Molecular encapsulation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olmesartan medoxomil (OLM) is a selective angiotensin II receptor antagonist used in the treatment of hypertension. Its therapeutic potential is limited by its poor water solubility, leading to poor bioavailability. Encapsulation of the drug substance by two methylated cyclodextrins, namely randomly methylated β-cyclodextrin (RM-β-CD) and heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin (TM-β-CD), was carried out to overcome the limitation related to OLM solubility, which, in turn, is expected to result in an improved biopharmaceutical profile. Supramolecular entities were evaluated by means of thermoanalytical techniques (TG-thermogravimetry; DTG-derivative thermogravimetry), spectroscopic methods including powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD), universal-attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared (UATR-FTIR) and UV spectroscopy, saturation solubility studies, and by a theoretical approach using molecular modeling. The phase solubility method reveals an AL-type diagram for both inclusion complexes, indicating a stoichiometry ratio of 1:1. The values of the apparent stability constant indicate the higher stability of the host-guest system OLM/RM-β-CD. The physicochemical properties of the binary systems are different from those of the parent compounds, emphasizing the formation of inclusion complexes between the drug and CDs when the kneading method was used. The molecular encapsulation of OLM in RM-β-CD led to an increase in drug solubility, thus the supramolecular adduct can be the subject of further research to design a new pharmaceutical formulation containing OLM, with improved bioavailability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two limiting cases of molecular recognition, induced fit (IF) and conformational selection (CS), play a central role in allosteric regulation of natural systems. The IF paradigm states that a substrate \"instructs\" the host to change its shape after complexation, while CS asserts that a guest \"selects\" the optimal fit from an ensemble of preexisting host conformations. With no studies that quantitatively address the interplay of two limiting pathways in abiotic systems, we herein and for the first time describe the way by which twisted capsule M-1, encompassing two conformers M-1(+) and M-1(-), trap CX4 (X=Cl, Br) to give CX4 ⊂M-1(+) and CX4 ⊂M-1(-), with all four states being in thermal equilibrium. With the assistance of 2D EXSY, we found that CBr4 would, at its lower concentrations, bind M-1 via a M-1(+)→M-1(-)→CBr4 ⊂M-1(-) pathway corresponding to conformational selection. For M-1 complexing CCl4 though, data from 2D EXSY measurements and 1D NMR line-shape analysis suggested that lower CCl4 concentrations would favor CS while the IF pathway prevailed at higher proportions of the guest. Since CS and IF are not mutually exclusive, we reason that our work sets the stage for characterizing the dynamics of a wide range of already existing hosts to broaden our fundamental understanding of their action. The objective is to master the way in which encapsulation takes place for designing novel and allosteric sequestering agents, catalysts and chemosensors akin to those found in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By combining large-scale dissipative particle dynamics and steered molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the mechanochemical cellular internalization pathways of homogeneous and heterogeneous nanohydrogels and demonstrate that membrane internalization is determined by the crosslink density and encapsulation ability of nanohydrogels. The homogeneous nanohydrogels with a high crosslink density and low encapsulation ability behave as soft nanoparticles partially wrapped by the membrane, while those with a low crosslink density and high encapsulation ability permeate into the membrane. Regardless of the crosslink density, the homogeneous nanohydrogels undergo typical dual morphological deformations. The local lipid nanodomains are identified at the contacting region between the membrane and nanohydrogels because of different diffusion behaviors between lipid and receptor molecules during the internalization process. The yolk@shell heterogeneous nanohydrogels present a different mechanochemical cellular internalization pathway. The yolk with strong affinity is directly in contact with the membrane, resulting in partial membrane wrapping, and the contacting area is much reduced when compared to homogenous nanohydrogels, leading to a smaller lipid nanodomain and thus avoiding related cellular toxicity. Our findings provide a critical mechanism understanding of the biological pathways of nanohydrogels and may guide the molecular design of the hydrogel-based materials for controlled release drug delivery, tissue engineering, and cell culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Risperidone (RSP) is an atypical antipsychotic drug which acts as a potent antagonist of serotonin-2 (5TH2) and dopamine-2 (D2) receptors in the brain; it is used to treat schizophrenia, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia and irritability associated with autism. It is a poorly water soluble benzoxazole derivative with high lipophilicity. Supramolecular adducts between drug substance and two methylated β-cyclodextrins, namely heptakis(2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin (DM-β-CD) and heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin (TM-β-CD) were obtained in order to enhance RSP solubility and improve its biopharmaceutical profile. The inclusion complexes were evaluated by means of thermoanalytical methods (TG-thermogravimetry/DTG-derivative thermogravimetry/HF-heat flow), powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD), universal-attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (UATR-FTIR), UV spectroscopy and saturation solubility studies. Job\'s method was employed for the determination of the stoichiometry of the inclusion complexes, which was found to be 2:1 for both guest-host systems. Molecular modeling studies were carried out for an in-depth characterization of the interaction between drug substance and cyclodextrins (CDs). The physicochemical properties of the supramolecular systems differ from those of RSP, demonstrating the inclusion complex formation between drug and CDs. The RSP solubility was enhanced as a result of drug encapsulation in the CDs cavity, the higher increase being obtained with DM-β-CD as host; the guest-host system RSP/DM-β-CD can thus be a starting point for further research in developing new formulations containing RSP, with enhanced bioavailability.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Design, synthesis, and applications of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are among the most salient fields of research in modern inorganic and materials chemistry. As the structure and physical properties of MOFs are mostly dependent on the organic linkers or ligands, the choice of ligand system is of utmost importance in the design of MOFs. One such crucial organic linker/ligand is terpyridine (tpy), which can adopt various coordination modes to generate an enormous number of metal-organic frameworks. These frameworks generally carry physicochemical characteristics induced by the π-electron-rich (basically N-electron-rich moiety) terpyridines. In this minireview, the construction of 3D MOFs associated with symmetrical terpyridines is discussed. These ligands can be easily derivatized at the lateral phenyl (4\'-phenyl) position and incorporate additional organic functionalities. These functionalities lead to some different binding modes and form higher dimensional (3D) frameworks. Therefore, these 3D MOFs can carry multiple features along with the characteristics of terpyridines. Some properties of these MOFs, like photophysical, chemical selectivity, photocatalytic degradation, proton conductivity, and magnetism, etc. have also been discussed and correlated with their frameworks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Covalent capsule 1 was designed to include two molecular baskets linked with three mobile pyridines tucked into its inner space. On the basis of both theory (DFT) and experiments (NMR and X-ray crystallography), we found that the pyridine \"doors\" split the chamber (380 Å3 ) of 1 so that two equally sizeable compartments (190 Å3 ) became joined through a conformationally flexible aromatic barrier. The compartments of such unique host could be populated with CCl4 (88 Å3 ; PC=46 %), CBr4 (106 Å3 ; 56 %) or their combination CCl4 /CBr4 (PC=51 %), with thermodynamic stabilities ΔG° tracking the values of packing coefficients (PC). Halogen (C-X⋅⋅⋅π) and hydrogen bonding (C-H⋅⋅⋅X) contacts held the haloalkane guests in the cavities of 1. The consecutive complexations were found to occur in a negative allosteric manner, which we propose to result from the induced-fit mode of complexation. Newly designed 1 opens a way for probing the effects of inner conformational dynamics on noncovalent interactions, reactivity and intramolecular translation in confined spaces of hollow molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gingerols from the rhizome of fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale) were obtained by a simple extraction, followed by purification. The gingerols extract was composed of 6-gingerol (54%), 8-gingerol (20%), and 10-gingerol (26%). It was included into γ-cyclodextrin by classic co-dissolution procedures. Solid-state characterisation of γ-cyclodextrin·gingerols shows that this inclusion compound features 1:1 host-to-guest stoichiometry and that it is a microcrystalline powder with a crystalline cell that belongs to the tetragonal space group 4212, having the host molecules stacked in infinite channels where the gingerols are accommodated. In chimico studies with ABTS•+ scavenging, NO• scavenging, β-carotene peroxidation, and 5-LOX inhibition show that γ-cyclodextrin is a suitable carrier for gingerols, because it does not alter their reactivity towards these substances. Yogurt was tested as a matrix for the incorporation of gingerols and γ-cyclodextrin·gingerols into foodstuff. The colour of the fortified yogurt suffered little alterations. In the case of yogurt with the inclusion compound, γ-cyclodextrin·gingerols, as fortificant, these alterations were not perceptible to the naked eye. Moreover, yogurt with γ-cyclodextrin·gingerols showed a good antioxidant activity, thus being suitable for use in nutraceutical applications.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work, we report a mechanism by which stereoisomeric and twisted capsules P/M-1 direct their dynamic chirality in the presence of haloalkane guests. The capsule comprises a static, but twisted, cage that is linked to a dynamic tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (TPA) lid at its top. From the results of experimental (NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography) and computational (DFT) studies, the TPA lid was shown to assume clockwise (+) and counterclockwise (-) folds with diastereomeric (but racemic) capsules M-1(+) and M-1(-) interconverting at a rapid rate (ΔG≠ 189K =9.1 kcal mol-1 ). The relative stability of the capsules was found to be a function of guest(s) residing in their interior (243/262 Å3 ) with small CH2 Cl2 (61 Å3 ) yielding roughly equal population of diastereomeric inclusion complexes. Larger guests, such as CCl4 (89 Å3 ) and CBr4 (108 Å3 ), however, formed M-1(-)⊂CX4 at the expense of M-1(+)⊂CX4 in circa 3:1 ratio. To account for the observation, theory (DFT:M06-2X/6-31+G*) and experiments (1 H NMR spectroscopy) were used to deduce that CX4 guests become localized inside the twisted cage of the capsule by forming a C-X⋅⋅⋅π halogen bond [Nc =d/(rH +rX )=0.91-0.92] with the benzene \"floor\" while encountering electrostatic repulsions with closer naphthalimide boundaries. At last, the TPA lid used its central methylene hydrogens to establish, within the M-1(-)⊂CX4 , three stabilizing C-H⋅⋅⋅X-C interactions with the guest. The same C-H⋅⋅⋅X-C interactions, however, became weaker (or possibly vanished) after the conformational reorganization of the lid and the formation of less stable M-1(+)⊂CX4 complex. On individual basis, C-H⋅⋅⋅X-C intermolecular contacts are weak and hardly detectable in the solution phase. In the case of capsule P/M-1, however, these contacts were multivalent and altogether strong enough to direct the host\'s dynamic chirality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Montelukast (MLK), an oral antiasthmatic drug with growing use, requires special care in formulation and storage to avoid its degradation by action of light and water. This work investigates the increase in the stability of montelukast as the effect of molecular encapsulation with gamma-cyclodextrin (γ-CD) by means of a solvent-free method, cogrinding. As a first step, a 1:1 preferred stoichiometry is established for this hostguest system using a combination of molecular modeling and the continuous variation method. The solid 1:1 inclusion compound, γ-CD·MLK, is obtained by 2 comilling procedures. For comparison purposes, γ-CD·MLK is also prepared by a classical codissolution procedure and isolated by freeze-drying. Products were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, 13C{1H} CP-MAS NMR, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, and differential scanning calorimetry, which confirm inclusion, demonstrate the formation of amorphous products by comilling, and highlight the importance of the amorphous nature of the starting materials for the stability of the comilled final product. The dissolution profile of montelukast when released from the comilled products shows equivalent concentrations to those obtained with the same mass of the pure drug, with the extra advantage of keeping the solution stability (unaltered concentration) for longer periods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclodextrin complexes of fragrances, antimicrobial agents, dyes, insecticides, UV-filters can be incorporated into polymers (packaging films, trays, containers) either to ensure the slow release or a homogeneous distribution of the complexed substances. This way the propagation of microorganisms on surface of enwrapped products is decelerated, or the product is made more attractive by slowly released fragrances, protected against UV-light-induced deterioration, oxidation, etc. Incorporating empty cyclodextrins into the packaging material an aroma barrier packaging is produced, which decelerates the loss of the aroma from the packaged food, prevents the penetration of undesired volatile pollutants from the environment, like components of exhaust gases, cigarette smoke, and reduces the migration of plasticizers, residual solvents and monomers, etc. Applying cyclodextrins in active packaging allows to preserve the quality of food and ensures a longer shelf-life for the packaged items.






