Hybrid tumor

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Myotonic dystrophy, also referred myotonic muscular dystrophy, is an autosomal dominant, slowly progressive, multisystem disease characterized by skeletal muscle weakness, wasting, and myotonia. A hybrid tumor of odontogenic apparatus is a lesion showing combined histopathological characteristics of two or more previously recognized odontogenic tumors and/or cysts of different categories. We, therefore, report a case of hybrid tumor (adenomatoid odontogenic tumor associated with calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor) in a myotonic dystrophic patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ameloblastoma is one of the most prevalent odontogenic tumors of epithelial origin, with several histological variations. However, among these variants, \'hybrid ameloblastoma\' is infrequent and anomalous. The current case study demonstrates the existence of hybrid ameloblastoma in a 27-year-old female patient, which included desmoplastic, follicular, and acanthomatous patterns. The right side of the mandible was affected by tumor growth, with extensive bone involvement and neural invasion, resulting in a loss of sensation on that side. Although the tumor grows at a gradual pace, its enigmatic manifestation highlights the significance of a meticulous diagnosis. The course of treatment involved comprehensive resection of the tumor segment, followed by the recommended reconstructive surgery during the postoperative follow-up period.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Schwannomas of the peripheral nerves are benign tumors that can very rarely undergo malignant transformation. These lesions are particularly challenging to diagnose via noninvasive techniques but can have significant implications for treatment.
    METHODS: This is a case of a 70-year-old female with a prior history of a right sciatic notch tumor that was diagnosed as a conventional schwannoma via histology from an initial biopsy and subsequent surgical debulking. Unfortunately, she experienced significant worsening of her motor deficit, whereby her postoperative foot weakness progressed to complete foot drop in less than 2 years. In addition, she demonstrated significant radiological progression, with more than 1 to 2 cm of growth in each dimension at her subsequent evaluation, along with intractable right leg pain. An additional operation was performed to completely remove the 7 × 8 cm tumor, and histology demonstrated angiosarcoma within a schwannoma. There was no evidence of recurrence at 15 months, and the patient had significant improvement in her pain.
    CONCLUSIONS: Rapidly worsening function and radiological progression are not typically seen with conventional benign nerve sheath tumors and should prompt consideration of other lesions. Angiosarcoma within schwannoma is a rare pathology and optimal therapies for these tumors in terms of surgical timing and adjuvant therapy are still unknown.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Hybrid peripheral nerve sheath tumors (HPNST) are a newly recognized class of peripheral nerve sheath tumor, composed of at least two areas characteristic of perineurioma, schwannoma, or neurofibroma. The literature consists only of case reports and small series; therefore, we present an illustrative case and an analysis of all reported cases of HPNST with a perineurioma component in the literature.
    A systematic search of the literature was performed to identify all reported cases of hybrid perineurioma-schwannoma or perineurioma-neurofibroma in the world\'s literature. Individual cases were analyzed for demographics, clinical features, imaging, and outcomes.
    A total of 159 cases were identified across 41 studies. Hybrid tumors tended to present in mid-adulthood (median 38.5 years), predominantly affected females (57%, 89/156), as a painless (63%, 63/100) mass, or swelling. Ten patients (10/74, 14%) had a history of neurofibromatosis 1, and 2 patients a history of neurofibromatosis 2 (2/74, 3%). The majority (78%, 122/157) of cases occurred superficially, most commonly in the lower extremity (25%, 39/157). Perineurioma-schwannoma was the most reported (86%, 137/159) pathologic diagnosis, with 3 cases presenting with malignant features. Two cases reocurred after resection.
    HPNST tend to occur in mid-adulthood and present as slowly progressive, painless, superficial masses, with a heterogeneous appearance on imaging. These entities pose a unique diagnostic challenge and likely remain under-recognized in the literature and current clinical practice. They pose low risk of recurrence or malignant transformation, and future work regarding the association with neurofibromatosis and genetic profiles is needed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Management of peripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNST) in Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2) is complicated by frequent involvement of major peripheral nerves and concern that these tumors may be plexiform and/or involve multiple fascicles. Hybrid histologic features of both schwannoma and neurofibroma have been described in NF2-associated tumors, although the incidence of this phenotype in PNSTs is unknown. We sought to define the outcomes of surgery for tumors involving major peripheral nerves in NF2 and identify the rate of hybrid histology in PNSTs.
    Functional outcomes of surgery for patients with tumors on major (named) peripheral nerves were recorded. Histopathologic analyses were performed on all available excised tumors.
    Nineteen operations were performed in 12 patients with NF2, for resection of 28 PNSTs. Among 11 tumors involving major peripheral nerves, 10 involved nerves related to motor function. Presenting symptoms in this group included pain (9) and weakness (4). Median tumor diameter was 3.4 cm (range:2.2-10.3 cm). Gross-total resection was achieved in 10 cases. Motor function was stable/improved in 10 cases but diminished after one case involving a small motor fascicle. All tumors involved a single fascicle. Histopathologic analyses of 21 available specimens revealed 19 pure schwannomas. In two cases (10 %) hybrid features of both schwannoma and neurofibroma were identified, with mast cells within regions consistent with neurofibroma.
    PNSTs can be resected safely in NF2, even if they involve major peripheral nerves. A small proportion (10 %) of these tumors harbor hybrid histologic features, which may explain reports of plexiform or multi-fascicular tumors in NF2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adipose lesions of nerve can be envisioned as a spectrum ranging from intraneural/extraneural lipomas to lipomatosis of nerve (LN). We have noticed that intraneural lipomas are not as a homogenous group as previously thought and demonstrate differences which have clinical implications. To better understand intraneural lipomas, we conducted a search of cases at our institution and published cases in the world\'s literature.
    Mayo Clinic\'s database was searched between years 1994-2018. Published cases were identified using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Following terms were used: intraneural lipoma, lipoma and nerve, lipoma and neuropathy, lipofibroma and nerve, fibrolipoma and nerve and neural lipoma as well as lipofibroma and fibrolipoma alone. Cases that could be clearly identified as intraneural lipomas by the location of the lipoma within the epineurium were included for analysis. These cases were then sub-classified as encapsulated intraneural lipomas or hybrid intraneural lipomas (demonstrating features of both intraneural/extraneural lipomas and LN) based on their characteristics.
    We identified 12 cases at our institution (8 encapsulated, 4 hybrid) and 24 published cases (21 encapsulated, 3 hybrid). The most commonly affected nerve was median both at our institution and in the published cases. Encapsulated cases were found to be relatively easy to resect. Hybrid cases demonstrated variable degree of interdigitating fat between the fascicles and were relatively difficult to resect.
    Intraneural lipomas exist as two separate entities with distinct clinical implications. Although rare, this should be taken in account when planning surgery. Terminology should be clarified to prevent ambiguity and confusion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Renal oncocytoma is the most common benign renal tumor, and papillary renal cell carcinoma is the second most common histologic subtype of renal cell carcinoma. Renal tumors containing different components such as papillary renal cell carcinoma and oncocytoma are extremely rare.
    METHODS: A renal mass was incidentally detected in a 52-year-old Korean woman, and a computed tomographic scan showed a 32-mm multicystic mass with some calcifications in the lower pole of the right kidney. She underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy without any perioperative complications. We found a papillary renal cell carcinoma and an oncocytoma in a tumor mass.
    CONCLUSIONS: The possibility of a mixed malignant tumor should be considered while treating benign tumors such as oncocytoma.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Renal oncocytoma and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma have been long recognized as distinct tumors; however, it remains unknown if uniform diagnostic criteria are used to distinguish these tumor types in practice. A survey was distributed to urologic pathologists regarding oncocytic tumors. Responses were received from 17 of 26 invitees. Histologically, more than 1 mitotic figure was regarded as most worrisome (n=10) or incompatible (n=6) with oncocytoma diagnosis. Interpretation of focal nuclear wrinkling, focal perinuclear clearing, and multinucleation depended on extent and did not necessarily exclude oncocytoma if minor. Staining techniques most commonly used included the following: cytokeratin 7 (94%), KIT (71%), vimentin (65%), colloidal iron (59%), CD10 (53%), and AMACR (41%). Rare cytokeratin 7-positive cells (≤5%) were regarded as most supportive of oncocytoma, although an extent excluding oncocytoma was not universal. Multiple chromosomal losses were most strongly supportive for chromophobe renal cell carcinoma diagnosis (65%). Less certainty was reported for chromosomal gain or a single loss. For tumors with mixed or inconclusive features, many participants use an intermediate diagnostic category (82%) that does not label the tumor as unequivocally benign or malignant, typically \"oncocytic neoplasm\" or \"tumor\" with comment. The term \"hybrid tumor\" was used variably in several scenarios. A slight majority (65%) report outright diagnosis of oncocytoma in needle biopsies. The morphologic, immunohistochemical, and genetic characteristics that define oncocytic renal tumors remain incompletely understood. Further studies correlating genetics, behavior, and histology are needed to define which tumors truly warrant classification as carcinomas for patient counseling and follow-up strategies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Neurofibromas and schwannomas are common lesions that may be idiopathic or may occur in association with neural crest genetic syndromes such as neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis type 2, and schwannomatosis. A hybrid tumor that contains pathological characteristics of both neurofibroma and schwannoma has been described as a rare entity. We present the clinical, radiographic, and pathological findings of such a case.





