Glycerol metabolism

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycerol utilization as a carbohydrate source by Borreliella burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete, is critical for its successful colonization and persistence in the tick vector. The expression of the glpFKD (glp) operon, which encodes proteins for glycerol uptake/utilization, must be tightly regulated during the enzootic cycle of B. burgdorferi. Previous studies have established that the second messenger cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) is required for the activation of glp expression, while an alternative sigma factor RpoS acts as a negative regulator for glp expression. In the present study, we report identification of a cis element within the 5´ untranslated region of glp that exerts negative regulation of glp expression. Further genetic screen of known and predicted DNA-binding proteins encoded in the genome of B. burgdorferi uncovered that overexpressing Borrelia host adaptation regulator (BadR), a known global regulator, dramatically reduced glp expression. Similarly, the badR mutant significantly increased glp expression. Subsequent electrophoretic mobility shift assay analyses demonstrated that BadR directly binds to this cis element, thereby repressing glp independent of RpoS-mediated repression. The efficiency of BadR binding was further assessed in the presence of c-di-GMP and various carbohydrates. This finding highlights multi-layered positive and negative regulatory mechanisms employed by B. burgdorferi to synchronize glp expression throughout its enzootic cycle.IMPORTANCEBorreliella burgdorferi, the Lyme disease pathogen, must modulate its gene expression differentially to adapt successfully to its two disparate hosts. Previous studies have demonstrated that the glycerol uptake and utilization operon, glpFKD, plays a crucial role in spirochetal survival within ticks. However, the glpFKD expression must be repressed when B. burgdorferi transitions to the mammalian host. In this study, we identified a specific cis element responsible for the repression of glpFKD. We further pinpointed Borrelia host adaptation regulator as the direct binding protein to this cis element, thereby repressing glpFKD expression. This discovery paves the way for a deeper exploration of how zoonotic pathogens sense distinct hosts and switch their carbon source utilization during transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human glycerol channel aquaporin 7 (AQP7) conducts glycerol release from adipocyte and enters the cells in pancreatic islets, muscles, and kidney tubules, and thus regulates glycerol metabolism in those tissues. Compared with other human aquaglyceroporins, AQP7 shows a less conserved \"NPA\" motif in the center cavity and a pair of aromatic residues at Ar/R selectivity filter. To understand the structural basis for the glycerol conductance, we crystallized the human AQP7 and determined the structure at 3.7 Å. A substrate binding pocket was found near the Ar/R filter where a glycerol molecule is bound and stabilized by R229. Glycerol uptake assay on human AQP7 as well as AQP3 and AQP10 demonstrated strong glycerol transportation activities at the physiological condition. The human AQP7 structure, in combination with the molecular dynamics simulation thereon, reveals a fully closed conformation with its permeation pathway strictly confined by the Ar/R filter at the exoplasmic side and the gate at the cytoplasmic side, and the binding of glycerol at the Ar/R filter plays a critical role in controlling the glycerol flux by driving the dislocation of the residues at narrowest parts of glycerol pathway in AQP7.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N-terminal acetylation is a conserved protein modification among eukaryotes. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a valuable model system for studying this modification. The bulk of protein N-terminal acetylation in S. cerevisiae is catalyzed by the N-terminal acetyltransferases NatA, NatB, and NatC. Thus far, proteome-wide identification of the in vivo protein substrates of yeast NatA and NatB has been performed by N-terminomics. Here, we used S. cerevisiae deleted for the NatC catalytic subunit Naa30 and identified 57 yeast NatC substrates by N-terminal combined fractional diagonal chromatography analysis. Interestingly, in addition to the canonical N-termini starting with ML, MI, MF, and MW, yeast NatC substrates also included MY, MK, MM, MA, MV, and MS. However, for some of these substrate types, such as MY, MK, MV, and MS, we also uncovered (residual) non-NatC NAT activity, most likely due to the previously established redundancy between yeast NatC and NatE/Naa50. Thus, we have revealed a complex interplay between different NATs in targeting methionine-starting N-termini in yeast. Furthermore, our results showed that ectopic expression of human NAA30 rescued known NatC phenotypes in naa30Δ yeast, as well as partially restored the yeast NatC Nt-acetylome. Thus, we demonstrate an evolutionary conservation of NatC from yeast to human thereby underpinning future disease models to study pathogenic NAA30 variants. Overall, this work offers increased biochemical and functional insights into NatC-mediated N-terminal acetylation and provides a basis for future work to pinpoint the specific molecular mechanisms that link the lack of NatC-mediated N-terminal acetylation to phenotypes of NatC deletion yeast.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquaporin-9 (AQP9) is a facilitator of glycerol and other small neutral solute transmembrane diffusion. Identification of specific inhibitors for aquaporin family proteins has been difficult, due to high sequence similarity between the 13 human isoforms, and due to the limited channel surface areas that permit inhibitor binding. The few AQP9 inhibitor molecules described to date were not suitable for in vivo experiments. We now describe the characterization of a new small molecule AQP9 inhibitor, RG100204 in cell-based calcein-quenching assays, and by stopped-flow light-scattering recordings of AQP9 permeability in proteoliposomes. Moreover, we investigated the effects of RG100204 on glycerol metabolism in mice. In cell-based assays, RG100204 blocked AQP9 water permeability and glycerol permeability with similar, high potency (~5 × 10-8 M). AQP9 channel blocking by RG100204 was confirmed in proteoliposomes. After oral gavage of db/db mice with RG100204, a dose-dependent elevation of plasma glycerol was observed. A blood glucose-lowering effect was not statistically significant. These experiments establish RG100204 as a direct blocker of the AQP9 channel, and suggest its use as an experimental tool for in vivo experiments on AQP9 function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MalF has been shown to be required for virulence in the important avian pathogen Mycoplasma gallisepticum To characterize the function of MalF, predicted to be part of a putative ABC transporter, we compared metabolite profiles of a mutant with a transposon inserted in malF (MalF-deficient ST mutant 04-1; ΔmalF) with those of wild-type bacteria using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Of the substrates likely to be transported by an ABC transport system, glycerol was detected at significantly lower abundance in the ΔmalF mutant, compared to the wild type. Stable isotope labeling using [U-13C]glycerol and reverse transcription-quantitative PCR analysis indicated that MalF was responsible for the import of glycerol into M. gallisepticum and that, in the absence of MalF, the transcription of gtsA, which encodes a second transporter, GtsA, was upregulated, potentially to increase the import of glycerol-3-phosphate into the cell to compensate for the loss of MalF. The loss of MalF appeared to have a global effect on glycerol metabolism, suggesting that it may also play a regulatory role, and cellular morphology was also affected, indicating that the change to glycerol metabolism may have a broader effect on cellular organization. Overall, this study suggests that the reduced virulence of the ΔmalF mutant is due to perturbed glycerol uptake and metabolism and that the operon including malF should be reannotated as golABC to reflect its function in glycerol transport.IMPORTANCE Many mycoplasmas are pathogenic and cause disease in humans and animals. M. gallisepticum causes chronic respiratory disease in chickens and infectious sinusitis in turkeys, resulting in economic losses in poultry industries throughout the world. Expanding our knowledge about the pathogenesis of mycoplasma infections requires better understanding of the specific gene functions of these bacteria. In this study, we have characterized the metabolic function of a protein involved in the pathogenicity of M. gallisepticum, as well as its effect on expression of selected genes, cell phenotype, and H2O2 production. This study is a key step forward in elucidating why this protein plays a key role in virulence in chickens. This study also emphasizes the importance of functional characterization of mycoplasma proteins, using tools such as metabolomics, since prediction of function based on homology to other bacterial proteins is not always accurate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycerol is an organic compound that can be utilized as an alternative source of carbon by various organisms. One of the ways to assimilate glycerol by the cell is the phosphorylative catabolic pathway in which its activation is catalyzed by glycerol kinase (GK) and glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) is formed. To date, several GK crystal structures from bacteria, archaea, and unicellular eukaryotic parasites have been solved. Herein, we present a series of crystal structures of GK from Chaetomium thermophilum (CtGK) in apo and glycerol-bound forms. In addition, we show the feasibility of an ADP-dependent glucokinase (ADPGK)-coupled enzymatic assay to measure the CtGK activity. New structures described in our work provide structural insights into the GK catalyzed reaction in the filamentous fungus and set the foundation for understanding the glycerol metabolism in eukaryotes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Oscillation is a special cell behavior in microorganisms during continuous fermentation, which poses threats to the output stability for industrial productions of biofuels and biochemicals. In previous study, a spontaneous oscillatory behavior was observed in Clostridium butyricum-intensive microbial consortium in continuous fermentation for 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) production from glycerol, which led to the discovery of oscillation in species C. butyricum.
    RESULTS: Spontaneous oscillations by C. butyricum tended to occur under glycerol-limited conditions at low dilution rates. At a glycerol feed concentration of 88 g/L and a dilution rate of 0.048 h-1, the oscillatory behavior of C. butyricum was observed after continuous operation for 146 h and was sustained for over 450 h with an average oscillation period of 51 h. During oscillations, microbial glycerol metabolism exhibited dramatic periodic changes, in which productions of lactate, formate and hydrogen significantly lagged behind that of other products including biomass, 1,3-PDO and butyrate. Analysis of extracellular oxidation-reduction potential and intracellular ratio of NAD+/NADH indicated that microbial cells experienced distinct redox changes during oscillations, from oxidized to reduced state with decreasing of growth rate. Meanwhile, C. butyricum S3 exhibited periodic morphological changes during oscillations, with aggregates, elongated shape, spores or cell debris at the trough of biomass production. Transcriptome analysis indicated that expression levels of multiple genes were up-regulated when microbial cells were undergoing stress, including that for pyruvate metabolism, conversion of acetyl-CoA to acetaldehyde as well as stress response.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study for the first time systematically investigated the oscillatory behavior of C. butyricum in aspect of occurrence condition, metabolism, morphology and transcriptome. Based on the experimental results, two hypotheses were put forward to explain the oscillatory behavior: disorder of pyruvate metabolism, and excessive accumulation of acetaldehyde.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycerol metabolism in rainbow trout is poorly studied even though it is at the interface between lipid and glucose metabolism. Moreover, glycerol can be an important ingredient in new aquafeed formulation to decrease the catabolism of dietary amino acids. Thus, the present study aimed to characterize for the first time the different genes coding for key enzymes and proteins involved in hepatic glycerol metabolism. From the trout genomes, all the paralogous genes coding for glycerol transport (aqp9b), glycerol kinase (gk2a and gk5), glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase (pgp), and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd1a, gpd1b, and gpd1c) were identified. The ontogenesis determined that the capacity to metabolize glycerol begins with the apparition of the liver during the development (stage 22) and are more expressed at the endogenous-exogenous feeding period (stage 35). The postprandial regulation of the expression of these genes in juvenile trout showed that the postprandial peak of expression is between 4 and 24 h after the last meal for many of the genes, demonstrating that glycerol metabolism could be nutritionally regulated at a molecular level. However, surprisingly, no regulation of the mRNA abundance for the glycerol metabolism-related genes by different levels of dietary glycerol (0, 2.5, and 5%) have been detected, showing that hepatic glycerol metabolism is poorly regulated at a molecular level by dietary glycerol in rainbow trout juveniles.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clostridium pasteurianum produces industrially valuable chemicals such as n-butanol and 1,3-propanediol from fermentations of glycerol and glucose. Metabolic engineering for increased yields of selective compounds is not well established in this microorganism. In order to study carbon fluxes and to selectively increase butanol yields, we integrated the latest advances in genome editing to obtain an electrocompetent Clostridium pasteurianum strain for further engineering. Deletion of the glycerol dehydratase large subunit (dhaB) using an adapted S. pyogenes Type II CRISPR/Cas9 nickase system resulted in a 1,3-propanediol-deficient mutant producing butanol as the main product. Surprisingly, the mutant was able to grow on glycerol as the sole carbon source. In spite of reduced growth, butanol yields were highly increased. Metabolic flux analysis revealed an important role of the newly identified electron bifurcation pathway for crotonyl-CoA to butyryl-CoA conversion in the regulation of redox balance. Compared to the parental strain, the electron bifurcation pathway flux of the dhaB mutant increased from 8 to 46% of the overall flux from crotonyl-CoA to butyryl-CoA and butanol, indicating a new, 1,3-propanediol-independent pattern of glycerol fermentation in Clostridium pasteurianum.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhodosporidium toruloides is a robust oleaginous yeast that can accumulate lipids to more than 70% of its dry cell mass. Even though it is extensively studied for its fermentation of substrates like glucose and glycerol, limited information is available about its metabolism of mixture of glucose and glycerol. During growth on mixture of glucose and glycerol a typical diauxic growth and higher lipid yields were observed. To understand this phenomenon, RNA-seq analysis was implemented to study the gene expression profiles during growth on mixtures mainly to elucidate regulation of glycerol metabolism. Insights into lipid biosynthesis on mixed substrates are provided at a systems level. Among others, transcriptional profiles showed that glycerol might be produced intracellularly and glycerol kinase (GUT1) and glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GUT2) enzymes were not downregulated in the presence of glucose. Transcriptional analysis also showed that the regulation of glycerol uptake in the presence of glucose at transcriptional level is different from that observed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.





