  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is one of the causes of female infertility. Unexplained POI is increasingly affecting women in their reproductive years. However, the etiology of POI is diverse and remains elusive. We and others have shown that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in adult ovarian function. Here, we report on a novel role of BDNF in the Developmental Origins of POI.
    METHODS: Placental BDNF knockout mice were created using CRISPR/CAS9. Homozygous knockout (cKO(HO)) mice didn\'t survive, while heterozygous knockout (cKO(HE)) mice did. BDNF reduction in cKO(HE) mice was confirmed via immunohistochemistry and Western blots. Ovaries were collected from cKO(HE) mice at various ages, analyzing ovarian metrics, FSH expression, and litter sizes. In one-month-old mice, oocyte numbers were assessed using super-ovulation, and oocyte gene expression was analyzed with smart RNAseq. Ovaries of P7 mice were studied with SEM, and gene expression was confirmed with RT-qPCR. Alkaline phosphatase staining at E11.5 and immunofluorescence for cyclinD1 assessed germ cell number and cell proliferation.
    RESULTS: cKO(HE) mice had decreased ovarian function and litter size in adulthood. They were insensitive to ovulation induction drugs manifested by lower oocyte release after superovulation in one-month-old cKO(HE) mice. The transcriptome and SEM results indicate that mitochondria-mediated cell death or aging might occur in cKO(HE) ovaries. Decreased placental BDNF led to diminished primordial germ cell proliferation at E11.5 and ovarian reserve which may underlie POI in adulthood.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current results showed decreased placental BDNF diminished primordial germ cell proliferation in female fetuses during pregnancy and POI in adulthood. Our findings can provide insights into understanding the underlying mechanisms of POI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germ cell tumors (GCTs) are relatively rare tumors. However, they are the most diagnosed malignancies occurring in the testis among men aged between 15 and 40 years. Despite high aneuploidy and a paucity of somatic mutations, several genomic and transcriptomic assays have identified a few significantly mutated somatic genes, primarily KIT and K-RAS. The receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) pathway and the downstream related Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) cascades are crucial signal transduction pathways that preside over various cellular processes, including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and responses to stressors. They are well described in solid malignancies, where many of the involved factors are used as prognostic molecular markers or targets for precision therapy. This narrative review focused, in the first part, on PGCs\' survival/proliferation and differentiation and on the genetic and epigenetic factors involved in the pathogenesis of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) and, in the second part, on the most recent investigations about the KIT-RAS pathway in TGCTs and in other cancers, highlighting the efforts that are being made to identify targetable markers for precision medicine approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SDF-1/CXCR4 chemokine signaling are indispensable for cell migration, especially the Primordial Germ Cell (PGC) migration towards the gonadal ridge during early development. We earlier found that this signaling is largely conserved in the Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus, EJ), and a mere treatment of CXCR4 antagonist, AMD3100, leads to germ cell depletion and thereafter gonad sterilization. However, the effect of AMD3100 was limited. So, in this research, we scouted for CXCR4 antagonist with higher potency by employing advanced artificial intelligence deep learning-based computer simulations. Three potential candidates, AMD3465, WZ811, and LY2510924, were selected and in vivo validation was conducted using Japanese anchovy embryos. We found that seven transmembrane motif of EJ CXCR4a and EJ CXCR4b were extremely similar with human homolog while the CXCR4 chemokine receptor N terminal (PF12109, essential for SDF-1 binding) was missing in EJ CXCR4b. 3D protein analysis and cavity search predicted the cavity in EJ CXCR4a to be five times larger (6,307 Å³) than that in EJ CXCR4b (1,241 Å³). Docking analysis demonstrated lower binding energy of AMD3100 and AMD3465 to EJ CXCR4a (Vina score -9.6) and EJ CXCR4b (Vina score -8.8), respectively. Furthermore, we observed significant PGC mismigration in microinjected AMD3465 treated groups at 10, 100 and 1 × 105 nM concentration in 48 h post fertilized embryos. The other three antagonists showed various degrees of PGC dispersion, but no significant effect compared to their solvent control at tested concentrations was observed. Cumulatively, our results suggests that AMD3645 might be a better candidate for abnormal PGC migration in Japanese anchovy and warrants further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are germline-restricted embryonic cells that form the functional gametes of the adult animal. The use of avian PGCs in biobanking and producing genetically modified birds has driven research on the in vitro propagation and manipulation of these embryonic cells. In avian species, PGCs are hypothesized to be sexually undetermined at an early embryonic stage and undergo differentiation into an oocyte or spermatogonial fate dictated by extrinsic factors present in the gonad. However, chicken male and female PGCs require different culture conditions, suggesting that there are sex-specific differences, even at early stages. To understand potential differences between male and female chicken PGCs during migratory stages, we studied the transcriptomes of circulatory stage male and female PGCs propagated in a serum-free medium. We found that in vitro cultured PGCs were transcriptionally similar to their in ovo counterparts, with differences in cell proliferation pathways. Our analysis also revealed sex-specific transcriptome differences between male and female cultured PGCs, with notable differences in Smad7 and NCAM2 expression. A comparison of chicken PGCs with pluripotent and somatic cell types identified a set of genes that are exclusive to germ cells, enriched in the germplasm, and associated with germ cell development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, in vitro gene preservation has gained ground thanks to its lower cost and higher stability compared to in vivo techniques. One of the methods that can preserve female-specific W chromosome-linked genes is primordial germ cell (PGC) freezing. PGCs can be isolated from Hamburger-Hamilton stage 14-16 embryos via blood sampling. In our experiment, we used two newly established Black Transylvanian naked neck chicken cell lines and four cell lines from our gene bank. We compared two different freezing media (FAM1 and FAM2) in this study. The cell number and viability of the PGCs were measured before freezing (BF) and after thawing on Day 0, Day 1, and Day 7 of cultivation. We analyzed the germ cell-specific chicken vasa homologue (CVH) expression profile in PGCs using RT-qPCR. We found that on Day 0, immediately after thawing, the cell number in cell lines frozen with the FAM2 medium was significantly higher than in the FAM1-treated ones. On Day 1 and Day 7, the cell number and viability were also higher in most cell lines frozen with FAM2, but the difference was insignificant. The freezing also affected the chicken vasa homologue gene expression in male lines treated with both freezing media.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Testis-specific transcript 10 (Tex10) is a critical factor for pluripotent stem cell maintenance and preimplantation development. Here, we dissect its late developmental roles in primordial germ cell (PGC) specification and spermatogenesis using cellular and animal models. We discover that Tex10 binds the Wnt negative regulator genes, marked by H3K4me3, at the PGC-like cell (PGCLC) stage in restraining Wnt signaling. Depletion and overexpression of Tex10 hyperactivate and attenuate the Wnt signaling, resulting in compromised and enhanced PGCLC specification efficiency, respectively. Using the Tex10 conditional knockout mouse models combined with single-cell RNA sequencing, we further uncover critical roles of Tex10 in spermatogenesis with Tex10 loss causing reduced sperm number and motility associated with compromised round spermatid formation. Notably, defective spermatogenesis in Tex10 knockout mice correlates with aberrant Wnt signaling upregulation. Therefore, our study establishes Tex10 as a previously unappreciated player in PGC specification and male germline development by fine-tuning Wnt signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poultry genetics resources, including commercial selected lines, indigenous breeds, and experimental lines, are now being irreversibly lost at an alarming rate due to multiple reasons, which further threats the future livelihood and academic purpose. Collections of germplasm may reduce the risk of catastrophic loss of genetic diversity by guaranteeing that a pool of genetic variability is available to ensure the reintroduction and replenishment of the genetic stocks. The setting up of biobanks for poultry is challenging because the high sensitiveness of spermatozoa to freezing-thawing process, inability to cryopreserve the egg or embryo, coupled with the females being heterogametic sex. The progress in cryobiology and biotechnologies have made possible the extension of the range of germplasm for poultry species available in cryobanks, including semen, primordial germ cells, somatic cells and gonads. In this review, we introduce the state-of-the-art technologies for avian genetic resource conservation and breed reconstruction, and discuss the potential challenges for future study and further extending of these technologies to ongoing and future conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dual-comb multiheterodyne spectroscopy is a well-established technology for the highly sensitive real-time detection and measurement of the optical spectra of samples, including gases and fiber sensors. However, a common drawback of dual-comb spectroscopy is the need for a broadband amplitude-resolved absorption or reflection measurement, which increases the complexity of the dual comb and requires the precise calibration of the optical detection. In the present study, we present an alternative dispersion-based approach applied to fiber Bragg grating sensors in which the dual comb is compacted by a single dual-drive-unit optical modulator, and the fiber sensor is part of a dispersion interferometer. The incident dual comb samples a few points in the spectrum that are sensitive to Bragg wavelength changes through the optical phase. The spectra reading is improved due to the external interferometer and is desensitized to changes in the amplitude of the comb tones. The narrow-band detection of the fiber sensor dispersion changes that we demonstrate enables the compact, cost-effective, high-resolution multiheterodyne interrogation of high-throughput interferometric fiber sensors. These characteristics open its application both to the detection of fast phenomena, such as ultrasound, and to the precise measurement at high speed of chemical-/biological-sensing samples. The results with a low-reflectivity fiber Bragg grating show the detection of dynamic strain in the range of 215 nε with a 30 dB signal to noise ratio and up to 130 kHz (ultrasonic range).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), produced by guanylate cyclase (GC), activates protein kinase G (PKG) and regulates cardiac remodeling. cGMP/PKG signal is activated by two intrinsic pathways: nitric oxide (NO)-soluble GC and natriuretic peptide (NP)-particulate GC (pGC) pathways. Activation of these pathways has emerged as a potent therapeutic strategy to treat patients with heart failure, given cGMP-PKG signaling is impaired in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Large scale clinical trials in patients with HFrEF have shown positive results with agents that activate cGMP-PKG pathways. In patients with HFpEF, however, benefits were observed only in a subgroup of patients. Further investigation for cGMP-PKG pathway is needed to develop better targeting strategies for HFpEF. This review outlines cGMP-PKG pathway and its modulation in heart failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in expression or activation of various metalloproteases including matrix metalloproteases (Mmp), a disintegrin and metalloprotease (Adam) and a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motif (Adamts), and their endogenous inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteases, Timp), have been shown to be critical for ovulation in various species from studies in past decades. Some of these metalloproteases such as Adamts1, Adamts9, Mmp2, and Mmp9 have also been shown to be regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH) and/or progestin, which are essential triggers for ovulation in all vertebrate species. Most of these metalloproteases also express broadly in various tissues and cells including germ cells and somatic gonad cells. Thus, metalloproteases likely play roles in gonad formation processes comprising primordial germ cell (PGC) migration, development of germ and somatic cells, and sex determination. However, our knowledge on the functions and mechanisms of metalloproteases in these processes in vertebrates is still lacking. This review will summarize our current knowledge on the metalloproteases in ovulation and gonad formation with emphasis on PGC migration and germ cell development.





