Sign language recognition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hand gestures are a natural and intuitive form of communication, and integrating this communication method into robotic systems presents significant potential to improve human-robot collaboration. Recent advances in motor neuroscience have focused on replicating human hand movements from synergies also known as movement primitives. Synergies, fundamental building blocks of movement, serve as a potential strategy adapted by the central nervous system to generate and control movements. Identifying how synergies contribute to movement can help in dexterous control of robotics, exoskeletons, prosthetics and extend its applications to rehabilitation. In this paper, 33 static hand gestures were recorded through a single RGB camera and identified in real-time through the MediaPipe framework as participants made various postures with their dominant hand. Assuming an open palm as initial posture, uniform joint angular velocities were obtained from all these gestures. By applying a dimensionality reduction method, kinematic synergies were obtained from these joint angular velocities. Kinematic synergies that explain 98% of variance of movements were utilized to reconstruct new hand gestures using convex optimization. Reconstructed hand gestures and selected kinematic synergies were translated onto a humanoid robot, Mitra, in real-time, as the participants demonstrated various hand gestures. The results showed that by using only few kinematic synergies it is possible to generate various hand gestures, with 95.7% accuracy. Furthermore, utilizing low-dimensional synergies in control of high dimensional end effectors holds promise to enable near-natural human-robot collaboration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to develop a practical software solution for real-time recognition of sign language words using two arms. This will facilitate communication between hearing-impaired individuals and those who can hear. We are aware of several sign language recognition systems developed using different technologies, including cameras, armbands, and gloves. However, the system we propose in this study stands out for its practicality, utilizing surface electromyography (muscle activity) and inertial measurement unit (motion dynamics) data from both arms. We address the drawbacks of other methods, such as high costs, low accuracy due to ambient light and obstacles, and complex hardware requirements, which have limited their practical application. Our software can run on different operating systems using digital signal processing and machine learning methods specific to this study. For the test, we created a dataset of 80 words based on their frequency of use in daily life and performed a thorough feature extraction process. We tested the recognition performance using various classifiers and parameters and compared the results. The random forest algorithm emerged as the most successful, achieving a remarkable 99.875% accuracy, while the naïve Bayes algorithm had the lowest success rate with 87.625% accuracy. The new system promises to significantly improve communication for people with hearing disabilities and ensures seamless integration into daily life without compromising user comfort or lifestyle quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Addressing the increasing demand for accessible sign language learning tools, this paper introduces an innovative Machine Learning-Driven Web Application dedicated to Sign Language Learning. This web application represents a significant advancement in sign language education. Unlike traditional approaches, the application\'s unique methodology involves assigning users different words to spell. Users are tasked with signing each letter of the word, earning a point upon correctly signing the entire word. The paper delves into the development, features, and the machine learning framework underlying the application. Developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Flask, the web application seamlessly accesses the user\'s webcam for a live video feed, displaying the model\'s predictions on-screen to facilitate interactive practice sessions. The primary aim is to provide a learning platform for those who are not familiar with sign language, offering them the opportunity to acquire this essential skill and fostering inclusivity in the digital age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sign language recognition technology can help people with hearing impairments to communicate with non-hearing-impaired people. At present, with the rapid development of society, deep learning also provides certain technical support for sign language recognition work. In sign language recognition tasks, traditional convolutional neural networks used to extract spatio-temporal features from sign language videos suffer from insufficient feature extraction, resulting in low recognition rates. Nevertheless, a large number of video-based sign language datasets require a significant amount of computing resources for training while ensuring the generalization of the network, which poses a challenge for recognition. In this paper, we present a video-based sign language recognition method based on Residual Network (ResNet) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). As the number of network layers increases, the ResNet network can effectively solve the granularity explosion problem and obtain better time series features. We use the ResNet convolutional network as the backbone model. LSTM utilizes the concept of gates to control unit states and update the output feature values of sequences. ResNet extracts the sign language features. Then, the learned feature space is used as the input of the LSTM network to obtain long sequence features. It can effectively extract the spatio-temporal features in sign language videos and improve the recognition rate of sign language actions. An extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and superior performance of the proposed method, with an accuracy of 85.26%, F1-score of 84.98%, and precision of 87.77% on Argentine Sign Language (LSA64).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents an innovative approach for the task of isolated sign language recognition (SLR); this approach centers on the integration of pose data with motion history images (MHIs) derived from these data. Our research combines spatial information obtained from body, hand, and face poses with the comprehensive details provided by three-channel MHI data concerning the temporal dynamics of the sign. Particularly, our developed finger pose-based MHI (FP-MHI) feature significantly enhances the recognition success, capturing the nuances of finger movements and gestures, unlike existing approaches in SLR. This feature improves the accuracy and reliability of SLR systems by more accurately capturing the fine details and richness of sign language. Additionally, we enhance the overall model accuracy by predicting missing pose data through linear interpolation. Our study, based on the randomized leaky rectified linear unit (RReLU) enhanced ResNet-18 model, successfully handles the interaction between manual and non-manual features through the fusion of extracted features and classification with a support vector machine (SVM). This innovative integration demonstrates competitive and superior results compared to current methodologies in the field of SLR across various datasets, including BosphorusSign22k-general, BosphorusSign22k, LSA64, and GSL, in our experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deaf and hard-of-hearing people mainly communicate using sign language, which is a set of signs made using hand gestures combined with facial expressions to make meaningful and complete sentences. The problem that faces deaf and hard-of-hearing people is the lack of automatic tools that translate sign languages into written or spoken text, which has led to a communication gap between them and their communities. Most state-of-the-art vision-based sign language recognition approaches focus on translating non-Arabic sign languages, with few targeting the Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) and even fewer targeting the Saudi Sign Language (SSL). This paper proposes a mobile application that helps deaf and hard-of-hearing people in Saudi Arabia to communicate efficiently with their communities. The prototype is an Android-based mobile application that applies deep learning techniques to translate isolated SSL to text and audio and includes unique features that are not available in other related applications targeting ArSL. The proposed approach, when evaluated on a comprehensive dataset, has demonstrated its effectiveness by outperforming several state-of-the-art approaches and producing results that are comparable to these approaches. Moreover, testing the prototype on several deaf and hard-of-hearing users, in addition to hearing users, proved its usefulness. In the future, we aim to improve the accuracy of the model and enrich the application with more features.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sign Language Recognition (SLR) is crucial for enabling communication between the deaf-mute and hearing communities. Nevertheless, the development of a comprehensive sign language dataset is a challenging task due to the complexity and variations in hand gestures. This challenge is particularly evident in the case of Bangla Sign Language (BdSL), where the limited availability of depth datasets impedes accurate recognition. To address this issue, we propose BdSL47, an open-access depth dataset for 47 one-handed static signs (10 digits, from ০ to ৯; and 37 letters, from অ to ँ) of BdSL. The dataset was created using the MediaPipe framework for extracting depth information. To classify the signs, we developed an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model with a 63-node input layer, a 47-node output layer, and 4 hidden layers that included dropout in the last two hidden layers, an Adam optimizer, and a ReLU activation function. Based on the selected hyperparameters, the proposed ANN model effectively learns the spatial relationships and patterns from the depth-based gestural input features and gives an F1 score of 97.84 %, indicating the effectiveness of the approach compared to the baselines provided. The availability of BdSL47 as a comprehensive dataset can have an impact on improving the accuracy of SLR for BdSL using more advanced deep-learning models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sign language is a form of communication medium for speech and hearing disabled people. It has various forms with different troublesome patterns, which are difficult for the general mass to comprehend. Bengali sign language (BdSL) is one of the difficult sign languages due to its immense number of alphabet, words, and expression techniques. Machine translation can ease the difficulty for disabled people to communicate with generals. From the machine learning (ML) domain, computer vision can be the solution for them, and every ML solution requires a optimized model and a proper dataset. Therefore, in this research work, we have created a BdSL dataset and named `KU-BdSL\', which consists of 30 classes describing 38 consonants (\'banjonborno\') of the Bengali alphabet. The dataset includes 1500 images of hand signs in total, each representing Bengali consonant(s). Thirty-nine participants (30 males and 9 females) of different ages (21-38 years) participated in the creation of this dataset. We adopted smartphones to capture the images due to the availability of their high-definition cameras. We believe that this dataset can be beneficial to the deaf and dumb (D&D) community. Identification of Bengali consonants of BdSL from images or videos is feasible using the dataset. It can also be employed for a human-machine interface for disabled people. In the future, we will work on the vowels and word level of BdSL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supervised deep learning models can be optimised by applying regularisation techniques to reduce overfitting, which can prove difficult when fine tuning the associated hyperparameters. Not all hyperparameters are equal, and understanding the effect each hyperparameter and regularisation technique has on the performance of a given model is of paramount importance in research. We present the first comprehensive, large-scale ablation study for an encoder-only transformer to model sign language using the improved Word-level American Sign Language dataset (WLASL-alt) and human pose estimation keypoint data, with a view to put constraints on the potential to optimise the task. We measure the impact a range of model parameter regularisation and data augmentation techniques have on sign classification accuracy. We demonstrate that within the quoted uncertainties, other than ℓ2 parameter regularisation, none of the regularisation techniques we employ have an appreciable positive impact on performance, which we find to be in contradiction to results reported by other similar, albeit smaller scale, studies. We also demonstrate that the model architecture is bounded by the small dataset size for this task over finding an appropriate set of model parameter regularisation and common or basic dataset augmentation techniques. Furthermore, using the base model configuration, we report a new maximum top-1 classification accuracy of 84% on 100 signs, thereby improving on the previous benchmark result for this model architecture and dataset.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The analysis and recognition of sign languages are currently active fields of research focused on sign recognition. Various approaches differ in terms of analysis methods and the devices used for sign acquisition. Traditional methods rely on video analysis or spatial positioning data calculated using motion capture tools. In contrast to these conventional recognition and classification approaches, electromyogram (EMG) signals, which measure muscle electrical activity, offer potential technology for detecting gestures. These EMG-based approaches have recently gained attention due to their advantages. This prompted us to conduct a comprehensive study on the methods, approaches, and projects utilizing EMG sensors for sign language handshape recognition. In this paper, we provided an overview of the sign language recognition field through a literature review, with the objective of offering an in-depth review of the most significant techniques. These techniques were categorized in this article based on their respective methodologies. The survey discussed the progress and challenges in sign language recognition systems based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signals. These systems have shown promise but face issues like sEMG data variability and sensor placement. Multiple sensors enhance reliability and accuracy. Machine learning, including deep learning, is used to address these challenges. Common classifiers in sEMG-based sign language recognition include SVM, ANN, CNN, KNN, HMM, and LSTM. While SVM and ANN are widely used, random forest and KNN have shown better performance in some cases. A multilayer perceptron neural network achieved perfect accuracy in one study. CNN, often paired with LSTM, ranks as the third most popular classifier and can achieve exceptional accuracy, reaching up to 99.6% when utilizing both EMG and IMU data. LSTM is highly regarded for handling sequential dependencies in EMG signals, making it a critical component of sign language recognition systems. In summary, the survey highlights the prevalence of SVM and ANN classifiers but also suggests the effectiveness of alternative classifiers like random forests and KNNs. LSTM emerges as the most suitable algorithm for capturing sequential dependencies and improving gesture recognition in EMG-based sign language recognition systems.





