
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The system of fertilizing agricultural soils with sludge or compost from wastewater treatment processes, as one of the principles of the circular economy, can lead to microplastic (MP) contamination. The existing technical standards for fertilization are very recent and do not consider this problem, although there is scientific evidence of their existence. Therefore, this study, on the one hand, evaluates the presence of MPs in agricultural soils, previously treated with sludge or compost from wastewater treatment plants for fertilization, and on the second hand, it studies the effect of these MPs on earthworms in three different locations in the south of Spain. For the study, selected composts deriving from the different stages of the composting process and three fertilized soils with increasing MP doses were followed. Samples were taken from different sections in depth (0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm) to study the shape, size, type, and abundance of MPs using infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results showed that the most abundant shape was fiber, followed by fragment and finally bulk, for both composts and soils. Regarding size distribution, 100 µm was the predominant size in composts (64.3% ± 9.8), while in the case of soils, the predominant range was from 100 to 500 µm. The prevalent polymers in both, composts and soils, were PTFE, TPE, PP, and PET, with four times higher amounts in composts than in soils. Ingestion of common MPs were also verified in two earthworm species, which ingested concentrations higher than 2.1% w/w. PP was the most ingested MP and Eisenia fetida was more voracious compared with Lumbricus terrestris. Therefore, it can be considered a suitable bioindicator for monitoring microplastic contamination in agricultural soil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research delves into the molecular and morphological characteristics of myzostomid worms associated with common shallow-water feather stars (Echinodermata: Crinoidea: Comatulidae) in the coastal waters near Sanya, Hainan Island. Through the examination of specimens collected at depths of up to 10 m using scuba diving techniques, we describe three new species (Myzostoma ordinatum sp. nov., M. scopus sp. nov., and M. solare sp. nov.) and report the first record of Myzostoma polycyclus Atkins, 1927 in the South China Sea. The absence of overlap with the seven previously documented Myzostomida species in the shallow waters of Hong Kong and Shenzhen reveals significant gaps in our understanding of marine biodiversity in the South China Sea. These findings, combined with an analysis of available molecular data, underscore the potential existence of unexplored and diverse symbiotic relationships among marine invertebrates within the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In Mexico, there are six scientific collections of polychaetous annelids. The \"Colección Poliquetológica\" from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León houses one of the three most important collections of annelids in the country, based on a number of lots and number of type materials deposited, as well as geographical coverage.
    UNASSIGNED: A catalogue of type materials of polychaete annelids housed at the \"Colección Poliquetológica\" from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México) is presented for the first time. The Collection contains 37 holotypes, 174 paratypes and one syntype. These type materials are grouped in 15 families, 35 genera and 54 species of marine worms. Types were described mostly from the Mexican waters, with a low number of types from Ecuador, El Salvador, Argentina, USA, Philippines, New Caledonia and Japan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germ cells (reproductive cells and their progenitors) give rise to the next generation in sexually reproducing organisms. The loss or removal of germ cells often leads to sterility in established research organisms such as the fruit fly, nematodes, frog, and mouse. The failure to regenerate germ cells in these organisms reinforced the dogma of germline-soma barrier in which germ cells are set-aside during embryogenesis and cannot be replaced by somatic cells. However, in stark contrast, many animals including segmented worms (annelids), hydrozoans, planaria, sea stars, sea urchins, and tunicates can regenerate germ cells. Here I review germ cell and gonad regeneration in annelids, a rich history of research that dates back to the early 20th century in this highly regenerative group. Examples include annelids from across the annelid phylogeny, across developmental stages, and reproductive strategies. Adult annelids regenerate germ cells as a part of regeneration, grafting, and asexual reproduction. Annelids can also recover germ cells after ablation of germ cell progenitors in the embryos. I present a framework to investigate cellular sources of germ cell regeneration in annelids, and discuss the literature that supports different possibilities within this framework, where germ-soma separation may or may not be preserved. With contemporary genetic-lineage tracing and bioinformatics tools, and several genetically enabled annelid models, we are at the brink of answering the big questions that puzzled many for over more than a century.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, interest in the possible molecular regulators of cell proliferation and differentiation in a wide range of regeneration models has grown significantly, but the cell kinetics of this process remain largely a mystery. Here we try to elucidate the cellular aspects of regeneration by EdU incorporation in intact and posteriorly amputated annelid Alitta virens using quantitative analysis. We found that the main mechanism of blastema formation in A. virens is local dedifferentiation; mitotically active cells of intact segments do not significantly contribute to the blastemal cellular sources. Amputation-induced proliferation occurred predominantly within the epidermal and intestinal epithelium, as well as wound-adjacent muscle fibers, where clusters of cells at the same stage of the cell cycle were found. The resulting regenerative bud had zones of high proliferative activity and consisted of a heterogeneous population of cells that differed in their anterior-posterior positions and in their cell cycle parameters. The data presented allowed for the quantification of cell proliferation in the context of annelid regeneration for the first time. Regenerative cells showed an unprecedentedly high cycle rate and an exceptionally large growth fraction, making this regeneration model especially valuable for studying coordinated cell cycle entry in vivo in response to injury.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Creating burrows through natural soils and sediments is a problem that evolution has solved numerous times, yet burrowing locomotion is challenging for biomimetic robots. As for every type of locomotion, forward thrust must overcome resistance forces. In burrowing, these forces will depend on the sediment mechanical properties that can vary with grain size and packing density, water saturation, organic matter and depth. The burrower typically cannot change these environmental properties, but can employ common strategies to move through a range of sediments. Here we propose four challenges for burrowers to solve. First, the burrower has to create space in a solid substrate, overcoming resistance by e.g., excavation, fracture, compression, or fluidization. Second, the burrower needs to locomote into the confined space. A compliant body helps fit into the possibly irregular space, but reaching the new space requires non-rigid kinematics such as longitudinal extension through peristalsis, unbending, or eversion. Third, to generate the required thrust to overcome resistance, the burrower needs to anchor within the burrow. Anchoring can be achieved through anisotropic friction or radial expansion, or both. Fourth, the burrower must sense and navigate to adapt the burrow shape to avoid or access different parts of the environment. Our hope is that by breaking the complexity of burrowing into these component challenges, engineers will be better able to learn from biology, since animal performance tends to exceed that of their robotic counterparts. Since body size strongly affects space creation, scaling may be a limiting factor for burrowing robotics, which are typically built at larger scales. Small robots are becoming increasingly feasible, and larger robots with non-biologically-inspired anteriors (or that traverse pre-existing tunnels) can benefit from a deeper understanding of the breadth of biological solutions in current literature and to be explored by continued research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nerve dependence in regeneration has been established more than 200 years ago but the mechanisms by which nerves are necessary to regeneration remain to be fully elucidated. Aside from their direct impact in stimulating cellular growth, nerves also have a role on the establishment of body polarities (antero-posterior and dorso-ventral patterns) and this has been particularly well studied in nereid annelid worms. Nereids can regenerate appendages (parapodia) and the tail (body segments). In both parapodia and tail regeneration, the presence of the nerve cord is necessary to the establishment of body polarities. In this review, we will detail the experimental procedures which have been conducted in nereids to elucidate the role of the nerve cord in the establishment of the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral polarities. Most of the studies reported here were published several decades ago and based on anatomical and histological analyses; this review should constitute a knowledgebase and an inspiration for needed modern-time explorations at the molecular levels to elucidate the impact of the nervous system in the acquisition of body polarities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of membrane channels facilitating diffusion of water and small solutes into and out of cells. Despite their biological relevance in osmoregulation and ubiquitous distribution throughout metazoans, the presence of AQPs in annelids has been poorly investigated. Here, we searched and annotated Aqp sequences in public genomes and transcriptomes of annelids, inferred their evolutionary relationships through phylogenetic analyses and discussed their putative physiological relevance. We identified a total of 401 Aqp sequences in 27 annelid species, including 367 sequences previously unrecognized as Aqps. Similar to vertebrates, phylogenetic tree reconstructions clustered these annelid Aqps in four clades: AQP1-like, AQP3-like, AQP8-like and AQP11-like. We found no clear indication of the existence of paralogs exclusive to annelids; however, several gene duplications seem to have occurred in the ancestors of some Sedentaria annelid families, mainly in the AQP1-like clade. Three of the six Aqps annotated in Alitta succinea, an estuarine annelid showing high salinity tolerance, were validated by RT-PCR sequencing, and their similarity to human AQPs was investigated at the level of \"key\" conserved residues and predicted three-dimensional structure. Our results suggest a diversification of the structures and functions of AQPs in Annelida comparable to that observed in other taxa.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The question of why animals vary in their ability to regenerate remains one of the most intriguing questions in biology. Annelids are a large and diverse phylum, many members of which are capable of extensive regeneration such as regrowth of a complete head or tail and whole-body regeneration, even from few segments. On the other hand, some representatives of both of the two major annelid clades show very limited tissue regeneration and are completely incapable of segmental regeneration. Here we review experimental and descriptive data on annelid regeneration, obtained at different levels of organization, from data on organs and tissues to intracellular and transcriptomic data. Understanding the variety of the cellular and molecular basis of regeneration in annelids can help one to address important questions about the role of stem/dedifferentiated cells and \"molecular morphallaxis\" in annelid regeneration as well as the evolution of regeneration in general.






