actin filaments

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient for the growth and development of plants. Root hairs are the main parts of plants that absorb K+. The regulation of plant root hair growth in response to a wide range of environmental stresses is crucially associated with the dynamics of actin filaments, and the thick actin bundles at the apical and sub-apical regions are essential for terminating the rapid elongation of root hair cells. However, the dynamics and roles of actin filaments in root hair growth in plants\' response to low K+ stress are not fully understood. Here, we revealed that root hairs grow faster and longer under low K+ stress than the control conditions. Compared to control conditions, the actin filaments in the sub-apex of fast-growing wild-type root hairs were longer and more parallel under low K+ stress, which correlates with an increased root hair growth rate under low K+ stress; the finer actin filaments in the sub-apex of the early fully grown Col-0 root hairs under low K+ stress, which is associated with low K+ stress-induced root hair growth time. Further, Arabidopsis thaliana actin bundling protein Villin1 (VLN1) and Villin4 (VLN4) was inhibited and induced under low K+ stress, respectively. Low K+ stress-inhibited VLN1 led to decreased bundling rate and thick bundle formation in the early fully grown phase. Low K+ stress-induced VLN4 functioned in keeping long filaments in the fast-growing phase. Furthermore, the analysis of genetics pointed out the involvement of VLN1 and VLN4 in the growth of root hairs under the stress of low potassium levels in plants. Our results provide a basis for the dynamics of actin filaments and their molecular regulation mechanisms in root hair growth in response to low K+ stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The molecular mechanisms driving the onset and metastasis of prostate cancer remain poorly understood. Actin, under the control of actin-binding proteins (ABPs), plays a crucial role in shaping the cellular cytoskeleton, which in turn supports the morphological alterations in normal cells, as well as the invasive spread of tumor cells. Previous research indicates that ABPs of various types serve distinct functions, and any disruptions in their activities could predispose individuals to prostate cancer. These ABPs are intricately implicated in the initiation and advancement of prostate cancer through a complex array of intracellular processes, such as severing, linking, nucleating, inducing branching, assembling, facilitating actin filament elongation, terminating elongation, and promoting actin molecule aggregation. As such, this review synthesizes existing literature on several ABPs linked to prostate cancer, including cofilin, filamin A, and fascin, with the aim of shedding light on the molecular mechanisms through which ABPs influence prostate cancer development and identifying potential therapeutic targets. Ultimately, this comprehensive examination seeks to contribute to the understanding and management of prostate diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The actin cytoskeleton is one of the most important players in cell motility, adhesion, division, and functioning. The regulation of specific microfilament formation largely determines cellular functions. The main actin-binding protein in animal cells is tropomyosin (Tpm). The unique structural and functional diversity of microfilaments is achieved through the diversity of Tpm isoforms. In our work, we studied the properties of the cytoplasmic isoforms Tpm1.8 and Tpm1.9. The results showed that these isoforms are highly thermostable and differ in the stability of their central and C-terminal fragments. The properties of these isoforms were largely determined by the 6th exons. Thus, the strength of the end-to-end interactions, as well as the affinity of the Tpm molecule for F-actin, differed between the Tpm1.8 and Tpm1.9 isoforms. They were determined by whether an alternative internal exon, 6a or 6b, was included in the Tpm isoform structure. The strong interactions of the Tpm1.8 and Tpm1.9 isoforms with F-actin led to the formation of rigid actin filaments, the stiffness of which was measured using an optical trap. It is quite possible that the structural and functional features of the Tpm isoforms largely determine the appearance of these isoforms in the rigid actin structures of the cell cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nowadays, the population is still struggling with a post-COVID19 syndrome known as long COVID, including a broad spectrum of neurological problems. There is an urgent need for a better understanding and exploration of the mechanisms of coronavirus neurotropism. For this purpose, the neurotropic strain of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-JHM) originating from the beta-coronavirus genus, the same as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has been used. The role of the cytoskeleton during virus replication in neurons in vitro was determined to understand the mechanisms of MHV-JHM neuroinfection. We have described for the first time the changes of actin filaments during MHV-JHM infection. We also observed productive replication of MHV-JHM in neurons during 168 h p.i. and syncytial cytopathic effect. We discovered that the MHV-JHM strain modulated neuronal cytoskeleton during infection, which were manifested by: (i) condensation of actin filaments in the cortical layer of the cytoplasm, (ii) formation of microtubule cisternae structures containing viral antigen targeting viral replication site (iii) formation of tunneling nanotubes used by MHV-JHM for intercellular transport. Additionally, we demonstrated that the use of cytoskeletal inhibitors have reduced virus replication in neurons, especially noscapine and nocodazole, the microtubule shortening factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytoskeletal rearrangements and crosstalk between microtubules and actin filaments are vital for living organisms. Recently, an abundantly present microtubule polymerase, CKAP5 (XMAP215 homolog), has been reported to play a role in mediating crosstalk between microtubules and actin filaments in the neuronal growth cones. However, the molecular mechanism of this process is unknown. Here, we demonstrate, in a reconstituted system, that CKAP5 enables the formation of persistent actin bundles templated by dynamically instable microtubules. We explain the templating by the difference in CKAP5 binding to microtubules and actin filaments. Binding to the microtubule lattice with higher affinity, CKAP5 enables the formation of actin bundles exclusively on the microtubule lattice, at CKAP5 concentrations insufficient to support any actin bundling in the absence of microtubules. Strikingly, when the microtubules depolymerize, actin bundles prevail at the positions predetermined by the microtubules. We propose that the local abundance of available CKAP5-binding sites in actin bundles allows the retention of CKAP5, resulting in persisting actin bundles. In line with our observations, we found that reducing CKAP5 levels in vivo results in a decrease in actin-microtubule co-localization in growth cones and specifically decreases actin intensity at microtubule plus ends. This readily suggests a mechanism explaining how exploratory microtubules set the positions of actin bundles, for example, in cytoskeleton-rich neuronal growth cones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ordinary epidermal cells of various vascular plants are characterized by wavy anticlinal wall contours. This feature has not yet been reported in multicellular algal species. Here, we found that, in the leaf-like blades of the brown alga Sargassum vulgare, epidermal cells exhibit prominent waviness. Initially, the small meristodermal cells exhibit straight anticlinal contour, which during their growth becomes wavy, in a pattern highly reminiscent of that found in land plants. Waviness is restricted close to the external periclinal wall, while at inner levels the anticlinal walls become thick and even. The mechanism behind this shape relies on cortical F-actin organization. Bundles of actin filaments are organized, extending under the external periclinal wall and connecting its junctions with the anticlinal walls, constituting an interconnected network. These bundles define the sites of local thickening deposition at the anticlinal/periclinal wall junctions. These thickenings are interconnected by cellulose microfibril extensions under the external periclinal wall. Apart from the wavy anticlinal contour, outward protrusions also arise on the external periclinal wall, thus the whole epidermis exhibits a quilted appearance. Apart from highlighting a new role for F-actin in cell shaping, the comparison of this morphogenetic mechanism to that of vascular plants reveals a case of evolutionary convergence among photosynthetic organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this review, we discuss FHOD formins with a focus on recent studies that reveal a new role for them as critical links for nuclear mechanotransduction. The FHOD family in vertebrates comprises two structurally related proteins, FHOD1 and FHOD3. Their similar biochemical properties suggest overlapping and redundant functions. FHOD1 is widely expressed, FHOD3 less so, with highest expression in skeletal (FHOD1) and cardiac (FHOD3) muscle where specific splice isoforms are expressed. Unlike other formins, FHODs have strong F-actin bundling activity and relatively weak actin polymerization activity. These activities are regulated by phosphorylation by ROCK and Src kinases; bundling is additionally regulated by ERK1/2 kinases. FHODs are unique among formins in their association with the nuclear envelope through direct, high affinity binding to the outer nuclear membrane proteins nesprin-1G and nesprin-2G. Recent crystallographic structures reveal an interaction between a conserved motif in one of the spectrin repeats (SRs) of nesprin-1G/2G and a site adjacent to the regulatory domain in the amino terminus of FHODs. Nesprins are components of the LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complex that spans both nuclear membranes and mediates bidirectional transmission of mechanical forces between the nucleus and the cytoskeleton. FHODs interact near the actin-binding calponin homology (CH) domains of nesprin-1G/2G enabling a branched connection to actin filaments that presumably strengthens the interaction. At the cellular level, the tethering of FHODs to the outer nuclear membrane mechanically couples perinuclear actin arrays to the nucleus to move and position it in fibroblasts, cardiomyocytes, and potentially other cells. FHODs also function in adhesion maturation during cell migration and in the generation of sarcomeres, activities distant from the nucleus but that are still influenced by it. Human genetic studies have identified multiple FHOD3 variants linked to dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, with many mutations mapping to \"hot spots\" in FHOD3 domains. We discuss how FHOD1/3\'s role in reinforcing the LINC complex and connecting to perinuclear actin contributes to functions of mechanically active tissues such as striated muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electron tomography (ET) imaging of high-pressure frozen/freeze-substituted samples provides a unique opportunity to study structural details of organelles and cytoskeletal arrays in plant cells. In this chapter, we discuss approaches for sample preparation by cryofixation at high pressure, freeze substitution, and resin embedding. We also include pipelines for data collection for electron tomography at ambient temperature, tomogram calculation, and segmentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We previously reported the Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK)-mediated di-phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) and actin bundle formation at the cell periphery as early events of the endothelial barrier disruption. We herein examined the role of RhoA during early events of barrier disruption. Treatment of cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells with simvastatin prevented the decrease in trans-endothelial electrical resistance, MLC di-phosphorylation and peripheral actin bundle formation seen 3 min after thrombin stimulation. Co-treatment with geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate rescued the thrombin-induced events. Thrombin increased a GTP-bound form of RhoA and phosphorylation of myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT1) at the ROCK site. The intracellular introduction of the inhibitory protein of RhoA inhibited the thrombin-induced di-phosphorylation of MLC. However, knockdown of either one of RhoA, RhoB or RhoC failed to inhibit thrombin-induced MLC di-phosphorylation. The findings suggest that Rho proteins play a critical role during early events of thrombin-induced barrier disruption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





