• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ciliopathies are human genetic disorders caused by abnormal formation and dysfunction of cellular cilia. Cilia are microtubule-based organelles that project into the extracellular space and transduce molecular and chemical signals from the extracellular environment or neighboring cells. Intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins are required for the assembly and maintenance of cilia by transporting proteins along the axoneme which consists of complexes A and B. IFT46, a core IFT-B protein complex, is required for cilium formation and maintenance during vertebrate embryonic development. Here, we introduce transgenic zebrafish lines under the control of ciliated cell-specific IFT46 promoter to recapitulate human ciliopathy-like phenotypes. We generated a Tg(IFT46:GAL4-VP16) line to temporo-spatially control the expression of effectors including fluorescent reporters or nitroreductase based on the GAL4/UAS system, which expresses GAL4-VP16 chimeric transcription factors in most ciliated tissues during embryonic development. To analyze the function of IFT46-expressing ciliated cells during zebrafish development, we generated the Tg(IFT46:GAL4-VP16;UAS;nfsb-mCherry) line, a ciliated cell-specific injury model induced by nitroreductase (NTR)/metrodinazole (MTZ). Conditionally, controlled ablation of ciliated cells in transgenic animals exhibited ciliopathy-like phenotypes including cystic kidneys and pericardial and periorbital edema. Altogether, we established a zebrafish NTR/MTZ-mediated ciliated cell injury model that recapitulates ciliopathy-like phenotypes and may be a vertebrate animal model to further investigate the etiology and therapeutic approaches to human ciliopathies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is characterised by an imbalance in mucociliary clearance leading to chronic respiratory infections. Cilia length is considered to be a contributing factor in cilia movement. Recently, IFT46 protein has been related to cilia length. Therefore, this work aims to study IFT46 expression in a PCD patients cohort and analyse its relationship with cilia length and function, as it was not previously described.
    UNASSIGNED: The expression of one intraflagellar transport (IFT46) and two regulating ciliary architecture (FOXJ1 and DNAI2) genes, as well as cilia length of 27 PCD patients, were measured. PCD patients were diagnosed based on clinical data, and cilia function and ultrastructure. Gene expression was estimated by real-time RT-PCR and cilia length by electron microscopy in nasal epithelium biopsies.Results and conclusions: While IFT46 expression was only diminished in patients with short cilia, FOXJ1, and DNAI2 expression were reduced in all PCD patient groups compared to controls levels. Among the PCD patients, cilia were short in 44% (5.9 ± 0.70 µm); nine of these (33% from the total) patients\' cilia also had an abnormal ultrastructure. Cilia length was normal in 33% of patients (6.4 ± 0.39 µm), and only three patients\' biopsies indicated decreased expression of dynein.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) involves renal cysts arising from proliferating tubular cells. Autophagy has been recently suggested as a potential therapeutic target in PKD, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key negative regulator of autophagy. However, the effect of autophagy regulation on cystogenesis has not been elucidated in PKD mice.
    METHODS: Clinical validation was performed using GEO datasets and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) patient samples. Newly established PKD and LC3 transgenic mice were used for in vivo verifications, and additional tests were performed in vitro and in vivo using multiple autophagy drugs.
    RESULTS: Neither autophagy stimulation nor LC3 overexpression alleviated PKD. Furthermore, we observed the inhibitory effect of an autophagy inhibitor on cysts, indicating its possible therapeutic use in a specific group of patients with ADPKD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide a novel insight into the pathogenesis related to autophagy in PKD, suggesting that drugs related to autophagy regulation should be considered with caution for treating PKD.
    BACKGROUND: This work was supported by grants from the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program; the Collaborative Genome Program for Fostering New Post-Genome Industry of the NRF; the Basic Science Program.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motile cilia protrude from cell surfaces and are necessary to create movement of cells and fluids in the body. At the molecular level, cilia contain several dynein molecular motor complexes including outer dynein arms (ODAs) that are attached periodically to the ciliary axoneme, where they hydrolyse ATP to create the force required for bending and motility of the cilium. ODAs are preassembled in the cytoplasm and subsequently trafficked into the cilium by the intraflagellar transport (IFT) system. In the case of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the adaptor protein ODA16 binds to ODAs and directly to the IFT complex component IFT46 to facilitate the ciliary import of ODAs. Here, we purified recombinant human IFT46 and ODA16, determined the high-resolution crystal structure of the ODA16 protein, and carried out direct interaction studies of IFT46 and ODA16. The human ODA16 C-terminal 320 residues adopt the fold of an eight-bladed β-propeller with high overall structural similarity to the Chlamydomonas ODA16. However, the small 80 residue N-terminal domain, which in Chlamydomonas ODA16 is located on top of the β-propeller and is required to form the binding cleft for IFT46, has no visible electron density in case of the human ODA16 structure. Furthermore, size exclusion chromatography and pull-down experiments failed to detect a direct interaction between human ODA16 and IFT46. These data suggest that additional factors may be required for the ciliary import of ODAs in human cells with motile cilia.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intraflagellar transport (IFT) system is essential for bidirectional movement of ciliary components from the basal body to the tip beneath the ciliary sheath and is conserved for cilia and flagella formation in most vertebrates. IFT complex A is involved in anterograde trafficking, whereas complex B is involved in retrograde trafficking. IFT46 is well known as a crucial component of IFT complex B, however, its developmental functions are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the novel functions of IFT46 during vertebrate development, especially, ciliogenesis and neurogenesis, because IFT46 is strongly expressed in both multiciliated cells of epithelial and neural tissues. Knockdown of IFT46 using morpholino microinjections caused shortening of the body axis as well as the formation of fewer and shorter cilia. Furthermore, loss of IFT46 down-regulated the expression of the neural plate and neural tube markers, thus may influence Wnt/planar cell polarity and the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway during neurogenesis. In addition, loss of IFT46 caused craniofacial defects by interfering with cartilage formation. In conclusion, our results depict that IFT46 plays important roles in cilia as well as in neural and craniofacial development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cilia are microtubule-based structures that project into the extracellular space. Ciliary defects are associated with several human diseases, including polycystic kidney disease, primary ciliary dyskinesia, left-right axis patterning, hydrocephalus and retinal degeneration. However, the genetic and cellular biological control of ciliogenesis remains poorly understood. The IFT46 is one of the highly conserved intraflagellar transport complex B proteins. In zebrafish, ift46 is expressed in various ciliated tissues such as Kupffer׳s vesicle, pronephric ducts, ears and spinal cord. We show that ift46 is localized to the basal body. Knockdown of ift46 gene results in multiple phenotypes associated with various ciliopathies including kidney cysts, pericardial edema and ventral axis curvature. In ift46 morphants, cilia in kidney and spinal canal are shortened and abnormal. Similar ciliary defects are observed in otic vesicles, lateral line hair cells, olfactory pits, but not in Kupffer׳s vesicle. To explore the functions of Ift46 during mouse development, we have generated Ift46 knock-out mice. The Ift46 mutants have developmental defects in brain, neural tube and heart. In particular Ift46(-/-) homozygotes displays randomization of the embryo heart looping, which is a hallmark of defective left-right (L/R) axis patterning. Taken together, our results demonstrated that IFT46 has an essential role in vertebrate ciliary development.





