Under-five mortality

5 岁以下死亡率
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Child mortality is one of the key indicators of the Sustainable development goals. The Ethiopian healthcare system in general and Tigray\'s healthcare system in particular has shown a remarkable progress in terms of reducing maternal, neonatal, and under-five mortality in the last couple of decades. However, the war erupted in November 2020 caused the healthcare system to collapse and little is known about the status of child mortality in Tigray. Thus, this study aimed to examine the magnitude and causes of under-five child mortality in the embattled Tigray region was conducted from October 2020 - May 2022.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional community-based survey was employed. The study included all zones except the western zone and some areas of eastern and north western Tigray bordering Eritrea. These areas were skipped for security reasons. Based on multistage cluster sampling, 121 tabiyas in districts were selected. Census was conducted to survey 189,087 households in the 121 Tabiyas. A locally developed household screening tool and the latest world health organization verbal autopsy instrument were used. The Verbal Autopsy data was processed using the Inter-VA-5.1 (probabilistic modeling) to assign the cause of death. Under-five mortality rate (U5MR) was calculated per 1000 live births with a 95% confidence interval (CI).
    RESULTS: In the present study, out of 29,761 live births, 1761 under-five children died giving an under-five mortality rate of 59(95% CI, 57-62) per 1000 live births. Deaths in the neonatal period and post-neonatal period accounted for 60% and 19.9% of the deaths respectively. Overall, the top 3 causes of under-five child mortality in the present study were: Perinatal asphyxia (n = 277,18%,) prematurity (n = 235,16%) and diarrheal diseases (n = 162, 12.5%). In those who died after first month of life, diarrheal diseases, lower respiratory tract infection, sever acute malnutrition and HIV were the main causes of death. Concerning the place of death, 61.6% of the children died at home.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study revealed the doubling of under-five mortality in Tigray from where the figure stood in the pre-war period. The leading causes of death in under-five mortality are potentially preventable in situation where the healthcare system is functioning. Restoring the healthcare system and its apparatus, improving access to skilled institutional delivery, smooth perinatal transition, improving nutrition status of children, access to full course of vaccines could ameliorate the staggering under-five mortality rate in the war in Tigray.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reducing under-five mortality is a crucial indicator of overall development in a country. However, in Angola, understanding the factors contributing to hospital deaths in this vulnerable demographic remains incomplete despite improvements in healthcare infrastructure and public health policies. With one of the highest under-five mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa, Angola faces significant challenges such as malaria, malnutrition, pneumonia, neonatal conditions, and intestinal infectious diseases, which are the leading causes of death among children. This study aimed to identify factors associated with hospital deaths among children aged 28 days to five years admitted to DBPH in Luanda between May 2022 and June 2023. Using a hospital-based case-control design, the study included 1020 children, among whom 340 experienced hospital deaths. Distal and intermediate determinants emerged as primary predictors of hospital mortality, showing significant associations with: mother without schooling (OR [95%CI] 4.3 [1.2-15.7], p < 0.027); frequent alcohol consumption during pregnancy (OR [95%CI] 3.8 [2.5-5.9], p < 0.001); hospital stay ≤24 h (OR [95%CI] 13.8 [6.2-30.8], p < 0.001); poor nutritional status (OR [95%CI] 2.1 [1.4-3.2], p < 0.001); short interbirth interval (OR [95%CI] 1.7 [1.1-2.5], p < 0.014); maternal age ≤19 years (OR [95%CI] 5.6 [3.0-10.8], p < 0.001); and maternal age ≥35 years (OR [95%CI] 2.1 [1.2-3.7], p < 0.006). These findings highlight the preventable nature of most under-five hospital deaths and underscore the urgent need to address social inequities and improve the quality of primary healthcare services to effectively reduce child mortality in Angola.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Africa bears the greatest brunt of under-five mortality in the world. Among the major approaches used in tackling under-five deaths is childhood immunisation. While income is regarded as a major determinant of demand for child health inputs including immunisation, the existing studies are microlevel analyses, which do not provide a bigger picture of how an enhancement in economic growth (aggregate income) contributes to the utilisation of childhood immunisation in an economy as a whole. Since Africa has experienced economic growth in the recent decades, this study aims to fill this gap in the literature by examining the contribution of economic growth to the utilisation of childhood immunisation in selected African countries. The study uses a panel design involving data on 50 African countries over the period, 2002 to 2019. Utilisation of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis (or whooping cough) and tetanus) and measles immunisation are used as proxies for childhood immunisation while the system Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) regression is used as the estimation technique. We find economic growth to have a positive significant effect on the utilisation of childhood immunisation. Thus, it is imperative to intensify the enablers of economic growth in Africa in order to increase the utilisation of childhood immunisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, 4.9 million under-five deaths occurred before celebrating their fifth birthday. Four in five under-five deaths were recorded in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. Childhood diarrhea is one of the leading causes of death and is accountable for killing around 443,832 children every year. Despite healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea has a significant effect on the reduction of childhood mortality and morbidity, most children die due to delays in seeking healthcare. Therefore, this study aimed to assess healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea in the top high under-five mortality countries. This study used secondary data from 2013/14 to 2019 demographic and health surveys of 4 top high under-five mortality countries. A total weighted sample of 7254 mothers of under-five children was included. A multilevel binary logistic regression was employed to identify the associated factors of healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea. The statistical significance was declared at a p-value less than 0.05 with a 95% confidence interval. The overall magnitude of healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea in the top high under-five mortality countries was 58.40% (95% CI 57.26%, 59.53%). Partner/husband educational status, household wealth index, media exposure, information about oral rehydration, and place of delivery were the positive while the number of living children were the negative predictors of healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea in top high under-five mortality countries. Besides, living in different countries compared to Guinea was also an associated factor for healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea. More than four in ten children didn\'t receive health care for childhood diarrhea in top high under-five mortality countries. Thus, to increase healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea, health managers and policymakers should develop strategies to improve the household wealth status for those with poor household wealth index. The decision-makers and program planners should also work on media exposure and increase access to education. Further research including the perceived severity of illness and ORS knowledge-related factors of healthcare utilization for childhood diarrhea should also be considered by other researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zimbabwe has implemented universal antenatal care (ANC) policies since 1980 that have significantly contributed to improvements in ANC access and early childhood mortality rates. However, Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), two of Zimbabwe\'s main sources of health data and evidence, often provide seemingly different estimates of ANC coverage and under-five mortality rates. This creates confusion that can result in disparate policies and practices, with potential negative impacts on mother and child health in Zimbabwe. We conducted a comparability analysis of multiple DHS and MICS datasets to enhance the understanding of point estimates, temporal changes, rural-urban differences and reliability of estimates of ANC coverage and neonatal, infant and under-five mortality rates (NMR, IMR and U5MR, separately) from 2009 to 2019 in Zimbabwe. Our two samples z-tests revealed that both DHS and MICS indicated significant increases in ANC coverage and declines in IMR and U5MR but only from 2009 to 2015. NMR neither increased nor declined from 2009 to 2019. Rural-urban differences were significant for ANC coverage (2009-15 only) but not for NMR, IMR and U5MR. We found that there is a need for more precise DHS and MICS estimates of urban ANC coverage and all estimates of NMR, IMR and U5MR, and that shorter recall periods provide more reliable estimates of ANC coverage in Zimbabwe. Our findings represent new interpretations and clearer insights into progress and gaps around ANC coverage and under-five mortality rates that can inform the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policy and practice responses and further research in Zimbabwe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many studies have been conducted on under-five mortality in India and most of them focused on the associations between individual-level factors and under-five mortality risks. On the contrary, only a scarce number of literatures talked about contextual level effect on under-five mortality. Hence, it is very important to have thorough study of under-five mortality at various levels. This can be done by applying multilevel analysis, a method that assesses both fixed and random effects in a single model. The multilevel analysis allows extracting the influence of individual and community characteristics on under-five mortality. Hence, this study would contribute substantially in understanding the under-five mortality from a different perspective.
    METHODS: The study used data from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) acquired in India, i.e., the fourth round of National Family and Health Survey (2015-16). It is a nationally representative repeated cross-sectional data. Multilevel Parametric Survival Model (MPSM) was employed to assess the influence of contextual correlates on the outcome. The assumption behind this study is that \'individuals\' (i.e., level-1) are nested within \'districts\' (i.e., level-2), and districts are enclosed within \'states\' (i.e., level-3). This suggests that people have varying health conditions, residing in dissimilar communities with different characteristics.
    RESULTS: Highest under-five mortality i.e., 3.85% are happening among those women whose birth interval is less than two years. In case of parity, around 4% under-five mortality is among women with Third and above order parity. Further, findings from the full model is that ICC values of 1.17 and 0.65% are the correlation of the likelihood of having under-five mortality risk among people residing in the state and district communities, respectively. Besides, the risk of dying was increased alarmingly in the first year of life and slowly to aged 3 years and then it remains steady.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study has revealed that both aspects viz. individual and contextual effect of the community are necessary to address the importance variations in under-five mortality in India. In order to ensure substantial reduction in under-five mortality, findings of the study support some policy initiatives that involves the need to think beyond individual level effects and considering contextual characteristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Under-five mortality remains a significant public health issue in developing countries. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of various machine learning algorithms in predicting under-five mortality in Nigeria and identify the most relevant predictors.
    METHODS: The study used nationally representative data from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey. The study evaluated the performance of the machine learning models such as the artificial neural network, k-nearest neighbourhood, Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and Logistic Regression using the true positive rate, false positive rate, accuracy, precision, F-measure, Matthew\'s correlation coefficient, and the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics.
    RESULTS: The study found that machine learning models can accurately predict under-five mortality, with the Random Forest and Artificial Neural Network algorithms emerging as the best models, both achieving an accuracy of 89.47% and an AUROC of 96%. The results show that under-five mortality rates vary significantly across different characteristics, with wealth index, maternal education, antenatal visits, place of delivery, employment status of the woman, number of children ever born, and region found to be the top determinants of under-five mortality in Nigeria.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that machine learning models can be useful in predicting U5M in Nigeria with high accuracy. The study emphasizes the importance of addressing social, economic, and demographic disparities among the population in Nigeria. The study\'s findings can inform policymakers and health workers about developing targeted interventions to reduce under-five mortality in Nigeria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Under-five (U5M) is one of the most significant and sensitive measures of the community\'s health. Children who live in rural areas are more likely than those who live in urban areas to die before the age of five. Therefore, the study aimed to assess the Survival status of under-five mortality and its determinants in rural Ethiopia. The 2019 Ethiopia Mini Demographic and Health Survey was used in this study as a secondary source (EMDHS). A total of 4426 weighted under-five children were included in the study. To determine survival time and identify predictors of death among children under the age of five, the Cox\'s gamma shared frailty model and the Kaplan Meier model, respectively, were used. An adjusted Hazard Ratio (AHR) along with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) were used to measure the size and direction of the association. The Study showed that in rural Ethiopia, 6.03% of children died before celebrating their first birthday. The median age of under-five mortality in rural Ethiopia was estimated to be 29 Months. The hazard of death among under-five children and those who had given birth to two children in the last five years was 4.99 times less likely to be at risk of dying than those who had given birth to one Child in the previous five years (AHR 4.99, 95% CI 2.97, 8.83). The Study Concluded that under-five mortality remained high in rural Ethiopia. In the final model, the Age of Mothers, Sex of Household, Breastfeeding, Types of Birth, Sex of Child, Educational Level of Mothers, Wealth Index, Child ever born, Marital Status, and Water Source were significant predictors of under-five mortality. Twins and children who are not breastfed should receive additional attention, along with improving water resources for households and mothers income.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A thorough examination of context, and how it influences implementation of evidence-based interventions, is a promising strategy for enhancing child survival initiatives. Spreading approaches that are identified as drivers of successful reduction in under-five mortality from \'exemplar\' countries could be pivotal in leading to reductions in other settings facing stagnant mortality rates, in particular for low- and middle-income countries with high disease burden and insufficient programmatic capacity to effectively implement evidence-based interventions at scale. Yet there remains a lack of robust analytic methods to accurately assess mortality and describe the drivers of interventions\' implementation success at both national and subnational levels. The field of implementation science and its defining targets and tools is well positioned to address this knowledge gap by integrating qualitative and quantitative research methods into an adaptable evaluation framework that can be tailored to meet the specific needs across varying country contexts. These tools enhance the measurement of population health outcomes and provide crucial evidence on implementation barriers and facilitators that can inform policies that can be adjusted for diverse contexts. This commentary aims to emphasize the role of implementation research in understanding how exemplar countries achieved significant improvements in child survival and in identifying replicable lessons for other settings. Ultimately, all manuscripts underscore the relevance of implementation research in bolstering the reduction of under-five mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Rate and pattern of under-five mortality is a reflection of a society\'s healthcare system and quality of life. This study is aimed at reviewing the causes of infants and under-five morbidity and mortality in Calabar, Southern Nigeria.
    UNASSIGNED: This study used retrospective descriptive cross-sectional design. We did a retrospective collation of data on under-five morbidity and mortality from 2012 to 2017 of under-five patients admitted or died while in admission in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital. The causes of morbidity and mortality were reported based on International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD-10). The morbidity, mortality and fatality rates were computed.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 11,416 under-five admissions and 391 deaths were recorded within the study period giving a fatality rate of 3.4%. Age 1-4 years category represented 50.5% of the admissions while infants (<1 year) constitute majority of the deaths (64.7%). There were 5652 infant admissions and 253 infant deaths giving fatality rate of 4.5% within the study period. Males constituted majority (55.8%) of under-five morbidity whereas females constituted majority (51.2%) of the deaths. Conditions originating from perinatal period; and infectious and parasitic diseases were the leading broad cause of under-five mortality. Specific disease analysis showed sepsis/septicemia; congenital infectious and parasitic diseases; slow fetal growth, malnutrition and short gestation as the chief causes of both infant and under-five mortality.
    UNASSIGNED: The leading causes of under-five deaths in the studied population are amenable. Improved healthcare and antenatal will be of immense benefit.





