Primary visual cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Color is an important visual feature that informs behavior, and the retinal basis for color vision has been studied across various vertebrate species. While many studies have investigated how color information is processed in visual brain areas of primate species, we have limited understanding of how it is organized beyond the retina in other species, including most dichromatic mammals. In this study, we systematically characterized how color is represented in the primary visual cortex (V1) of mice. Using large-scale neuronal recordings and a luminance and color noise stimulus, we found that more than a third of neurons in mouse V1 are color-opponent in their receptive field center, while the receptive field surround predominantly captures luminance contrast. Furthermore, we found that color-opponency is especially pronounced in posterior V1 that encodes the sky, matching the statistics of natural scenes experienced by mice. Using unsupervised clustering, we demonstrate that the asymmetry in color representations across cortex can be explained by an uneven distribution of green-On/UV-Off color-opponent response types that are represented in the upper visual field. Finally, a simple model with natural scene-inspired parametric stimuli shows that green-On/UV-Off color-opponent response types may enhance the detection of \'predatory\'-like dark UV-objects in noisy daylight scenes. The results from this study highlight the relevance of color processing in the mouse visual system and contribute to our understanding of how color information is organized in the visual hierarchy across species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perceptual learning refers to any change in discrimination abilities as a result of practice, a fundamental process that improves the organism\'s response to the external environment. Visual perceptual learning (vPL) is supposed to rely on functional rearrangements in brain circuity occurring at early stages of sensory processing, with a pivotal role for the primary visual cortex (V1). However, top-down inputs from higher-order visual areas (HVAs) have been suggested to play a key part in vPL, conveying information on attention, expectation and the precise nature of the perceptual task. A direct assessment of the possibility to modulate vPL by manipulating top-down activity in awake subjects is still missing. Here, we used a combination of chemogenetics, behavioral analysis and multichannel electrophysiological assessments to show a critical role in vPL acquisition and retention for neuronal activity in the latero-medial secondary visual cortex (LM), the prime source for top-down feedback projections reentering V1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual cortical neurons show variability in their responses to repeated presentations of a stimulus and a portion of this variability is shared across neurons. Attention may enhance visual perception by reducing shared spiking variability. However, shared variability and its attentional modulation are not consistent within or across cortical areas, and depend on additional factors such as neuronal type. A critical factor that has not been tested is actual anatomical connectivity. We measured spike count correlations among pairs of simultaneously recorded neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) for which anatomical connectivity was inferred from spiking cross-correlations. Neurons were recorded in monkeys performing a contrast-change discrimination task requiring covert shifts in visual spatial attention. Accordingly, spike count correlations were compared across trials in which attention was directed toward or away from the visual stimulus overlapping recorded neuronal receptive fields. Consistent with prior findings, attention did not significantly alter spike count correlations among random pairings of unconnected V1 neurons. However, V1 neurons connected via excitatory synapses showed a significant reduction in spike count correlations with attention. Interestingly, V1 neurons connected via inhibitory synapses demonstrated high spike count correlations overall that were not modulated by attention. Correlated variability in excitatory circuits also depended upon neuronal tuning for contrast, the task-relevant stimulus feature. These results indicate that shared variability depends on the type of connectivity in neuronal circuits. Also, attention significantly reduces shared variability in excitatory circuits, even when attention effects on randomly sampled neurons within the same area are weak.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge integration based on the relationship between structure and function of the neural substrate is one of the main targets of neuroinformatics and data-driven computational modeling. However, the multiplicity of data sources, the diversity of benchmarks, the mixing of observables of different natures, and the necessity of a long-term, systematic approach make such a task challenging. Here we present a first snapshot of a long-term integrative modeling program designed to address this issue in the domain of the visual system: a comprehensive spiking model of cat primary visual cortex. The presented model satisfies an extensive range of anatomical, statistical and functional constraints under a wide range of visual input statistics. In the presence of physiological levels of tonic stochastic bombardment by spontaneous thalamic activity, the modeled cortical reverberations self-generate a sparse asynchronous ongoing activity that quantitatively matches a range of experimentally measured statistics. When integrating feed-forward drive elicited by a high diversity of visual contexts, the simulated network produces a realistic, quantitatively accurate interplay between visually evoked excitatory and inhibitory conductances; contrast-invariant orientation-tuning width; center surround interactions; and stimulus-dependent changes in the precision of the neural code. This integrative model offers insights into how the studied properties interact, contributing to a better understanding of visual cortical dynamics. It provides a basis for future development towards a comprehensive model of low-level perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    White matter (WM) functional activity has been reliably detected through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Previous studies have primarily examined WM bundles as unified entities, thereby obscuring the functional heterogeneity inherent within these bundles. Here, for the first time, we investigate the function of sub-bundles of a prototypical visual WM tract-the optic radiation (OR). We use the 7T retinotopy dataset from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) to reconstruct OR and further subdivide the OR into sub-bundles based on the fiber\'s termination in the primary visual cortex (V1). The population receptive field (pRF) model is then applied to evaluate the retinotopic properties of these sub-bundles, and the consistency of the pRF properties of sub-bundles with those of V1 subfields is evaluated. Furthermore, we utilize the HCP working memory dataset to evaluate the activations of the foveal and peripheral OR sub-bundles, along with LGN and V1 subfields, during 0-back and 2-back tasks. We then evaluate differences in 2bk-0bk contrast between foveal and peripheral sub-bundles (or subfields), and further examine potential relationships between 2bk-0bk contrast and 2-back task d-prime. The results show that the pRF properties of OR sub-bundles exhibit standard retinotopic properties and are typically similar to the properties of V1 subfields. Notably, activations during the 2-back task consistently surpass those under the 0-back task across foveal and peripheral OR sub-bundles, as well as LGN and V1 subfields. The foveal V1 displays significantly higher 2bk-0bk contrast than peripheral V1. The 2-back task d-prime shows strong correlations with 2bk-0bk contrast for foveal and peripheral OR fibers. These findings demonstrate that the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals of OR sub-bundles encode high-fidelity visual information, underscoring the feasibility of assessing WM functional activity at the sub-bundle level. Additionally, the study highlights the role of OR in the top-down processes of visual working memory beyond the bottom-up processes for visual information transmission. Conclusively, this study innovatively proposes a novel paradigm for analyzing WM fiber tracts at the individual sub-bundle level and expands understanding of OR function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are noncoding RNAs abundant in brain tissue, and many are derived from activity-dependent, linear mRNAs encoding for synaptic proteins, suggesting that circRNAs may directly or indirectly play a role in regulating synaptic development, plasticity, and function. However, it is unclear if the circular forms of these RNAs are similarly regulated by activity and what role these circRNAs play in developmental plasticity. Here, we employed transcriptome-wide analysis comparing differential expression of both mRNAs and circRNAs in juvenile mouse primary visual cortex (V1) following monocular deprivation (MD), a model of developmental plasticity. Among the differentially expressed mRNAs and circRNAs following 3-day MD, the circular and the activity-dependent linear forms of the Homer1 gene, circHomer1 and Homer1a respectively, were of interest as their expression changed in opposite directions: circHomer1 expression increased while the expression of Homer1a decreased following MD. Knockdown of circHomer1 prevented the depression of closed-eye responses normally observed after 3-day MD. circHomer1-knockdown led to a reduction in average dendritic spine size prior to MD, but critically there was no further reduction after 3-day MD, consistent with impaired structural plasticity. circHomer1-knockdown also prevented the reduction of surface AMPA receptors after 3-day MD. Synapse-localized puncta of the AMPA receptor endocytic protein Arc increased in volume after MD but were smaller in circHomer1-knockdown neurons, suggesting that circHomer1 regulates plasticity through mechanisms of activity-dependent AMPA receptor endocytosis. Thus, activity-dependent circRNAs regulate developmental synaptic plasticity, and our findings highlight the essential role of circHomer1 in V1 plasticity induced by short-term MD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Body movement does not significantly increase neuronal activity in the primary visual cortex of marmosets, in contrast to the effects observed in mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Time courses of neural responses underlie real-time sensory processing and perception. How these temporal dynamics change may be fundamental to how sensory systems adapt to different perceptual demands. By simultaneously recording from hundreds of neurons in mouse primary visual cortex, we examined neural population responses to visual stimuli at sub-second timescales, during different behavioural states. We discovered that during active behavioural states characterised by locomotion, single-neurons shift from transient to sustained response modes, facilitating rapid emergence of visual stimulus tuning. Differences in single-neuron response dynamics were associated with changes in temporal dynamics of neural correlations, including faster stabilisation of stimulus-evoked changes in the structure of correlations during locomotion. Using Factor Analysis, we examined temporal dynamics of latent population responses and discovered that trajectories of population activity make more direct transitions between baseline and stimulus-encoding neural states during locomotion. This could be partly explained by dampening of oscillatory dynamics present during stationary behavioural states. Functionally, changes in temporal response dynamics collectively enabled faster, more stable and more efficient encoding of new visual information during locomotion. These findings reveal a principle of how sensory systems adapt to perceptual demands, where flexible neural population dynamics govern the speed and stability of sensory encoding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary visual cortex (V1) in blindness is engaged in a wide spectrum of tasks and sensory modalities, including audition, touch, language, and memory. This widespread involvement raises questions regarding the constancy of its role and whether it might exhibit flexibility in its function over time, connecting to diverse network functions specific to task demands. This would suggest that reorganized V1 assumes a role like multiple-demand system regions. Alternatively, varying patterns of plasticity in blind V1 may be attributed to individual factors, with different blind individuals recruiting V1 preferentially for different functions. In support of this, we recently showed that V1 functional connectivity (FC) varies greatly across blind individuals. But do these represent stable individual patterns of plasticity, or are they driven more by instantaneous changes, like a multiple-demand system now inhabiting V1? Here, we tested whether individual FC patterns from the V1 of blind individuals are stable over time. We show that over two years, FC from the V1 is unique and highly stable in a small sample of repeatedly sampled congenitally blind individuals. Further, using multivoxel pattern analysis, we demonstrate that the unique reorganization patterns of these individuals allow decoding of participant identity. Together with recent evidence for substantial individual differences in V1 connectivity, this indicates that there may be a consistent role for V1 in blindness, which may differ for each individual. Further, it suggests that the variability in visual reorganization in blindness across individuals could be used to seek stable neuromarkers for sight rehabilitation and assistive approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The existence of cortical columns, regarded as computational units underlying both lower and higher-order information processing, has long been associated with highly evolved brains, and previous studies suggested their absence in rodents. However, recent discoveries have unveiled the presence of ocular dominance columns (ODCs) in the primary visual cortex (V1) of Long-Evans rats. These domains exhibit continuity from layer 2 through layer 6, confirming their identity as genuine ODCs. Notably, ODCs are also observed in Brown Norway rats, a strain closely related to wild rats, suggesting the physiological relevance of ODCs in natural survival contexts, although they are lacking in albino rats. This discovery has enabled researchers to explore the development and plasticity of cortical columns using a multidisciplinary approach, leveraging studies involving hundreds of individuals-an endeavor challenging in carnivore and primate species. Notably, developmental trajectories differ depending on the aspect under examination: while the distribution of geniculo-cortical afferent terminals indicates matured ODCs even before eye-opening, consistent with prevailing theories in carnivore/primate studies, examination of cortical neuron spiking activities reveals immature ODCs until postnatal day 35, suggesting delayed maturation of functional synapses which is dependent on visual experience. This developmental gap might be recognized as \'critical period\' for ocular dominance plasticity in previous studies. In this article, I summarize cross-species differences in ODCs and geniculo-cortical network, followed by a discussion on the development, plasticity, and evolutionary significance of rat ODCs. I discuss classical and recent studies on critical period plasticity in the venue where critical period plasticity might be a component of experience-dependent development. Consequently, this series of studies prompts a paradigm shift in our understanding of species conservation of cortical columns and the nature of plasticity during the classical critical period.





