
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In their natural environment, animals face a variety of ecological and social challenges, which might be linked to the emergence of different cognitive skills. To assess inter-specific variation in cognitive skills, we used ungulates as a study model, testing a total of 26 captive individuals across 5 different species (i.e., dwarf goats, Capra aegagrus hircus, llamas, Lama glama, guanacos, Lama guanicoe, zebras, Equus grevyi, and rhinos, Diceros bicornis michaeli). Across species, we used the same well-established experimental procedures to test individuals\' performance in naïve physics tasks, i.e. object permanence, short-term spatial memory, causality, understanding of object properties, and gravity. Our results revealed that study subjects showed object permanence, were able to remember the position of hidden food after up to 60 s, and inferred the position of hidden food from the sound produced or not produced when shaking containers. Moreover, they showed an understanding of basic object properties, being able to locate objects hidden behind occluders based on their size and inclination, and could reliably follow the trajectory of falling objects across different conditions. Finally, inter-specific differences were limited to the understanding of object properties, and suggest that domesticated species as goats might perform better than non-domesticated ones in tasks requiring these skills. These results provide new information on the cognitive skills of a still understudied taxon and confirm ungulates as a promising taxon for the comparative study of cognitive evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Considering the high maternal mortality rate, the government of Pakistan has deployed Community Midwives (CMWs) in rural areas of Pakistan. This relatively new cadre of community-based skilled birth attendants has previously reported to experience several challenges in providing maternal and child healthcare. However, what barriers they experience in providing basic emergency obstetric and newborn care needs to be further studied.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in twelve districts in Sindh province, Pakistan, with poor maternal and child health indicators. A total of 258 CMWs participated in this study and completed the questionnaire on a pretested, validated tool in their community-based stations. The trained data collectors completed the questionnaires from the respondents. The problems identified were categorized into three major issues: financial, and transport and security related; and were analyzed accordingly. Ethical approval was obtained from the institutional review board (IRB) of Health Services Academy (HSA) Islamabad, Pakistan.
    RESULTS: The majority (90%) of 258 CMWs had formal training in maternal and neonatal care from the recognized institutions. Financial difficulties faced by CMWs were identified as the most frequent barriers and others were transport, security, and other issues. In univariate analysis, 38.1% and 61.9% of the community midwives who faced financial difficulties had completed a graduation or intermediate level of education, respectively (p = 0.006). Round-the-clock availability for emergencies was inversely associated with having financial difficulties, i.e., 71.4%, in contrast to 28.4% who had financial difficulties were available round-the-clock for emergency calls in their community clinics (p = 0.008). Formal training (p = 0.001), work experience (p = 0.015), longer duration of work (p = 0.003), and liaison with health workers and posting district (p = 0.001) had statistically significantly higher transport related issues. Security difficulties faced by CMWs and a set of correlates such as formal training (p = 0.019), working experience (p = 0.001), longer duration of work (p = 0.023), 24 h of availability on call (p = 0.004), liaison with traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in the community (p = 0.002), and district of posting (p = 0.001) were statistically significantly different. Other issues like working experience (p = < 0.001) and Liaison with TBAs in the community (p = < 0.001) were found statistically significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: Financial, transportation and security related barriers were commonly reported by community midwives in the delivery of basic emergency obstetric and newborn care in rural Pakistan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paper recycling is a viable option for wastepaper management. This study assessed the suitability of recycled papers as a food packaging material. Permanence and durability of three different recycled papers; R1:150 GSM, R2:120 GSM, and R3:100 GSM with aging were evaluated using standard methods. Eventhough opacity increased with aging grammage, burst strength, tensile strength, pH, brightness, and whiteness decreased. Recycled papers failed water absorptiveness test even before aging. Presence of heavy metals in recycled papers were compared with food packaging standards and migration of heavy metals from the packaging to different food types was assessed. Presence of Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb were below EC and EPA standards but only Pb and Cd exceeded the EU standard. Migration of Cu, Zn, Mn and Cr were within EPA, EU and EC standards except Pb and Cd with respect to EC standard. Highest migration is associated with foods contain more fatty acids; fast food, sausages and pizza.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To understand the mechanisms underlying species coexistence, ecologists often study invasion growth rates of theoretical and data-driven models. These growth rates correspond to average per-capita growth rates of one species with respect to an ergodic measure supporting other species. In the ecological literature, coexistence often is equated with the invasion growth rates being positive. Intuitively, positive invasion growth rates ensure that species recover from being rare. To provide a mathematically rigorous framework for this approach, we prove theorems that answer two questions: (i) When do the signs of the invasion growth rates determine coexistence? (ii) When signs are sufficient, which invasion growth rates need to be positive? We focus on deterministic models and equate coexistence with permanence, i.e., a global attractor bounded away from extinction. For models satisfying certain technical assumptions, we introduce invasion graphs where vertices correspond to proper subsets of species (communities) supporting an ergodic measure and directed edges correspond to potential transitions between communities due to invasions by missing species. These directed edges are determined by the signs of invasion growth rates. When the invasion graph is acyclic (i.e. there is no sequence of invasions starting and ending at the same community), we show that permanence is determined by the signs of the invasion growth rates. In this case, permanence is characterized by the invasibility of all [Formula: see text] communities, i.e., communities without species i where all other missing species have negative invasion growth rates. To illustrate the applicability of the results, we show that dissipative Lotka-Volterra models generically satisfy our technical assumptions and computing their invasion graphs reduces to solving systems of linear equations. We also apply our results to models of competing species with pulsed resources or sharing a predator that exhibits switching behavior. Open problems for both deterministic and stochastic models are discussed. Our results highlight the importance of using concepts about community assembly to study coexistence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We consider an age-structured density-dependent population model on several temporally variable patches. There are two key assumptions on which we base model setup and analysis. First, intraspecific competition is limited to competition between individuals of the same age (pure intra-cohort competition) and it affects density-dependent mortality. Second, dispersal between patches ensures that each patch can be reached from every other patch, directly or through several intermediary patches, within individual reproductive age. Using strong monotonicity we prove existence and uniqueness of solution and analyze its large-time behavior in cases of constant, periodically variable and irregularly variable environment. In analogy to the next generation operator, we introduce the net reproductive operator and the basic reproduction number [Formula: see text] for time-independent and periodical models and establish the permanence dichotomy: if [Formula: see text], extinction on all patches is imminent, and if [Formula: see text], permanence on all patches is guaranteed. We show that a solution for the general time-dependent problem can be bounded by above and below by solutions to the associated periodic problems. Using two-side estimates, we establish uniform boundedness and uniform persistence of a solution for the general time-dependent problem and describe its asymptotic behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional connectivity, representing a statistical coupling relationship between different brain regions or electrodes, is an influential concept in clinical medicine and cognitive neuroscience. Electroencephalography-derived functional connectivity (EEG-FC) provides relevant characteristic information about individual differences in cognitive tasks and personality traits. However, it remains unclear whether these individual-dependent EEG-FCs remain relatively permanent across long-term sessions. This manuscript utilizes machine learning algorithms to explore the individual specificity and permanence of resting-state EEG connectivity patterns. We performed six recordings at different intervals during a six-month period to examine the variation and permanence of resting-state EEG-FC over a long period. The results indicated that the EEG-FC networks are quite subject-specific with a high-precision identification accuracy of greater than 90%. Meanwhile, the individual specificity remained stable and only varied slightly after six months. Furthermore, the specificity is mainly derived from the internal connectivity of the frontal lobe. Our work demonstrates the existence of specific and permanent EEG-FC patterns in the brain, providing potential information for biometric applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As prevail of mobile networking, social media became ubiquitous in either work or our personal life. Based on Media Synchronization Theory and transformational framework, this study proposed a research model and examined how the social media\' attributes impacting the work effectiveness through the work-oriented or social-oriented usage. The data of 322 valid questionnaires from respondents was analyzed by SmartPLS 3.2.8. The results indicated that the features of social media including availability and symbol variety had the significant influences on their work efficiency through work-oriented usage of social media. Publicness and symbol variety had impact on work efficiency via social-oriented usage of social media. In addition, both social media for work-oriented and social-oriented usage influenced employees\' work efficiency. There were different considerations when people selected social media for work or for social purpose. Managers or companies could guide their employees to use the social media in a right way to increase their work features to complete their work efficiency, and create groups for employees so the work information could be shared efficiently.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we discuss fitness landscape evolution of permanent replicator systems applying the hypothesis that the specific time of evolutionary adaptation of system parameters is much slower than the time of internal evolutionary dynamics. In other words, we suppose that the extremal principle of Darwinian evolution based on Fisher\'s fundamental theorem of natural selection is valid for the steady-states of permanent replicator systems. Various cases illustrating this concept are considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The world of uncertainty motivates the study of stochastic perturbation in the mathematical models of real life. The main objective of this paper is to study stochastic sex-structured HIV/AIDS epidemic model with effect of screening of infectives. We have shown that the proposed stochastic epidemic model with boundedness and permanence has a unique global positive solution. The selection of suitable Lyapunov functions provides sufficient conditions for investigating persistence and extinction of disease. Based on numerical experiments, the theoretical findings of this paper have been verified.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biodiversity offsetting is the practice of using conservation actions, such as habitat restoration, management, or protection, to compensate for ecological losses caused by development activity, including construction projects. The typical goal of offsetting is no net loss (NNL), which means that all ecological losses are compensated for by commensurate offset gains. We focused on a conceptual and methodological exploration of net positive impact (NPI), an ambitious goal that implies commitment beyond NNL and that has recently received increasing attention from big business and environmental nongovernmental organizations. We identified 3 main ways NPI could be delivered: use of an additional NPI multiplier; use of slowly developing permanent offsets to deliver additional gains after NNL has first been reached during a shorter offset evaluation time interval; and the combination of permanent offsets with partially temporary losses. An important and novel variant of the last mechanism is the use of an alternate mitigation hierarchy so that gains from the traditional third step of the mitigation hierarchy (i.e., onsite rehabilitation) are no longer be counted toward reduced offset requirements. The outcome from these 3 factors is that for the same ecological damage, larger offsets will be required than previously, thereby improving offset success. As a corollary, we show that offsets are NNL only at 1 ephemeral point in time, before which they are net negative and after which they become either NPI or net negative impact, depending on whether permanent offsets are combined with partially temporary losses or if temporary offset gains are combined with partially permanent losses. To achieve NPI, offsets must be made permanent, and they must achieve NNL during an agreed-upon offset evaluation period. An additional NPI-multiplier and use of the modified mitigation hierarchy will deliver additional NPI gains. Achieving NPI is fully conditional on prior achievement of NNL, and NNL offsets have been frequently observed to fail due to inadequate policy requirements, poor planning, or incomplete implementation. Nevertheless, achieving NPI becomes straightforward if NNL can be credibly reached first.
    Tres Maneras de Proporcionar un Impacto Positivo Neto con Compensaciones por Biodiversidad Resumen La compensación por biodiversidad es una práctica que consiste en usar las acciones de conservación, como la restauración, manejo o protección del hábitat, para compensar las pérdidas ecológicas causadas por las actividades de desarrollo, incluidos los proyectos de construcción. La meta típica de la compensación es la nula pérdida neta (NNL), lo que implica que todas las pérdidas ecológicas están compensadas por las ganancias proporcionales. Nos enfocamos en una exploración conceptual y metodológica del impacto positivo neto (NPI), una meta ambiciosa que implica un compromiso más allá de la NNL y que recientemente ha recibido una mayor atención por parte de los grandes negocios y las organizaciones no gubernamentales ambientales. Identificamos tres maneras principales mediante las cuales se podría proporcionar el NPI: el uso de un multiplicador adicional de NPI; el uso de compensaciones permanentes de lento desarrollo para entregar ganancias adicionales después de que primero se haya logrado el NNL durante un intervalo de tiempo más corto para la evaluación de las compensaciones; y la combinación de las compensaciones permanentes con las pérdidas parcialmente temporales. Una variante importante y novedosa del último mecanismo es el uso de una jerarquía alterna de mitigación de tal manera que las ganancias provenientes del tradicional tercer paso de la jerarquía de mitigación (es decir, la rehabilitación in situ) ya no se contabilizan para los requerimientos reducidos de las compensaciones. El resultado de estos tres factores consiste en que para el mismo daño ecológico se requerirán compensaciones mayores a las necesarias previamente, aumentando así el éxito de las compensaciones. Como corolario, demostramos que las compensaciones sólo alcanzan el NNl durante un punto efímero en el tiempo, antes del cual tienen un saldo neto negativo y después del cual se transforman en un impacto neto positivo o un impacto neto negativo dependiendo de si las compensaciones permanentes se combinan con pérdidas parcialmente temporales o de si las ganancias temporales de las compensaciones se combinan con pérdidas parcialmente temporales. Para alcanzar el NPI, las compensaciones deben volverse permanentes y deben llegar al NNL durante un periodo acordado de evaluación de compensaciones. El uso de un multiplicador adicional de NPI y de una jerarquía alterada de mitigación proporcionará ganancias adicionales al NPI. La obtención del NPI es completamente dependiente de la obtención previa del NNL; se ha observado con frecuencia que las compensaciones por NNL fallan debido a los requerimientos inadecuados de las políticas, la pobre planeación o la implementación incompleta. Sin embargo, llegar al NPI se vuelve una tarea sencilla si primero se puede alcanzar el NNL de manera verosímil.





