Steroidogenic Factor 1

类固醇生成因子 1
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell therapy for adrenocortical insufficiency can potentially provide steroid replacement in response to physiological stimuli. Previously, we reported that adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) are transformed into steroid-producing cells by overexpression of nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 1 (NR5A1). The steroidogenic cells are characterized by the production of both adrenal and gonadal steroids. Cytotherapy for adrenocortical insufficiency requires cells with more adrenocortical characteristics. Considering the highly developed vascular network within the adrenal cortex, all adrenocortical cells are adjacent to and interact with vascular endothelial cells (VECs). In this study, NR5A1-induced steroidogenic cells derived from mouse ADSCs (NR5A1-ADSCs) were co-cultured with mouse VECs. Testosterone secretion in NR5A1-ADSCs was not altered; however, corticosterone secretion significantly increased while levels of steroidogenic enzymes significantly increased in the corticosterone synthesis pathway. Co-culture with lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) or ADSCs, or transwell culture with NR5A1-ADSCs and VECs did not alter corticosterone production. VECs expressed higher levels of collagen and laminin than LECs. Culture in type-IV collagen and laminin-coated dishes increased corticosterone secretion in NR5A1-ADSCs. These results suggest that VECs may characterize ADSC-derived steroidogenic cells into a more corticosterone-producing phenotype, and VECs may be useful for generating adrenal steroidogenic cells from stem cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    NR2F2 encodes COUP-TFII, an orphan nuclear receptor required for the development of the steroidogenic lineages of the murine fetal testes and ovaries. Pathogenic variants in human NR2F2 are associated with testis formation in 46,XX individuals, however, the function of COUP-TFII in the human testis is unknown. We report a de novo heterozygous variant in NR2F2 (c.737G > A, p.Arg246His) in a 46,XY under-masculinized boy with primary hypogonadism. The variant, located within the ligand-binding domain, is predicted to be highly damaging. In vitro studies indicated that the mutation does not impact the stability or subcellular localization of the protein. NR5A1, a related nuclear receptor that is a key factor in gonad formation and function, is known to physically interact with COUP-TFII to regulate gene expression. The mutant protein did not affect the physical interaction with NR5A1. However, in-vitro assays demonstrated that the mutant protein significantly loses the inhibitory effect on NR5A1-mediated activation of both the LHB and INSL3 promoters. The data support a role for COUP-TFII in human testis formation. Although mutually antagonistic sets of genes are known to regulate testis and ovarian pathways, we extend the list of genes, that together with NR5A1 and WT1, are associated with both 46,XX and 46,XY DSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allostatic adaptations to a perceived threat are crucial for survival and may tap into mechanisms serving the homeostatic control of energy balance. We previously established that exposure to predator odor (PO) in rats significantly increases skeletal muscle thermogenesis and energy expenditure (EE). Evidence highlights steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1) cells within the central and dorsomedial ventromedial hypothalamus (c/dmVMH) as a modulator of both energy homeostasis and defensive behavior. However, the brain mechanism driving elevated EE and muscle thermogenesis during PO exposure has yet to be elucidated. To assess the ability of SF1 neurons of the c/dmVMH to induce muscle thermogenesis, we used the combined technology of chemogenetics, transgenic mice, temperature transponders, and indirect calorimetry. Here, we evaluate EE and muscle thermogenesis in SF1-Cre mice exposed to PO (ferret odor) compared to transgenic and viral controls. We detected significant increases in muscle temperature, EE, and oxygen consumption following the chemogenetic stimulation of SF1 cells. However, there were no detectable changes in muscle temperature in response to PO in either the presence or absence of chemogenetic stimulation. While the specific role of the VMH SF1 cells in PO-induced thermogenesis remains uncertain, these data establish a supporting role for SF1 neurons in the induction of muscle thermogenesis and EE similar to what is seen after predator threats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN) growth hormone-releasing hormone (Ghrh) neurotransmission shapes counterregulatory hormone secretion. Dorsomedial VMN Ghrh neurons express the metabolic-sensitive transcription factor steroidogenic factor-1/NR5A1 (SF-1). In vivo SF-1 gene knockdown tools were used here to address the premise that in male rats, SF-1 may regulate basal and/or hypoglycemic patterns of Ghrh, co-transmitter biosynthetic enzyme, and estrogen receptor (ER) gene expression in these neurons. Single-cell multiplex qPCR analyses showed that SF-1 regulates basal profiles of mRNAs that encode Ghrh and protein markers for neurochemicals that suppress (γ-aminobutyric acid) or enhance (nitric oxide; glutamate) counterregulation. SF-1 siRNA pretreatment respectively exacerbated or blunted hypoglycemia-associated inhibition of glutamate decarboxylase67 (GAD67/GAD1) and -65 (GAD65/GAD2) transcripts. Hypoglycemia augmented or reduced nitric oxide synthase and glutaminase mRNAs, responses that were attenuated by SF-1 gene silencing. Ghrh and Ghrh receptor transcripts were correspondingly refractory to or increased by hypoglycemia, yet SF-1 knockdown decreased both gene profiles. Hypoglycemic inhibition of ER-alpha and G protein-coupled-ER gene expression was amplified by SF-1 siRNA pretreatment, whereas as ER-beta mRNA was amplified. SF-1 knockdown decreased (corticosterone) or elevated [glucagon, growth hormone (GH)] basal counterregulatory hormone profiles, but amplified hypoglycemic hypercorticosteronemia and -glucagonemia or prevented elevated GH release. Outcomes document SF-1 control of VMN Ghrh neuron counterregulatory neurotransmitter and ER gene transcription. SF-1 likely regulates Ghrh nerve cell receptivity to estradiol and release of distinctive neurochemicals during glucose homeostasis and systemic imbalance. VMN Ghrh neurons emerge as a likely substrate for SF-1 control of glucose counterregulation in the male rat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study aimed to investigate the effect of Sox9-Cre-directed Nr5a1-conditional knockout (Sox9-Cre;Nr5a1flox/flox) on adrenal development. We showed that SOX9 is expressed by adrenocortical cells at E10.5-E11.5 but is extinguished no later than E12.5. The number of adrenocortical cells significantly reduced in Sox9-Cre;Nr5a1flox/flox mice while the number of cleaved caspase 3-positive cells increased compared to that in the controls at E11.5-E12.5, when the adrenal primordium (AP) is about to expand. This indicated that fetal adrenocortical cells are lost via apoptosis due to Nr5a1 ablation by E12.5. Both medulla formation and encapsulation were perturbed, accompanied by a smaller AP size, in Sox9-Cre;Nr5a1flox/flox mice during embryonic development. Adult Sox9-Cre;Nr5a1flox/flox adrenals were hypoplastic and exhibited irregular organization of the medulla with aberrant sex differentiation in the X zone. Additionally, there were histologically eosin-negative vacuolated cells, which were negative for both the X-zone marker 20αHSD and the steroidogenesis marker 3βHSD at the innermost cortex of Sox9-Cre;Nr5a1flox/flox adrenals. Although Nr5a1+/- adrenals were hypoplastic, a small number of chromaffin cells were properly located in the center, having normal sex differences in the X-zone. The results collectively provided in-vivo evidence that Nr5a1 plays a critical role in AP expansion and subsequent adrenal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gonad development includes sex determination and divergent maturation of the testes and ovaries. Recent advances in measuring gene expression in single cells are providing new insights into this complex process. However, the underlying epigenetic regulatory mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we profiled chromatin accessibility in mouse gonadal cells of both sexes from embryonic day 11.5 to 14.5 using single-cell assay for transposase accessible chromatin by sequencing (scATAC-seq). Our results showed that individual cell types can be inferred by the chromatin landscape, and that cells can be temporally ordered along developmental trajectories. Integrative analysis of transcriptomic and chromatin-accessibility maps identified multiple putative regulatory elements proximal to key gonadal genes Nr5a1, Sox9 and Wt1. We also uncover cell type-specific regulatory factors underlying cell type specification. Overall, our results provide a better understanding of the epigenetic landscape associated with the progressive restriction of cell fates in the gonad.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hypothalamic signals potently stimulate energy expenditure by engaging peripheral mechanisms to restore energy homeostasis. Previous studies have identified several critical hypothalamic sites (e.g. preoptic area (POA) and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN)) that could be part of an interconnected neurocircuit that controls tissue thermogenesis and essential for body weight control. However, the key neurocircuit that can stimulate energy expenditure has not yet been established.
    METHODS: Here, we investigated the downstream mechanisms by which VMN neurons stimulate adipose tissue thermogenesis. We manipulated subsets of VMN neurons acutely as well as chronically and studied its effect on tissue thermogenesis and body weight control, using Sf1Cre and Adcyap1Cre mice and measured physiological parameters under both high-fat diet and standard chow diet conditions. To determine the node efferent to these VMN neurons, that is involved in modulating energy expenditure, we employed electrophysiology and optogenetics experiments combined with measurements using tissue-implantable temperature microchips.
    RESULTS: Activation of the VMN neurons that express the steroidogenic factor 1 (Sf1; VMNSf1 neurons) reduced body weight, adiposity and increased energy expenditure in diet-induced obese mice. This function is likely mediated, at least in part, by the release of the pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP; encoded by the Adcyap1 gene) by the VMN neurons, since we previously demonstrated that PACAP, at the VMN, plays a key role in energy expenditure control. Thus, we then shifted focus to the subpopulation of VMNSf1 neurons that contain the neuropeptide PACAP (VMNPACAP neurons). Since the VMN neurons do not directly project to the peripheral tissues, we traced the location of the VMNPACAP neurons\' efferents. We identified that VMNPACAP neurons project to and activate neurons in the caudal regions of the POA whereby these projections stimulate tissue thermogenesis in brown and beige adipose tissue. We demonstrated that selective activation of caudal POA projections from VMNPACAP neurons induces tissue thermogenesis, most potently in negative energy balance and activating these projections lead to some similar, but mostly unique, patterns of gene expression in brown and beige tissue. Finally, we demonstrated that the activation of the VMNPACAP neurons\' efferents that lie at the caudal POA are necessary for inducing tissue thermogenesis in brown and beige adipose tissue.
    CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that VMNPACAP connections with the caudal POA neurons impact adipose tissue function and are important for induction of tissue thermogenesis. Our data suggests that the VMNPACAP → caudal POA neurocircuit and its components are critical for controlling energy balance by activating energy expenditure and body weight control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertility, affecting ∼10% of men, is predominantly caused by primary spermatogenic failure (SPGF). We screened likely pathogenic and pathogenic (LP/P) variants in 638 candidate genes for male infertility in 521 individuals presenting idiopathic SPGF and 323 normozoospermic men in the ESTAND cohort. Molecular diagnosis was reached for 64 men with SPGF (12%), with findings in 39 genes (6%). The yield did not differ significantly between the subgroups with azoospermia (20/185, 11%), oligozoospermia (18/181, 10%), and primary cryptorchidism with SPGF (26/155, 17%). Notably, 19 of 64 LP/P variants (30%) identified in 28 subjects represented recurrent findings in this study and/or with other male infertility cohorts. NR5A1 was the most frequently affected gene, with seven LP/P variants in six SPGF-affected men and two normozoospermic men. The link to SPGF was validated for recently proposed candidate genes ACTRT1, ASZ1, GLUD2, GREB1L, LEO1, RBM5, ROS1, and TGIF2LY. Heterozygous truncating variants in BNC1, reported in female infertility, emerged as plausible causes of severe oligozoospermia. Data suggested that several infertile men may present congenital conditions with less pronounced or pleiotropic phenotypes affecting the development and function of the reproductive system. Genes regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis were affected in >30% of subjects with LP/P variants. Six individuals had more than one LP/P variant, including five with two findings from the gene panel. A 4-fold increased prevalence of cancer was observed in men with genetic infertility compared to the general male population (8% vs. 2%; p = 4.4 × 10-3). Expanding genetic testing in andrology will contribute to the multidisciplinary management of SPGF.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Y-linked SRY gene initiates mammalian testis-determination. However, how the expression of SRY is regulated remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that a conserved steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)/NR5A1 binding enhancer is required for appropriate SRY expression to initiate testis-determination in humans. Comparative sequence analysis of SRY 5\' regions in mammals identified an evolutionary conserved SF-1/NR5A1-binding motif within a 250 bp region of open chromatin located 5 kilobases upstream of the SRY transcription start site. Genomic analysis of 46,XY individuals with disrupted testis-determination, including a large multigenerational family, identified unique single-base substitutions of highly conserved residues within the SF-1/NR5A1-binding element. In silico modelling and in vitro assays demonstrate the enhancer properties of the NR5A1 motif. Deletion of this hemizygous element by genome-editing, in a novel in vitro cellular model recapitulating human Sertoli cell formation, resulted in a significant reduction in expression of SRY. Therefore, human NR5A1 acts as a regulatory switch between testis and ovary development by upregulating SRY expression, a role that may predate the eutherian radiation. We show that disruption of an enhancer can phenocopy variants in the coding regions of SRY that cause human testis dysgenesis. Since disease causing variants in enhancers are currently rare, the regulation of gene expression in testis-determination offers a paradigm to define enhancer activity in a key developmental process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chicken ovarian follicle development is regulated by complex and dynamic gene expression. Nuclear receptor 5A1 and 5A2 (NR5A1 and NR5A2, respectively) are key genes that regulate steroid hormone production and gonadal development in mammals; however, studies on follicular development in the chicken ovary are scarce. In this study, we investigated the functions of NR5A1 and NR5A2 on follicle development in chickens. The results showed that the expression of NR5A1 and NR5A2 was significantly higher in small yellow follicles and F5. Furthermore, the expression of NR5A1 and NR5A2 was significantly higher in follicular tissues of peak-laying hens (30 wk) than in follicular tissues of late-laying hens (60 wk), with high expression abundance in granulosa cells (GC). The overexpression of NR5A1 and NR5A2 significantly promoted proliferation and inhibited apoptosis of cultured GC; upregulated STAR, CYP11A1, and CYP19A1 expression and estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) synthesis in GC from preovulatory follicles (po-GC); and increased STAR, CYP11A1, and CYP19A1 promoter activities. In addition, follicle-stimulating hormone treatment significantly upregulated NR5A1 and NR5A2 expression in po-GC and significantly promoted FSHR, CYP11A1, and HSD3B1 expression in GC from pre-hierarchical follicles and po-GC. The core promoter region of NR5A1 was identified at the -1,095- to -483-bp and -2,054- to -1,536-bp regions from the translation start site (+1), and the core promoter region of NR5A2 was at -998 to -489 bp. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were identified in the core promoter region of the NR5A1 gene, which differed between high- and low-yielding chicken groups. Our study suggested that NR5A1 and NR5A2 promoted chicken follicle development by promoting GC proliferation and E2 and P4 hormone synthesis and inhibiting apoptosis. Moreover, we identified the promoter core region or functional site that regulates NR5A1 and NR5A2 expression.





