Hair Cells, Vestibular

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have suggested a role for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine (Prozac®) in the treatment of dizziness and inner ear vestibular dysfunction. The potential mechanism of action within the vestibular system remains unclear; however, fluoxetine has been reported to block certain types of K+ channel in other systems. Here, we investigated the direct actions of fluoxetine on membrane currents in presynaptic hair cells and postsynaptic calyx afferents of the gerbil peripheral vestibular system using whole cell patch clamp recordings in crista slices. We explored differences in K+ currents in peripheral zone (PZ) and central zone (CZ) calyces of the crista and their response to fluoxetine application. Outward K+ currents in PZ calyces showed greater inactivation at depolarized membrane potentials compared to CZ calyces. The application of 100 μM fluoxetine notably reduced K+ currents in calyx terminals within both zones of the crista, and the remaining currents exhibited distinct traits. In PZ cells, fluoxetine inhibited a non-inactivating K+ current and revealed a rapidly activating and inactivating K+ current, which was sensitive to blocking by 4-aminopyridine. This was in contrast to CZ calyces, where low-voltage-activated and non-inactivating K+ currents persisted following application of 100 μM fluoxetine. Additionally, marked inhibition of transient inward Na+ currents by fluoxetine was observed in calyces from both crista zones. Different concentrations of fluoxetine were tested, and the EC50 values were found to be 40 µM and 32 µM for K+ and Na+ currents, respectively. In contrast, 100 μM fluoxetine had no impact on voltage-dependent K+ currents in mechanosensory type I and type II vestibular hair cells. In summary, micromolar concentrations of fluoxetine are expected to strongly reduce both Na+ and K+ conductance in afferent neurons of the peripheral vestibular system in vivo. This would lead to inhibition of action potential firing in vestibular sensory neurons and has therapeutic implications for disorders of balance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blast wave exposure, a leading cause of hearing loss and balance dysfunction among military personnel, arises primarily from direct mechanical damage to the mechanosensory hair cells and supporting structures or indirectly through excessive oxidative stress. We previously reported that HK-2, an orally active, multifunctional redox modulator (MFRM), was highly effective in reducing both hearing loss and hair cells loss in rats exposed to a moderate intensity workday noise that likely damages the cochlea primarily from oxidative stress versus direct mechanical trauma. To determine if HK-2 could also protect cochlear and vestibular cells from damage caused primarily from direct blast-induced mechanical trauma versus oxidative stress, we exposed rats to six blasts of 186 dB peak SPL. The rats were divided into four groups: (B) blast alone, (BEP) blast plus earplugs, (BHK-2) blast plus HK-2 and (BEPHK-2) blast plus earplugs plus HK-2. HK-2 was orally administered at 50 mg/kg/d from 7-days before to 30-day after the blast exposure. Cochlear and vestibular tissues were harvested 60-d post-exposure and evaluated for loss of outer hair cells (OHC), inner hair cells (IHC), auditory nerve fibers (ANF), spiral ganglion neurons (SGN) and vestibular hair cells in the saccule, utricle and semicircular canals. In the untreated blast-exposed group (B), massive losses occurred to OHC, IHC, ANF, SGN and only the vestibular hair cells in the striola region of the saccule. In contrast, rats treated with HK-2 (BHK-2) sustained significantly less OHC (67%) and IHC (57%) loss compared to the B group. OHC and IHC losses were smallest in the BEPHK-2 group, but not significantly different from the BEP group indicating lack of protective synergy between EP and HK-2. There was no loss of ANF, SGN or saccular hair cells in the BHK-2, BEP and BEPHK-2 groups. Thus, HK-2 not only significantly reduced OHC and IHC damage, but completely prevented loss of ANF, SGN and saccule hair cells. The powerful protective effects of this oral MFRM make HK-2 an extremely promising candidate for human clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    KCNQ4 is a voltage-gated K+ channel was reported to distribute over the basolateral surface of type 1 vestibular hair cell and/or inner surface of calyx and heminode of the vestibular nerve connected to the type 1 vestibular hair cells of the inner ear. However, the precise localization of KCNQ4 is still controversial and little is known about the vestibular phenotypes caused by KCNQ4 dysfunction or the specific role of KCNQ4 in the vestibular organs. To investigate the role of KCNQ4 in the vestibular organ, 6-g hypergravity stimulation for 24 h, which represents excessive mechanical stimulation of the sensory epithelium, was applied to p.W277S Kcnq4 transgenic mice. KCNQ4 was detected on the inner surface of calyx of the vestibular afferent in transmission electron microscope images with immunogold labelling. Vestibular function decrease was more severe in the Kcnq4p.W277S/p.W277S mice than in the Kcnq4+/+ and Kcnq4+/p.W277S mice after the stimulation. The vestibular function loss was resulted from the loss of type 1 vestibular hair cells, which was possibly caused by increased depolarization duration. Retigabine, a KCNQ activator, prevented hypergravity-induced vestibular dysfunction and hair cell loss. Patients with KCNQ4 mutations also showed abnormal clinical vestibular function tests. These findings suggest that KCNQ4 plays an essential role in calyx and afferent of type 1 vestibular hair cell preserving vestibular function against excessive mechanical stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian inner ear hair cell loss leads to permanent hearing and balance dysfunction. In contrast to the cochlea, vestibular hair cells of the murine utricle have some regenerative capacity. Whether human utricular hair cells regenerate in vivo remains unknown. Here we procured live, mature utricles from organ donors and vestibular schwannoma patients, and present a validated single-cell transcriptomic atlas at unprecedented resolution. We describe markers of 13 sensory and non-sensory cell types, with partial overlap and correlation between transcriptomes of human and mouse hair cells and supporting cells. We further uncover transcriptomes unique to hair cell precursors, which are unexpectedly 14-fold more abundant in vestibular schwannoma utricles, demonstrating the existence of ongoing regeneration in humans. Lastly, supporting cell-to-hair cell trajectory analysis revealed 5 distinct patterns of dynamic gene expression and associated pathways, including Wnt and IGF-1 signaling. Our dataset constitutes a foundational resource, accessible via a web-based interface, serving to advance knowledge of the normal and diseased human inner ear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During auditory transduction, sound-evoked vibrations of the hair cell stereociliary bundles open mechanotransducer (MET) ion channels via tip links extending from one stereocilium to its neighbor. How tension in the tip link is delivered to the channel is not fully understood. The MET channel comprises a pore-forming subunit, transmembrane channel-like protein (TMC1 or TMC2), aided by several accessory proteins, including LHFPL5 (lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 5). We investigated the role of LHFPL5 in transduction by comparing MET channel activation in outer hair cells of Lhfpl5-/- knockout mice with those in Lhfpl5+/- heterozygotes. The 10 to 90 percent working range of transduction in Tmc1+/+; Lhfpl5+/- was 52 nm, from which the single-channel gating force, Z, was evaluated as 0.34 pN. However, in Tmc1+/+; Lhfpl5-/- mice, the working range increased to 123 nm and Z more than halved to 0.13 pN, indicating reduced sensitivity. Tip link tension is thought to activate the channel via a gating spring, whose stiffness is inferred from the stiffness change on tip link destruction. The gating stiffness was ~40 percent of the total bundle stiffness in wild type but was virtually abolished in Lhfpl5-/-, implicating LHFPL5 as a principal component of the gating spring. The mutation Tmc1 p.D569N reduced the LHFPL5 immunolabeling in the stereocilia and like Lhfpl5-/- doubled the MET working range, but other deafness mutations had no effect on the dynamic range. We conclude that tip-link tension is transmitted to the channel primarily via LHFPL5; residual activation without LHFPL5 may occur by direct interaction between PCDH15 and TMC1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Outer hair cells (OHCs) of the organ of Corti (OoC), acting as bidirectional cellular mechanoelectrical transducers, generate, receive, and exchange forces with other major elements of the cochlear partition, including the sensory inner hair cells (IHCs). Force exchange is mediated via a supporting cell scaffold, including Deiters\' (DC) and outer pillar cells (OPC), to enable the sensitivity and exquisite frequency selectivity of the mammalian cochlea and to transmit its responses to the auditory nerve. To selectively activate DCs and OPCs in male and female mice, we conditionally expressed in them a hyperpolarizing halorhodopsin (HOP), a light-gated inward chloride ion pump, and measured extracellular receptor potentials (ERPs) and their DC component (ERPDCs) from the cortilymph, which fills the OoC fluid spaces, and compared the responses with similar potentials from HOP-/- littermates. The compound action potentials (CAP) of the auditory nerve were measured as an indication of IHC activity and transmission of cochlear responses to the CNS. HOP light-activated hyperpolarization of DCs and OPCs suppressed cochlear amplification through changing the timing of its feedback, altered basilar membrane (BM) responses to tones at all measured levels and frequencies, and reduced IHC excitation. HOP activation findings reported here complement recent studies that revealed channelrhodopsin activation depolarized DCs and OPCs and effectively bypassed, rather than blocked, the control of OHC mechanical and electrical responses to sound and their contribution to timed and directed electromechanical feedback to the mammalian cochlea. Moreover, our findings identify DCs and OPCs as potential targets for the treatment of noise-induced hearing loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In our hearing organ, sound is encoded at ribbon synapses formed by inner hair cells (IHCs) and spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). How the underlying synaptic vesicle (SV) release is controlled by Ca2+ in IHCs of hearing animals remained to be investigated. Here, we performed patch-clamp SGN recordings of the initial rate of release evoked by brief IHC Ca2+-influx in an ex vivo cochlear preparation from hearing mice. We aimed to closely mimic physiological conditions by perforated-patch recordings from IHCs kept at the physiological resting potential and at body temperature. We found release to relate supralinearly to Ca2+-influx (power, m: 4.3) when manipulating the [Ca2+] available for SV release by Zn2+-flicker-blocking of the single Ca2+-channel current. In contrast, a near linear Ca2+ dependence (m: 1.2 to 1.5) was observed when varying the number of open Ca2+-channels during deactivating Ca2+-currents and by dihydropyridine channel-inhibition. Concurrent changes of number and current of open Ca2+-channels over the range of physiological depolarizations revealed m: 1.8. These findings indicate that SV release requires ~4 Ca2+-ions to bind to their Ca2+-sensor of fusion. We interpret the near linear Ca2+-dependence of release during manipulations that change the number of open Ca2+-channels to reflect control of SV release by the high [Ca2+] in the Ca2+-nanodomain of one or few nearby Ca2+-channels. We propose that a combination of Ca2+ nanodomain control and supralinear intrinsic Ca2+-dependence of fusion optimally links SV release to the timing and amplitude of the IHC receptor potential and separates it from other IHC Ca2+-signals unrelated to afferent synaptic transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The functional complementarity of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and optokinetic reflex (OKR) allows for optimal combined gaze stabilization responses (CGR) in light. While sensory substitution has been reported following complete vestibular loss, the capacity of the central vestibular system to compensate for partial peripheral vestibular loss remains to be determined. Here, we first demonstrate the efficacy of a 6-week subchronic ototoxic protocol in inducing transient and partial vestibular loss which equally affects the canal- and otolith-dependent VORs. Immunostaining of hair cells in the vestibular sensory epithelia revealed that organ-specific alteration of type I, but not type II, hair cells correlates with functional impairments. The decrease in VOR performance is paralleled with an increase in the gain of the OKR occurring in a specific range of frequencies where VOR normally dominates gaze stabilization, compatible with a sensory substitution process. Comparison of unimodal OKR or VOR versus bimodal CGR revealed that visuo-vestibular interactions remain reduced despite a significant recovery in the VOR. Modeling and sweep-based analysis revealed that the differential capacity to optimally combine OKR and VOR correlates with the reproducibility of the VOR responses. Overall, these results shed light on the multisensory reweighting occurring in pathologies with fluctuating peripheral vestibular malfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amniotes evolved a unique postsynaptic terminal in the inner ear vestibular organs called the calyx that receives both quantal and nonquantal (NQ) synaptic inputs from Type I sensory hair cells. The nonquantal synaptic current includes an ultrafast component that has been hypothesized to underlie the exceptionally high synchronization index (vector strength) of vestibular afferent neurons in response to sound and vibration. Here, we present three lines of evidence supporting the hypothesis that nonquantal transmission is responsible for synchronized vestibular action potentials of short latency in the guinea pig utricle of either sex. First, synchronized vestibular nerve responses are unchanged after administration of the AMPA receptor antagonist CNQX, while auditory nerve responses are completely abolished. Second, stimulus evoked vestibular nerve compound action potentials (vCAP) are shown to occur without measurable synaptic delay and three times shorter than the latency of auditory nerve compound action potentials (cCAP), relative to the generation of extracellular receptor potentials. Third, paired-pulse stimuli designed to deplete the readily releasable pool (RRP) of synaptic vesicles in hair cells reveal forward masking in guinea pig auditory cCAPs, but a complete lack of forward masking in vestibular vCAPs. Results support the conclusion that the fast component of nonquantal transmission at calyceal synapses is indefatigable and responsible for ultrafast responses of vestibular organs evoked by transient stimuli.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The mammalian vestibular system drives some of the fastest reflex pathways in the nervous system, ensuring stable gaze and postural control for locomotion on land. To achieve this, terrestrial amniotes evolved a large, unique calyx afferent terminal which completely envelopes one or more presynaptic vestibular hair cells, which transmits mechanosensory signals mediated by quantal and nonquantal (NQ) synaptic transmission. We present several lines of evidence in the guinea pig which reveals the most sensitive vestibular afferents are remarkably fast, much faster than their auditory nerve counterparts. Here, we present neurophysiological and pharmacological evidence that demonstrates this vestibular speed advantage arises from ultrafast NQ electrical synaptic transmission from Type I hair cells to their calyx partners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type I spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are the auditory afferents that transmit sound information from cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs) to the brainstem. These afferents consist of physiological subtypes that differ in their spontaneous firing rate (SR), activation threshold, and dynamic range and have been described as low, medium, and high SR fibers. Lately, single-cell RNA sequencing experiments have revealed three molecularly defined type I SGN subtypes. The extent to which physiological type I SGN subtypes correspond to molecularly defined subtypes is unclear. To address this question, we have generated mouse lines expressing CreERT2 in SGN subtypes that allow for a physiological assessment of molecular subtypes. We show that Lypd1-CreERT2 expressing SGNs represent a well-defined group of neurons that preferentially innervate the IHC modiolar side and exhibit a narrow range of low SRs. In contrast, Calb2-CreERT2 expressing SGNs preferentially innervate the IHC pillar side and exhibit a wider range of SRs, thus suggesting that a strict stratification of all SGNs into three molecular subclasses is not obvious, at least not with the CreERT2 tools used here. Genetically marked neuronal subtypes refine their innervation specificity onto IHCs postnatally during the time when activity is required to refine their molecular phenotype. Type I SGNs thus consist of genetically defined subtypes with distinct physiological properties and innervation patterns. The molecular subtype-specific lines characterized here will provide important tools for investigating the role of the physiologically distinct type I SGNs in encoding sound signals.





