
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Many institutions seek to engage postsecondary students in research to grow future researchers. Despite this common goal, the means to achieve that end is often unknown creating difficulties for students as they seek out research opportunities.
    UNASSIGNED: This article will share first-hand reports on the experiences of graduate students, undergraduate students, and family partners following their engagement as an interdisciplinary research team.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a qualitative study using individual open-ended interviews with undergraduate students, graduate students, and patient family partners. The research was conducted using a Patient-Oriented Research approach. The transcripts were analyzed inductively by using Braun and Clarke\'s six phases of reflexive thematic analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Two themes were developed from the analysis. The theme of Benefits & Facilitators was developed based on the many positive thoughts, feelings, resiliency, and learning expressed by the students and family partners. The undergraduate students found the experience of \"doing\" research fulfilling and a great tool for learning how to better use research in practice. Within the second theme Perceived Hierarchy, undergraduate students described themselves as helpers, not responsible, and they did not have the power to make decisions.
    UNASSIGNED: Given the challenges identified in this study, future efforts in this approach should carefully consider the culture and how to best engage graduate students, undergraduate students, and family partners in research teams.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interprofessional care improves outcomes for medically complex patients and may be a valuable addition to standard lifestyle medicine practice, but implementation barriers exist. The purpose of this study was to explore the key features, perceived impact, and implementation considerations related to holding interprofessional team meetings as part of an intensive lifestyle medicine program. In this mixed-methods study, focus groups were conducted with 15 lifestyle medicine clinicians from various healthcare disciplines who had participated in interprofessional team meetings. Quantitative descriptive statistics of the meeting minutes were also calculated. Clinician-perceived benefits from participating in interprofessional team meetings included increased acquisition of knowledge, access to other clinicians, collaborative decision-making, patient satisfaction, and achievement of patient-centered goals. Participants described the importance of preparing an agenda for the interprofessional team meetings in advance, but a major implementation challenge was the time required to prepare for and conduct the meetings. Commitment and financial support by organization and program leadership were reported as key facilitators to implementing the meetings. Clinicians perceive significant value from incorporation of interprofessional team meetings into an intensive lifestyle medicine program, but successful implementation of meetings requires investment from all levels within a healthcare system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many studies have identified an association between exposure to the natural environment and improved public-health outcomes. However, much of this observational work lacks a theoretical foundation, so we look to the humanities for a stronger basis for green-health research, examining how trees have been used as religious metaphors and symbols for health and wellbeing. In particular, the tree of life, sacred trees, and other religious symbols provide a promising theoretical basis for green-health research. Based on this review, we propose the value of incorporating attributes such as vegetation species and size in exposure metrics, and considering the interactions between exposure attributes (e.g., species) and individual attributes (e.g., culture).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial mechanics and mechanobiology have become 2 important research fields in life sciences and bioengineering. These fields investigate how physical factors induced by cell adhesion and collective behaviors can directly regulate biologic processes, such as organ development and disease progression. Cell mechanics and mechanobiology thus make exciting biophysics education topics to illustrate how fundamental physics principles play a role in regulating cell biology. However, the field currently lacks hands-on activities that engage students in learning science and outreach programs in these topics. One such area is the development of robust hands-on modules that allow students to observe features of cell shape and mechanics and connect them to fundamental physics principles. Here, we demonstrate a workflow that engages students in studying epithelial cell mechanics by using commercial histology slides of frog skin. We show that by using recently developed artificial intelligence-based image-segmentation tools, students can easily quantify different cell morphologic features in a high-throughput manner. Using our workflow, students can reproduce 2 essential findings in cell mechanics: the common gamma distribution of normalized cell aspect ratio in jammed epithelia and the constant ratio between the nuclear and cellular area. Importantly, because the only required instrument for this active learning module is a readily available light microscope and a computer, our module is relatively low cost, as well as portable. These features make the module scalable for students at various education levels and outreach programs. This highly accessible education module provides a fun and engaging way to introduce students to the world of epithelial tissue mechanics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Learning and teaching interdisciplinary health data science (HDS) is highly challenging, and despite the growing interest in HDS education, little is known about the learning experiences and preferences of HDS students.
    OBJECTIVE: We conducted a systematic review to identify learning preferences and strategies in the HDS discipline.
    METHODS: We searched 10 bibliographic databases (PubMed, ACM Digital Library, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Wiley Online Library, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, EBSCOhost, ERIC, and IEEE Xplore) from the date of inception until June 2023. We followed the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines and included primary studies written in English that investigated the learning preferences or strategies of students in HDS-related disciplines, such as bioinformatics, at any academic level. Risk of bias was independently assessed by 2 screeners using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, and we used narrative data synthesis to present the study results.
    RESULTS: After abstract screening and full-text reviewing of the 849 papers retrieved from the databases, 8 (0.9%) studies, published between 2009 and 2021, were selected for narrative synthesis. The majority of these papers (7/8, 88%) investigated learning preferences, while only 1 (12%) paper studied learning strategies in HDS courses. The systematic review revealed that most HDS learners prefer visual presentations as their primary learning input. In terms of learning process and organization, they mostly tend to follow logical, linear, and sequential steps. Moreover, they focus more on abstract information, rather than detailed and concrete information. Regarding collaboration, HDS students sometimes prefer teamwork, and sometimes they prefer to work alone.
    CONCLUSIONS: The studies\' quality, assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, ranged between 73% and 100%, indicating excellent quality overall. However, the number of studies in this area is small, and the results of all studies are based on self-reported data. Therefore, more research needs to be conducted to provide insight into HDS education. We provide some suggestions, such as using learning analytics and educational data mining methods, for conducting future research to address gaps in the literature. We also discuss implications for HDS educators, and we make recommendations for HDS course design; for example, we recommend including visual materials, such as diagrams and videos, and offering step-by-step instructions for students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In the USA, the American Cleft Palate Association-Craniofacial Association (ACPA-CPF) specifies guidelines to ensure craniofacial teams function in a multidisciplinary fashion to provide care in a sequence that mirrors the patient\'s needs. Among these guidelines is the expectation that teams hold regular multidisciplinary team meetings to discuss patient care. The purpose of this study was to identify factors that contribute to optimal team functioning during these meetings. The impact of the virtual format on meetings was also evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: One-hour semi-structured interviews of craniofacial team members, queried on current and ideal team meetings, were conducted from December 2020 - January 2021. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and coded to identify common themes until thematic saturation was achieved.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixteen team members from three major American craniofacial centers were interviewed virtually.
    UNASSIGNED: Three major categories were identified as integral to successful meetings: (1) meeting content, (2) meeting processes, and (3) team dynamics. Within these categories are several factors that participants reported as important to optimize their multidisciplinary meetings: key content for discussions, integration of patient perspective, recognition of collaboration in determining proper sequence of treatments, an attentive discussion leader promoting equitable discussions, managing absences, and team diversity. Participants also identified benefits and pitfalls of hosting meetings in the virtual setting, including lack of engagement and awkward communication.
    UNASSIGNED: Diverse groups of disciplines are expected to come together during craniofacial multidisciplinary meetings to formulate intricate care plans for complex patients. In this study, craniofacial team members have identified several key factors to optimize these meetings. The research group used these factors to propose a self-evaluation instrument for meeting quality improvement, provided in printable format. Further studies should evaluate how implementation of these factors affects meetings and ultimately guides patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) is a multidisciplinary field of inquiry, practice, and policy concerned with enhancing the social-emotional competence of infants and young children. Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is a system of services that supports infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. ECI providers promote a child\'s development in all domains, including social-emotional. The purpose of this paper is to describe how two systems, Early Childhood Intervention and Infant Early Childhood Mental Health, collaborate when serving children who have developmental delays or disabilities and their families and other caregivers. We will discuss two models used to promote social-emotional development, the Pyramid Model and IECMH Consultation, and provide three examples that demonstrate how ECI and IECMH intersect at both the family, classroom, and system levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Neurosurgical ablative procedures, such as cordotomy and cingulotomy, are often considered irreversible and destructive but can provide an effective and individualized solution for cancer-related refractory pain, when all other approaches have been unsuccessful. This paper provides an in-depth exploration of a novel approach to managing refractory cancer pain. It involves an interdisciplinary team led by a neurosurgeon at a renowned national referral center.
    METHODS: a retrospective analysis of the medical records of all sequential patients who underwent their initial evaluation at our interdisciplinary refractory cancer pain clinic from February 2017 to January 2023.
    RESULTS: A total of 207 patients were examined in the clinic for a first visit during the study period. All patients were referred to the clinic due to severe pain that was deemed refractory by the referring physician. The mean age was 61 ± 12.3 years, with no significant sex difference (P = 0.58). The mean ECOG Performance Status score was 2.35. Conservative measures had not yet been exhausted in 28 patients (14%) and 9 patients were well controlled (4%). Neurosurgical ablative procedures were recommended for 151 (73%) of the patients. Sixty-six patients (32%) eventually underwent the procedure. 91 patients (44%) received a negative recommendation for surgery. Thirty-five patients (17%) were referred for further invasive procedures at the pain clinic.
    CONCLUSIONS: An Interdisciplinary cooperation between palliative care specialists, pain specialists, and neurosurgeons ensures optimal patient selection and provides safe and effective neurosurgery for the treatment of refractory cancer-related pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Description Burnout among academic physicians, who navigate multiple roles beyond the clinical environment, is a pressing issue. However, the factors driving burnout among academic physicians are not fully understood. Prior research has revealed differences in burnout dimensions between clinical and basic science faculty, but the impact of balancing research, education, and clinical demands on academic physicians is still unclear. This knowledge gap negatively affects the clinical, translational science, research, and medical education workforces and has particular implications for minoritized and marginalized groups working in academic medical centers. Creating a culture of well-being has been vital in addressing burnout. Further research is needed to explore the unique experiences and demands of academic physicians- particularly those from minoritized and marginalized backgrounds-and to develop effective strategies to promote well-being as they balance diverse roles and contexts. This commentary highlights gaps in understanding burnout among academic physicians and proposes guidelines for future research as well as strategies to improve well-being at academic medical centers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global challenges such as climate change, food security and human health and well-being disproportionately impact people from low-income countries. These challenges are complex and require an international and transdisciplinary approach to research, with research skills and expertise from different disciplines, sectors and regions. In addressing this, a key goal of the research project, Blue Communities, was to create and expand mutual interdisciplinary capacity of both United Kingdom and Southeast Asian Partners. An existing questionnaire on research capacity was uniquely adapted to include interdisciplinary and international aspects and distributed for the first time as an online survey to the participants of the Blue Communities project comprising researchers across all career stages. Participants were asked about their perceptions of the research capacity and culture of their organisation, team and self and whether they believed any aspects have changed since their involvement with the project. Greatest improvement was seen at the self-level where results indicated a positive relationship between an individual\'s current success or skill and their improvement over the course of the research project across 18 out of 22 aspects of research capacity for Southeast Asian, and two for UK respondents. The conflict between achieving research aims, building research capacity and making societal impact was evident. Institutional support is required to value these core aspects of interdisciplinary research.





