• 文章类型: Journal Article
    New particle formation (NPF) is a major source of atmospheric aerosol particles, including cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), by number globally. Previous research has highlighted that NPF is less frequent but more intense at roadsides compared to urban background. Here, we closely examine NPF at both background and roadside sites in urban Central Europe. We show that the concentration of oxygenated organic molecules (OOMs) is greater at the roadside, and the condensation of OOMs along with sulfuric acid onto new particles is sufficient to explain the growth at both sites. We identify a hitherto unreported traffic-related OOM source contributing 29% and 16% to total OOMs at the roadside and background, respectively. Critically, this hitherto undiscovered OOM source is an essential component of urban NPF. Without their contribution to growth rates and the subsequent enhancements to particle survival, the number of >50 nm particles produced by NPF would be reduced by a factor of 21 at the roadside site. Reductions to hydrocarbon emissions from road traffic may thereby reduce particle numbers and CCN counts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In addition to absorbing nitrogen from the soil, legumes have the ability to use atmospheric N2 through symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Therefore, legumes have developed mechanisms regulating nodulation in response to the amount of nitrate in the soil; in the presence of high nitrate concentrations, nodulation is inhibited, while low nitrate concentrations stimulate nodulation and nitrogen fixation. This allows the legumes to switch from soil nitrogen acquisition to symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Recently, particular interest has been given to the nitrate transporters, such as Nitrate Transporter1/Peptide transporter Family (NPF) and Nitrate Transporter 2 (NRT2), having a role in the functioning of nodules. Nitrate transporters of the two model plants, Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula, shown to have a positive and/or a negative role in nodule functioning depending on nitrate concentration, are presented in this article. In particular, the following transporters were thoroughly studied: (i) members of NPF transporters family, such as LjNPF8.6 and LjNPF3.1 in L. japonicus and MtNPF1.7 and MtNPF7.6 in M. truncatula, and (ii) members of NRT2 transporters family, such as LjNRT2.4 and LjNRT2.1 in L. japonicus and MtNRT2.1 in M. truncatula. Also, by exploiting available genomic and transcriptomic data in the literature, we have identified the complete PsNPF family in Pisum sativum (69 sequences previously described and 21 new that we have annotated) and putative nitrate transporters candidate for playing a role in nodule functioning in P. sativum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bZIP (basic leucine zipper) proteins play crucial roles in various biological functions. Nitrogen (N) is an essential element for plant growth, especially in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) due to its shallow roots. However, the regulation of bZIP genes in cucumber nitrogen metabolism has not been studied yet. In this study, we identified a total of 72 bZIP genes (CsbZIPs) in the cucumber genome that could be classified into 13 groups. These genes were unevenly distributed on seven chromosomes, and synteny analysis showed that the CsbZIP genes were expanded in a segmentally duplicating manner. Furthermore, our genome-wide expression analysis suggested that CsbZIP genes had different patterns and that five CsbZIP genes were regulated by nitrogen treatment in both leaves and roots. Consistent with CsNPF, CsbZIP55 and CsbZIP65 were regulated by nitrogen treatment in leaves and roots. Moreover, the subcellular localization showed that CsbZIP55 and CsbZIP65 were specifically located in the nucleus, and the transcriptional activation assay showed that CsbZIP55 and CsbZIP65 have transcriptional activation activity. Additionally, in the CsbZIP55 and CsbZIP65 overexpression plants, most nitrogen-regulated CsNPF genes were downregulated. Taken together, our comprehensive analysis of the bZIP gene family lays a foundation for understanding the molecular and physiological functions of CsbZIPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins of the Nitrate Transporter 1/Peptide Transporter (NPF) family transport a diverse variety of substrates, such as nitrate, peptides, hormones and chloride. In this study, a systematic analysis of the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) NPF family was performed in the cultivated \'K326\'. In total, 143 NtNPF genes were identified and phylogenetically classified into eight subfamilies, NPF1 to NPF8, based on the classification of NPF families in other plant species. The chromosomal locations and structures of the NtNPF genes were analyzed. The expression profiles of NtNPF genes under NaCl stress were analyzed to screen the possible NPF genes involving in chloride regulation in tobacco. Most NtNPF6 genes responded to salt stress in the roots and leaves. The expression of NtNPF6.13 was significantly down-regulated after salt stress for 12h. The chloride content was reduced in the roots of ntnpf6.13 mutant. These findings support the participation of NtNPF6.13 in chloride uptake. Several other NtNPF genes that play potential roles in chloride metabolism of tobacco require further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Nitrate uptake in sugarcane roots is regulated at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels based on the physiological status of the plant and is likely a determinant mechanism for discrimination against nitrate. Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is one of the most suitable energy crops for biofuel feedstock, but the reduced recovery of nitrogen (N) fertilizer by sugarcane roots increases the crop carbon footprint. The low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of sugarcane has been associated with the significantly low nitrate uptake, which limits the utilization of the large amount of nitrate available in agricultural soils. To understand the regulation of nitrate uptake in sugarcane roots, we identified the major canonical nitrate transporter genes (NRTs-NITRATE TRANSPORTERS) and then determined their expression profiles in roots under contrasting N conditions. Correlation of gene expression with 15N-nitrate uptake revealed that under N deprivation or inorganic N (ammonium or nitrate) supply in N-sufficient roots, the regulation of ScNRT2.1 and ScNRT3.1 expression is the predominant mechanism for the modulation of the activity of the nitrate high-affinity transport system. Conversely, in N-deficient roots, the induction of ScNRT2.1 and ScNRT3.1 transcription is not correlated with the marked repression of nitrate uptake in response to nitrate resupply or high N provision, which suggested the existence of a posttranscriptional regulatory mechanism. Our findings suggested that high-affinity nitrate uptake is regulated at the transcriptional and presumably at the posttranscriptional levels based on the physiological N status and that the regulation of NRT2.1 and NRT3.1 activity is likely a determinant mechanism for the discrimination against nitrate uptake observed in sugarcane roots, which contributes to the low NUE in this crop species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L., Vvi) on their roots are generally sensitive to salt-forming ions, particularly chloride (Cl-) when grown in saline environments. Grafting V. vinifera scions to Cl--excluding hybrid rootstocks reduces the impact of salinity. Molecular components underlying Cl--exclusion in Vitis species remain largely unknown, however, various anion channels and transporters represent good candidates for controlling this trait. Here, two nitrate/peptide transporter family (NPF) members VviNPF2.1 and VviNPF2.2 were isolated. Both highly homologous proteins localized to the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) protoplasts. Both were expressed primarily in grapevine roots and leaves and were more abundant in a Cl--excluding rootstock compared to a Cl--includer. Quantitative PCR of grapevine roots revealed that VviNPF2.1 and 2.2 expression was downregulated by high [NO3 -] resupply post-starvation, but not affected by 25 mM Cl-. VviNPF2.2 was functionally characterized using an Arabidopsis enhancer trap line as a heterologous host which enabled cell-type-specific expression. Constitutive expression of VviNPF2.2 exclusively in the root epidermis and cortex reduced shoot [Cl-] after a 75 mM NaCl treatment. Higher expression levels of VviNPF2.2 correlated with reduced Arabidopsis xylem sap [NO3 -] when not salt stressed. We propose that when expressed in the root epidermis and cortex, VviNPF2.2 could function in passive anion efflux from root cells, which reduces the symplasmic Cl- available for root-to-shoot translocation. VviNPF2.2, through its role in the root epidermis and cortex, could, therefore, be beneficial to plants under salt stress by reducing net shoot Cl- accumulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secondary metabolites (SMs) play crucial roles in the vital functioning of plants such as growth, development, defense, and survival via their transportation and accumulation at the required site. However, unlike primary metabolites, the transport mechanisms of SMs are not yet well explored. There exists a huge gap between the abundant presence of SM transporters, their identification, and functional characterization. A better understanding of plant SM transporters will surely be a step forward to fulfill the steeply increasing demand for bioactive compounds for the formulation of herbal medicines. Thus, the engineering of transporters by modulating their expression is emerging as the most viable option to achieve the long-term goal of systemic metabolic engineering for enhanced metabolite production at minimum cost. In this review article, we are updating the understanding of recent advancements in the field of plant SM transporters, particularly those discovered in the past two decades. Herein, we provide notable insights about various types of fully or partially characterized transporters from the ABC, MATE, PUP, and NPF families including their diverse functionalities, structural information, potential approaches for their identification and characterization, several regulatory parameters, and their modulation. A novel perspective to the concept of \"Transporter Engineering\" has also been unveiled by highlighting its potential applications particularly in plant stress (biotic and abiotic) tolerance, SM accumulation, and removal of anti-nutritional compounds, which will be of great value for the crop improvement program. The present study creates a roadmap for easy identification and a better understanding of various transporters, which can be utilized as suitable targets for transporter engineering in future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The preference for nitrate over chloride through regulation of transporters is a fundamental feature of plant ion homeostasis. We show that Medicago truncatula MtNPF6.5, an ortholog of Arabidopsis thaliana AtNPF6.3/NRT1.1, can mediate nitrate and chloride uptake in Xenopus oocytes but is chloride selective and that its close homologue, MtNPF6.7, can transport nitrate and chloride but is nitrate selective. The MtNPF6.5 mutant showed greatly reduced chloride content relative to wild type, and MtNPF6.5 expression was repressed by high chloride, indicating a primary role for MtNPF6.5 in root chloride uptake. MtNPF6.5 and MtNPF6.7 were repressed and induced by nitrate, respectively, and these responses required the transcription factor MtNLP1. Moreover, loss of MtNLP1 prevented the rapid switch from chloride to nitrate as the main anion in nitrate-starved plants after nitrate provision, providing insight into the underlying mechanism for nitrate preference. Sequence analysis revealed three sub-types of AtNPF6.3 orthologs based on their predicted substrate-binding residues: A (chloride selective), B (nitrate selective), and C (legume specific). The absence of B-type AtNPF6.3 homologues in early diverged plant lineages suggests that they evolved from a chloride-selective MtNPF6.5-like protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The insect taste system regulates insect feeding behavior and patterns of food consumption. In this study, we showed that the medial and lateral sensilla styloconica in the mouthparts of 5th-instar Asian corn borer larvae are sensitive to fructose and sucrose in a concentration-dependent way. The two sensilla produced significant electrophysiological responses (greater than100 spikes/s) by exposure to 10 mM fructose or sucrose. However, electrophysiological responses and feeding preferences to fructose or sucrose were inhibited by neuropeptide F double-stranded RNA (dsNPF). Additionally, the medial sensilla styloconica are sensitive to low concentrations of the deterrents caffeine and nicotine. However, starvation, followed by increases in larval npf expression plus feeding, led to increases in spike frequencies of related sensilla to fructose, sucrose, and deterrents. In contrast, these responses were reduced on the dsNPF treatment. Our results suggest that NPF plays an important role influencing caterpillar feeding behavior through regulating the taste neurons of the sensilla styloconica.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thirst is a motivational state that drives behaviors to obtain water for fluid homeostasis. We identified two types of central brain interneurons that regulate thirsty water seeking in Drosophila, that we term the Janu neurons. Janu-GABA, a local interneuron in the subesophageal zone, is activated by water deprivation and is specific to thirsty seeking. Janu-AstA projects from the subesophageal zone to the superior medial protocerebrum, a higher order processing area. Janu-AstA signals with the neuropeptide Allatostatin A to promote water seeking and to inhibit feeding behavior. NPF (Drosophila NPY) neurons are postsynaptic to Janu-AstA for water seeking and feeding through the AstA-R2 galanin-like receptor. NPF neurons use NPF to regulate thirst and hunger behaviors. Flies choose Janu neuron activation, suggesting that thirsty seeking up a humidity gradient is rewarding. These findings identify novel central brain circuit elements that coordinate internal state drives to selectively control motivated seeking behavior.





