• 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The effort to translate clinical findings across institutions employing different relative biological effectiveness (RBE) models of ion radiotherapy has rapidly grown in recent years. Nevertheless, even for a chosen RBE model, different implementations exist. These approaches might consider or disregard the dose-dependence of the RBE and the radial variation of the radiation quality around the beam axis. This study investigated the theoretical impact of disregarding these effects during the RBE calculations.
    UNASSIGNED: Microdosimetric simulations were carried out using the Monte Carlo code PHITS along the spread out Bragg peaks of 1H, 4He, 12C, 16O, and 20Ne ions in a water phantom. The RBE was computed using different implementations of the Mayo Clinic Florida microdosimetric kinetic model (MCF MKM) and the modified MKM, considering or not the radial variation of the radiation quality in the penumbra of the ion beams and the dose-dependence of the RBE.
    UNASSIGNED: For an OAR located 5 mm laterally from the target volume, disregarding the radial variation of the radiation quality or the dose-dependence of the RBE could result in an overestimation of the RBE-weighted dose up to a factor of ∼ 3.5 or ∼ 1.7, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: The RBE-weighted dose to OARs close to the tumor volume was substantially impacted by the approach employed for the RBE calculations, even when using the same RBE model and cell line. Therefore, care should be taken in considering these differences while translating clinical findings between institutions with dissimilar approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) calculations used during the planning of ion therapy treatments are generally based on the microdosimetric kinetic model (MKM) and the local effect model (LEM). The Mayo Clinic Florida MKM (MCF MKM) was recently developed to overcome the limitations of previous MKMs in reproducing the biological data and to eliminate the need for ion-exposed in vitro data as input for the model calculations. Since we are considering to implement the MCF MKM in clinic, this article presents (a) an extensive benchmark of the MCF MKM predictions against corresponding in vitro clonogenic survival data for 4 rodent and 10 cell lines exposed to ions from 1H to 238U, and (b) a systematic comparison with published results of the latest version of the LEM (LEM IV). Additionally, we introduce a novel approach to derive an approximate value of the MCF MKM model parameters by knowing only the animal species and the mean number of chromosomes. The overall good agreement between MCF MKM predictions and in vitro data suggests the MCF MKM can be reliably used for the RBE calculations. In most cases, a reasonable agreement was found between the MCF MKM and the LEM IV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The stochastic microdosimetric kinetic (SMK) model is one of the most sophisticated and precise models used in the estimation of the relative biological effectiveness of carbon-ion radiotherapy (CRT) and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). However, because of its complicated and time-consuming calculation procedures, it is nearly impractical to directly incorporate this model into a radiation treatment-planning system.
    Through the introduction of Taylor expansion (TE) or fast Fourier transform (FFT), we developed two simplified SMK models and implemented them into the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). To verify the implementation, we calculated the photon isoeffective doses in a cylindrical phantom placed in the radiation fields of passive CRT and accelerator-based BNCT.
    Our calculation suggested that both TE-based and FFT-based SMK models can reproduce the data obtained from the original SMK model very well for absorbed doses approximately below 5 Gy, whereas the TE-based SMK model overestimates the original data at higher doses. In terms of computational efficiency, the TE-based SMK model is much faster than the FFT-based SMK model.
    This study enables the instantaneous calculation of the photo isoeffective dose for CRT and BNCT, considering their cellular-scale dose heterogeneities. Treatment-planning systems that use the improved PHITS as a dose-calculation engine are under development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) is a general-purpose Monte Carlo simulation code that has been applied in various areas of medical physics. These include application in different types of radiotherapy, shielding calculations, application to radiation biology, and research and development of medical tools. In this article, the useful features of PHITS are explained by referring to actual examples of various medical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the known influence of anatomic variability on internal dosimetry, dosimetry for 18F-FDG and other diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals is routinely derived using reference phantoms, which embody population-averaged morphometry for a given age and sex. Moreover, phantom format affects dosimetry estimates to varying extent. Here, we applied newly developed mesh format reference phantoms and a patient-dependent phantom library to assess the impact of height, weight, and body contour variation on dosimetry of 18F-FDG. We compared the mesh reference phantom dosimetry estimates with corresponding estimates from common software to identify differences related to phantom format or software implementation. Our study serves as an example of how more precise patient size-dependent dosimetry methodology could be performed. Methods: Absorbed dose coefficients were computed for the adult mesh reference phantoms and derivative patient-dependent phantom series by Monte Carlo simulation using the PHITS radiation transport code within PARaDIM software. The dose coefficients were compared with reference absorbed dose coefficients obtained from ICRP Publication 128, or generated using software including OLINDA 2.1, OLINDA 1.1, and IDAC-dose 2.1. Results: Differences in dosimetry arising from anatomical variations were shown to be significant, with detriment-weighted dose coefficients for the percentile-specific phantoms varying by up to ±40% relative to the corresponding reference phantom effective dose coefficients, irrespective of phantom format. Similar variations were seen in the individual organ absorbed dose coefficients for the percentile-specific phantoms relative to the reference phantoms. The effective dose coefficient for the mesh reference adult was 0.017 mSv/MBq, which was 5% higher than estimated by a corresponding voxel phantom, and 10% lower than estimated by the stylized phantom format. Conclusion: We observed notable variability in 18F-FDG dosimetry across morphometrically different patients, supporting the use of patient-dependent phantoms for more accurate dosimetric estimations relative to standard reference dosimetry. These data may help in optimizing imaging protocols and research studies, in particular when longer-lived isotopes are employed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proton radiotherapy has been shown to offer a significant dosimetric advantage in cancer patients, in comparison to conventional radiotherapy, with a decrease in dose to healthy tissue and organs at risk, because the bulk of the beam energy is deposited in the Bragg peak to be located within a tumour. However, it should be kept in mind that radiotherapy of cancer is still accompanied by adverse side effects, and a better understanding and improvement of radiotherapy can extend the life expectancy of patients following the treatment of malignant tumours. In this study, the dose distributions measured with thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) inside a tissue-equivalent adult human phantom exposed for lung and prostate cancer using the modern proton beam scanning radiotherapy technique were compared. Since the TLD detection efficiency depends on the ionization density of the radiation to be detected, and since this efficiency is detector specific, four different types of TLDs were used to compare their response in the mixed radiation fields. Additionally, the dose distributions from two different cancer treatment modalities were compared using the selected detectors. The measured dose values were benchmarked against Monte Carlo simulations and available literature data. The results indicate an increase in the lateral dose with an increase of the primary proton energy. However, the radiation quality factor of the mixed radiation increases by 20% in the vicinity to the target for the lower initial proton energy, due to the production of secondary charged particles of low-energy and short range. For the cases presented here the MTS-N TLD detector seems to be the most optimal tool for dose measurements within the target volume, while the MCP-N TLD detector, due to an interplay of its enhanced thermal neutron response and decreased detection efficiency to highly ionising radiation, is a better choice for the out-of-field measurements. The pairs of MTS-6 and MTS-7 TLDs used also in this study allowed for a direct measurement of the neutron dose equivalent. Before it can be concluded that they offer an alternative to the time-consuming nuclear track detectors, however, more research is needed to unambiguously confirm whether this observation was just accidental or whether it only applies to certain cases. Since there is no universal detector, which would allow the determination of the dosimetric quantities relevant for risk estimation, this work expands the knowledge necessary to improve the quality of dosimetry data and might help scientists and clinicians in choosing the right tools to measure radiation doses in mixed radiation fields.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The University of Tsukuba is developing not only a linac-based neutron source for BNCT (iBNCT) but also a multi-modal treatment planning system (Tsukuba-Plan) for BNCT. We are currently performing several verifications. Phantom experiments performed in iBNCT were simulated by the Tsukuba-Plan, and the calculation results were compared with the measurements from the experiments. The calculations were in good agreement with the measurements. The results demonstrated that the Tsukuba-Plan can perform to estimate doses properly for BNCT treatment at iBNCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work aims to study the fast-neutron production and moderation for the development of a compact accelerator-based multi-port Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (AB-mBNCT) system. An initial energy distribution and the efficiency of a test moderator assembly (TMA) for fast neutrons from a tungsten (W) target bombarded with a 53 MeV proton beam were measured using organic scintillators. The experimental results were reproduced with reasonable accuracy by simulations using the PHITS code. This paper will discuss about the experimental outcome and the related benchmark calculations by PHITS code.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesh-type and voxel-based computational phantoms comprise the current state of the art for internal dose assessment via Monte Carlo simulations but excel in different aspects, with mesh-type phantoms offering advantages over their voxel counterparts in terms of their flexibility and realistic representation of detailed patient- or subject-specific anatomy. We have developed PARaDIM (pronounced \"paradigm\": Particle and Heavy Ion Transport Code System-Based Application for Radionuclide Dosimetry in Meshes), a freeware application for implementing tetrahedral mesh-type phantoms in absorbed dose calculations. It considers all medically relevant radionuclides, including α, β, γ, positron, and Auger/conversion electron emitters, and handles calculation of mean dose to individual regions, as well as 3-dimensional dose distributions for visualization and analysis in a variety of medical imaging software. This work describes the development of PARaDIM, documents the measures taken to test and validate its performance, and presents examples of its uses. Methods: Human, small-animal, and cell-level dose calculations were performed with PARaDIM and the results compared with those of widely accepted dosimetry programs and literature data. Several tetrahedral phantoms were developed or adapted using computer-aided modeling techniques for these comparisons. Results: For human dose calculations, agreement of PARaDIM with OLINDA 2.0 was good-within 10%-20% for most organs-despite geometric differences among the phantoms tested. Agreement with MIRDcell for cell-level S value calculations was within 5% in most cases. Conclusion: PARaDIM extends the use of Monte Carlo dose calculations to the broader community in nuclear medicine by providing a user-friendly graphical user interface for calculation setup and execution. PARaDIM leverages the enhanced anatomic realism provided by advanced computational reference phantoms or bespoke image-derived phantoms to enable improved assessments of radiation doses in a variety of radiopharmaceutical use cases, research, and preclinical development. PARaDIM can be downloaded freely at







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gel dosimeters are a three-dimensional imaging tool for dose distribution induced by radiations. They can be used for accuracy check of Monte Carlo simulation in particle therapy. An application was reviewed in this article. An inhomogeneous biological sample placing a gel dosimeter behind it was irradiated by carbon beam. The recorded dose distribution in the gel dosimeter reflected the inhomogeneity of the biological sample. Monte Carlo simulation was conducted by reconstructing the biological sample from its CT image. The accuracy of the particle transport by Monte Carlo simulation was checked by comparing the dose distribution in the gel dosimeter between simulation and experiment.





