
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, teaching and learning organic chemistry have been troubled by limited engagement, and active participation among learners. As a result, there has been a growing need to develop innovative teaching methods that can address these educational challenges. Web-based discussion tools have emerged as a promising means of promoting engagement and critical thinking skills among learners. Web-based discussion tools are platforms or apps that help communication and collaboration among users over the internet. These tools allow individuals or groups to engage in conversations, share information, and exchange ideas in a digital learning environment. Therefore, this dataset delves into the current usage of web-based discussion in teaching and learning organic chemistry in Gasabo and Kamonyi districts secondary schools. The study\'s objectives encompass evaluating usage levels of web-based discussion tools, comparing levels of usage, identifying integration possibilities, and informing policymakers and researchers for future practices. The dataset consists of data from 133 secondary school chemistry teachers obtained through an online survey. The survey gathered information on the current usage, teachers\' perceptions and skills of using web-based discussion tools in teaching organic chemistry. The data were categorized into seven sheets. The dataset allows for in-depth exploration across various demographic variables, including gender, location, school ownership, working experience, and age. The data are raw, filtered, analyzed and are available freely to explore and reuse. Researchers in related fields can use this dataset to measure the existing use of web-based discussion in teaching and learning organic chemistry, identify gaps, and foresee potential solutions to the difficulties associated with the use of this approach in Rwandan secondary schools. Moreover, the presented data can aid teachers, policymakers, and curriculum designers in developing effective strategies for integrating web-based discussion into organic chemistry instruction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To survey the effect of patient satisfaction scores on pain physicians\' medical decision making, with an emphasis on resource utilization.
    UNASSIGNED: Email-based Survey.
    UNASSIGNED: Setting & Subjects: A 23-question survey was approved for dissemination to membership of a medical society and emailed to all members. The survey was also available online and via a promoted QR code.
    UNASSIGNED: An email with link to the survey was viewed 1,116 times, and clicked on 223 times, with 75 members completing the survey online once the link was clicked. Thirty-three additional physicians directly accessed the survey online and completed it. Seventy-seven percent of physicians reported that patient satisfaction scores were tracked by their institution and were used as a consideration in financial compensation (22%) or performance review (36%). Over half of the physicians surveyed reported feeling that satisfaction scores would decline if they did not order MRI imaging, prescribe opioids or provide work restrictions/disability. Thirty percent reported to have performed a spine injection due to concern about patient satisfaction scores. Twenty-one reported that they had prescribed an opioid medication because of this concern. Lastly 25% and 24% have filled out disability paperwork or provided a disability parking placard respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: Over half of physicians surveyed reported having ordered physical therapy, MRIs, opioid medications, spine injections, or provided disability documentation over concern about how providing or not providing such things impacts patient satisfaction scores. This may be an unintended consequence of the current emphasis placed on patient satisfaction scores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ghana was the first sub-Saharan country to implement a National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). In furtherance of the nation\'s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) goals, in 2008, Ghana actualized plans for a Free Maternal Healthcare Policy (FMHCP) under the NHIS. The FMHCP was aimed at removing financial barriers to accessing maternal and neonatal health services. This scoping review was conducted to map out the literature on the effects of the FMHCP under the NHIS on the utilization of maternal and infant health care in Ghana. Six databases including CINAHL, PubMed, Sage Journals, Academic Search Premier, Science Direct, and Medline were searched in conducting this review with key terms. A total of 175 studies were retrieved after the search and finally, 23 articles were included in the study after various stages of elimination. The review followed the reporting guidelines stated in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic and Meta-analyses Extensions for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). The results showed an overall increase in the utilization of antenatal care, facility-based delivery, and postnatal care services. However, certain systemic issues persist regarding access to maternal and infant healthcare. Socio-demographic inequalities such as maternal level of education, place of residence, and economic status likewise barriers such as the existence of out-of-pocket payments, long distance to health facilities, and poor distribution of resources in rural areas hindered the utilization of maternal and infant healthcare. The country faces significant work to eliminate existing barriers and inequalities to ensure that it achieves its UHC goals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Value-based healthcare (VBHC) represents a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery through optimizing patient outcomes relative to the costs of achieving those outcomes. This scoping review is aimed at revealing critical insights into the conceptualization and establishment of VBHC in the context of Saudi Arabia, a nation in a critical stage of healthcare transformation.
    UNASSIGNED: A scoping review was conducted by using online databases and official websites with a timeframe of 2017-2023. This review included 14 pieces of literature, comprising six research articles, six government documents, and two reports.
    UNASSIGNED: The findings highlight increasing alignment with the definition of global VBHC principles, notably the emphasis on patient outcomes as a primary metric of healthcare value. Furthermore, financial reform has signaled a real move toward VBHC in the Kingdom, through a gradual shift from volume-based payments to value-based payments. However, the diverse interpretations and applications of VBHC across the examined literature indicate a promising stage of implementation characterized by evolving definitions and practices tailored to local needs and constraints.
    UNASSIGNED: This scoping review describes the current landscape of VBHC conceptualization and establishment, highlighting the substantial progress achieved and the future challenges.
    UNASSIGNED: تمثل الرعاية الصحية الحكيمة تحولًا في تقديم الرعاية الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية، حيث تهدف إلى تحسين نتائج المرضى مقارنةً بتكاليف تحقيق تلك النتائج. تهدف هذه المراجعة التفحصية إلى كشف الرؤى حول تصور وإنشاء الرعاية الصحية الحكيمة في سياق المملكة العربية السعودية، مما يعكس وضعًا حرجًا للدولة في مرحلة تحول صحي حاسمة.
    UNASSIGNED: تم إجراء هذه المراجعة التفحصية باستخدام قواعد البيانات عبر الإنترنت والمواقع الرسمية خلال فترة زمنية تمتد من عام 2017 إلى عام 2023. شملت هذه المراجعة مجموعة من 14 دليلاً: 6 مقالات بحثية و6 وثائق حكومية وتقريرين.
    UNASSIGNED: تسلط النتائج الضوء على تزايد التوافق المحلي في تعريفات مبادئ الرعاية الصحية الحكيمة مع التعريفات العالمية، لا سيما التركيز على نتائج المرضى كمقياس أساسي للرعاية الصحية الحكيمة. إضافة إلى ذلك، تظهر المراجعة أن الإصلاحات المالية تشير إلى تحرك حقيقي نحو الرعاية الصحية الحكيمة في المملكة، مع تحول تدريجي من الصرف المبني على الكمية إلى الصرف المبني على القيمة. ومع ذلك، فإن التفسيرات والتطبيقات المتنوعة للرعاية الصحية الحكيمة في المراجعة المدروسة تشير إلى مرحلة واعدة من التنفيذ، تتميز بتعريفات وممارسات متطورة تتكيف مع الاحتياجات والقيود المحلية.
    UNASSIGNED: أضاءت هذه المراجعة التفحصية المشهد الحالي لتصور وإنشاء الرعاية الصحية الحكيمة، مبرزة التقدم الكبير الذي تم تحقيقه والتحديات التي قد تواجهنا في المستقبل.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Factors contributing to low use of HU among SCD patients exist in high-income countries. The latter leaves a drift of literature on factors for low utilization of HU in developing countries. This study aimed to explore the factors influencing the use of HU in the management of SCD in Tanzania. A qualitative study was employed to interview purposively selected participants for this study. The in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 parents of children with SCD, four medical doctors working at sickle cell clinics, and two representatives of the national health insurance fund (NHIF). Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and thematically analysed. Barriers identified were misconception of parents on SCD, financial constraints, regulatory restrictions, worries and fears of medical doctors on the acceptability of HU, shortages of laboratory equipment and consumables, and limited availability of HU. Adequate knowledge of the parents and medical doctors on SCD and HU and opportunities for HU accessibility were the facilitators identified. The utilization of HU by the individual with SCD is affected by several factors, from individual to policy level. Nevertheless, parents of children with SCD and medical doctors working in sickle cell clinics demonstrated good knowledge of the diseases and HU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Malaria during pregnancy continues to be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality for both infants and mothers, particularly in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, despite increased efforts to control it. The utilization of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) during pregnancy is a well-established strategy to reduce the prevalence of malaria. Nonetheless, inadequate adherence remains a persistent challenge in certain regions with high malaria endemicity. This research aimed to assess the effectiveness of long-lasting insecticidal nets in preventing asymptomatic malaria infections among pregnant women attending antenatal care at the Bonassama District Hospital in the Littoral Region of Cameroon.
    METHODS: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March to June 2022. Data on sociodemographic characteristics and LLIN usage were collected through a structured questionnaire, while asymptomatic malaria infections were identified using a PfHRP2/pLDH malaria qualitative rapid diagnostic kit. The relationship between categorical variables was analyzed using the chi-square test and logistic regression at a significance level of 5%.
    RESULTS: Out of the 411 pregnant women included in the study, 35.4% were diagnosed with malaria. The LLIN utilization rate was 65.1%. The risk of malaria infection was 2.7 times higher (AOR = 2.75, 95% CI = 1.83-4.14, p < 0.001) among women who did not consistently use LLINs compared to those who did. Pregnant women in their first trimester (AOR = 3.40, 95% CI = 1.24-4.64, p = 0.010) and second trimester (AOR = 1.90, 95%CI = 0.99-3.62, p = 0.055) were more likely to sleep under net when compared to those in the third trimester. Younger women 20-29 years (71.4%), those in the first trimester (69.6%) and those who had the nets before pregnancy (68.9%) were amongst those who frequently used use the nets. Among the reasons reported for not frequently using LLINs were heat (55.2%), suffocation (13.6%) and the smell of nets (8.4%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of LLIN was moderately high among the participants in this study, though still below national target. Age group, religion and gestation period were the major factors determining the use of LLINs. Considering the proven effectiveness of LLINs in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality, it is imperative for the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) to remain focused in promoting both LLIN ownership and utilization to achieve the national target of 100% and 80%, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Biological agents have revolutionized care in specialties such as oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, and genetic disorders, offering targeted actions on specific molecules or select immune cells. Monoclonal antibodies, known for their high specificity and precision, represent one of the most significant and rapidly expanding categories of these agents. Understanding the drug utilization patterns of monoclonal antibodies is crucial to ensure their optimal use, especially given their high cost and potential adverse effects.
    UNASSIGNED: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in a secondary hospital in the United Arab Emirates. Patients of either gender receiving monoclonal antibodies at the study site were included. Treatment patterns, utilization, and factors associated with the discontinuation of monoclonal antibodies were assessed.
    UNASSIGNED: Hyperlipidemia (136, 39.1%) was the most common indication for monoclonal antibodies, followed by prophylaxis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in congenital heart disease (104, 29.9%) and osteoporosis (42, 12.1%). Evolocumab was the most commonly prescribed monoclonal antibody (135, 38.8%), followed by palivizumab (104, 29.9%), and dupilumab (38, 10.9%). The majority of monoclonal antibodies demonstrated a prescribed daily dose to defined daily dose ratio of 1.0, reflecting their appropriate utilization. One hundred twenty-nine patients (37.0%) discontinued their treatment during the study. Patient\'s level of education (OR: 0.416, 95% CI: 0.183-0.943, p = 0.036), BMI (OR: 2.358, 95% CI: 1.164-4.777, p = 0.017), number of concomitant medications (OR: 2.457, 95% CI: 1.202-5.025, p = 0.014), and treatment duration (OR: 9.180, 95% CI: 4.909-17.165, p < 0.001) were identified as predictors of discontinuation of monoclonal antibodies.
    UNASSIGNED: This study represents the first comprehensive investigation in the United Arab Emirates focused on treatment patterns, utilization, and discontinuation of monoclonal antibodies among the local population. Monoclonal antibodies were prescribed for the management of a wide range of clinical conditions. The study reports appropriate utilization of most monoclonal antibodies and identifies factors such as patient education level, BMI, concomitant medications, and treatment duration as independent predictors of monoclonal antibody treatment discontinuation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: COVID-19 has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine for counseling, follow-up examination, and treatment purposes. The official guidelines in Thailand were launched to regulate or frame the protocols for health care professions and teams in different organizations.
    UNASSIGNED: To explore the trend of telemedicine utilization in selected hospitals in Thailand and to understand the characteristics of patients who used telemedicine from 2020 to 2023.
    UNASSIGNED: This retrospective secondary data analysis was conducted in four hospitals in Thailand: two tertiary care (T1 and T2) hospitals, one secondary care (SN) hospital, and one specialized (SP) hospital. Data were routinely collected when services were provided and were categorized into telemedicine outpatient department (OPD) visits or onsite OPD visits. The data included demographic information (age, sex), date and year of service, location (province and health region), and primary diagnosis (using International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision codes). Descriptive analysis was conducted using R and STATA software.
    UNASSIGNED: All four hospitals reported an increase in telemedicine use from 2020 to 2023. The majority of telemedicine users were female (>65%) at all hospitals except for the SP hospital (44%). Participants aged 25-59 years reported greater utilization of telemedicine than did the other age-groups. The within-hospital comparison between OPD visits before and after telemedicine was significant (p < 0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: The situation during the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition to the post-COVID-19 era impacted telemedicine utilization, which could support national monitoring and evaluation policies. However, further studies are needed to explore other aspects, including changes in telemedicine utilization over time for longer timeframes, effectiveness of telemedicine, and consumer satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: OpenAI\'s ChatGPT is a source of advanced online health information (OHI) that may be integrated into individuals\' health information-seeking routines. However, concerns have been raised about its factual accuracy and impact on health outcomes. To forecast implications for medical practice and public health, more information is needed on who uses the tool, how often, and for what.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to characterize the reasons for and types of ChatGPT OHI use and describe the users most likely to engage with the platform.
    METHODS: In this cross-sectional survey, patients received invitations to participate via the ResearchMatch platform, a nonprofit affiliate of the National Institutes of Health. A web-based survey measured demographic characteristics, use of ChatGPT and other sources of OHI, experience characterization, and resultant health behaviors. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the data. Both 2-tailed t tests and Pearson chi-square tests were used to compare users of ChatGPT OHI to nonusers.
    RESULTS: Of 2406 respondents, 21.5% (n=517) respondents reported using ChatGPT for OHI. ChatGPT users were younger than nonusers (32.8 vs 39.1 years, P<.001) with lower advanced degree attainment (BA or higher; 49.9% vs 67%, P<.001) and greater use of transient health care (ED and urgent care; P<.001). ChatGPT users were more avid consumers of general non-ChatGPT OHI (percentage of weekly or greater OHI seeking frequency in past 6 months, 28.2% vs 22.8%, P<.001). Around 39.3% (n=206) respondents endorsed using the platform for OHI 2-3 times weekly or more, and most sought the tool to determine if a consultation was required (47.4%, n=245) or to explore alternative treatment (46.2%, n=239). Use characterization was favorable as many believed ChatGPT to be just as or more useful than other OHIs (87.7%, n=429) and their doctor (81%, n=407). About one-third of respondents requested a referral (35.6%, n=184) or changed medications (31%, n=160) based on the information received from ChatGPT. As many users reported skepticism regarding the ChatGPT output (67.9%, n=336), most turned to their physicians (67.5%, n=349).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the significant role of AI-generated OHI in shaping health-seeking behaviors and the potential evolution of patient-provider interactions. Given the proclivity of these users to enact health behavior changes based on AI-generated content, there is an opportunity for physicians to guide ChatGPT OHI users on an informed and examined use of the technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders represent a significant burden on United States healthcare, but research assessing the relative contribution of individual GI disorders is lacking. We aimed to determine the relative impact of various GI conditions, as compared to non-GI conditions, on US hospital-related healthcare utilization.
    UNASSIGNED: Hospitalization data from 2016 to 2018 were obtained from the Nationwide Readmissions Database. Outcomes included length of stay, hospital charges, 30-day readmissions, and death. Multivariable regression models evaluated each outcome, while adjusting for patient and hospital characteristics. Patients hospitalized for each GI indication were compared to individuals hospitalized for non-GI conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: 5,344,145 patients with GI and 68,901,595 patients with non-GI indications for hospitalization were included in our study. All GI indications were associated with increased odds for 30-day readmission compared to non-GI indications, with the highest being gastroparesis (adjusted odds ratio, 2.15; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.09-2.22). Upper GI cancer had the highest relative increase in length of stay (2.31 days, 95% CI 2.20-2.42) and total charges ($23,441, 95% CI $21,296-25,587). Upper GI cancer, pancreatic cancer, and gallbladder/biliary cancer were associated with the highest odds of death.
    UNASSIGNED: GI malignancies contributed significantly to utilization and death, possibly from advanced stage at hospitalization and systemic effects of malignancy. The high GI-specific readmission rates highlight the chronicity of GI conditions and the importance of optimizing digestive health to prevent recurrent admission.





