-invasive measurement of aoBP.





