• 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Defective ribosomal products (DRiPs) are non-functional proteins rapidly degraded during or after translation being an essential source for MHC class I ligands. DRiPs are characterized to derive from a substantial subset of nascent gene products that degrade more rapidly than their corresponding native retiree pool. So far, mass spectrometry analysis revealed that a large number of HLA class I peptides derive from DRiPs. However, a specific viral DRiP on protein level was not described. In this study, we aimed to characterize and identify DRiPs derived from a viral protein.
    UNASSIGNED: Using the nucleoprotein (NP) of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) which is conjugated N-terminally to ubiquitin, or the ubiquitin-like modifiers FAT10 or ISG15 the occurrence of DRiPs was studied. The formation and degradation of DRiPs was monitored by western blot with the help of a FLAG tag. Flow cytometry and cytotoxic T cells were used to study antigen presentation.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified several short lived DRiPs derived from LCMV-NP. Of note, these DRiPs could only be observed when the LCMV-NP was modified with ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like modifiers, but not in the wild type form. Using proteasome inhibitors, we could show that degradation of LCMV-NP derived DRiPs were proteasome dependent. Interestingly, the synthesis of DRiPs could be enhanced when cells were stressed with the help of FCS starvation. An enhanced NP118-126 presentation was observed when the LCMV-NP was modified with ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like modifiers, or under FCS starvation.
    UNASSIGNED: Taken together, we visualize for the first time DRiPs derived from a viral protein. Furthermore, DRiPs formation, and therefore MHC-I presentation, is enhanced under cellular stress conditions. Our investigations on DRiPs in MHC class I antigen presentation open up new approaches for the development of vaccination strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T cell engagers (TCEs) are becoming an integral class of biological therapeutic owing to their highly potent ability to eradicate cancer cells. Nevertheless, the widespread utility of classical CD3-targeted TCEs has been limited by narrow therapeutic index (TI) linked to systemic CD4+ T cell activation and aberrant cytokine release. One attractive approach to circumvent the systemic activation of pan CD3+ T cells and reduce the risk of cytokine release syndrome is to redirect specific subsets of T cells. A promising strategy is the use of peptide-major histocompatibility class I bispecific antibodies (pMHC-IgGs), which have emerged as an intriguing modality of TCE, based on their ability to selectively redirect highly reactive viral-specific effector memory cytotoxic CD8+ T cells to eliminate cancer cells. However, the relatively low frequency of these effector memory cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) may hamper their redirection as effector cells for clinical applications. To mitigate this potential limitation, we report here the generation of a pMHC-IgG derivative known as guided-pMHC-staging (GPS) carrying a covalent fusion of a monovalent interleukin-2 (IL-2) mutein (H16A, F42A). Using an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) arm as a proof-of-concept, tumor-associated antigen paired with a single-chain HLA-A *02:01/CMVpp65 pMHC fusion moiety, we demonstrate in vitro that the IL-2-armored GPS modality robustly expands CMVpp65-specific CD8+ effector memory T cells and induces potent cytotoxic activity against target cancer cells. Similar to GPS, IL-2-armored GPS molecules induce modulated T cell activation and reduced cytokine release profile compared to an analogous CD3-targeted TCE. In vivo we show that IL-2-armored GPS, but not the corresponding GPS, effectively expands grafted CMVpp65 CD8+ T cells from unstimulated human PBMCs in an NSG mouse model. Lastly, we demonstrate that the IL-2-armored GPS modality exhibits a favorable developability profile and monoclonal antibody-like pharmacokinetic properties in human neonatal Fc receptor transgenic mice. Overall, IL-2-armored GPS represents an attractive approach for treating cancer with the potential for inducing vaccine-like antiviral T cell expansion, immune cell redirection as a TCE, and significantly widened TI due to reduced cytokine release.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between microbiota and the immune system is complex and characterized by the ways in which microbiota directs immune function interactions, both innate and acquired and also keeps activating the immune system throughout an individual\'s life. In this respect, the human Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC, referred to as HLA in humans) plays a crucial role and is also established in self-defense against microbes by presenting microbial-derived peptides to the immune cells. However, this assumption has some unclear aspects that should be investigated. For example, how is the microbiota shaped by microbe species diversity, quantity and functions of the immune system, as well as the role and molecular mechanisms of the HLA complex during this process. There are autoimmune diseases related to both HLA and specific microbiota changes or alterations, many of which are mentioned in the present review. In addition, the HLA peptide presenting function should be put in a framework together with its linkage to diseases and also with HLA compatibility necessary for transplants to be successful. These are still quite an enigmatically statistical and phenomenological approach, but no firm pathogenic mechanisms have been described; thus, HLA\'s real functioning is still to be fully unveiled. After many years of HLA single-genes studies, firm pathogenesis mechanisms underlying disease linkage have been discovered. Finally, microbiota has been defined as conformed by bacteria, protozoa, archaea, fungi, and viruses; notwithstanding, endogenous viral sequences integrated into the human genome and other viral particles (obelisks) recently found in the digestive mucosa should be taken into account because they may influence both the microbiome and the immune system and their interactions. In this context, we propose to integrate these microbial-genetic particle components into the microbiome concept and designate it as \"microgenobiota\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic diversity is an essential indicator that echoes the natural selection and environmental adaptation of a species. Isolated small populations are vulnerable to genetic drift, inbreeding, and limited gene flow; thus, assessing their genetic diversity is critical in conservation. In this study, we studied the genetic diversity of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) using neutral microsatellites and five adaptive major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. Two DQA1 alleles, two DQB1 alleles, two DRB1 alleles, two DRB5 alleles, and three DPB1 alleles were isolated from a population. The results indicate that neutral microsatellites demonstrate a high degree of heterozygosity and polymorphism, while adaptive MHC genes display a high degree of heterozygosity and moderate polymorphism. The results also show that balancing selection has prominently influenced the MHC diversity of the species during evolution: (1) significant positive selection is identified at several amino acid sites (primarily at and near antigen-binding sites) of the DRB1, DRB5, and DQB1 genes; (2) phylogenetic analyses display the patterns of trans-species evolution for all MHC loci. This study provides valuable genetic diversity insights into black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys, which dwell at the highest altitude and have experienced the harshest environmental selection of all primates globally since the Pleistocene. Such results provide valuable scientific evidence and a reference for making or amending conservation strategies for this endangered primate species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanosized heat-stable vesicles released by virtually all cells in the body, including tumor cells and tumor-infiltrating dendritic cells (DCs). By carrying molecules from originating cells, EVs work as cell-to-cell communicators in both homeostasis and cancer but may also represent valuable therapeutic and diagnostic tools. This review focuses on the role of tumor-derived EVs (TEVs) in the modulation of DC functions and on the therapeutic potential of both tumor- and DC-derived EVs in the context of immunotherapy and DC-based vaccine design. TEVs were originally characterized for their capability to transfer tumor antigens to DCs but are currently regarded as mainly immunosuppressive because of the expression of DC-inhibiting molecules such as PD-L1, HLA-G, PGE2 and others. However, TEVs may still represent a privileged system to deliver antigenic material to DCs upon appropriate engineering to reduce their immunosuppressive cargo or increase immunogenicity. DC-derived EVs are more promising than tumor-derived EVs since they expose antigen-loaded MHC, costimulatory molecules and NK cell-activating ligands in the absence of an immunosuppressive cargo. Moreover, DC-derived EVs possess several advantages as compared to cell-based drugs such as a higher antigen/MHC concentration and ease of manipulation and a lower sensitivity to immunosuppressive microenvironments. Preclinical models showed that DC-derived EVs efficiently activate tumor-specific NK and T cell responses either directly or indirectly by transferring antigens to tumor-infiltrating DCs. By contrast, however, phase I and II trials showed a limited clinical efficacy of EV-based anticancer vaccines. We discuss that the future of EV-based therapy depends on our capability to overcome major challenges such as a still incomplete understanding of their biology and pharmacokinetic and the lack of standardized methods for high-throughput isolation and purification. Despite this, EVs remain in the limelight as candidates for cancer immunotherapy which may outmatch cell-based strategies in the fullness of their time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Personalized cancer vaccines have emerged as a promising avenue for cancer treatment or prevention strategies. This approach targets the specific genetic alterations in individual patient\'s tumors, offering a more personalized and effective treatment option. Previous studies have shown that generalized peptide vaccines targeting a limited scope of gene mutations were ineffective, emphasizing the need for personalized approaches. While studies have explored personalized mRNA vaccines, personalized peptide vaccines have not yet been studied in this context. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains challenging in oncology, necessitating innovative therapeutic strategies. In this study, we developed a personalized peptide vaccine design methodology, employing RNA sequencing (RNAseq) to identify prevalent gene mutations underlying PDAC development in a patient solid tumor tissue. We performed RNAseq analysis for trimming adapters, read alignment, and somatic variant calling. We also developed a Python program called SCGeneID, which validates the alignment of the RNAseq analysis. The Python program is freely available to download. Using chromosome number and locus data, SCGeneID identifies the target gene along the UCSC hg38 reference set. Based on the gene mutation data, we developed a personalized PDAC cancer vaccine that targeted 100 highly prevalent gene mutations in two patients. We predicted peptide-MHC binding affinity, immunogenicity, antigenicity, allergenicity, and toxicity for each epitope. Then, we selected the top 50 and 100 epitopes based on our previously published vaccine design methodology. Finally, we generated pMHC-TCR 3D molecular model complex structures, which are freely available to download. The designed personalized cancer vaccine contains epitopes commonly found in PDAC solid tumor tissue. Our personalized vaccine was composed of neoantigens, allowing for a more precise and targeted immune response against cancer cells. Additionally, we identified mutated genes, which were also found in the reference study, where we obtained the sequencing data, thus validating our vaccine design methodology. This is the first study designing a personalized peptide cancer vaccine targeting neoantigens using human patient data to identify gene mutations associated with the specific tumor of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain-like receptors (NLRs) NLR family CARD domain-containing protein 5 (NLRC5) and Class II Major Histocompatibility Complex Transactivator (CIITA) are transcriptional regulators of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II genes, respectively. MHC molecules are central players in our immune system, allowing the detection of hazardous \'non-self\' antigens and, thus, the recognition and elimination of infected or transformed cells from the organism. Recently, CIITA and NLRC5 have emerged as regulators of selected genes of the butyrophilin (BTN) family that interestingly are located in the extended MHC locus. BTNs are transmembrane proteins exhibiting structural similarities to B7 family co-modulatory molecules. The family member BTN2A2, which indeed contributes to the control of T cell activation, was found to be transcriptionally regulated by CIITA. NLRC5 emerged instead as an important regulator of the BTN3A1, BTN3A2, and BTN3A3 genes. Together with BTN2A1, BTN3As regulate non-conventional Vγ9Vδ2 T cell responses triggered by selected metabolites of microbial origin or accumulating in hematologic cancer cells. Even if endogenous metabolites conform to the canonical definition of \'self\', metabolically abnormal cells can represent a danger for the organism and should be recognized and controlled by immune system cells. Collectively, new data on the role of NLRC5 in the expression of BTN3As link the mechanisms regulating canonical \'non-self\' presentation and those marking cells with abnormal metabolic configurations for immune recognition, an evolutionary parallel that we discuss in this perspective review.






  • 文章类型: Congress






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal malignancies encompass a diverse group of cancers that pose significant challenges to global health. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays a pivotal role in immune surveillance, orchestrating the recognition and elimination of tumor cells by the immune system. However, the intricate regulation of MHC gene expression is susceptible to dynamic epigenetic modification, which can influence functionality and pathological outcomes.
    METHODS: By understanding the epigenetic alterations that drive MHC downregulation, insights are gained into the molecular mechanisms underlying immune escape, tumor progression, and immunotherapy resistance. This systematic review examines the current literature on epigenetic mechanisms that contribute to MHC deregulation in esophageal, gastric, pancreatic, hepatic and colorectal malignancies. Potential clinical implications are discussed of targeting aberrant epigenetic modifications to restore MHC expression and 0 the effectiveness of immunotherapeutic interventions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The integration of epigenetic-targeted therapies with immunotherapies holds great potential for improving clinical outcomes in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies and represents a compelling avenue for future research and therapeutic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red-crowned cranes (Grus japonensis) consist of two distinct groups: the continental population and the island population. The island population, localized in Hokkaido, Japan, exhibits very low genetic diversity due to its rapid recovery from the brink of extinction. Our previous research in 2018 highlighted a possible mating between a male from the continental population, with the Gj5 haplotype, and a female from the island population, with the Gj2 haplotype, at Hitominuma Sawmp shore in northern Hokkaido. The present study attempted to unravel the distribution of their offspring by examining the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of this mixed breeding pair compared with samples collected from cranes in northern and southeastern Hokkaido between 2008 and 2022. The analysis identified 55 MHC types, including 10 known types in a dataset of 89 crane samples, based on amino acid sequences. A total of 58 MHC types were recognized, based on nucleotide sequences, as there were many cases in which the same amino acid sequence had different nucleotide sequences. The five DNA types of MHC in the Hitominuma Swamp male were predominantly identified in eight cranes from northern Hokkaido and one chick from southeastern Hokkaido. In addition, population genetic analysis, based on insertion/deletion (InDel) polymorphisms, indicates distinct population differentiation between the northern and southeastern regions of Hokkaido. These results suggest that genetic contributions from the continental red-crowned crane population have already been integrated into the Hokkaido populations, with a more pronounced influence in northern Hokkaido.





