Pattern recognition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrocardiography (ECG) is the most non-invasive diagnostic tool for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Automatic analysis of ECG signals assists in accurately and rapidly detecting life-threatening arrhythmias like atrioventricular blockage, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, etc. The ECG recognition models need to utilize algorithms to detect various kinds of waveforms in the ECG and identify complicated relationships over time. However, the high variability of wave morphology among patients and noise are challenging issues. Physicians frequently utilize automated ECG abnormality recognition models to classify long-term ECG signals. Recently, deep learning (DL) models can be used to achieve enhanced ECG recognition accuracy in the healthcare decision making system. In this aspect, this study introduces an automated DL enabled ECG signal recognition (ADL-ECGSR) technique for CVD detection and classification. The ADL-ECGSR technique employs three most important subprocesses: pre-processed, feature extraction, parameter tuning, and classification. Besides, the ADL-ECGSR technique involves the design of a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) based feature extractor, and the Adamax optimizer is utilized to optimize the trained method of the BiLSTM model. Finally, the dragonfly algorithm (DFA) with a stacked sparse autoencoder (SSAE) module is applied to recognize and classify EEG signals. An extensive range of simulations occur on benchmark PTB-XL datasets to validate the enhanced ECG recognition efficiency. The comparative analysis of the ADL-ECGSR methodology showed a remarkable performance of 91.24 % on the existing methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pipelines extend thousands of kilometers to transport and distribute oil and gas. Given the challenges often faced with corrosion, fatigue, and other issues in steel pipes, the demand for glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP) pipes is increasing in oil and gas gathering and transmission systems. However, the medium that is transported through these pipelines contains multiple acid gases such as CO2 and H2S, as well as ions including Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, CO32-, and HCO3-. These substances can cause a series of problems, such as aging, debonding, delamination, and fracture. In this study, a series of aging damage experiments were conducted on V-shaped defect GFRP pipes with depths of 2 mm and 5 mm. The aging and failure of GFRP were studied under the combined effects of external force and acidic solution using acoustic emission (AE) techniques. It was found that the acidic aging solution promoted matrix damage, fiber/matrix desorption, and delamination damage in GFRP pipes over a short period. However, the overall aging effect was relatively weak. Based on the experimental data, the SSA-LSSVM algorithm was proposed and applied to the damage pattern recognition of GFRP. An average recognition rate of up to 90% was achieved, indicating that this method is highly suitable for analyzing AE signals related to GFRP damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neurological disorders pose a significant health challenge, and their early detection is critical for effective treatment planning and prognosis. Traditional classification of neural disorders based on causes, symptoms, developmental stage, severity, and nervous system effects has limitations. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for pattern recognition provides a potent solution to address these challenges. Therefore, this study focuses on proposing an innovative approach-the Aggregated Pattern Classification Method (APCM)-for precise identification of neural disorder stages.
    METHODS: The APCM was introduced to address prevalent issues in neural disorder detection, such as overfitting, robustness, and interoperability. This method utilizes aggregative patterns and classification learning functions to mitigate these challenges and enhance overall recognition accuracy, even in imbalanced data. The analysis involves neural images using observations from healthy individuals as a reference. Action response patterns from diverse inputs are mapped to identify similar features, establishing the disorder ratio. The stages are correlated based on available responses and associated neural data, with a preference for classification learning. This classification necessitates image and labeled data to prevent additional flaws in pattern recognition. Recognition and classification occur through multiple iterations, incorporating similar and diverse neural features. The learning process is finely tuned for minute classifications using labeled and unlabeled input data.
    RESULTS: The proposed APCM demonstrates notable achievements, with high pattern recognition (15.03%) and controlled classification errors (CEs) (10.61% less). The method effectively addresses overfitting, robustness, and interoperability issues, showcasing its potential as a powerful tool for detecting neural disorders at different stages. The ability to handle imbalanced data contributes to the overall success of the algorithm.
    CONCLUSIONS: The APCM emerges as a promising and effective approach for identifying precise neural disorder stages. By leveraging AI and ML, the method successfully resolves key challenges in pattern recognition. The high pattern recognition and reduced CEs underscore the method\'s potential for clinical applications. However, it is essential to acknowledge the reliance on high-quality neural image data, which may limit the generalizability of the approach. The proposed method allows future research to refine further and enhance its interpretability, providing valuable insights into neural disorder progression and underlying biological mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Belief and plausibility functions based on evidence theory (ET) have been widely used in managing uncertainty. Various generalizations of ET to fuzzy sets (FSs) have been reported in the literature, but no generalization of ET to q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets (q-ROFSs) has been made yet. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel, simple, and intuitive approach to distance and similarity measures for q-ROFSs based on belief and plausibility functions within the framework of ET. This research addresses a significant research gap by introducing a comprehensive framework for handling uncertainty in q-ROFSs using ET. Furthermore, it acknowledges the limitations inherent in the current state of research, notably the absence of generalizations of ET to q-ROFSs and the challenges in extending belief and plausibility measures to certain aggregation operators and other generalizations including Hesitant fuzzy sets, Bipolar fuzzy sets, Fuzzy soft sets etc. Our contribution lies in the proposal of a novel approach to distance and similarity measures for q-ROFSs under ET, utilizing Orthopairian belief and plausibility intervals (OBPIs). We establish new similarity measures within the generalized ET framework and demonstrate the reasonability of our method through useful numerical examples. Additionally, we construct Orthopairian belief and plausibility GRA (OBP-GRA) for managing daily life complex issues, particularly in multicriteria decision-making scenarios. Numerical simulations and results confirm the usability and practical applicability of our proposed method in the framework of ET.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pashtu is one of the most widely spoken languages in south-east Asia. Pashtu Numerics recognition poses challenges due to its cursive nature. Despite this, employing a machine learning-based optical character recognition (OCR) model can be an effective way to tackle this issue. The main aim of the study is to propose an optimized machine learning model which can efficiently identify Pashtu numerics from 0-9. The methodology includes data organizing into different directories each representing labels. After that, the data is preprocessed i.e., images are resized to 32 × 32 images, then they are normalized by dividing their pixel value by 255, and the data is reshaped for model input. The dataset was split in the ratio of 80:20. After this, optimized hyperparameters were selected for LSTM and CNN models with the help of trial-and-error technique. Models were evaluated by accuracy and loss graphs, classification report, and confusion matrix. The results indicate that the proposed LSTM model slightly outperforms the proposed CNN model with a macro-average of precision: 0.9877, recall: 0.9876, F1 score: 0.9876. Both models demonstrate remarkable performance in accurately recognizing Pashtu numerics, achieving an accuracy level of nearly 98%. Notably, the LSTM model exhibits a marginal advantage over the CNN model in this regard.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As information acquisition terminals for artificial olfaction, chemiresistive gas sensors are often troubled by their cross-sensitivity, and reducing their cross-response to ambient gases has always been a difficult and important point in the gas sensing area. Pattern recognition based on sensor array is the most conspicuous way to overcome the cross-sensitivity of gas sensors. It is crucial to choose an appropriate pattern recognition method for enhancing data analysis, reducing errors and improving system reliability, obtaining better classification or gas concentration prediction results. In this review, we analyze the sensing mechanism of cross-sensitivity for chemiresistive gas sensors. We further examine the types, working principles, characteristics, and applicable gas detection range of pattern recognition algorithms utilized in gas-sensing arrays. Additionally, we report, summarize, and evaluate the outstanding and novel advancements in pattern recognition methods for gas identification. At the same time, this work showcases the recent advancements in utilizing these methods for gas identification, particularly within three crucial domains: ensuring food safety, monitoring the environment, and aiding in medical diagnosis. In conclusion, this study anticipates future research prospects by considering the existing landscape and challenges. It is hoped that this work will make a positive contribution towards mitigating cross-sensitivity in gas-sensitive devices and offer valuable insights for algorithm selection in gas recognition applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most common scientific analysis of archaeological ceramics aims to determine the raw material source and/or production technology. Scientists and archaeologists widely use XRF-based techniques as a tool in a provenance study. After conducting XRF analysis, the results are often analyzed using multivariate analysis in addition to interpretation and conclusions. Various multivariate techniques have already been applied in archaeological ceramics provenance studies to reveal different raw material sources, identify imported pieces, or determine different production recipes. This study aims to evaluate the results of multivariate analysis in the provenance study of ceramics that belong to three cultures that settled in the same area during various prehistoric periods. Portable energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (pEDXRF) was used to determine the elemental composition of the ceramic material. The ceramic material was prepared in two different ways. The ceramic body material was ground into powder, homogenized, and then pressed into tablets. After that, the same fragments are polished in suitable places. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed on the tablets and polished pieces. The results were subjected to both unsupervised and supervised multivariate analysis. Based on the results, it was concluded that qualitative analysis of the well-prepared shards\' surface using EDXRF spectrometry could be utilized in provenance studies, even when the ceramic assemblages were made of similar raw materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) sensing is one of the most promising techniques for assessing the quality of power transformer insulation systems due to its capability to identify failures like partial discharges (PDs) by detecting the emitted UHF signals. However, there are still uncertainties regarding the frequency range that should be evaluated in measurements. For example, most publications have stated that UHF emissions range up to 3 GHz. However, a Cigré brochure revealed that the optimal spectrum is between 100 MHz and 1 GHz, and more recently, a study indicated that the optimal frequency range is between 400 MHz and 900 MHz. Since different faults require different maintenance actions, both science and industry have been developing systems that allow for failure-type identification. Hence, it is important to note that bandwidth reduction may impair classification systems, especially those that are frequency-based. This article combines three operational conditions of a power transformer (healthy state, electric arc failure, and partial discharges on bushing) with three different self-organized maps to carry out failure classification: the chromatic technique (CT), principal component analysis (PCA), and the shape analysis clustering technique (SACT). For each case, the frequency content of UHF signals was selected at three frequency bands: the full spectrum, Cigré brochure range, and between 400 MHz and 900 MHz. Therefore, the contributions of this work are to assess how spectrum band limitation may alter failure classification and to evaluate the effectiveness of signal processing methodologies based on the frequency content of UHF signals. Additionally, an advantage of this work is that it does not rely on training as is the case for some machine learning-based methods. The results indicate that the reduced frequency range was not a limiting factor for classifying the state of the operation condition of the power transformer. Therefore, there is the possibility of using lower frequency ranges, such as from 400 MHz to 900 MHz, contributing to the development of less costly data acquisition systems. Additionally, PCA was found to be the most promising technique despite the reduction in frequency band information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by symbiotic bacteria plays a vital role in sustainable agriculture. However, current quantification methods are often expensive and impractical. This study explores the potential of Raman spectroscopy, a non-invasive technique, for rapid assessment of BNF activity in soybeans. Raman spectra were obtained from soybean plants grown with and without rhizobia bacteria to identify spectral signatures associated with BNF. δN15 isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) was used to determine actual BNF percentages. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was employed to develop a model for BNF quantification based on Raman spectra. The model explained 80% of the variation in BNF activity. To enhance the model\'s specificity for BNF detection regardless of nitrogen availability, a subsequent elastic net (Enet) regularisation strategy was implemented. This approach provided insights into key wavenumbers and biochemicals associated with BNF in soybeans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pattern recognition (PR)-based myoelectric control systems can naturally provide multifunctional and intuitive control of upper limb prostheses and restore lost limb function, but understanding their robustness remains an open scientific question. This study investigates how limb positions and electrode shifts-two factors that have been suggested to cause classification deterioration-affect classifiers\' performance by quantifying changes in the class distribution using each factor as a class and computing the repeatability and modified separability indices. Ten intact-limb participants took part in the study. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used as the classifier. The results confirmed previous studies that limb positions and electrode shifts deteriorate classification performance (14-21% decrease) with no difference between factors (p > 0.05). When considering limb positions and electrode shifts as classes, we could classify them with an accuracy of 96.13 ± 1.44% and 65.40 ± 8.23% for single and all motions, respectively. Testing on five amputees corroborated the above findings. We have demonstrated that each factor introduces changes in the feature space that are statistically new class instances. Thus, the feature space contains two statistically classifiable clusters when the same motion is collected in two different limb positions or electrode shifts. Our results are a step forward in understanding PR schemes\' challenges for myoelectric control of prostheses and further validation needs be conducted on more amputee-related datasets.





