Outflow resistance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The conventional aqueous outflow pathway, which includes the trabecular meshwork (TM), juxtacanalicular tissue (JCT), and the inner wall endothelium of Schlemm\'s canal (SC), regulates intraocular pressure (IOP) by controlling the aqueous humor outflow resistance. Despite its importance, our understanding of the biomechanics and hydrodynamics within this region remains limited. Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) offers a way to estimate the biomechanical properties of the JCT and SC under various loading and boundary conditions, providing valuable insights that are beyond the reach of current imaging techniques.
    METHODS: In this study, a normal human eye was fixed at a pressure of 7 mm Hg, and two radial wedges of the TM tissues, which included the SC inner wall basement membrane and JCT, were dissected, processed, and imaged using 3D serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM). Four different sets of images were used to create 3D finite element (FE) models of the JCT and inner wall endothelial cells of SC with their basement membrane. The outer JCT portion was carefully removed as the outflow resistance is not in that region, leaving only the SCE inner wall and a few µm of the tissue, which does contain the resistance. An inverse iterative FE algorithm was then utilized to calculate the unloaded geometry of the JCT/SC complex at an aqueous humor pressure of 0 mm Hg. Then in the model, the intertrabecular spaces, pores, and giant vacuole contents were replaced by aqueous humor, and FSI was employed to pressurize the JCT/SC complex from 0 to 15 mm Hg.
    RESULTS: In the JCT/SC complex, the shear stress of the aqueous humor is not evenly distributed. Areas proximal to the inner wall of SC experience larger stresses, reaching up to 10 Pa, while those closer to the JCT undergo lower stresses, approximately 4 Pa. Within this complex, giant vacuoles with or without I-pore behave differently. Those without I-pores experience a more significant strain, around 14%, compared to those with I-pores, where the strain is roughly 9%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of aqueous humor wall shear stress is not uniform within the JCT/SC complex, which may contribute to our understanding of the underlying selective mechanisms in the pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: More than ~70% of the aqueous humor exits the eye through the conventional aqueous outflow pathway that is comprised of the trabecular meshwork (TM), juxtacanalicular tissue (JCT), the inner wall endothelium of Schlemm\'s canal (SC). The flow resistance in the JCT and SC inner wall basement membrane is thought to play an important role in the regulation of the intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye, but current imaging techniques do not provide enough information about the mechanics of these tissues or the aqueous humor in this area.
    METHODS: A normal human eye was perfusion-fixed and a radial wedge of the TM tissue from a high-flow region was dissected. The tissues were then sliced and imaged using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy. Slices from these images were selected and segmented to create a 3D finite element model of the JCT and SC cells with an inner wall basement membrane. The aqueous humor was used to replace the intertrabecular spaces, pores, and giant vacuoles, and fluid-structure interaction was employed to couple the motion of the tissues with the aqueous humor.
    RESULTS: Higher tensile stresses (0.8-kPa) and strains (25%) were observed in the basement membrane beneath giant vacuoles with open pores. The volumetric average wall shear stress was higher in SC than in JCT/SC. As the aqueous humor approached the inner wall basement membrane of SC, the velocity of the flow decreased, resulting in the formation of small eddies immediately after the flow left the inner wall.
    CONCLUSIONS: Improved modeling of SC and JCT can enhance our understanding of outflow resistance and funneling. Serial block-face scanning electron microscopy with fluid-structure interaction can achieve this, and the observed micro-segmental flow patterns in ex vivo perfused human eyes suggest a hypothetical mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hydrocephalus constitutes a complex neurological condition of heterogeneous origin characterized by excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) accumulation within the brain ventricles. The condition may dangerously elevate the intracranial pressure (ICP) and cause severe neurological impairments. Pharmacotherapies are currently unavailable and treatment options remain limited to surgical CSF diversion, which follows from our incomplete understanding of the hydrocephalus pathogenesis. Here, we aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying development of hydrocephalus in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), which develop non-obstructive hydrocephalus without the need for surgical induction.
    METHODS: Magnetic resonance imaging was employed to delineate brain and CSF volumes in SHRs and control Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Brain water content was determined from wet and dry brain weights. CSF dynamics related to hydrocephalus formation in SHRs were explored in vivo by quantifying CSF production rates, ICP, and CSF outflow resistance. Associated choroid plexus alterations were elucidated with immunofluorescence, western blotting, and through use of an ex vivo radio-isotope flux assay.
    RESULTS: SHRs displayed brain water accumulation and enlarged lateral ventricles, in part compensated for by a smaller brain volume. The SHR choroid plexus demonstrated increased phosphorylation of the Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter NKCC1, a key contributor to choroid plexus CSF secretion. However, neither CSF production rate, ICP, nor CSF outflow resistance appeared elevated in SHRs when compared to WKY rats.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hydrocephalus development in SHRs does not associate with elevated ICP and does not require increased CSF secretion or inefficient CSF drainage. SHR hydrocephalus thus represents a type of hydrocephalus that is not life threatening and that occurs by unknown disturbances to the CSF dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Intraocular pressure (IOP) is determined by aqueous humor outflow resistance, which is a function of the combined resistance of Schlemm\'s canal (SC) endothelium and the trabecular meshwork (TM) and their interactions in the juxtacanalicular connective tissue (JCT) region. Aqueous outflow in the conventional outflow pathway results in pressure gradient across the TM, JCT, and SC inner wall, and induces mechanical stresses and strains that influence the geometry and homeostasis of the outflow system. The outflow resistance is affected by alteration in tissues\' geometry, so there is potential for active, two-way, fluid-structure interaction (FSI) coupling between the aqueous humor (fluid) and the TM, JCT, and SC inner wall (structure). However, our understanding of the biomechanical interactions of the aqueous humor with the outflow connective tissues and its contribution to the outflow resistance regulation is incomplete.
    METHODS: In this study, a microstructural finite element (FE) model of a human eye TM, JCT, and SC inner wall was constructed from a segmented, high-resolution histologic 3D reconstruction of the human outflow system. Three different elastic moduli (0.004, 0.128, and 51.5 MPa based on prior reports) were assigned to the TM/JCT complex while the elastic modulus of the SC inner wall was kept constant at 0.00748 MPa. The hydraulic conductivity was programmed separately for the TM, JCT, and SC inner wall using a custom subroutine. Cable elements were embedded into the TM and JCT extracellular matrix to represent the directional stiffness imparted by anisotropic collagen fibril orientation. The resultant stresses and strains in the outflow system were calculated using fluid-structure interaction method.
    RESULTS: The higher TM/JCT stiffness resulted in larger stresses, but smaller strains in the outflow connective tissues, and resulted in a 4- and 5-fold larger pressure drop across the SC inner wall, respectively, compared to the most compliant model. Funneling through µm-sized SC endothelial pores was evident in the models at lower tissue stiffness, but aqueous flow was more turbulent in models with higher TM/JCT stiffness.
    CONCLUSIONS: The mechanical properties of the outflow tissues play a crucial role in the hydrodynamics of the aqueous humor in the conventional outflow system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous models of intracranial pressure (ICP) dynamics have not included flow of cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF) and changes in resistance to its flow when brain swelling occurs. We sought to develop a mathematical model that incorporates resistance to the bulk flow of cerebral ISF to better simulate the physiological changes that occur in pathologies in which brain swelling predominates and to assess the model\'s ability to depict changes in cerebral physiology associated with cerebral edema.
    METHODS: We developed a lumped parameter model which includes a representation of cerebral ISF flow within brain tissue and its interactions with CSF flow and cerebral blood flow (CBF). The model is based on an electrical analog circuit with four intracranial compartments: the (1) subarachnoid space, (2) brain, (3) ventricles, (4) cerebral vasculature and the extracranial spinal thecal sac. We determined changes in pressure and volume within cerebral compartments at steady-state and simulated physiological perturbations including rapid injection of fluid into the intracranial space, hyperventilation, and hypoventilation. We simulated changes in resistance to flow or absorption of CSF and cerebral ISF to model hydrocephalus, cerebral edema, and to simulate disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
    RESULTS: The model accurately replicates well-accepted features of intracranial physiology including the exponential-like pressure-volume curve with rapid fluid injection, increased ICP pulse pressure with rising ICP, hydrocephalus resulting from increased resistance to CSF outflow, and changes associated with hyperventilation and hypoventilation. Importantly, modeling cerebral edema with increased resistance to cerebral ISF flow mimics key features of brain swelling including elevated ICP, increased brain volume, markedly reduced ventricular volume, and a contracted subarachnoid space. Similarly, a decreased resistance to flow of fluid across the BBB leads to an exponential-like rise in ICP and ventricular collapse.
    CONCLUSIONS: The model accurately depicts the complex interactions that occur between pressure, volume, and resistances to flow in the different intracranial compartments under specific pathophysiological conditions. In modelling resistance to bulk flow of cerebral ISF, it may serve as a platform for improved modelling of cerebral edema and blood-brain barrier disruption that occur following brain injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a healthy eye, the aqueous humour (AH) flows via the ciliary body and trabecular meshwork into the collector channels, which carry it to the episcleral veins. In glaucoma, a heterogeneous group of eye disorders affecting approximately 60 million individuals worldwide, the juxtacanalicular meshwork offers greater resistance to the outflow of the AH, leading to an increase in outflow resistance that gradually results in elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). The present review comprehensively covers the morphology of Schlemm\'s canal (SC) and AH pathways. The path of the AH from the anterior chamber through the trabeculum into suprascleral and conjunctival veins via collector channels is described, and the role of SC in the development of glaucoma and outflow resistance is discussed. Finally, channelography is presented as a precise method of assessing the conventional drainage pathway and facilitating localization of an uncollapsed collector and aqueous veins. Attention is also given to the relationship between aqueous and episcleral veins and heartbeat. Possible directions of future research are proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between topical administration of flurbiprofen plus corticosteroids versus corticosteroids alone following phacoemulsification and the development of postoperative glaucoma in dogs.
    METHODS: Thirty-eight/eighty-three (45.8%) eyes were prescribed topical flurbiprofen plus corticosteroids immediately postop while 45/83 (54.2%) eyes received topical corticosteroids alone.
    METHODS: Logistic regression models were performed to analyze the relationship between topical flurbiprofen and development of glaucoma and to predict potential risk factors for postoperative glaucoma occurrence.
    RESULTS: Eighty-three eyes (65 dogs) were included. The mean age at surgery was 8.2 years, with even gender distribution. Increasing age at the time of surgery significantly increased the probability of postoperative glaucoma occurrence (odds ratio [OR] = 1.344, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.093-1.652; p = 0.005). Glaucoma occurred in 17/83 (20.5%) eyes; of these, 15/38 (39.5%) and 2/45 (4.4%) eyes were prescribed topical flurbiprofen plus corticosteroids and topical corticosteroids alone, respectively. Immediate postoperative use of topical flurbiprofen was significantly associated with an increased probability of postoperative glaucoma occurrence (OR = 19.183 [95% CI 3.367-109.286], p = 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Immediate postoperative use of topical flurbiprofen was a potential predisposing risk factor for the development of glaucoma following phacoemulsification. Restriction of postoperative use of topical flurbiprofen might decrease the possibility of postoperative glaucoma development in dogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary open-angle glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, and intraocular pressure reduction remains the only proven treatment strategy. Elevated intraocular pressure occurs as the result of impaired aqueous humor outflow. Both a passive model and a dynamic model have been used to explain trabecular outflow resistance. The passive model posits that the trabecular meshwork acts as a static filter that exerts stable and passive resistance to outflow. In contrast, the dynamic model involves a \"biomechanical pump.\" In recent years, the range of surgical management options for glaucoma has dramatically expanded, particularly the class of procedures known as microinvasive glaucoma surgery. These procedures typically target and enhance specific outflow routes. Optimal patient outcomes with microinvasive glaucoma surgery require a clear understanding of aqueous outflow and a surgical approach that is targeted to overcome the site of abnormal resistance in the individual. We review the anatomy and physiology of trabecular and suprachoroidal outflow that is of relevance to microinvasive glaucoma surgery-performing surgeons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraocular pressure is regulated by mechanosensitive cells within the conventional outflow pathway, the primary route of aqueous humour drainage from the eye. However, the characteristics of the forces acting on those cells are poorly understood. We develop a model that describes flow through the conventional outflow pathway, including the trabecular meshwork (TM) and Schlemm\'s canal (SC). Accounting for the ocular pulse, we estimate the time-varying shear stress on SC endothelium and strain on the TM. We consider a range of outflow resistances spanning normotensive to hypertensive conditions. Over this range, the SC shear stress increases significantly and becomes highly oscillatory. TM strain also increases, but with negligible oscillations. Interestingly, TM strain responds more to changes in outflow resistance around physiological values, while SC shear stress responds more to elevated levels of resistance. A modest increase in TM stiffness, as observed in glaucoma, suppresses TM strain and practically eliminates the influence of outflow resistance on SC shear stress. As SC and TM cells respond to mechanical stimulation by secreting factors that modulate outflow resistance, our model provides insight regarding the potential role of SC shear and TM strain as mechanosensory cues for homeostatic regulation of outflow resistance and hence intraocular pressure.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rho GTPase regulated contractile signaling in the trabecular meshwork (TM) has been shown to modulate aqueous humor (AH) outflow and intraocular pressure (IOP). To explore whether elevated IOP, a major risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) influences Rho GTPase signaling in the TM, we recorded AH outflow in enucleated contralateral porcine eyes perfused for 4-5 h at either 15 mm or 50 mm Hg pressure. After perfusion, TM tissue extracted from perfused eyes was evaluated for the activation status of Rho GTPase, myosin light chain (MLC), myosin phosphatase target substrate 1 (MYPT1), myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) and paxillin. Eyes perfused at 50 mm Hg exhibited a significant decrease in AH outflow facility compared with those perfused at 15 mm Hg. Additionally, TM tissue from eyes perfused at 50 mm Hg revealed significantly increased levels of activated RhoA and phosphorylated MLC, MYPT1, MARCKS and paxillin compared to TM tissue derived from eyes perfused at 15 mm Hg. Taken together, these observations indicate that elevated IOP-induced activation of Rho GTPase-dependent contractile signaling in the TM is associated with increased resistance to AH outflow through the trabecular pathway, and demonstrate the sensitivity of Rho GTPase signaling to mechanical force in the AH outflow pathway.





