Left-right asymmetry

  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Asymmetric vertebrate heart development is driven by an intricate sequence of morphogenetic cell movements, the coordination of which requires precise interpretation of signaling cues by heart primordia. Here we show that Nodal functions cooperatively with FGF during heart tube formation and asymmetric placement. Both pathways act as migratory stimuli for cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs), but FGF is dispensable for directing heart tube asymmetry, which is governed by Nodal. We further find that Nodal controls CPC migration by inducing left-right asymmetries in the formation of actin-based protrusions in CPCs. Additionally, we define a developmental window in which FGF signals are required for proper heart looping and show cooperativity between FGF and Nodal in this process. We present evidence FGF may promote heart looping through addition of the secondary heart field. Finally, we demonstrate that loss of FGF signaling affects proper development of the atrioventricular canal (AVC), which likely contributes to abnormal chamber morphologies in FGF-deficient hearts. Together, our data shed insight into how the spatiotemporal dynamics of signaling cues regulate the cellular behaviors underlying organ morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heart development is a complex process that requires asymmetric positioning of the heart, cardiac growth and valve morphogenesis. The mechanisms controlling heart morphogenesis and valve formation are not fully understood. The pro-convertase FurinA functions in heart development across vertebrates. How FurinA activity is regulated during heart development is unknown. Through computational analysis of the zebrafish transcriptome, we identified an RNA motif in a variant FurinA transcript harbouring a long 3\' untranslated region (3\'UTR). The alternative 3\'UTR furina isoform is expressed prior to organ positioning. Somatic deletions in the furina 3\'UTR lead to embryonic left-right patterning defects. Reporter localisation and RNA-binding assays show that the furina 3\'UTR forms complexes with the conserved RNA-binding translational repressor, Ybx1. Conditional ybx1 mutant embryos show premature and increased Furin reporter expression, abnormal cardiac morphogenesis and looping defects. Mutant ybx1 hearts have an expanded atrioventricular canal, abnormal sino-atrial valves and retrograde blood flow from the ventricle to the atrium. This is similar to observations in humans with heart valve regurgitation. Thus, the furina 3\'UTR element/Ybx1 regulon is important for translational repression of FurinA and regulation of heart development.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Correct intestinal morphogenesis depends on the early embryonic process of gut rotation, an evolutionarily conserved program in which a straight gut tube elongates and forms into its first loops. However, the gut tube requires guidance to loop in a reproducible manner. The dorsal mesentery (DM) connects the gut tube to the body and directs the lengthening gut into stereotypical loops via left-right (LR) asymmetric cellular and extracellular behavior. The LR asymmetry of the DM also governs blood and lymphatic vessel formation for the digestive tract, which is essential for prenatal organ development and postnatal vital functions including nutrient absorption. Although the genetic LR asymmetry of the DM has been extensively studied, a divider between the left and right DM has yet to be identified. Setting up LR asymmetry for the entire body requires a Lefty1+ midline barrier to separate the two sides of the embryo-without it, embryos have lethal or congenital LR patterning defects. Individual organs including the brain, heart, and gut also have LR asymmetry, and while the consequences of left and right signals mixing are severe or even lethal, organ-specific mechanisms for separating these signals are not well understood. Here, we uncover a midline structure composed of a transient double basement membrane, which separates the left and right halves of the embryonic chick DM during the establishment of intestinal and vascular asymmetries. Unlike other basement membranes of the DM, the midline is resistant to disruption by intercalation of Netrin4 (Ntn4). We propose that this atypical midline forms the boundary between left and right sides and functions as a barrier necessary to establish and protect organ asymmetry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myosin-1D (myo1D) is important for Drosophila left-right asymmetry, and its effects are modulated by myosin-1C (myo1C). De novo expression of these myosins in nonchiral Drosophila tissues promotes cell and tissue chirality, with handedness depending on the paralog expressed. Remarkably, the identity of the motor domain determines the direction of organ chirality, rather than the regulatory or tail domains. Myo1D, but not myo1C, propels actin filaments in leftward circles in in vitro experiments, but it is not known if this property contributes to establishing cell and organ chirality. To further explore if there are differences in the mechanochemistry of these motors, we determined the ATPase mechanisms of myo1C and myo1D. We found that myo1D has a 12.5-fold higher actin-activated steady-state ATPase rate, and transient kinetic experiments revealed myo1D has an 8-fold higher MgADP release rate compared to myo1C. Actin-activated phosphate release is rate limiting for myo1C, whereas MgADP release is the rate-limiting step for myo1D. Notably, both myosins have among the tightest MgADP affinities measured for any myosin. Consistent with ATPase kinetics, myo1D propels actin filaments at higher speeds compared to myo1C in in vitro gliding assays. Finally, we tested the ability of both paralogs to transport 50 nm unilamellar vesicles along immobilized actin filaments and found robust transport by myo1D and actin binding but no transport by myo1C. Our findings support a model where myo1C is a slow transporter with long-lived actin attachments, whereas myo1D has kinetic properties associated with a transport motor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: It is commonly thought that while the organization of the cerebral cortex changes dramatically over evolution, the organization of the brainstem is conserved across species. It is further assumed that, as in other species, brainstem organization is similar from one human to the next. We will review our data on four human brainstem nuclei that suggest that both ideas may need modification.
    UNASSIGNED: We have studied the neuroanatomical and neurochemical organization of the nucleus paramedianus dorsalis (PMD), the principal nucleus of the inferior olive (IOpr), the arcuate nucleus of the medulla (Arc) and the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DC). We compared these human brainstem nuclei to nuclei in other mammals including chimpanzees, monkeys, cats and rodents. We studied human cases from the Witelson Normal Brain collection using Nissl and immunostained sections, and examined archival Nissl and immunostained sections from other species.
    UNASSIGNED: We found significant individual variability in the size and shape of brainstem structures among humans. There is left-right asymmetry in the size and appearance of nuclei, dramatically so in the IOpr and Arc. In humans there are nuclei, e.g., the PMD and the Arc, not seen in several other species. In addition, there are brainstem structures that are conserved across species but show major expansion in humans, e.g., the IOpr. Finally, there are nuclei, e.g. the DC, that show major differences in structure among species.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, the results suggest several principles of human brainstem organization that distinguish humans from other species. Studying the functional correlates of, and the genetic contributions to, these brainstem characteristics are important future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The left-right (L-R) asymmetry of the cells, or cell chirality, is a well-known intrinsic property derived from the dynamic organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Cell chirality can be regulated by actin-binding proteins such as α-actinin-1 and can also be mediated by certain signaling pathways, such as protein kinase C (PKC) signaling. Fascin, an actin crosslinker known to mediate parallel bundling of actin filaments, appears as a prominent candidate in cell chirality regulation, given its role in facilitating cell migration as an important PKC substrate. Here, it is shown that the chirality of NIH/3T3 cells can be altered by PKC activation and fascin manipulation. With either small-molecule drug inhibition or genetic knockdown of fascin, the chirality of 3T3 cells is reversed from a clockwise (CW) bias to a counterclockwise (CCW) bias on ring-shaped micropatterns, accompanied by the reversal in cell directional migration. The Ser-39 fascin-actin binding sites are further explored in cell chirality regulation. The findings of this study reveal the critical role of fascin as an important intermediator in cell chirality, shedding novel insights into the mechanisms of L-R asymmetric cell migration and multicellular morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vital internal organs display a left-right (LR) asymmetric arrangement that is established during embryonic development. Disruption of this LR asymmetry-or laterality-can result in congenital organ malformations. Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is a complete concordant reversal of internal organs that results in a low occurrence of clinical consequences. Situs ambiguous, which gives rise to Heterotaxy syndrome (HTX), is characterized by discordant development and arrangement of organs that is associated with a wide range of birth defects. The leading cause of health problems in HTX patients is a congenital heart malformation. Mutations identified in patients with laterality disorders implicate motile cilia in establishing LR asymmetry. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying SIT and HTX are not fully understood. In several vertebrates, including mouse, frog and zebrafish, motile cilia located in a \"left-right organizer\" (LRO) trigger conserved signaling pathways that guide asymmetric organ development. Perturbation of LRO formation and/or function in animal models recapitulates organ malformations observed in SIT and HTX patients. This provides an opportunity to use these models to investigate the embryological origins of laterality disorders. The zebrafish embryo has emerged as an important model for investigating the earliest steps of LRO development. Here, we discuss clinical characteristics of human laterality disorders, and highlight experimental results from zebrafish that provide insights into LRO biology and advance our understanding of human laterality disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Each cerebral hemisphere is functionally connected to the contralateral side of the body through the decussating neural tracts. The crossed neural pathways set a basis for contralateral effects of brain injury such hemiparesis and hemiplegia as it has been already noted by Hippocrates. Recent studies demonstrated that, in addition to neural mechanisms, the contralateral effects of brain lesions are mediated through the humoral pathway by neurohormones that produce either the left or right side-specific effects. The side-specific humoral signaling defines whether the left or right limbs are affected after a unilateral brain injury. The hormonal signals are released by the pituitary gland and may operate through their receptors that are lateralized in the spinal cord and involved in the side-specific control of symmetric neurocircuits innervating the left and right limbs. Identification of features and a proportion of neurological deficits transmitted by neurohormonal signals vs. those mediated by neural pathways is essential for better understanding of mechanisms of brain trauma and stroke and development of new therapies. In a biological context, the left-right side-specific neuroendocrine signaling may be fundamental for the control of the left- and right-sided processes in bilaterally symmetric animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastrulation denotes a very important developmental process, which includes significant structural tissue rearrangements and patterning events that shape the emerging vertebrate organism. At the end of gastrulation, the three body axes are spatially defined while the left-right axis still lacks any molecular or morphological polarity. In most vertebrates, this is established during neurulation by a symmetry breaking LR organizer. However, this mesoderm-derived structure depends on proper induction and specification of the mesoderm, which in turn requires involvement of several signaling pathways. Endocytosis and the endosomal machinery offer manifold platforms for intracellular pathway regulation, especially late endosomes claim increasing attention. The late endosomal regulator Rab7 has been linked to mesoderm specification during gastrulation. Distinct axial defects due to compromised dorsal mesoderm development in rab7-deficient Xenopus embryos suggested a requirement of Rab7 for FGF-dependent mesoderm patterning and LR asymmetry. Here we specifically addressed such a role of Rab7, demonstrating a functional requirement for LR organizer development and symmetry breakage. Using different FGF/MAPK pathway components we show that Rab7 participates in dorsal mesoderm patterning. We suggest a hierarchical classification of Rab7 upstream of MAPK-dependent mesoderm specification, most probably at the level of the small GTPase Ras. Thus, this study affords an insight on how the Rab7-regulated endosomal machinery could participate in signal transduction to enable correct mesoderm specification and left-right asymmetry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical spectrum of motile ciliopathies includes laterality defects, hydrocephalus, and infertility as well as primary ciliary dyskinesia when impaired mucociliary clearance results in otosinopulmonary disease. Importantly, approximately 30% of patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia lack a genetic diagnosis.
    Clinical, genomic, biochemical, and functional studies were performed alongside in vivo modeling of DAW1 variants.
    In this study, we identified biallelic DAW1 variants associated with laterality defects and respiratory symptoms compatible with motile cilia dysfunction. In early mouse embryos, we showed that Daw1 expression is limited to distal, motile ciliated cells of the node, consistent with a role in left-right patterning. daw1 mutant zebrafish exhibited reduced cilia motility and left-right patterning defects, including cardiac looping abnormalities. Importantly, these defects were rescued by wild-type, but not mutant daw1, gene expression. In addition, pathogenic DAW1 missense variants displayed reduced protein stability, whereas DAW1 loss-of-function was associated with distal type 2 outer dynein arm assembly defects involving axonemal respiratory cilia proteins, explaining the reduced cilia-induced fluid flow in particle tracking velocimetry experiments.
    Our data define biallelic DAW1 variants as a cause of human motile ciliopathy and determine that the disease mechanism involves motile cilia dysfunction, explaining the ciliary beating defects observed in affected individuals.





