Soil warming

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physiological responses of soil microorganisms to global warming are important for soil ecosystem function and the terrestrial carbon cycle. Here, we investigate the effects of weeks, years, and decades of soil warming across seasons and time on the microbial protein biosynthesis machineries (i.e. ribosomes), the most abundant cellular macromolecular complexes, using RNA:DNA and RNA:MBC (microbial biomass carbon) ratios as proxies for cellular ribosome contents. We compared warmed soils and non-warmed controls of 15 replicated subarctic grassland and forest soil temperature gradients subject to natural geothermal warming. RNA:DNA ratios tended to be lower in the warmed soils during summer and autumn, independent of warming duration (6 weeks, 8-14 years, and > 50 years), warming intensity (+3°C, +6°C, and +9°C), and ecosystem type. With increasing temperatures, RNA:MBC ratios were also decreasing. Additionally, seasonal RNA:DNA ratios of the consecutively sampled forest showed the same temperature-driven pattern. This suggests that subarctic soil microorganisms are depleted of ribosomes under warm conditions and the lack of consistent relationships with other physicochemical parameters besides temperature further suggests temperature as key driver. Furthermore, in incubation experiments, we measured significantly higher CO2 emission rates per unit of RNA from short- and long-term warmed soils compared to non-warmed controls. In conclusion, ribosome reduction may represent a widespread microbial physiological response to warming that offers a selective advantage at higher temperatures, as energy and matter can be reallocated from ribosome synthesis to other processes including substrate uptake and turnover. This way, ribosome reduction could have a substantial effect on soil carbon dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soils are the largest terrestrial carbon sink and the foundation of our food, fiber, and fuel systems. Healthy soils are carbon sinks, storing more carbon than they release. This reduces the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere and buffers against climate change. Soil microbes drive biogeochemical cycling and contribute to soil health through organic matter breakdown, plant growth promotion, and nutrient distribution. In this study, we determined how soil microbial growth traits respond to long-term soil warming. We found that bacterial isolates from warmed plots showed evidence of adaptation of optimum growth temperature. This suggests that increased microbial biomass and growth in a warming world could result in greater carbon storage. As temperatures increase, greater microbial activity may help reduce the soil carbon feedback loop. Our results provide insight on how atmospheric carbon cycling and soil health may respond in a warming world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The response of subarctic grassland\'s below-ground to soil warming is key to understanding this ecosystem\'s adaptation to future climate. Functionally different below-ground plant organs can respond differently to changes in soil temperature (Ts). We aimed to understand the below-ground adaptation mechanisms by analysing the dynamics and chemistry of fine roots and rhizomes in relation to plant community composition and soil chemistry, along with the duration and magnitude of soil warming.
    We investigated the effects of the duration [medium-term warming (MTW; 11 years) and long-term warming (LTW; > 60 years)] and magnitude (0-8.4 °C) of soil warming on below-ground plant biomass (BPB), fine root biomass (FRB) and rhizome biomass (RHB) in geothermally warmed subarctic grasslands. We evaluated the changes in BPB, FRB and RHB and the corresponding carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools in the context of ambient, Ts < +2 °C and Ts > +2 °C scenarios.
    BPB decreased exponentially in response to an increase in Ts under MTW, whereas FRB declined under both MTW and LTW. The proportion of rhizomes increased and the C-N ratio in rhizomes decreased under LTW. The C and N pools in BPB in highly warmed plots under MTW were 50 % less than in the ambient plots, whereas under LTW, C and N pools in warmed plots were similar to those in non-warmed plots. Approximately 78 % of the variation in FRB, RHB, and C and N concentration and pools in fine roots and rhizomes was explained by the duration and magnitude of soil warming, soil chemistry, plant community functional composition, and above-ground biomass. Plant\'s below-ground biomass, chemistry and pools were related to a shift in the grassland\'s plant community composition - the abundance of ferns increased and BPB decreased towards higher Ts under MTW, while the recovery of below-ground C and N pools under LTW was related to a higher plant diversity.
    Our results indicate that plant community-level adaptation of below ground to soil warming occurs over long periods. We provide insight into the potential adaptation phases of subarctic grasslands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate warming has been suggested to impact high latitude grasslands severely, potentially causing considerable carbon (C) losses from soil. Warming can also stimulate nitrogen (N) turnover, but it is largely unclear whether and how altered N availability impacts belowground C dynamics. Even less is known about the individual and interactive effects of warming and N availability on the fate of recently photosynthesized C in soil. On a 10-year geothermal warming gradient in Iceland, we studied the effects of soil warming and N addition on CO2 fluxes and the fate of recently photosynthesized C through CO2 flux measurements and a 13 CO2 pulse-labeling experiment. Under warming, ecosystem respiration exceeded maximum gross primary productivity, causing increased net CO2 emissions. N addition treatments revealed that, surprisingly, the plants in the warmed soil were N limited, which constrained primary productivity and decreased recently assimilated C in shoots and roots. In soil, microbes were increasingly C limited under warming and increased microbial uptake of recent C. Soil respiration was increased by warming and was fueled by increased belowground inputs and turnover of recently photosynthesized C. Our findings suggest that a decade of warming seemed to have induced a N limitation in plants and a C limitation by soil microbes. This caused a decrease in net ecosystem CO2 uptake and accelerated the respiratory release of photosynthesized C, which decreased the C sequestration potential of the grassland. Our study highlights the importance of belowground C allocation and C-N interactions in the C dynamics of subarctic ecosystems in a warmer world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aboveground parts of boreal forest trees grow earlier in the growing season, the roots mostly later. The idea was to examine whether root growth followed soil temperature, or whether shoot growth also demanded most resources in the early growing season (soil temperature vs internal sink strengths for resources). The linkage between air and soil temperature was broken by switching the soil temperature. We aimed here to identify the direct effects of different soil temperature patterns on physiology, leaf anatomy and their interactions, and how they relate to the control of the growth dynamics of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth). Sixteen 2-year-old seedlings were grown in a controlled environment for two 14-week simulated growing seasons (GS1, GS2). An 8-week dormancy period interposed the GSs. In GS2, soil temperature treatments were applied: constant 10 °C (Cool), constant 18 °C (Warm), early growing season at 10 °C switched to 18 °C later (Early Cool Late Warm) and 18 °C followed by 10 °C (Early Warm Late Cool) were applied during GS2. The switch from cool to warm enhanced the water status, net photosynthesis, chlorophyll content index, effective yield of photosystem II (ΔF/Fm\') and leaf expansion of the seedlings. Warm treatment increased the stomatal number per leaf. In contrast, soil cooling increased glandular trichomes. This investment in increasing the chemical defense potential may be associated with the decreased growth in cool soil. Non-structural carbohydrates were accumulated in leaves at a low soil temperature showing that growth was more hindered than net photosynthesis. Leaf anatomy differed between the first and second leaf flush of silver birch, which may promote tree fitness in the prevailing growing conditions. The interaction of birch structure and function changes with soil temperature, which can further reflect to ecosystem functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aboveground parts of boreal forest trees mostly grow earlier, and the roots later, in the growing season. We aimed to experimentally test whether the extrinsic driver of soil temperature or the intrinsic driver (resource competition between plant parts) is a more important control for the root and shoot growth of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) seedlings. Sixteen two-year-old seedlings were grown in controlled environment rooms for two simulated growing seasons (GS1, GS2). In GS1, all the seedlings were acclimatized under the same conditions, but in GS2, the soil temperature treatments were: (i) constant 10 °C (Cool); (ii) constant 18 °C (Warm); (iii) early growing season at 10 °C, switched to 18 °C later (Early Cool Late Warm, ECLW) and (iv) early growing season 18 °C, switched to 10 °C later (Early Warm Late Cool, EWLC). The treatments did not affect growth allocation between shoots and roots. Warm soil benefitted shoot elongation as it slowed down in EWLC and accelerated in ECLW after the soil temperature switch. However, whole-tree biomasses were similar to Cool and the seedlings grew largest in Warm. Phenology was not strongly affected by soil temperature, and root and shoot growth did not usually peak simultaneously. Short root mortality increased strongly in ECLW and decreased in EWLC after the soil temperature switch. Long root longevity was not significantly affected but long root growth ceased earliest in ECLW. Soil warming increased foliar nutrient contents. Growth dynamics were not solely driven by soil temperature, but resource competition also played a significant role. The study showed the importance of soil temperature for fine root dynamics not only through root growth but also via root mortality, as soil warming increased mortality even more than growth. Soil temperature has complex effects on tree and soil functioning, which further affects carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems that have a climate feedback.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global warming is accelerating the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). When predicting the net SOM dynamics in response to warming, there are considerable uncertainties owing to experimental limitations. Long-term in situ whole-profile soil warming studies are particularly rare. This study used a long-term, naturally occurring geothermal gradient in Yukon, Canada, to investigate the warming effects on SOM in a forest ecosystem. Soils were sampled along this thermosequence which exhibited warming of up to 7.7℃; samples were collected to a depth of 80 cm and analysed for soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) content, and estimates made of SOC stock and fractions. Potential litter decomposition rates as a function of soil temperature and depth were observed for a 1-year period using buried teabags and temperature loggers. The SOC in the topsoil (0-20 cm) and subsoil (20-80 cm) responded similar to warming. A negative relationship was found between soil temperature and whole-profile SOC stocks, with a total loss of 27% between the warmest and reference plots, and a relative loss of 3%℃-1 . SOC losses were restricted to the particulate organic matter (POM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fractions with net whole-profile depletions. Losses in POM-C accounted for the largest share of the total SOC losses. In contrast to SOC, N was not lost from the soil as a result of warming, but was redistributed with a relatively large accumulation in the silt and clay fraction (+40%). This suggests an immobilization of N by microbes building up in mineral-associated organic matter. These results confirm that soil warming accelerates SOC turnover throughout the profile and C is lost in both the topsoil and subsoil. Since N stocks remained constant with warming, SOM stoichiometry changed considerably and this in turn could affect C cycling through changes in microbial metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impacts of invasive species on biodiversity may be mitigated or exacerbated by abiotic environmental changes. Invasive plants can restructure soil fungal communities with important implications for native biodiversity and nutrient cycling, yet fungal responses to invasion may depend on numerous anthropogenic stressors. In this study, we experimentally invaded a long-term soil warming and simulated nitrogen deposition experiment with the widespread invasive plant Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) and tested the responses of soil fungal communities to invasion, abiotic factors, and their interaction. We focused on the phytotoxic garlic mustard because it suppresses native mycorrhizae across forests of North America. We found that invasion in combination with warming, but not under ambient conditions or elevated nitrogen, significantly reduced soil fungal biomass and ectomycorrhizal relative abundances and increased relative abundances of general soil saprotrophs and fungal genes encoding for hydrolytic enzymes. These results suggest that warming potentially exacerbates fungal responses to plant invasion. Soils collected from uninvaded and invaded plots across eight forests spanning a 4 °C temperature gradient further demonstrated that the magnitude of fungal responses to invasion was positively correlated with mean annual temperature. Our study is one of the first empirical tests to show that the impacts of invasion on fungal communities depends on additional anthropogenic pressures and were greater in concert with warming than under elevated nitrogen or ambient conditions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil nutrient contents and organic carbon (C) stability are key indicators for restoration of degraded grassland. However, the effects of long-term active restoration of extremely degraded grassland on soil parameters have been equivocal. The aims of this study were to evaluate the impact of active restoration of degraded alpine grassland on: (a) soil organic matter (SOM) mineralization; and (b) the importance of biotic factors for temperature sensitivity (Q10 ) of SOM mineralization. Soils were sampled from intact, degraded and restored alpine grasslands at altitudes ranging between 3,900 and 4,200 m on the Tibetan Plateau. The samples were incubated at 5, 15 and 25°C, and Q10 values of SOM mineralization were determined. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the importance of vegetation, soil physico-chemical properties and microbial parameters for Q10 regulation. The Q10 of N mineralization was similar among intact, degraded and restored soils (0.84-1.24) and was higher in topsoil (1.09) than in subsoil (0.92). The best predictive factor of CO2 -Q10 for intact grassland was microbial biomass, for degraded grassland was basal microbial respiration, and for restored grassland was soil bulk density. Restoration by planting vegetation decreased the Q10 of SOM mineralization as soil bulk density, the most important negative predictor, increased in restored grassland. The Q10 of SOM mineralization in topsoil was 14% higher than in subsoil because of higher microbial abundance and exo-enzyme activities. The NH4 + content was greatest in intact soil, while NO3 - content was greatest in degraded soil. The SOM mineralization rate decreased with grassland degradation and increased after long-term (>10 years) restoration. In conclusion, extremely degraded grassland needs proper long-term management in active restoration projects, especially for improvement of soil nutrients in a harsh environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate models project higher growing-season temperatures and a decline in the depth and duration of winter snowpack throughout many north temperate ecosystems over the next century. A smaller snowpack is projected to induce more frequent soil freeze/thaw cycles in winter in northern hardwood forests of the northeastern United States. We measured the combined effects of warmer growing-season soil temperatures and increased winter freeze/thaw cycles on rates of leaf-level photosynthesis and transpiration (sap flow) of red maple (Acer rubrum) trees in a northern hardwood forest at the Climate Change Across Seasons Experiment at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire. Soil temperatures were warmed 5°C above ambient temperatures during the growing season and soil freeze/thaw cycles were induced in winter to mimic the projected changes in soil temperature over the next century. Relative to reference plots, growing-season soil warming increased rates of leaf-level photosynthesis by up to 85.32 ± 4.33%, but these gains were completely offset by soil freeze/thaw cycles in winter, suggesting that increased freeze/thaw cycles in winter over the next 100 yr will reduce the effect of warming on leaf-level carbon gains. Soil warming in the growing season increased rates of transpiration per kilopascal of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) by up to 727.39 ± 0.28%, even when trees were exposed to increased frequency of soil freeze/thaw cycles in the previous winter, which could influence regional hydrology in the future. Using climate projections downscaled from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, we project increased rates of whole-season transpiration in these forests over the next century by 42-61%. We also project 52-77 additional days when daily air temperatures will be above the long-term average daily maximum during the growing season at Hubbard Brook. Together, these results show that projected changes in climate across both the growing season and winter are likely to cause greater rates of water uptake and have no effect on rates of leaf-level carbon uptake by trees, with potential ecosystem consequences for hydrology and carbon cycling in northern hardwood forests.





