Gravitational search algorithm

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Control algorithms have been proposed based on knowledge related to nature-inspired mechanisms, including those based on the behavior of living beings. This paper presents a review focused on major breakthroughs carried out in the scope of applied control inspired by the gravitational attraction between bodies. A control approach focused on Artificial Potential Fields was identified, as well as four optimization metaheuristics: Gravitational Search Algorithm, Black-Hole algorithm, Multi-Verse Optimizer, and Galactic Swarm Optimization. A thorough analysis of ninety-one relevant papers was carried out to highlight their performance and to identify the gravitational and attraction foundations, as well as the universe laws supporting them. Included are their standard formulations, as well as their improved, modified, hybrid, cascade, fuzzy, chaotic and adaptive versions. Moreover, this review also deeply delves into the impact of universe-inspired algorithms on control problems of dynamic systems, providing an extensive list of control-related applications, and their inherent advantages and limitations. Strong evidence suggests that gravitation-inspired and black-hole dynamic-driven algorithms can outperform other well-known algorithms in control engineering, even though they have not been designed according to realistic astrophysical phenomena and formulated according to astrophysics laws. Even so, they support future research directions towards the development of high-sophisticated control laws inspired by Newtonian/Einsteinian physics, such that effective control-astrophysics bridges can be established and applied in a wide range of applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, a novel study on the way inter-individual information interacts in meta-heuristic algorithms (MHAs) is carried out using a scheme known as population interaction networks (PIN). Specifically, three representative MHAs, including the differential evolutionary algorithm (DE), the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), the gravitational search algorithm (GSA), and four classical variations of the gravitational search algorithm, are analyzed in terms of inter-individual information interactions and the differences in the performance of each of the algorithms on IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2017 benchmark functions. The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the node degree obtained by the algorithm on the benchmark function is fitted to the seven distribution models by using PIN. The results show that among the seven compared algorithms, the more powerful DE is more skewed towards the Poisson distribution, and the weaker PSO, GSA, and GSA variants are more skewed towards the Logistic distribution. The more deviation from Logistic distribution GSA variants conform, the stronger their performance. From the point of view of the CDF, deviating from the Logistic distribution facilitates the improvement of the GSA. Our findings suggest that the population interaction network is a powerful tool for characterizing and comparing the performance of different MHAs in a more comprehensive and meaningful way.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant diseases annually cause damage and loss of much of the crop, if not its complete destruction, and this constitutes a significant challenge for farm owners, governments, and consumers alike. Therefore, identifying and classifying diseases at an early stage is very important in order to sustain local and global food security. In this research, we designed a new method to identify plant diseases by combining transfer learning and Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA). Two state-of-the-art pretrained models have been adopted for extracting features in this study, which are MobileNetV2 and ResNe50V2. Multilayer feature extraction is applied in this study to ensure representations of plant leaves from different levels of abstraction for precise classification. These features are then concatenated and passed to GSA for optimizing them. Finally, optimized features are passed to Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) for final classification. This integration is essential for categorizing 18 different types of infected and healthy leaf samples. The performance of our approach is strengthened by a comparative analysis that incorporates features optimized by the Genetic Algorithm (GA). Additionally, the MLR algorithm is contrasted with K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). The empirical findings indicate that our model, which has been refined using GSA, achieves very high levels of precision. Specifically, the average precision for MLR is 99.2%, while for KNN it is 98.6%. The resulting results significantly exceed those achieved with GA-optimized features, thereby highlighting the superiority of our suggested strategy. One important result of our study is that we were able to decrease the number of features by more than 50%. This reduction greatly reduces the processing requirements without sacrificing the quality of the diagnosis. This work presents a robust and efficient approach to the early detection of plant diseases. The work demonstrates the utilization of sophisticated computational methods in agriculture, enabling the development of novel data-driven strategies for plant health management, therefore enhancing worldwide food security.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene clustering is one of the important techniques to identify co-expressed gene groups from gene expression data, which provides a powerful tool for investigating functional relationships of genes in biological process. Self-training is a kind of important semi-supervised learning method and has exhibited good performance on gene clustering problem. However, the self-training process inevitably suffers from mislabeling, the accumulation of which will lead to the degradation of semi-supervised learning performance of gene expression data. To solve the problem, this paper proposes a self-training subspace clustering algorithm based on adaptive confidence for gene expression data (SSCAC), which combines the low-rank representation of gene expression data and adaptive adjustment of label confidence to better guide the partition of unlabeled data. The superiority of the proposed SSCAC algorithm is mainly reflected in the following aspects. 1) In order to improve the discriminative property of gene expression data, the low-rank representation with distance penalty is used to mine the potential subspace structure of data. 2) Considering the problem of mislabeling in self-training, a semi-supervised clustering objective function with label confidence is proposed, and a self-training subspace clustering framework is constructed on this basis. 3) In order to mitigate the negative impact of mislabeled data, an adaptive adjustment strategy based on gravitational search algorithm is proposed for label confidence. Compared with a variety of state-of-the-art unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms, the SSCAC algorithm has demonstrated its superiority through extensive experiments on two benchmark gene expression datasets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the spread of COVID-19, there is an urgent need for a fast and reliable diagnostic aid. For the same, literature has witnessed that medical imaging plays a vital role, and tools using supervised methods have promising results. However, the limited size of medical images for diagnosis of CoVID19 may impact the generalization of such supervised methods. To alleviate this, a new clustering method is presented. In this method, a novel variant of a gravitational search algorithm is employed for obtaining optimal clusters. To validate the performance of the proposed variant, a comparative analysis among recent metaheuristic algorithms is conducted. The experimental study includes two sets of benchmark functions, namely standard functions and CEC2013 functions, belonging to different categories such as unimodal, multimodal, and unconstrained optimization functions. The performance comparison is evaluated and statistically validated in terms of mean fitness value, Friedman test, and box-plot. Further, the presented clustering method tested against three different types of publicly available CoVID19 medical images, namely X-ray, CT scan, and Ultrasound images. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is comparatively outperforming in terms of accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study investigates the potential of two new machine learning methods, least-square support vector regression with a gravitational search algorithm (LSSVR-GSA) and the dynamic evolving neural-fuzzy inference system (DENFIS), for modeling reference evapotranspiration (ETo) using limited data. The results of the new methods are compared with the M5 model tree (M5RT) approach. Previous values of temperature data and extraterrestrial radiation information obtained from three stations, in China, are used as inputs to the models. The estimation exactness of the models is measured by three statistics: root mean square error, mean absolute error, and determination coefficient. According to the results, the temperature or extraterrestrial radiation-based LSSVR-GSA models perform superiorly to the DENFIS and M5RT models in terms of estimating monthly ETo. However, in some cases, a slight difference was found between the LSSVR-GSA and DENFIS methods. The results indicate that better prediction accuracy may be obtained using only extraterrestrial radiation information for all three methods. The prediction accuracy of the models is not generally improved by including periodicity information in the inputs. Using optimum air temperature and extraterrestrial radiation inputs together generally does not increase the accuracy of the applied methods in the estimation of monthly ETo.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, a novel approach called GSA-DenseNet121-COVID-19 based on a hybrid convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture is proposed using an optimization algorithm. The CNN architecture that was used is called DenseNet121, and the optimization algorithm that was used is called the gravitational search algorithm (GSA). The GSA is used to determine the best values for the hyperparameters of the DenseNet121 architecture. To help this architecture to achieve a high level of accuracy in diagnosing COVID-19 through chest x-ray images. The obtained results showed that the proposed approach could classify 98.38% of the test set correctly. To test the efficacy of the GSA in setting the optimum values for the hyperparameters of DenseNet121. The GSA was compared to another approach called SSD-DenseNet121, which depends on the DenseNet121 and the optimization algorithm called social ski driver (SSD). The comparison results demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed GSA-DenseNet121-COVID-19. As it was able to diagnose COVID-19 better than SSD-DenseNet121 as the second was able to diagnose only 94% of the test set. The proposed approach was also compared to another method based on a CNN architecture called Inception-v3 and manual search to quantify hyperparameter values. The comparison results showed that the GSA-DenseNet121-COVID-19 was able to beat the comparison method, as the second was able to classify only 95% of the test set samples. The proposed GSA-DenseNet121-COVID-19 was also compared with some related work. The comparison results showed that GSA-DenseNet121-COVID-19 is very competitive.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A feed-forward neural network (FNN) is a type of artificial neural network that has been widely used in medical diagnosis, data mining, stock market analysis, and other fields. Many studies have used FNN to develop medical decision-making systems to assist doctors in clinical diagnosis. The aim of the learning process in FNN is to find the best combination of connection weights and biases to achieve the minimum error. However, in many cases, FNNs converge to the local optimum but not the global optimum. Using open disease datasets, the purpose of this study was to optimize the connection weights and biases of the FNN to minimize the error and improve the accuracy of disease diagnosis.
    METHODS: In this study, the chronic kidney disease (CKD) and mesothelioma (MES) disease datasets from the University of California Irvine (UCI) machine learning repository were used as research objects. This study applied the FNN to learn the features of each datum and used particle swarm optimization (PSO) and a gravitational search algorithm (GSA) to optimize the weights and biases of the FNN classifiers based on the algorithms inspired by the observation of natural phenomena. Moreover, fuzzy rules were used to optimize the parameters of the GSA to improve the performance of the algorithm in the classifier.
    RESULTS: When applied to the CKD dataset, the accuracies of PSO and GSA were 99%. By using fuzzy rules to optimize the GSA parameter, the accuracy of fuzzy-GSA was 99.25%. The accuracies of the combined algorithms PSO-GSA and fuzzy-PSO-GSA reached 100%. In the MES disease dataset, all methods exhibited good performance with 100% accuracy.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study used PSO, GSA, fuzzy-GSA, PSO-GSA, and fuzzy-PSO-GSA on CKD and MES disease datasets to identify the disease, and the performance of different algorithms was explored. Compared with other methods in the literature, our proposed method achieved higher accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work presents an elegant technique for estimating the heat of detonation (HD) of thirty organic energetic compounds by combining support vector regression (SVR) and gravitational search algorithm (GSA). The work shows that numbers of nitrogen and oxygen atoms as well as the compound molar mass are sufficient as descriptors. On the basis of three performance measuring parameters, the hybrid GSA-SVR outperforms Mortimer and Kamlet (1968), Mohammad and Hamid (2004) and Mohammad (2006) models with performance improvement of 93.951%, 86.197%, and 47.104%, respectively. The superior performance demonstrated by the proposed method would be of immense significance in containing the potential damage of the explosives through quick estimation of HD of organic energetic compounds without loss of experimental precision.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mathematical modelling is fundamental to understand the dynamic behavior and regulation of the biochemical metabolisms and pathways that are found in biological systems. Pathways are used to describe complex processes that involve many parameters. It is important to have an accurate and complete set of parameters that describe the characteristics of a given model. However, measuring these parameters is typically difficult and even impossible in some cases. Furthermore, the experimental data are often incomplete and also suffer from experimental noise. These shortcomings make it challenging to identify the best-fit parameters that can represent the actual biological processes involved in biological systems. Computational approaches are required to estimate these parameters. The estimation is converted into multimodal optimization problems that require a global optimization algorithm that can avoid local solutions. These local solutions can lead to a bad fit when calibrating with a model. Although the model itself can potentially match a set of experimental data, a high-performance estimation algorithm is required to improve the quality of the solutions. This paper describes an improved hybrid of particle swarm optimization and the gravitational search algorithm (IPSOGSA) to improve the efficiency of a global optimum (the best set of kinetic parameter values) search. The findings suggest that the proposed algorithm is capable of narrowing down the search space by exploiting the feasible solution areas. Hence, the proposed algorithm is able to achieve a near-optimal set of parameters at a fast convergence speed. The proposed algorithm was tested and evaluated based on two aspartate pathways that were obtained from the BioModels Database. The results show that the proposed algorithm outperformed other standard optimization algorithms in terms of accuracy and near-optimal kinetic parameter estimation. Nevertheless, the proposed algorithm is only expected to work well in small scale systems. In addition, the results of this study can be used to estimate kinetic parameter values in the stage of model selection for different experimental conditions.





