Reproductive barriers

  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The two main Afrotropical malaria vectors - Anopheles coluzzii and An. gambiae - are genetically distinct and reproductively isolated across West Africa. However, populations at the western extreme of their range are assigned as \"intermediate\" between the two species by whole genome sequence (WGS) data, and as hybrid forms by conventional molecular diagnostics. By exploiting WGS data from 1,190 specimens collected across west Africa via the Anopheles gambiae 1000 Genomes network, we identify a novel putative taxon in the far-west (provisionally named Bissau molecular form), which did not arise by admixture but rather originated at the same time as the split between An. coluzzii and An. gambiae. Intriguingly, these populations lack insecticide resistance mechanisms commonly observed in the two main species. These findings lead to a change of perspective on malaria vector species in the far-west region with potential for epidemiological implications, and a new challenge for genetic-based mosquito control approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A population diversifies into two or more species-such a process is known as speciation. In sexually reproducing microorganisms, which barriers arise first-pre-mating or post-mating? In this work, we quantify the relative strengths of these barriers and demonstrate that pre-mating barriers arise first in allopatrically evolving populations of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These defects arise because of the altered kinetics of mating of the participating groups. Thus, our work provides an understanding of how adaptive changes can lead to diversification among microbial populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some species are able to hybridize despite being exceptionally diverged. The causes of this variation in accumulation of reproductive isolation remain poorly understood, and domestication as an impetus or hindrance to reproductive isolation remains to be characterized. In this study, we investigated the role of divergence time, domestication, and mismatches in morphology, habitat, and clutch size among hybridizing species on reproductive isolation in the bird order Galliformes. We compiled and analyzed hybridization occurrences from literature and recorded measures of postzygotic reproductive isolation. We used a text-mining approach leveraging a historical aviculture magazine to quantify the degree of domestication across species. We obtained divergence time, morphology, habitat, and clutch size data from open sources. We found 123 species pairs (involving 77 species) with known offspring fertility (sterile, only males fertile, or both sexes fertile). We found that divergence time and clutch size were significant predictors of reproductive isolation (McFadden\'s Pseudo-R2 = 0.59), but not habitat or morphological mismatch. Perhaps most interesting, we found a significant relationship between domestication and reproductive compatibility after correcting for phylogeny, removing extreme values, and addressing potential biases (F1,74 = 5.43, R2 = 0.06, P-value = 0.02). We speculate that the genetic architecture and disruption in selective reproductive regimes associated with domestication may impact reproductive isolation, causing domesticated species to be more reproductively labile.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The self-incompatibility (SI) system in the Solanaceae is comprised of cytotoxic pistil S-RNases which are countered by S-locus F-box (SLF) resistance factors found in pollen. Under this barrier-resistance architecture, mating system transitions from SI to self-compatibility (SC) typically result from loss-of-function mutations in genes encoding pistil SI factors such as S-RNase. However, the nature of these mutations is often not well characterized. Here we use a combination of S-RNase sequence analysis, transcript profiling, protein expression and reproductive phenotyping to better understand different mechanisms that result in loss of S-RNase function. Our analysis focuses on 12 S-RNase alleles identified in SC species and populations across the tomato clade. In six cases, the reason for gene dysfunction due to mutations is evident. The six other alleles potentially encode functional S-RNase proteins but are typically transcriptionally silenced. We identified three S-RNase alleles which are transcriptionally silenced under some conditions but actively expressed in others. In one case, expression of the S-RNase is associated with SI. In another case, S-RNase expression does not lead to SI, but instead confers a reproductive barrier against pollen tubes from other tomato species. In the third case, expression of S-RNase does not affect self, interspecific or inter-population reproductive barriers. Our results indicate that S-RNase expression is more dynamic than previously thought, and that changes in expression can impact different reproductive barriers within or between natural populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Triatoma petrocchiae is a species morphologically similar to T. b. brasiliensis (which resulted in a synonymization event); despite this similarity, genetic, morphological, and experimental crossbreeding studies confirmed the specific status of T. petrocchiae. Considering that both species have been reported living in sympatry and that, for a long time, most species of the T. brasiliensis complex were considered only chromatic variants of T. b. brasiliensis, we carried out experimental crosses between T. b. brasiliensis and T. petrocchiae (to confirm whether these species are reproductively isolated) and between T. lenti and T. petrocchiae (to assess whether T. petrocchiae also presents prezygotic isolation with the other species of the T. brasiliensis complex). Reciprocal experimental crosses were conducted, and weekly, the eggs were collected, counted, and separated in new containers to assess the hatch rate. Neither cross resulted in hybrids, demonstrating that there are pre-zygotic reproductive barriers installed between T. petrocchiae and the other species of the T. brasiliensis complex. On the basis of the results above, we demonstrated that T. petrocchiae is reproductively isolated from T. b. brasiliensis and T. lenti. Furthermore, we suggest that T. petrocchiae is the species most derived from the T. brasiliensis complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To understand which reproductive barriers initiate speciation is a major question in evolutionary research. Despite their high species numbers and specific biology, there are only few studies on speciation in Hymenoptera. This study aims to identify very early reproductive barriers in a local, sympatric population of Nasonia vitripennis (Walker 1836), a hymenopterous parasitoid of fly pupae. We studied ecological barriers, sexual barriers, and the reduction in F1-female offspring as a postmating barrier, as well as the population structure using microsatellites.
    RESULTS: We found considerable inbreeding within female strains and a population structure with either three or five subpopulation clusters defined by microsatellites. In addition, there are two ecotypes, one parasitizing fly pupae in bird nests and the other on carrion. The nest ecotype is mainly formed from one of the microsatellite clusters, the two or four remaining microsatellite clusters form the carrion ecotype. There was slight sexual isolation and a reduction in F1-female offspring between inbreeding strains from the same microsatellite clusters and the same ecotypes. Strains from different microsatellite clusters are separated by a reduction in F1-female offspring. Ecotypes are separated only by ecological barriers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first demonstration of very early reproductive barriers within a sympatric population of Hymenoptera. It demonstrates that sexual and premating barriers can precede ecological separation. This indicates the complexity of ecotype formation and highlights the general need for more studies within homogenous populations for the identification of the earliest barriers in the speciation process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Apiaceae taxon is one of the most important families of flowering plants and includes thousands of species used for food, flavoring, fragrance, medical and industrial purposes. This study had the specific intent of reviewing the main genomics and transcriptomic data available for this family and their use for the constitution of new varieties. This was achieved starting from the description of the main reproductive systems and barriers, with particular reference to cytoplasmic (CMS) and nuclear (NMS) male sterility. We found that CMS and NMS systems have been discovered and successfully exploited for the development of varieties only in Foeniculum vulgare, Daucus carota, Apium graveolens and Pastinaca sativa; whereas, strategies to limit self-pollination have been poorly considered. Since the constitution of new varieties benefits from the synergistic use of marker-assisted breeding in combination with conventional breeding schemes, we also analyzed and discussed the available SNP and SSR marker datasets (20 species) and genomes (8 species). Furthermore, the RNA-seq studies aimed at elucidating key pathways in stress tolerance or biosynthesis of the metabolites of interest were limited and proportional to the economic weight of each species. Finally, by aligning 53 plastid genomes from as many species as possible, we demonstrated the precision offered by the super barcoding approach to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of Apiaceae species. Overall, despite the impressive size of this family, we documented an evident lack of molecular data, especially because genomic and transcriptomic resources are circumscribed to a small number of species. We believe that our contribution can help future studies aimed at developing molecular tools for boosting breeding programs in crop plants of the Apiaceae family.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large number of genetic variation studies have identified cases of mitochondrial genome introgression in animals, indicating that reproductive barriers among closely related species are often permeable. Because of its sheer size, the impact of hybridization on the evolution of the nuclear genome is more difficult to apprehend. Only a few studies have explored it recently thanks to recent progress in DNA sequencing and genome assembly. Here, we analysed whole-genome sequence variation among multiple individuals of two sister species of leaf beetles inside their hybrid zone, in which asymmetric mitochondrial genome introgression had previously been established. We used a machine learning approach based on computer simulations for training to identify regions of the nuclear genome that were introgressed. We inferred asymmetric introgression of ≈2% of the genome, in the same direction that was observed for the mitochondrial genome. Because a previous study based on a reduced-representation sequencing approach was not able to detect this introgression, we conclude that whole-genome sequencing is necessary when the fraction of the introgressed genome is small. We also analysed the whole-genome sequence of a hybrid individual, demonstrating that hybrids have the capacity to backcross with the species for which virtually no introgression was observed. Our data suggest that one species has recently invaded the range of the other and/or some alleles that where transferred from the invaded into the invading species could be under positive selection and may have favoured the adaptation of the invading species to the Alpine environment.





