• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: \"FODMAPs\" (fermentable-oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols) are a group of fermentable carbohydrates and polyols largely diffused in food products. Despite their beneficial effects as prebiotics, people affected by irritable bowel syndrome manifest symptoms when eating these carbohydrates. A low-FODMAP diet seems to be the only possible therapy proposed for symptom management. Bakery products are a common source of FODMAPs, whose pattern and total amount can be affected by their processing. This work aims at studying some of the technological parameters that can influence the FODMAPs pattern in bakery products during the production process.
    METHODS: high-performance anion exchange chromatography coupled to a pulsed amperometric detector (HPAEC-PAD) was used as a highly selective system for carbohydrates evaluation analyses on flours, doughs, and crackers. These analyses were performed using two different columns, the CarboPac PA200 and CarboPac PA1, which are selective for oligosaccharide and simple sugar separation, respectively.
    RESULTS: emmer and hemp flours were selected to prepare doughs as they contained low oligosaccharide content. Two different mixes of ferments were used at different times of fermentation to evaluate the best conditions to achieve low-FODMAP crackers.
    CONCLUSIONS: the proposed approach allows carbohydrate evaluation during crackers processing and permits the selection of opportune conditions to obtain low-FODMAP products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurately determining the macronutrient profile of mare milk is a precursor to studying how milk composition affects foals\' growth and development. This study optimized and validated an extraction and quantification method for mare milk oligosaccharides, which make up a portion of the carbohydrate fraction of mare milk. Mare milk was extracted with chloroform and methanol, and oligosaccharides were selectively isolated from the carbohydrate fraction using porous-graphitized carbon solid-phase-extraction (SPE). Good recovery rates for milk oligosaccharides (between 70 and 100%) were achieved with the optimized method. This study also compared the use of Fourier-Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy versus wet chemistry quantification methods for protein, fat, and lactose. The FTIR method produced statistically equivalent protein contents to the wet chemistry method, along with substantial savings in both analyst time and consumable consumption. FTIR analysis slightly underestimated the fat content of mare milk relative to the official wet chemistry method, with the difference between the methods increasing at higher fat contents. FTIR also overestimated the lactose content of mare milk and appeared to generate \"lactose\" values that included the milk oligosaccharides and thus represented the total carbohydrate (lactose and milk oligosaccharides) content of mare milk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nutraceutical value of pomegranate in the treatment of many diseases is well-documented and is linked to its richness in phenolic compounds. This study aims to evaluate the nutraceutical and genetic diversity of novel pomegranate genotypes (G1-G5) in comparison to leading commercial pomegranate varieties, i.e., \'Wonderful\', \'Primosole\', \'Dente di Cavallo\' and \'Valenciana\'. Morphometric measurements were carried out on fruits, accompanied by chemical characterization (total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, carbohydrates and minerals) and the development of four new polymorphic SSR markers involved in the flavonoid pathway. The cultivars displayed a marked variability in the weight and shape of the fruits, as well as in the weight of the arils and juice yield. The highest level of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity was found in \'Wonderful\' and G4, while the lowest was in \'Dente di Cavallo\'. Furthermore, the results showed that pomegranate juice is an excellent source of minerals, especially potassium, which plays a key role in organ functioning. The new flavonoid-related markers effectively differentiated the cultivars with the same diversity pattern as morpho-chemical characterization, so the SSRs developed in the present study can be used as a rapid tool for the identification of pomegranate cultivars with relevant nutraceutical traits, such as the new genotypes investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shigella is a leading diarrheal cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries and in children under five years of age. Increasing levels of antimicrobial resistance make vaccine development an even higher global health priority. S. flexneri serotype 6 is one of the targets of many multicomponent vaccines in development to ensure broad protection against Shigella. The O-antigen (OAg) is a key active ingredient and its content is a critical quality attribute for vaccine release in order to monitor their stability and to ensure appropriate immune response. Here, the optimization of two methods to quantify S. flexneri 6 OAg is reported together with the characterization of their performances. The optimized Dische colorimetric method allows a tenfold increment of the sensitivity with respect to the original method and is useful for fast analysis detecting selectively methyl-pentoses, as rhamnose in S. flexneri 6 OAg. Also, a more specific HPAEC-PAD method was developed, detecting the dimer galacturonic acid-galactosamine (GalA-GalN) coming from S. flexneri 6 OAg acid hydrolysis. These methods will facilitate characterization of S. flexneri 6 OAg based vaccines. The colorimetric method can be used for quantification of other polysaccharide containing methyl-pentoses, and the HPAEC-PAD could be extended to other polysaccharides containing uronic acids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global spread of enteric disease, the increasingly limited options for antimicrobial treatment and the need for effective eradication programs have resulted in an increased demand for glycoconjugate enteric vaccines, made with carbohydrate-based membrane components of the pathogen, and their precise characterisation. A set of physico-chemical and immunological tests are employed for complete vaccine characterisation and to ensure their consistency, potency, safety and stability, following the relevant World Health Organization and Pharmacopoeia guidelines. Variable requirements for analytical methods are linked to conjugate structure, carrier protein nature and size and O-acetyl content of polysaccharide. We investigated a key stability-indicating method which measures the percent free saccharide of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi capsular polysaccharide, by detergent precipitation, depolymerisation and HPAEC-PAD quantitation. Together with modern computational approaches, a more precise design of glycoconjugates is possible, allowing for improvements in solubility, structural conformation and stability, and immunogenicity of antigens, which may be applicable to a broad spectrum of vaccines. More validation experiments are required to establish the most effective and suitable methods for glycoconjugate analysis to bring uniformity to the existing protocols, although the need for product-specific approaches will apply, especially for the more complex vaccines. An overview of current and emerging analytical approaches for the characterisation of vaccines against Salmonella Typhi and Shigella species is described in this paper. This study should aid the development and licensing of new glycoconjugate vaccines aimed at the prevention of enteric diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arabidopsis seed coat epidermal cells deposit a significant quantity of mucilage, composed of the cell wall components pectin, hemicellulose, and cellulose, into the apoplast during development. When mature seeds are hydrated, mucilage extrudes to form a gelatinous capsule around the seed. Determining the monosaccharide composition of both extruded mucilage and whole seeds is an essential technique for characterizing seed coat developmental processes and mutants with altered mucilage composition. This protocol covers growth of plants to produce seeds suitable for analysis, extraction of extruded mucilage using water and sodium carbonate (used for mutants with impaired mucilage release), and extraction of alcohol insoluble residue (AIR) from whole seeds. The prepared polysaccharides are then hydrolyzed using sulfuric acid, which hydrolyses all polysaccharides including cellulose. Sensitive and reproducible quantification of the resulting monosaccharides is achieved using high-performance anion exchange chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bifidogenic effect is a main target for the assessment of prebiotic activity. pH-controlled batch processes of bifidobacteria and fecal microbiota are herein presented. Growth of bifidobacteria, carbohydrate breakdown and consumption, organic acid production, and activity of specific glycosyl hydrolases involved in the hydrolysis of di-, oligo-, or polysaccharides are exploited to study and compare substrate preference of bifidobacteria for candidate prebiotics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bifidobacteria are able to utilize a diverse range of host-derived and dietary carbohydrates, the latter of which include many plant-derived oligo- and polysaccharides. Different bifidobacterial strains may possess different carbohydrate utilization abilities. These metabolic abilities can be studied using classical bacterial growth assessment methods, such as measurement of changes in optical density or acidity of the culture in the presence of the particular carbohydrate to generate growth and acidification curves, respectively. Scientists may also be interested in the growth rate during the exponential growth phase, and the maximum OD that is reached on a particular sugar, or the length of the lag phase. Furthermore, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high-performance anion exchange chromatography coupled to pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) are extensively used in carbohydrate and metabolic end-product analysis due to their versatility and separation capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dextran hydrolysis by dextranases is applied in the sugar industry and the medical sector, but it also has a high potential for use in structural analysis of dextrans. However, dextranases are produced by several organisms and thus differ in their properties. The aim of this study was to comparatively investigate the product patterns obtained from the incubation of linear as well as O3- and O4-branched dextrans with different dextranases. For this purpose, genes encoding for dextranases from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Streptococcus salivarius were cloned and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The two recombinant enzymes as well as two commercial dextranases from Chaetomium sp. and Penicillium sp. were subsequently used to hydrolyze structurally different dextrans. The hydrolysis products were investigated in detail by HPAEC-PAD. For dextranases from Chaetomium sp., Penicillium sp., and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, isomaltose was the end product of the hydrolysis from linear dextrans, whereas Penicillium sp. dextranase led to isomaltose and isomaltotetraose. In addition, the latter enzyme also catalyzed a disproportionation reaction when incubated with isomaltotriose. For O3- and O4-branched dextrans, the fungal dextranases yielded significantly different oligosaccharide patterns than the bacterial enzymes. Overall, the product patterns can be adjusted by choosing the correct enzyme as well as a defined enzyme activity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, starches from underground stems of Trimezia juncifolia were evaluated during dry season (DSS), wet season (WSS) and sprouting (SS). Results evidenced that drought stress did not interfere with the yield, amylose content and degree of polymerization (DP) of amylopectin. However, the extraction yield in SS was 58% lower, being observed and increase of 7.5% in the content of amylose, and 13.5% in DP values for SS amylopectin, with a predominance of A-chains. The amount of total sugar, the starch granules size as well as solubility and swelling properties varied as function of the phenological status. Also, starch granules changed from A-type polymorph in DSS and SS to a CA-type in WSS. Nevertheless, it was observed a crystallinity reduction from 56% in DSS to 37.1% in SS. In addition, thermograms evidenced the presence of amylose-lipid complexes, with endothermic transition temperatures being affected by drought stress and sprouting. Finally, results demonstrate that underground stems from T. juncifolia have adaptative strategies involving changes in the morphological and physicochemical properties of the starch granules.





