ammonium toxicity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat has a specific preference for NO3 - and shows toxicity symptoms under high NH4 + concentrations. Increasing the nitrate supply may alleviate ammonium stress. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying the nitrate regulation of wheat root growth to alleviate ammonium toxicity remain unclear. In this study, we integrated physiological and weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) to identify the hub genes involved in nitrate alleviation of ammonium toxicity at the wheat seedling stage. Five NH4 +/NO3 - ratio treatments, including 100/0 (Na), 75/25 (Nr1), 50/50 (Nr2), 25/75 (Nr3), and 0/100 (Nn) were tested in this study. The results showed that sole ammonium treatment (Na) increased the lateral root number but reduced root biomass. Increasing the nitrate supply significantly increased the root biomass. Increasing nitrate levels decreased abscisic acid (ABA) content and increased auxin (IAA) content. Furthermore, we identified two modules (blue and turquoise) using transcriptome data that were significantly related to root physiological growth indicators. TraesCS6A02G178000 and TraesCS2B02G056300 were identified as hub genes in the two modules which coded for plastidic ATP/ADP-transporter and WRKY62 transcription factors, respectively. Additionally, network analysis showed that in the blue module, TraesCS6A02G178000 interacts with downregulated genes that coded for indolin-2-one monooxygenase, SRG1, DETOXIFICATION, and wall-associated receptor kinase. In the turquoise module, TraesCS2B02G056300 was highly related to the genes that encoded ERD4, ERF109, CIGR2, and WD40 proteins, and transcription factors including WRKY24, WRKY22, MYB30, and JAMYB, which were all upregulated by increasing nitrate supply. These studies suggest that increasing the nitrate supply could improve root growth and alleviate ammonium toxicity through physiological and molecular regulation networks, including ROS, hormonal crosstalk, and transcription factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several cancers, including breast cancers, show dependence on glutamine metabolism. The purpose of the present study was to determine the mechanistic basis and impact of differential glutamine metabolism in nonmetastatic and metastatic murine mammary cancer cells. Universally labeled 13C5-glutamine metabolic tracing, qRT-PCR, measures of reductive-oxidative balance, and exogenous ammonium chloride treatment were used to assess glutamine reprogramming. Results show that 4 mM media concentration of glutamine, compared with 2 mM, reduced viability only in metastatic cells, and that this decrease in viability was accompanied by increased incorporation of glutamine-derived carbon into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. While increased glutamine metabolism in metastatic cells occurred in tandem with a decrease in the reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio, treatment with the antioxidant molecule N-acetylcysteine did not rescue cell viability. However, the viability of metastatic cells was more sensitive to ammonium chloride treatment compared with nonmetastatic cells, suggesting a role of metabolic reprogramming in averting nitrogen cytotoxicity in nonmetastatic cells. Overall, these results demonstrate the ability of nonmetastatic cancer cells to reprogram glutamine metabolism and that this ability may be lost in metastatic cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ammonium ( NH 4 + ) is one of the major nitrogen sources for plants. However, excessive ammonium can cause serious harm to the growth and development of plants, i.e., ammonium toxicity. The primary regulatory mechanisms behind ammonium toxicity are still poorly characterized. In this study, we showed that OsCIPK18, a CBL-interacting protein kinase, plays an important role in response to ammonium toxicity by comparative analysis of the physiological and whole transcriptome of the T-DNA insertion mutant (cipk18) and the wild-type (WT). Root biomass and length of cipk18 are less inhibited by excess NH 4 + compared with WT, indicating increased resistance to ammonium toxicity. Transcriptome analysis reveals that OsCIPK18 affects the NH 4 + uptake by regulating the expression of OsAMT1;2 and other NH 4 + transporters, but does not affect ammonium assimilation. Differentially expressed genes induced by excess NH 4 + in WT and cipk18 were associated with functions, such as ion transport, metabolism, cell wall formation, and phytohormones signaling, suggesting a fundamental role for OsCIPK18 in ammonium toxicity. We further identified a transcriptional regulatory network downstream of OsCIPK18 under NH 4 + stress that is centered on several core transcription factors. Moreover, OsCIPK18 might function as a transmitter in the auxin and abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathways affected by excess ammonium. These data allowed us to define an OsCIPK18-regulated/dependent transcriptomic network for the response of ammonium toxicity and provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying ammonium toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal eutrophication has resulted in the rapid loss and deterioration of seagrass beds worldwide. The high concentration of ammonium in eutrophic aquatic environments has been invoked as the main cause. In this study, leaves and roots of the seagrass Zostera marina were treated with simulated eutrophic seawater with elevated ammonium concentrations. The tolerance to ammonium stress and mechanism of nitrogen metabolism detoxification in different tissues were investigated. The results showed that high ammonium stress significantly affected the growth of leaves and had a negative effect on photosynthesis. The root activity of Z. marina was not inhibited at ammonium concentrations of ≤100 mg/L, indicating that the roots exhibited tolerance to ammonium stress. Increasing ammonium concentrations led to a higher increase of ammonium and free amino acid (FAA) contents in leaves than in roots. However, nitrogen storage decreased in Z. marina leaves after high ammonium treatments. The enzyme activity and gene expression of glutamine synthetase (GS) in roots were significantly higher than in the leaves even under ammonium stress. Meanwhile, ammonium stress increased the enzyme activities and gene expression of glutamate synthase (GOGAT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in roots, which suggested that the roots had a strong ability to assimilate ammonium under ammonium stress. In contrast, although the GOGAT and GDH activity and gene expression in the leaves were initially increased, they significantly decreased when the ammonium concentration exceeded 100 mg/L. These results indicated that the concentration of 100 mg/L might be a threshold marking a transition from tolerance to toxicity for the leaves. Our study demonstrates that Z. marina leaves could be prone to higher damage than roots because the mechanism of ammonium assimilation in leaves is more susceptible to ammonium toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yeast cell death is triggered when essential nutrients such as potassium and lipid are limited but ammonium is in excess. When ammonium and glucose were maintained at 100% of the normal concentration while all the other essential nutrients in yeast nitrogen base (YNB) were reduced to 2%, yeast growth was halted by ammonium toxicity. Yeast started to grow again when either ammonium was also reduced to 2% or gluconate was added, but simultaneously adding gluconate as well as reducing all the nutrients except glucose 50-fold revived yeast growth to a greater extent, i.e. a quarter of the normal growth. Gluconate, as well as formate and alginate, stimulated yeast growth by buffering the drop in pH. Yeast cells were seemingly more susceptible to low pH under the nutrient-limited conditions, entering the stationary phase at pH higher than that of the normal condition. Carboxylate salts may prove a cost-efficient replacement for large proportions of the essential nutrients as yeast cells, in the presence of 2 mg ml-1 gluconate, could still achieve nearly 90% of the normal growth when cultured in only 10% of the normal YNB concentration.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ammonium (NH4+) stress has multiple effects on plant physiology, therefore, plant responses are complex, and multiple mechanisms are involved in NH4+ sensitivity and tolerance in plants. Root growth inhibition is an important quantitative readout of the effects of NH4+ stress on plant physiology, and cell elongation appear as the principal growth inhibition target. We recently proposed autophagy as a relevant physiological mechanisms underlying NH4+ sensitivity response in Arabidopsis. In a brief overview, the impaired macro-autophagic flux observed under NH4+ stress conditions has a detrimental impact on the cellular energetic balance, and therefore on the energy-demanding plant growth. In contrast to its inhibitory effect on the autophagosomes flux to vacuole, NH4+ toxicity induced a micro-autophagy-like process. Consistent with the reduced membrane flux to the vacuole related to macro-autophagy inhibition and the increased tonoplast degradation due to enhanced micro-autophagy, the vacuoles of the root cells of the NH4+-stressed plants showed lower tonoplast content and a decreased perimeter/area ratio. As the endosome-to-vacuole trafficking is another important process that contributes to membrane flux toward the vacuole, we evaluated the effects of NH4+ stress on this process. This allows us to propose that autophagy could contribute to vacuole development as well as possible avenues to follow for future studies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drought stress can significantly affect plant growth and agricultural productivity. Thus, it is essential to explore and identify the optimal genes for the improvement of crop drought tolerance. Here, a fungal NADP(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase gene (AcGDH) was isolated from Aspergillus candidus, and heterologously expressed in rice. AcGDH has a high affinity for NH4+ and increases the ammonium assimilation in rice. AcGDH transgenic plants exhibited a tolerance to drought and alkali stresses, and their photorespiration was significantly suppressed. Our findings demonstrate that AcGDH alleviates ammonium toxicity and suppresses photorespiration by assimilating excess NH4+ and disturbing the delicate balance of carbon and nitrogen metabolism, thereby improving drought tolerance in rice. Moreover, AcGDH not only improved drought tolerance at the seedling stage but also increased the grain yield under drought stress. Thus, AcGDH is a promising candidate gene for maintaining rice grain yield, and offers an opportunity for improving crop yield under drought stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phosphinothricin (PPT) is one of the most widely used herbicides. PTT targets glutamine synthetase (GS) activity in plants, and its phytotoxicity is ascribed to ammonium accumulation and reactive oxygen species bursts, which drives rapid lipid peroxidation of cell membranes. In agricultural fields, PPT is extensively sprayed on plant foliage; however, a portion of the herbicide reaches the soil. According to the present study, PPT absorbed via roots can be phytotoxic to Arabidopsis, inducing more adverse effects in roots than in shoots. Alterations in plant physiology caused by 10 days exposure to herbicide via roots are reflected through growth suppression, reduced chlorophyll content, perturbations in the sugar and organic acid metabolism, modifications in the activities and abundances of GS, catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase. Antagonistic interaction of Nepeta rtanjensis essential oil (NrEO) and PPT, emphasizes the existence of complex control mechanisms at the transcriptional and posttranslational level, which result in the mitigation of PPT-induced ammonium toxicity and in providing more efficient antioxidant defense of plants. Simultaneous application of the two agents in the field cannot be recommended; however, NrEO might be considered as the PPT post-treatment for reducing harmful effects of herbicide residues in the soil on non-target plants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The low-auxin-sensitivity tomato mutant, dgt, despite displaying reduced plant growth, has been linked to greater resistance to N deficiency. This led us to test the role of auxin resistance of dgt in NH4+ toxicity and N deficiency, compared to wild type tomato (cv. Micro-Tom, MT), grown in hydroponic media. A completely randomized design with three replications in a 2 × 4 factorial scheme was adopted, corresponding to the two tomato genotypes (MT and dgt), involving four nutritional treatments: NO3- (5 mM); NH4+ (5 mM); NO3- (5 mM) plus exogenous auxin (10 μM IAA); and N omission. The results show that NH4+ was toxic to MT but not to dgt. Under N deficiency, MT displayed a lower shoot NO3- content, a lower photosynthetic rate, and a decrease in both shoot and root dry weight. However, in dgt, no difference was observed in shoot NO3- content and photosynthetic rate between plants grown on NO3- or under N deficiency. In addition, dgt showed an increase in shoot dry weight under N deficiency. We highlight the role of auxin resistance in the adaptation of plants to NH4+ toxicity and N deficiency.





