Health workforce

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Occupational therapy has been underdeveloped and often neglected in the global health workforce agenda, contrasting with the global rise of population needs for services. The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) is utilizing a research-based, multi-step process for developing a Global Strategy for strengthening the occupational therapist workforce. A multi-pronged scoping review, situational analysis, and expert input process enabled the drafting of a provisional Global Strategy. Here, feedback on that draft from representatives of WFOT member organizations was obtained and analyzed as one key intermediate step toward shaping the in-developing Strategy\'s content and structure.
    METHODS: Two-phased, mixed-methods consultation consisting of: (1) online survey with score ratings and comments on the utility of each strategy and (2) four in-person focus groups discussions on low-scoring items involving a total of 76 representatives of WFOT member organizations. The focus group discussions were analyzed using an inductive thematic analysis approach.
    RESULTS: Strategies involving \'task shifting/task sharing\' or the \'harmonization of workforce data-collection requirements\' received the lowest scores in the initial survey and were thereby addressed in the focus groups discussions. The overarching theme of the focus groups was the need to: \"clarify, specify, and contextualize the strategies\", including: (1) \"clarify the terminology and specify the application\", for example, describe the meaning of task shifting, specify which tasks can (and cannot) be shifted and to whom, to address concerns regarding scope-of-practice, service demand, and safety; and (2) \"outline the context of need and the context for the implementation\" of the strategies, elucidating why the strategies are needed and how they can be feasibly implemented across the different jurisdictional contexts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Within a mixed-methods consultation, WFOT representatives identified challenging topics on the draft workforce strategies and suggested methods to improve the Global Strategy, its acceptability, and implementation. The terms \'task shifting/task sharing\' raised the greatest discussion among the profession leaders, when the strategy was not sufficiently clarified, specified, or contextualized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Podiatry enrolments at Australian and New Zealand universities have decreased by 17.3% since 2015, which threatens the profession\'s sustainability and the health and wellbeing of Australian and New Zealand people and communities. Reasons for this decline remain unclear due to insufficient evidence on factors influencing career choices. The overarching aim of this study was to identify motivators and barriers for studying podiatry in Australia and New Zealand.
    METHODS: This study used a convergent mixed methods design. Students enrolled in (i) podiatry and (ii) relevant non-podiatry health, sport or science programs at nine Australian and one New Zealand university, were invited to participate in an online survey. First-year podiatry students were also invited to participate in an online workshop. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and linear/logistic regression models. Three independent assessors used inductive thematic analysis for the qualitative data.
    RESULTS: Overall, 278 podiatry students (mean age 24.9 ± 8.5 years, 65.1% female) and 553 non-podiatry students (mean age 24.8 ± 8.2 years, 75.4% female; 32.2% from physiotherapy and 29.1% from occupational therapy) responded to the survey. Interest in a health-related career, wanting to make a difference to people\'s health, and opportunity to care for people from different backgrounds/age groups were key motivating factors among podiatry students. Barriers to studying podiatry were encountered by 28.1% of podiatry students. Thematic analysis identified seven themes concerning career choice, which are as follows: (i) awareness of profession and scope of practice; (ii) stereotypes and negative perceptions of the profession; (iii) awareness of career pathways; (iv) job prospects and earning potential; (v) working with people and building relationships; (vi) podiatry is not the first preference; and (vii) barriers which limit student enrolment.
    CONCLUSIONS: There are a variety of factors that motivate and influence students to study podiatry, however, altruistic reasons are most highly rated. Allied health students have limited understanding of the scope of practice and career opportunities in podiatry. Additionally, the podiatry profession often faces negative stereotypes. Further work is required to reverse the negative stereotypes and perceptions of podiatry and build knowledge of the profession\'s scope of practice, career pathways/opportunities, job prospects and earning potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite high prevalence, access to mental healthcare for Canadian youth is limited, with less than 20% receiving adequate treatment. Marginalised and at-risk youth face particular challenges, including cultural misunderstandings, long wait times and negative care experiences. A competency framework for mental health clinicians working with youth can be a tool to increase the capacity of the health workforce to deliver culturally responsive care. This scoping review aims to comprehensively summarise the existing literature on competency frameworks for mental health clinicians and youth service providers, assessing how these frameworks align with culturally responsive care and examining their development, evaluation and implementation methods.
    METHODS: This review protocol is guided by the Joanna Briggs Institute and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews guidelines and registered with the Open Science Framework ( The search strategy, developed with an Information Specialist, comprises a three-step process: preliminary searches in two databases, expansion of the search across Medline, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycInfo, CENTRAL and dissertations and theses databases and examination of reference lists and hand-searching for additional sources. The search strategy was reviewed using the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies checklist. Eligible English language articles will be selected through title and abstract screening (level 1) and full-text review (level 2). The search dates are 18 July and 21 August 2023, as well as 19 January 2024. Data from eligible articles will be extracted in duplicate and independently using a data extraction form. The data will then be summarised descriptively and qualitatively using content analysis mapped to the four evidence-based conceptual frameworks and presented in a table.
    BACKGROUND: As the scoping review involves gathering and describing existing literature, it is exempt from ethical approval requirements. The findings of this scoping review will be presented at relevant local and international conferences and published in a peer-reviewed journal. The findings will also be disseminated and shared with professional organisations to enhance healthcare workforce capacity and drive systemic change. Furthermore, the findings will be used to inform doctoral work and future mental health and health education research related to underserved youth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Mid-level managers in healthcare are central to improving safety and quality of care. Their ability in demonstrating leadership and management competency in their roles and supporting frontline managers and frontline staff has a direct effect on staff retention and turn-over. Yet, investment in their professional development and support for mid-level managers is often neither adequate nor effective, and high rates of staff turnover are evident. This study, set in northern Queensland, Australia, takes a strength-based approach to explore the role and strengths of mid-level managers and organisations\' existing mechanisms in supporting managers. With broad involvement and contribution from managers at different management level and frontline staff, the project will identify strategies to address the challenges mid-level managers face while building on their capabilities. (2) Methods: Using co-design principles, a situation analysis approach will guide a mixed-methods, multiphase design. Qualitative data will be collected using transcripts of focus groups and quantitative data will be collected by surveys that include validated scales. (3) Results: Thematic analysis of the transcripts will be guided by the framework of Braun and Clarke. Quantitative data will employ descriptive and inferential analysis, including chi-squared, t-tests, and univariate analyses of variance. (4) Conclusions: This study will generate evidence to guide two partner organisations, and other similar organisations, to develop strategies to improve support for mid-level managers and build their capabilities to support and lead frontline managers and staff. Competent mid-level managers are critical to high-quality patient care and improve the outcomes of the population they serve.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Attacks on healthcare have further weakened the already fragile health system in the Central African Republic. We investigated attacks on healthcare in three conflict-affected prefectures-Ouaka, Haute-Kotto, and Vakaga-from 2016 to 2020. The study aim was to gain an in-depth understanding of the immediate and long-term effects of attacks on healthcare workers, facilities, supply chain, quality of care, and other components of the health system. We provide a qualitative description of the incidents, assess their impacts, identify mitigation efforts, and discuss challenges to recovery.
    METHODS: We used purposive and snowball sampling to identify participants in the study. Semi-structured key informant interviews were conducted with administrative and health authorities, front-line personnel, and staff of non-governmental organizations. Interviews were done in Sango, French, or English. Recorded interviews were transcribed and notes taken for non-recorded interviews. Transcripts and notes were analyzed using inductive coding, allowing participant responses to guide findings.
    RESULTS: Of 126 attacks identified over the study period, 36 key informants discussed 39 attacks. Attacks included killings, physical and sexual assault, abductions, arson, shelling with grenades, pillage, occupations, and verbal threats. The violence led to extended closures and debilitating shortages in healthcare services, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations, such as children under five, or people who are elderly, chronically ill, or displaced. Healthcare workers faced psychological trauma and moral injury from repeated attacks and the inability to provide adequate care. Personnel and communities made enormous efforts to mitigate impacts, and advocate for assistance. They were limited by failed reporting mechanisms, ongoing insecurity, persistent lack of resources and external support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Effective strategies to safeguard healthcare from violence exist but better support for communities and health workers is essential, including measures to assess needs, enhance security, and facilitate recovery by quickly rebuilding, resupplying, and re-staffing facilities. CAR\'s government, international organizations, and donors should make concerted efforts to improve reporting mechanisms and end impunity for perpetrators. Their investment in community organizations and long-term health system support, especially for health worker training, salaries, and psychosocial care, are vital steps towards building resilience against and mitigating the impacts of attacks on healthcare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Burnout and workforce attrition present pressing global challenges in healthcare, severely impacting the quality of patient care and the sustainability of health systems worldwide. Artificial intelligence (AI) has immense potential to reduce the administrative and cognitive burdens that contribute to burnout through innovative solutions such as digital scribes, automated billing and advanced data management systems. However, these innovations also carry significant risks, including potential job displacement, increased complexity of medical information and cases, and the danger of diminishing clinical skills. To fully leverage AI\'s potential in healthcare, it is essential to prioritise AI technologies that align with stakeholder values and emphasise efforts to re-humanise medical practice. By doing so, AI can contribute to restoring a sense of purpose, fulfilment and efficacy among healthcare workers, reinforcing their essential role as caregivers, rather than distancing them from these core professional attributes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) in Australia aim to optimise access to comprehensive and culturally safe primary health care (PHC) for Aboriginal populations. Central to quality service provision is the retention of staff. However, there is lack of published research reporting patterns of staff turnover and retention specific to ACCHSs. This study quantified staff turnover and retention in regional and remote ACCHSs in the Northern Territory (NT) and Western Australia (WA), and examined correlations between turnover and retention metrics, and ACCHSs\' geographical and demographic characteristics.
    METHODS: The study used 2017-2019 payroll data for health workers in 22 regional and remote PHC clinics managed by 11 ACCHSs. Primary outcome measures included annual turnover and 12-month stability rates, calculated at both clinic and organisation levels.
    RESULTS: There was a median of five client-facing (Aboriginal health practitioners, allied health professionals, doctors, nurses/midwives, and \'other health workers\' combined) and two non-client-facing (administrative and physical) staff per remote clinic, at any timepoint. Mean annual turnover rates for staff were very high, with 151% turnover rates at the clinic level and 81% turnover rates at the organisation level. Mean annual turnover rates for client-facing staff were 164% and 75%, compared to 120% and 98% for non-client-facing staff, at clinic and organisational levels, respectively. Mean 12-month stability rates were low, with clinic-level stability rates of only 49% and organisation-level stability rates of 58%. Mean annual clinic-level turnover rates were 162% for non-Aboriginal staff and 81% for Aboriginal staff. Both workforce metrics were moderately to highly correlated with the relative remoteness of clinics, size of regular clients serviced, and average annual headcount of employees in each clinic (p values < 0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: Participating ACCHSs in remote NT and WA have very high turnover and low retention of healthcare staff. Overall, clinic-level turnover rates increase as distance from regional centres increases and are lower for Aboriginal staff, suggesting that greater employment of Aboriginal staff could help stabilise staffing. Improved retention could reduce burden on ACCHSs\' resources and may also support quality of service delivery due to improved cultural safety and continuity of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ensuring that the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources are rational, and that medical services are efficient and fair, is an important task of practical significance. On this basis, examining the impact of health human resources on the level of medical services presents a new and formidable challenge. This study aims to delve into how the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources in China\'s four major economic regions affect the fairness and efficiency of medical services, and to identify optimization strategies.
    METHODS: This study utilizes provincial panel data from China\'s four major economic regions spanning the years 2009 to 2021. Initially, it provides a statistical description of the current state of health human resources and the level of medical services. Subsequently, it employs a fixed-effects model to analyze the impact of the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources, as well as their interactive effects, on the fairness and efficiency of medical services, and discusses the interactive mechanisms between medical service fairness and medical service efficiency. Furthermore, after conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the level of medical services using the entropy weight method, it explores the regional heterogeneity and temporal dynamics in the influence of the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources on the level of medical services. Finally, the study examines the scientific validity and rationality of the research findings through various robustness checks, including the substitution of research variables and models.
    RESULTS: The study found that the scale of health human resources has a promoting effect on the equity of medical services (β ≤ 0.643, p ≤ 0.01), but exhibits an inhibitory effect on the efficiency of medical services (β ≥ -0.079, p ≤ 0.1); the hierarchical structure of health human resources shows a positive impact on both the equity and efficiency of medical services (βequity ≤ 0.160, p ≤ 0.01; βefficiency ≤ 0.341, p ≤ 0.05); at the same time, the results indicate that the interactive effect of the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources promotes equity in medical services (β = 0.067, p ≤ 0.01), but restricts the efficiency of medical services (β ≥ -0.039, p ≤ 0.01); the mechanism by which health human resources affect the level of medical services in China\'s western and northeastern regions is more pronounced than in the central and eastern regions; after the implementation of the \"Healthy China 2030\" Planning Outline, the role of health human resources in the level of medical services has been strengthened; in the robustness tests, the model remains robust after replacing the core explanatory variables, with R2 maintained between 0.869 and 0.972, and the dynamic GMM model test shows a significant second-order lag in the level of medical services (βequity ≤ 0.149, p ≤ 0.01; βefficiency ≤ 0.461, p ≤ 0.01); the channel test results prove that managerial personnel and other technical personnel are key pathways in regulating the impact of medical staff on the level of medical services.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of health human resources on the level of medical services, revealing that both the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources significantly affect the equity and efficiency of medical services. Furthermore, the influence of health human resources on the level of medical services exhibits regional heterogeneity and temporal characteristics. Robustness tests ensure the scientific validity and robustness of the research conclusions. This provides effective references for optimizing the allocation of health human resources and improving the level of medical services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Canadians continue to report challenges accessing primary care. Practice choices made by primary care providers shape services available to Canadians. Although there is literature observing family medicine practice trends, there is less clarity on the reasoning underlying primary care providers\' practice intentions. Advice offered by residents and early-career family physicians may reveal challenges they have experienced, how they have adapted to them, and strategies for new residents. In this paper, we examine advice family medicine residents and early-career family physicians would give to new family medicine residents.
    METHODS: Sixty early-career family physicians and thirty residents were interviewed as part of a mixed-methods study of practice patterns of family medicine providers in Canada. During qualitative interviews, participants were asked, \"what advice would you give [a new family medicine resident] about planning their career as a family physician?\" We inductively analyzed responses to this question.
    RESULTS: Advice consisted of understanding the current climate of family medicine (need for specialization, business management burden, physician burnout) and revealed reasons behind said challenges (lack of support for comprehensive clinic care, practical limitations of different practice models, and how payment models influence work-life balance). Subtheme analyses showed early-career family physicians being more vocal on understanding practical aspects of the field including practice logistics and achieving job security.
    CONCLUSIONS: Most advice mirrored current changes and challenges as well as revealing strategies on how primary care providers are handling the realities of practicing family medicine. Multi-modal systemic interventions may be needed to support family physicians throughout the changing reality of family medicine and ensure family medicine is an appealing specialty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global discussions on health systems strengthening have lately tilted towards increasing investments in human resources for health to address health workforce challenges, especially shortages and employment. Countries have, as a result, increased investments in the health workforce by expanding the production and recruitment of the needed health workforce, with the resultant effects of increasing health workforce budget space and the unending clamour by health policy actors for further increases. Despite these calls, there has been no wage bill affordability and budget space analysis to rationalise the sustainable production of and demand for health workers, which is the thrust of Ghana\'s current health workforce policy and strategy. Using an adapted approach (the Asamani approach), the study modelled the supply of some essential health workers and their associated cost of employment, compared it with the modelled budget space for health workforce employment and then drew conclusions on the wage bill sustainability for policy consideration. Of the seven cadres considered in the study (doctors, professional nurses, midwives, enrolled nurses, community health nurses, pharmacists and biomedical scientists), who constitute about 97% of the wage bill, the study found the baseline stock to be 129 378 in 2022, which was estimated to increase to 199 715 by 2027 and 254 466 by 2032 with corresponding wage bills of US$869.4 million and US$ 1.1 billion, respectively, holding routine salary increases constant. The budget space for health was, meanwhile, projected to be US$899.3 million and US$1.1 billion in 2022 and 2032 respectively, out of a projected overall government fiscal space of US$7 billion per year. This study concludes that, given current levels and mix of production, Ghana was estimated to expend an average of 88% of its health budget space as wage bill cost. This was 54.4% over the global median and 95.6% over the African Region\'s median, making the current regime unsustainable.





