Two-Hybrid System Techniques

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii divides by endodyogeny, in which two daughter buds are formed within the cytoplasm of the maternal cell using the inner membrane complex (IMC) as a scaffold. During endodyogeny, components of the IMC are synthesized and added sequentially to the nascent daughter buds in a tightly regulated manner. We previously showed that the early recruiting proteins IMC32 and IMC43 form an essential daughter bud assembly complex which lays the foundation of the daughter cell scaffold in T. gondii. In this study, we identify the essential, early recruiting IMC protein BCC0 as a third member of this complex by using IMC32 as bait in both proximity labeling and yeast two-hybrid screens. We demonstrate that BCC0\'s localization to daughter buds depends on the presence of both IMC32 and IMC43. Deletion analyses and functional complementation studies reveal that residues 701-877 of BCC0 are essential for both its localization and function and that residues 1-899 are sufficient for function despite minor mislocalization. Pairwise yeast two-hybrid assays additionally demonstrate that BCC0\'s essential domain binds to the coiled-coil region of IMC32 and that BCC0 and IMC43 do not directly interact. This data supports a model for complex assembly in which an IMC32-BCC0 subcomplex initially recruits to nascent buds via palmitoylation of IMC32 and is locked into the scaffold once bud elongation begins by IMC32 binding to IMC43. Together, this study dissects the organization and function of a complex of three early recruiting daughter proteins which are essential for the proper assembly of the IMC during endodyogeny.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite extensive research highlighting the pivotal role of MYB transcription factors in regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis, the interactive regulatory network involving these MYB factors in pear fruits remains inadequately characterized. In this study, the anthocyanin-regulatory gene PbrMYB114 was successfully cloned from \'Yuluxiang\' pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) fruits, and its influence on anthocyanin accumulation was confirmed through transient expression assays. Specifically, the co-transformation of PbrMYB114 with its partner PbrbHLH3 in pears served to validate the functional role of PbrMYB114. Subsequently, PbrMYB114 was employed as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screening assay, using a \'Yuluxiang\' pear protein library, which led to the identification of 25 interacting proteins. Further validation of the interactions between PbrMYB114 and PbrMT2/PbrMT3 was conducted. Investigations into the role of PbrMT2 and PbrMT3 in \'Duli\' seedlings (Pyrus betulaefolia) revealed their potential to enhance anthocyanin accumulation. The outcomes of these studies provide novel insights into the protein network that regulates pear anthocyanin biosynthesis, particularly the functional interactions among PbrMYB114 and associated proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense and missense mutations in the transcription factor PAX6 cause a wide range of eye development defects, including aniridia, microphthalmia and coloboma. To understand how changes of PAX6:DNA binding cause these phenotypes, we combined saturation mutagenesis of the paired domain of PAX6 with a yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) assay in which expression of a PAX6-GAL4 fusion gene drives antibiotic resistance. We quantified binding of more than 2700 single amino-acid variants to two DNA sequence elements. Mutations in DNA-facing residues of the N-terminal subdomain and linker region were most detrimental, as were mutations to prolines and to negatively charged residues. Many variants caused sequence-specific molecular gain-of-function effects, including variants in position 71 that increased binding to the LE9 enhancer but decreased binding to a SELEX-derived binding site. In the absence of antibiotic selection, variants that retained DNA binding slowed yeast growth, likely because such variants perturbed the yeast transcriptome. Benchmarking against known patient variants and applying ACMG/AMP guidelines to variant classification, we obtained supporting-to-moderate evidence that 977 variants are likely pathogenic and 1306 are likely benign. Our analysis shows that most pathogenic mutations in the paired domain of PAX6 can be explained simply by the effects of these mutations on PAX6:DNA association, and establishes Y1H as a generalisable assay for the interpretation of variant effects in transcription factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yeast two-hybrid approaches, which are based on fusion proteins that must co-localise to the nucleus to reconstitute the transcriptional activity of GAL4, have greatly contributed to our understanding of the nitrogen interaction network of cyanobacteria, the main hubs of which are the trimeric PII and the monomeric PipX regulators. The bacterial two-hybrid system, based on the reconstitution in the E. coli cytoplasm of the adenylate cyclase of Bordetella pertussis, should provide a relatively faster and presumably more physiological assay for cyanobacterial proteins than the yeast system. Here, we used the bacterial two-hybrid system to gain additional insights into the cyanobacterial PipX interaction network while simultaneously assessing the advantages and limitations of the two most popular two-hybrid systems. A comprehensive mutational analysis of PipX and bacterial two-hybrid assays were performed to compare the outcomes between yeast and bacterial systems. We detected interactions that were previously recorded in the yeast two-hybrid system as negative, as well as a \"false positive\", the self-interaction of PipX, which is rather an indirect interaction that is dependent on PII homologues from the E. coli host, a result confirmed by Western blot analysis with relevant PipX variants. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of the molecular basis of a false positive in the bacterial two-hybrid system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular behavior, cell differentiation and ontogenetic development in eukaryotes result from complex interactions between epigenetic and classic molecular genetic mechanisms, with many of these interactions still to be elucidated. Histone deacetylase enzymes (HDACs) promote the interaction of histones with DNA by compacting the nucleosome, thus causing transcriptional repression. MADS-domain transcription factors are highly conserved in eukaryotes and participate in controlling diverse developmental processes in animals and plants, as well as regulating stress responses in plants. In this work, we focused on finding out putative interactions of Arabidopsis thaliana HDACs and MADS-domain proteins using an evolutionary perspective combined with bioinformatics analyses and testing the more promising predicted interactions through classic molecular biology tools. Through bioinformatic analyses, we found similarities between HDACs proteins from different organisms, which allowed us to predict a putative protein-protein interaction between the Arabidopsis thaliana deacetylase HDA15 and the MADS-domain protein XAANTAL1 (XAL1). The results of two-hybrid and Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation analysis demonstrated in vitro and in vivo HDA15-XAL1 interaction in the nucleus. Likely, this interaction might regulate developmental processes in plants as is the case for this type of interaction in animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most eukaryotic organisms employ a telomerase complex for the maintenance of chromosome ends. The core of this complex is composed of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and telomerase RNA (TR) subunits. The TERT reverse transcriptase (RT) domain synthesises telomeric DNA using the TR template sequence. The other TERT domains contribute to this process in different ways. In particular, the TERT RNA-binding domain (TRBD) interacts with specific TR motif(s). Using a yeast 3-hybrid system, we show the critical role of Arabidopsis thaliana (At) TRBD and embryophyta-conserved KRxR motif in the unstructured linker preceding the TRBD domain for binding to the recently identified AtTR subunit. We also show the essential role of the predicted P4 stem and pseudoknot AtTR structures and provide evidence for the binding of AtTRBD to pseudoknot and KRxR motif stabilising interaction with the P4 stem structure. Our results thus provide the first insight into the core part of the plant telomerase complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peroxidative damage to human spermatozoa has been shown to be the primary cause of male infertility. The possible role of nitric oxide (NO) in affecting sperm motility, capacitation, and acrosome reaction has been reported, too. The overproduction of NO by the enzyme inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) could be responsible as it has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases. There have been many studies on regulating iNOS function in various tissues, especially by protein-protein interaction; however, no study has looked for iNOS-interacting proteins in the human testis. Here, we have reported the identification of two proteins that interact with iNOS. We initially undertook a popular yeast two-hybrid assay to screen a human testis cDNA library in yeast using an iNOS-peptide fragment (amino acids 181-335) as bait. We verified our data using the mammalian chemiluminescent co-IP method; first, employing the same peptide and, then, a full-length protein co-expressed in HEK293 cells in addition to the candidate protein. In both cases, these two protein partners of iNOS were revealed: (a) sperm acrosome-associated 7 protein and (b) retinoblastoma tumor-suppressor binding protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Actin is a protein of central importance to many cellular functions. Its localization and activity are regulated by interactions with a high number of actin-binding proteins. In a yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screening system, snail family transcriptional repressor 2 (SNAI2 or slug) was identified as a yet unknown potential actin-binding protein. We validated this interaction using immunoprecipitation and analyzed the functional relation between slug and actin. Since both proteins have been reported to be involved in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, we focused on their interaction during this process after treatment with doxorubicin or UV irradiation. Confocal microscopy elicits that the overexpression of actin fused to an NLS stabilizes complexes of slug and γH2AX, an early marker of DNA damage repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type VI secretion systems (T6SS) are bacterial macromolecular complexes that secrete effectors into target cells or the extracellular environment, leading to the demise of adjacent cells and providing a survival advantage. Although studies have shown that the T6SS in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is regulated by the Quorum Sensing system and second messenger c-di-GMP, the underlying molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. In this study, we discovered that the c-di-GMP-binding adaptor protein PA0012 has a repressive effect on the expression of the T6SS HSI-I genes in P. aeruginosa PAO1. To probe the mechanism by which PA0012 (renamed TssZ, Type Six Secretion System -associated PilZ protein) regulates the expression of HSI-I genes, we conducted yeast two-hybrid screening and identified HinK, a LasR-type transcriptional regulator, as the binding partner of TssZ. The protein-protein interaction between HinK and TssZ was confirmed through co-immunoprecipitation assays. Further analysis suggested that the HinK-TssZ interaction was weakened at high c-di-GMP concentrations, contrary to the current paradigm wherein c-di-GMP enhances the interaction between PilZ proteins and their partners. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that the non-c-di-GMP-binding mutant TssZR5A/R9A interacts directly with HinK and prevents it from binding to the promoter of the quorum-sensing regulator pqsR. The functional connection between TssZ and HinK is further supported by observations that TssZ and HinK impact the swarming motility, pyocyanin production, and T6SS-mediated bacterial killing activity of P. aeruginosa in a PqsR-dependent manner. Together, these results unveil a novel regulatory mechanism wherein TssZ functions as an inhibitor that interacts with HinK to control gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analyses of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)-protein interactions provide key clues for understanding the molecular basis of lncRNA-modulated biological processes. Here, we detail a yeast three-hybrid assay to identify the lncRNA-interacting protein. We describe steps for lncRNA bait preparation, screening an RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) cDNA library, and validation of the lncRNA-RBP interaction. The assay can also be further applied to delineate the region of RBP that mediates the RNA-protein interaction. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Zhang et al.1.





