bald eagle

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in digital data collection have spurred accumulation of immense quantities of data that have potential to lead to remarkable ecological insight, but that also present analytic challenges. In the case of biologging data from birds, common analytical approaches to classifying movement behaviors are largely inappropriate for these massive data sets.We apply a framework for using K-means clustering to classify bird behavior using points from short time interval GPS tracks. K-means clustering is a well-known and computationally efficient statistical tool that has been used in animal movement studies primarily for clustering segments of consecutive points. To illustrate the utility of our approach, we apply K-means clustering to six focal variables derived from GPS data collected at 1-11 s intervals from free-flying bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) throughout the state of Iowa, USA. We illustrate how these data can be used to identify behaviors and life-stage- and age-related variation in behavior.After filtering for data quality, the K-means algorithm identified four clusters in >2 million GPS telemetry data points. These four clusters corresponded to three movement states: ascending, flapping, and gliding flight; and one non-moving state: perching. Mapping these states illustrated how they corresponded tightly to expectations derived from natural history observations; for example, long periods of ascending flight were often followed by long gliding descents, birds alternated between flapping and gliding flight.The K-means clustering approach we applied is both an efficient and effective mechanism to classify and interpret short-interval biologging data to understand movement behaviors. Furthermore, because it can apply to an abundance of very short, irregular, and high-dimensional movement data, it provides insight into small-scale variation in behavior that would not be possible with many other analytical approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is increasing pressure on wind energy facilities to manage or mitigate for wildlife collisions. However, little information exists regarding spatial and temporal variation in collision rates, meaning that mitigation is most often a blanket prescription. To address this knowledge gap, we evaluated variation among turbines and months in an aspect of collision risk-probability of entry by an eagle into a rotor-swept zone (hereafter, \"probability of entry\"). We examined 10,222 eagle flight paths identified and recorded by an automated bird monitoring system at a wind energy facility in Wyoming, USA. Probabilities of entry per turbine-month combination were 4.03 times greater in some months than others, ranging 0.15 to 0.62. The overall probability of entry for the riskiest turbine (i.e., the one with the greatest probability of entry) was 2.39 times greater than the least-risky turbine. Our methodology describes large variation across turbines and months in the probability of entry. If subsequently combined with information on other sources of variation (i.e., weather, topography), this approach can identify risky versus safe situations for eagles under which cost of management, curtailment prescriptions, and collision risk can be simultaneously minimized.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We measured concentrations of up to 17 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in plasma of 492 bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nestlings between 1995 and 2017 from 12 study areas in Wisconsin and Minnesota, USA. Geometric mean concentrations of the sum of 9 PBDE congeners (∑PBDE) measured across all years ranged from 2.88 to 10.8 µg/L, and nestlings in urban areas had higher concentrations than those in remote locations. Region-wide from 2006 through 2017, we found that ∑PBDEs declined by 3.8% annually and congeners BDE-47, -99, and -100 declined by 5.6 to 6.5%, whereas BDE-153 and -154 had no significant declines. When categorized by waterbody type, nestlings from Great Lakes and river study areas had higher concentrations of ∑PBDEs than those at inland lakes, but river study areas spanned the extremes. From 2006 to 2017, ∑PBDEs declined by 7.3% annually in Great Lakes nestlings and by 3.2% in nestlings along rivers, and increased by 32.7% at inland lakes. Using a longer dataset (1995-2015), we found that ∑PBDEs declined in Lake Superior nestlings by 3.3% annually. Our results show that PBDEs declined in bald eagle nestling plasma in most study areas since PBDE production was reduced, but that concentrations remain high near urban centers and that trends differ by congener, study area, and waterbody type. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40:1606-1618. © 2021 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyzed concentrations and trends of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in blood plasma samples of bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nestlings at 6 study areas in the upper Midwest of the United States, 2006 to 2015, and long-term trends at 2 Lake Superior (USA/Canada) sites, 1995 to 2015. Nestling blood plasma concentrations of the sum of 15 PFAS analytes (∑PFAS) differed among study areas and were highest at the 3 industrialized river sites: pools 3 and 4 of the Mississippi River (pools 3 + 4; geometric mean [GM] = 754 μg/L; range = 633-2930), the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (GM = 687 μg/L; range = 24-7371), and the lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway (GM = 546 μg/L; range = 20-2400). Temporal trends in ∑PFAS in nestling plasma differed among study areas; concentrations decreased at pools 3 + 4, Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, and lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, but not at the most remote sites, the upper St. Croix River and Lake Superior. Overall, perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) was the most abundant analyte at all study areas, and perfluorodecanesulfonate (PFDS) the second most abundant at industrialized river sites although not at Lake Superior; concentrations of both these analytes declined from 2006 to 2015 over the study area. In addition, nestling age significantly influenced plasma concentrations of ∑PFAS and 7 of the 12 analytes. For these analytes, concentrations increased by 1 to 2%/d as nestlings grew, indicating that age should be considered when using nestling plasma to assess PFAS. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40:754-766. © 2020 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monitoring programs can benefit from an adaptive monitoring approach, where key decisions about why, where, what, and how to monitor are revisited periodically in order to ensure programmatic relevancy.The National Park Service (NPS) monitors status and trends of vital signs to evaluate compliance with the NPS mission. Although abundant, The Southwest Alaska Network (SWAN) monitors bald eagles because of their inherent importance to park visitors and role as an important ecological indicator. Our goal is to identify an optimal monitoring program that may be standardized among participating parks.We gathered an expert panel of scientists and managers, and implemented a Delphi Process to gather information about the bald eagle monitoring program. Panelists generated a list of means objectives for the monitoring program: minimizing cost, minimizing effort, maximizing the ability to detect change in bald eagle populations, and maximizing the amount of accurate information collected about bald eagles.We used a swing-weighting technique to assign importance to each objective. Collecting accurate information about bald eagles was considered the most important means objective.Combining panelist-generated information with objective importance, we analyzed the scenarios and defined the optimal decision using linear value modeling. Through our analysis, we found that a \"Comprehensive\" monitoring scenario, comprised of all feasible monitoring metrics, is the optimal monitoring scenario. Even with greatly increased cost, the Comprehensive monitoring scenario remains the best solution.We suggest further exploration of the cost and effort required for the Comprehensive scenario, to determine whether it is in the parks\' best interest to begin monitoring additional metrics.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A subadult, male bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was evaluated after being found unable to fly, with large eschars on the dorsal head and right stifle. Because of the appearance and location, the lesions were believed to be caused by an electrical injury. Treatment included oral antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medication, surgical debridement of the eschars, and trephining of the affected inner table of the cranium. A full-thickness skin graft was performed to expedite wound healing and minimize holding time. After 6 weeks, the bird had new feather growth on its dorsal head and was released. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of a nonmesh, full-thickness skin graft in an avian species. Full-thickness skin grafts should be considered as a surgical option in juvenile or adult avian patients with large dorsal head wounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Management or conservation targets based on demographic rates should be evaluated within the context of expected population dynamics of the species of interest. Wild populations can experience stable, cyclical, or complex dynamics, therefore undisturbed populations can provide background needed to evaluate programmatic success. Many raptor species have recovered from large declines caused by environmental contaminants, making them strong candidates for ongoing efforts to understand population dynamics and ecosystem processes in response to human-caused stressors. Dynamic multistate occupancy models are a useful tool for analyzing species dynamics because they leverage the autocorrelation inherent in long-term monitoring datasets to obtain useful information about the dynamic properties of population or reproductive states. We analyzed a 23-year bald eagle monitoring dataset in a dynamic multistate occupancy modeling framework to assess long-term nest occupancy and reproduction in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska. We also used a hierarchical generalized linear model to understand changes in nest productivity in relation to environmental factors. Nests were most likely to remain in the same nesting state between years. Most notably, successful nests were likely to remain in use (either occupied or successful) and had a very low probability of transitioning to an unoccupied state in the following year. There was no apparent trend in the proportion of nests used by eagles through time, and the probability that nests transitioned into or out of the successful state was not influenced by temperature or salmon availability. Productivity was constant over the course of the study, although warm April minimum temperatures were associated with increased chick production. Overall our results demonstrate the expected nesting dynamics of a healthy bald eagle population that is largely free of human disturbance and can be used as a baseline for the expected dynamics for recovering bald eagle populations in the contiguous 48 states.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental pollution is an important driver of biodiversity loss. Yet, to date, the effects of chemical exposure on wildlife populations have been quantified for only a few species, mainly due to a lack of appropriate laboratory data to quantify chemical impacts on vital rates. In this study, we developed a method to quantify the effects of toxicant exposure on wildlife population persistence based on field monitoring data. We established field-based vital-rate-response functions for toxicants, using quantile regression to correct for the influences of confounding factors on the vital rates observed, and combined the response curves with population viability modelling. We then applied the method to quantify the impact of DDE on three bird species: the White-tailed Eagle, Bald Eagle, and Osprey. Population viability was expressed via five population extinction vulnerability metrics: population growth rate (r1 ), critical patch size (CPS), minimum viable population size (MVP), probability of population extirpation (PE), and median time to population extirpation (MTE). We found that past DDE exposure concentrations increased population extirpation vulnerabilities of all three bird species. For example, at DDE concentrations of 25 mg/kg wet mass of egg (the maximum historic exposure concentration reported in literature for the Osprey), r1 became small (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) or close to zero (Bald Eagle), the CPS increased up to almost the size of Connecticut (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) or West Virginia (Bald Eagle), the MVP increased up to approximately 90 (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) or 180 breeding pairs (Bald Eagle), the PE increased up to almost certain extirpation (Bald Eagle) or only slightly elevated levels (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) and the MTE became within decades (Bald Eagle) or remained longer than a millennium (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey). Our study provides a method to derive species-specific field-based response curves of toxicant exposure, which can be used to assess population extinction vulnerabilities and obtain critical levels of toxicant exposure based on maximum permissible effect levels. This may help conservation managers to better design appropriate habitat restoration and population recovery measures, such as reducing toxicant levels, increasing the area of suitable habitat or reintroducing individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heavy metal contamination of the environment remains a critical issue. Lead and mercury exposure, particularly, can affect avian health. Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) ingest these metals through their diets. Lead and mercury prevalence were examined in bald eagles from three mid-Atlantic US states between 2004 and 2013. Blood samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry. Wilcoxon score tests were used to detect differences in lead and mercury over time. Counties of origin for birds with clinically significant metal levels were identified. There were no temporal trends found in lead and mercury prevalence. Eagles with clinically significant lead levels (>0.6 ppm) originated from near Chesapeake and Delaware bays, but most birds with clinically significant mercury levels (>1 ppm) originated from near Delaware and Barnegat bays. These findings indicate that lead and mercury contamination persists in this region and that routine sampling of bald eagles is a useful monitoring tool.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lead poisoning of scavenging raptors occurs primarily via consumption of game animal carcasses containing lead, which peaks during fall firearm hunting seasons. We hypothesized that snowfall would mitigate exposure by concealing carcasses. We categorized blood lead level (BLL) for a subsample of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) from the Upper Mississippi River Valley and described BLL with respect to age, sex, and snowfall. We captured Bald Eagles overwintering in the Upper Mississippi River Valley (n=55) between December 1999 and January 2002. Individual BLL ranged from nondetectable to 335 μg/dL, with 73% of the samples testing positive for acute exposure to lead. Eagle BLL did not significantly differ between age or sex, but levels were higher immediately following the hunting season, and they were lower when the previous month\'s snowfall was greater than 11 cm. This study suggests a window of time between the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) hunting season and the onset of snow when the population experienced peak exposure to lead. Combining these findings with existing research, we offer a narrative of the annual lead exposure cycle of Upper Mississippi River Valley Bald Eagles. These temporal associations are necessary considerations for accurate collection and interpretation of BLL.





