Mole Rats

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naked mole rats (Heterocephalus galber) are eusocial mammals from East Africa. Their extraordinary social organisation is accompanied by remarkable adaptations to an underground lifestyle, extreme longevity and resistance to many diseases, making naked mole rats a highly relevant model for biological research. However, their living conditions in controlled environments do not allow them to express fundamental behaviours: digging galleries and exploring. This gap probably constitutes a bias to any behavioural or even medical study, because it represents a potential obstacle to their well-being. In this article, we tested the effects of the introduction of a diggable substrate on the behaviour of a colony of naked mole rats at the Menagerie, le Zoo du Jardin des Plantes, Paris. We measured individual exploratory latencies, the number of entries per minute and the frequency with which naked mole rats gnawed tunnels during observation trials. We found that: (i) young individuals explore more quickly, (ii) the introduction of a diggable substrate encourages exploration and digging behaviour, and (iii) could therefore be a relevant element to introduce under human care. This new environmental design could improve the welfare of naked mole rats by creating opportunities for cognitive challenges such as exploration and environmental control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The naked mole rat (NMR), Heterocephalus glaber, is known as the longest-lived rodent and is extraordinarily resistant to hypoxia and cancer. Here, both NMR embryonic fibroblasts (NEFs) and their mouse counterparts (MEFs) were subjected to anoxic conditions (0% O2, 5% CO2). A combination of comparative transcriptomics and proteomics was then employed to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Notably, we observed distinct levels of histone H1.2 (encoded by HIST1H1C) accumulation between NEFs and MEFs. Subsequent mechanistic analyses showed that higher H1.2 expression in NEFs was associated with the lower expression of its inhibitor, PARP1. Additionally, we discovered that H1.2 can directly interact with HIF-1α PAS domains, thereby promoting the expression of HIF-1α through facilitating the dimerization with HIF-1β. The overexpression of H1.2 was also found to trigger autophagy and to suppress the migration of cancer cells, as well as the formation of xenograft tumors, via the NRF2/P62 signaling pathway. Moreover, an engineered H1.2 knock-in mouse model exhibited significantly extended survival in hypoxic conditions (4% O2) and showed a reduced rate of tumor formation. Collectively, our results indicate a potential mechanistic link between H1.2 and the dual phenomena of anoxic adaptation and cancer resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cluster of Differentiation 1 (CD1) proteins are widely expressed throughout jawed vertebrates and present lipid antigens to specific CD1-restricted T lymphocytes. CD1 molecules play an important role in immune defense with the presence or absence of particular CD1 proteins frequently associated with the functional characteristics of the immune system. Here, we show the evolution of CD1 proteins in the Rodentia family and the diversity among its members. Based on the analysis of CD1 protein-coding regions in rodent genomes and the reconstruction of protein structures, we found that Heterocephalus glaber represents a unique member of the suborder Hystricomorpha with significant changes in protein sequences and structures of the CD1 family. Multiple lines of evidence point to the absence of CD1d and CD1e and probably a dysfunctional CD1b protein in Heterocephalus glaber. In addition, the impact of CD1d loss on the CD1d/Natural killer T (NKT) cell axis in the naked mole-rat and its potential implications for immune system function are discussed in detail.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic adaptation is the change of a population toward a phenotype that best fits the present ecological conditions of the environment it inhabits. As environmental conditions change, allele frequencies shift, resulting in different populations of the same species possessing genetic variation and divergent phenotypes. Cooperatively breeding common mole-rats (Cryptomys hottentotus hottentotus) inhabit environments along an aridity gradient in South Africa, which provides an opportunity for local genetic adaptations to occur. Using one mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b) and 3,540 SNP loci across the whole genome, we determined the phylogenetic relationship, population structure and genetic diversity of five populations of C. h. hottentotus located along an aridity gradient. Mitochondrial data identified population-specific clades that were less distinct in the two mesic populations, potentially indicating historical or recent gene flow, or the retention of ancestral haplotypes. Arid and semi-arid populations formed a distinct cluster from the non-arid populations. Genetic diversity and gene flow were higher in arid-dwelling individuals, suggesting greater connectivity and interactions between colonies in arid regions in comparison to mesic ones. Using an Aridity Index, we determined that isolation by environment, rather than isolation by geographical distance, best explains the genetic distance between the populations. Further analyses using target loci may determine if there are differing underlying genetic adaptations among populations of C. h. hottentotus. These analyses could help unravel population differences in response to environmental factors within a subspecies of bathyergid mole-rat and determine the adaptive capacity of this small nonmigratory subterranean rodent species in response to aridification in the face of climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer remains a formidable global health challenge, with metastasis being a key contributor to its lethality. Abundant high molecular mass hyaluronic acid, a major non-protein component of extracellular matrix, protects naked mole rats from cancer and reduces cancer incidence in mice. Hyaluronidase plays a critical role in degrading hyaluronic acid and is frequently overexpressed in metastatic cancer. Here we investigated the potential of targeting hyaluronidases to reduce metastasis. A high throughput screen identified delphinidin, a natural plant compound found in fruits and vegetables, as a potent hyaluronidase inhibitor. Delphinidin-mediated inhibition of hyaluronidase activity led to an increase in high molecular weight hyaluronic acid in cell culture and in mouse tissues, and reduced migration and invasion behavior of breast, prostate, and melanoma cancer cells. Moreover, delphinidin treatment suppressed melanoma metastasis in mice. Our study provides a proof of principle that inhibition of hyaluronidase activity suppresses cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis. Furthermore, we identified a natural compound delphinidin as a potential anticancer therapeutic. Thus, we have identified a path for clinical translation of the cancer resistance mechanism identified in the naked mole rat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is a mouse-sized rodent species, notable for its eusociality and long lifespan. Previously, we reported that demographic aging, i.e., the exponential increase of mortality hazard that accompanies advancing age in mammals and other organisms, does not occur in naked mole-rats (Ruby et al., 2018), a finding that has potential implications for human healthy aging. The demographic data supporting that conclusion had taken over three decades to accumulate, starting with the original rearing of H. glaber in captivity. This finding was controversial since many of the animals in that study were relatively young. In the 5 years following that study, we have doubled our quantity of demographic data. Here, we re-evaluated our prior conclusions in light of these new data and found them to be not only supported but indeed strengthened. We additionally provided insight into the social dynamics of captive H. glaber with data and analyses of body weight and colony size versus mortality. Finally, we provide a phylogenetically proximal comparator in the form of lifespan data from our Damaraland mole-rat (Fukomys damarensis) colony and demographic meta-analysis of those data along with published data from Ansell\'s mole-rat (Fukomys anselli). We found Fukomys mortality hazard to increase gradually with age, an observation with inferences on the evolution of exceptional lifespan among mole-rats and the ecological factors that may have accompanied that evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is a long-lived rodent species showing resistance to the development of cancer. Although naked mole-rats have been reported to lack natural killer (NK) cells, γδ T cell-based immunity has been suggested in this species, which could represent an important arm of the immune system for antitumor responses. Here, we investigate the biology of these unconventional T cells in peripheral tissues (blood, spleen) and thymus of the naked mole-rat at different ages by TCR repertoire profiling and single-cell gene expression analysis. Using our own TCR annotation in the naked mole-rat genome, we report that the γδ TCR repertoire is dominated by a public invariant Vγ4-2/Vδ1-4 TCR, containing the complementary-determining-region-3 (CDR3)γ CTYWDSNYAKKLF / CDR3δ CALWELRTGGITAQLVF that are likely generated by short-homology-repeat-driven DNA rearrangements. This invariant TCR is specifically found in γδ T cells expressing genes associated with NK cytotoxicity and is generated in both the thoracic and cervical thymus of the naked mole-rat until adult life. Our results indicate that invariant Vγ4-2/Vδ1-4 NK-like effector T cells in the naked mole-rat can contribute to tumor immunosurveillance by γδ TCR-mediated recognition of a common molecular signal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether the forelimb-digging apparatus of tooth-digging subterranean mammals has similar levels of specialization as compared to scratch-diggers is still unknown. We assessed the scapular morphology and forelimb musculature of all four solitary African mole rats (Bathyergidae): two scratch-diggers, Bathyergus suillus and Bathyergus janetta, and two chisel-tooth diggers, Heliophobius argenteocinereus and Georychus capensis. Remarkable differences were detected: Bathyergus have more robust neck, shoulder, and forearm muscles as compared to the other genera. Some muscles in Bathyergus were also fused and often showing wider attachment areas to bones, which correlate well with its more robust and larger scapula, and its wider and medially oriented olecranon. This suggests that shoulder, elbow, and wrist work in synergy in Bathyergus for generating greater out-forces and that the scapula and proximal ulna play fundamental roles as pivots to maximize and accommodate specialized muscles for better (i) glenohumeral and scapular stabilization, (ii) powerful shoulder flexion, (iii) extension of the elbow and (iv) flexion of the manus and digits. Moreover, although all bathyergids showed a similar set of muscles, Heliophobius lacked the m. tensor fasciae antebrachii (aiding with elbow extension and humeral retraction), and Heliophobius and Georychus lacked the m. articularis humeri (aiding with humeral adduction), indicating deeper morphogenetic differences among digging groups and suggesting a relatively less specialized scratch-digging ability. Nevertheless, Heliophobius and Bathyergus shared some similar adaptations allowing scratch-digging. Our results provide new information about the morphological divergence within this family associated with the specialization to distinct functions and digging behaviors, thus contributing to understand the mosaic of adaptations emerging in phylogenetically and ecologically closer subterranean taxa. This and previous anatomical studies on the Bathyergidae will provide researchers with a substantial basis on the form and function of the musculoskeletal system for future kinematic investigations of digging behavior, as well as to define potential indicators of scratch-digging ability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber) live in large colonies with one breeding female (queen), one to three breeding males (BMs) and the remainder are non-reproductive subordinates. The animals have a linear dominance rank with the breeders at the top of the hierarchy. We investigated how dominance rank in naked mole-rats differs with exploration (the propensity to explore a novel environment) and related endocrine markers. Exploration behaviour, faecal progestagen metabolite (fPM), faecal glucocorticoid metabolite (fGCM), faecal androgen metabolite (fAM) and plasma prolactin concentrations were quantified in breeding, high-, middle- and low-ranked females and males from five naked mole-rat colonies. There were no significant differences between the dominance rank and exploration behaviour. Interestingly, the queens and high-ranking females had higher fGCM and fAM concentrations compared with middle- and low-ranked females. The queens had significantly higher fPM concentrations than all other ranked females, since they are responsible for procreation. In the males, the BMs had higher fGCM concentrations compared with high- and low-ranked males. In addition, BMs and middle-ranking males had overall higher prolactin levels than all other ranked males, which could be linked to cooperative care. Overall, the results suggest that physiological reproductive suppression is linked to high dominance rank.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naked mole-rats (NMRs) are among the most hypoxia-tolerant mammals and metabolize only carbohydrates in hypoxia. Glucose is the primary building block of dietary carbohydrates, but how blood glucose is regulated during hypoxia has not been explored in NMRs. We hypothesized that NMRs mobilize glucose stores to support anaerobic energy metabolism in hypoxia. To test this, we treated newborn, juvenile and adult (subordinate and queen) NMRs in normoxia (21% O2) or hypoxia (7, 5 or 3% O2), while measuring metabolic rate, body temperature and blood [glucose]. We also challenged animals with glucose, insulin or insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) injections and measured the rate of glucose clearance in normoxia and hypoxia. We found that: (1) blood [glucose] increases in moderate hypoxia in queens and pups, but only in severe hypoxia in adult subordinates and juveniles; (2) glucose tolerance is similar between developmental stages in normoxia, but glucose clearance times are 2- to 3-fold longer in juveniles and subordinates than in queens or pups in hypoxia; and (3) reoxygenation accelerates glucose clearance in hypoxic subordinate adults. Mechanistically, (4) insulin and IGF-1 reduce blood [glucose] in subordinates in both normoxia but only IGF-1 impacts blood [glucose] in hypoxic queens. Our results indicate that insulin signaling is impaired by hypoxia in NMRs, but that queens utilize IGF-1 to overcome this limitation and effectively regulate blood glucose in hypoxia. This suggests that sexual maturation impacts blood glucose handling in hypoxic NMR queens, which may allow queens to spend longer periods of time in hypoxic nest chambers.





