Fibrous structure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Degradable piezoelectric materials possess significant potential for application in the realm of bone tissue regeneration. However, the correlation between cell regulation mechanisms and the dynamic variation caused by material degradation has not been explained, hindering the optimization of material design and its in vivo application. Herein, piezoelectric poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) nanofibers with different molecular weights (MW) were fabricated, and the effects of their piezoelectric properties, structural morphology, and material products during degradation on the adhesion and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were investigated. Our results demonstrated that cell adhesion-mediated piezoelectric stimulation could significantly enhance cell spreading, cell orientation, and upregulate the expression of calmodulin, which further triggers downstream signaling cascade to regulate osteogenic differentiation markers of type I collagen and runt-related transcription factor 2. Additionally, during the degradation of the nanofibers, the piezoelectric properties of PLLA weakened, the fibrous structure gradually diminished, and pH levels in the vicinity decreased, which resulting in reduced osteogenic differentiation capability of MSCs. However, nanofibers with higher MW (280 kDa) have the ability to maintain the fibrous morphology and piezoelectricity for a longer time, which can regulate the osteogenic differentiation of stem cells for more than 4 weeks. These findings have provide a new insight to correlate cell behavior with MW and the biodegradability of piezopolymers, which revealed an active method for cell regulation through material optimization for bone tissue engineering in near future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of the pronounced degradation of the environment, there has been an escalated demand for the fabrication of eco-friendly and highly efficient products derived from renewable sources. Cellulose aerogels have attracted significant interest attributable to their structural characteristics coupled with biodegradability and biocompatibility. The features of the molecular structure of cellulose allow for the use of various methods in the production of gels. For instance, the presence of hydroxyl groups on the cellulose surface allows for chemical crosslinking via etherification reactions. On the other hand, cellulose gel can be procured by modulating the solvent power of the solvent. In this study, we investigate the impact of the gelation methodology on the structural attributes of aerogels. We present methodologies for aerogel synthesis employing three distinct gelation techniques: chemical crosslinking, cryotropic gelation, and CO2-induced gelation. The outcomes encompass data derived from helium pycnometry, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, nitrogen porosimetry, and scanning electron microscopy. The resultant specimens exhibited a mesoporous fibrous structure. It was discerned that specimens generated through cryotropic gelation and CO2-induced gelation manifested higher porosity (93-95%) and specific surface areas (199-413 m2/g) in contrast to those produced via chemical crosslinking (porosity 72-95% and specific surface area 25-133 m2/g). Hence, this research underscores the feasibility of producing cellulose-based aerogels with enhanced characteristics, circumventing the necessity of employing toxic cross-linking agents. The process of gel formation through chemical crosslinking enables the creation of gels with enhanced mechanical properties and a more resilient structure. Two alternative methodologies prove particularly advantageous in applications necessitating biocompatibility and high porosity. Notably, CO2-induced gelation has not been hitherto addressed in the literature as a means to produce cellulose gels. The distinctive feature of this approach resides in the ability to combine the stages of obtaining an aerogel in one apparatus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consumers who are environmentally and health conscious are increasingly looking for plant-based alternatives to replace animal-based products in their daily diets. Among these alternatives, there is a growing demand for meat analogues that closely resemble the taste and texture of meat. As a result, significant efforts have been dedicated to developing meat analogues with a desirable meat-like structure. Currently, soy protein and wheat gluten are the main ingredients used for producing these meat analogues due to their availability and unique functionalities. This study observed that high moisture extrusion at moisture levels of 50-80% has become a common approach for creating fibrous structures, with soy protein and wheat gluten being considered incompatible proteins. After the structuring process, they form two-phase filled gels, with wheat gluten acting as the continuous phase and soy protein serving as a filler material. Moreover, the formation of soy protein and wheat gluten networks relies on a combination of covalent and non-covalent interaction bonds, including hydrogen bonds that stabilize the protein networks, hydrophobic interactions governing protein chain associations during thermo-mechanical processes, and disulfide bonds that potentially contribute to fibrous structure formation. This review provides case studies and examples that demonstrate how specific processing conditions can improve the overall structure, aiming to serve as a valuable reference for further research and the advancement of fibrous structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Textured calcium caseinate extrudates are considered promising candidates in producing fish substitutes. This study aimed to evaluate how the moisture content, extrusion temperature, screw speed, and cooling die unit temperature of the high-moisture extrusion process affect the structural and textural properties of calcium caseinate extrudates. With an increase in moisture content from 60% to 70%, there was a decrease in the cutting strength, hardness, and chewiness of the extrudate. Meanwhile, the fibrous degree increased considerably from 1.02 to 1.64. The hardness, springiness, and chewiness showed a downward trend with the rise in extrusion temperature from 50 °C to 90 °C, which contributed to the reduction in air bubbles in the extrudate. Screw speed showed a minor effect on fibrous structure and textural properties. A low temperature (30 °C) in all cooling die units led to damaged structure without mechanical anisotropy, which resulted from fast solidification. These results show that the fibrous structure and textural properties of calcium caseinate extrudates can be effectively manipulated by adjusting the moisture content, extrusion temperature, and cooling die unit temperature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Mueller matrix contains abundant micro- and even nanostructural information of media. Especially, it can be used as a powerful tool to characterize anisotropic structures quantitatively, such as the particle size, density, and orientation information of fibers in the sample. Compared with unpolarized microscopic imaging techniques, Mueller matrix microscopy can also obtain some essential structural information about the sample from the derived parameters images at low resolution. Here, to analyze the comprehensive effects of imaging resolution on polarization properties obtained from the Mueller matrix, we, first, measure the microscopic Mueller matrices of unstained rat dorsal skin tissue slices rich in collagen fibers using a series of magnifications or numerical aperture (NA) values of objectives. Then, the first-order moments and image texture parameters are quantified and analyzed in conjunction with the polarization parameter images. The results show that the Mueller matrix polar decomposition parameters diattenuation D, linear retardance δ, and depolarization Δ images obtained using low NA objective retain most of the structural information of the sample and can provide fast imaging speed. In addition, the scattering phase function analysis and Monte Carlo simulation based on the cylindrical scatterers reveal that the diattenuation parameter D images with different imaging resolutions are expected to be used to distinguish among the fibrous scatterers in the medium with different particle sizes. This study provides a criterion to decide which structural information can be accurately and rapidly obtained using a transmission Mueller matrix microscope with low NA objectives to assist pathological diagnosis and other applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effect of egg white protein addition on the fibrous structure and protein aggregation of textured wheat gluten (TWG) extrudates was investigated. The hardness, springiness, chewiness, and degree of texturization of TWG significantly increased with the addition of egg white protein. Analysis of morphological characteristics showed a positive effect of egg white protein on the formation of the fibrous structure of TWG. The results of size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) indicated that the egg white protein improved the degree of wheat gluten aggregation, and the analysis of the protein intermolecular forces proved that disulfide bonds were the main contributor to the cross-linking of protein. In addition, an increase in the β-sheets also indicated an increase in protein aggregation induced by egg white protein. The addition of egg white protein promoted protein interactions and improved the fibrous structure of TWG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have developed a novel low-molecular-mass oil-gelling agent that is electrically neutral, has no nitrogen atoms and consists only of cyclic sugar alcohols and saturated linear fatty acids. The cyclic sugar alcohols were 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol (1,5-AG) and 1,5-anhydro-D-mannitol (1,5-AM) derived from starch via 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose. Various saturated linear fatty acids with 10 to 18 and 22 carbon atoms were introduced into all the hydroxy groups of 1,5-AG. Various saturated linear fatty acids with 13 to 18 and 22 carbon atoms were introduced into all the hydroxy groups of 1,5-AM. Initially, the gelling ability increased as the carbon number increased, but the gelling ability decreased as the carbon number increased beyond 17 carbons. This trend was similar for both 1,5-AG and 1,5-AM. A comparison of 1,5-AG and 1,5-AM derivatives revealed that 1,5-AG derivatives had greater gelling abilities for different kinds of oils at the same fatty acid length. Further, it was confirmed by SEM observations that a three-dimensional fibrous structure was formed, and this network structure formed the gel and held the oil. Here, we report the synthesis and characteristics of a novel low-molecular-weight gelling agent and its gelation mechanism.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work, a cellular automata approach was investigated for modeling three-dimensional fibrous nanoporous aerogel structures. A model for the generation of fibrous structures using the Bezier curves is proposed. Experimental chitosan-based aerogel particles were obtained for which analytical studies of the structural characteristics were carried out. The data obtained were used to generate digital copies of chitosan-based aerogel structures and to assess the accuracy of the developed model. The obtained digital copies of chitosan-based aerogel structures will be used to create digital copies of aerogel structures with embedded active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and further predict the release of APIs from these structures.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The movement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a function of its complex geometry and its interaction with the surrounding soft tissues. Owing to an increase in the prevalence of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs), many computational studies have attempted to characterize its biomechanical behaviour in the last 2 decades. However, most such studies are based on a single computational model that markedly simplifies the complex geometry and mechanical properties of the TMJ\'s soft tissues. The present study aims to computationally evaluate in a wider sample the importance of considering their complex anatomy and behaviour for simulating both damping and motion responses of this joint. Hence, 6 finite element models of healthy volunteers\' TMJ were developed and subjected to both conditions in two different behavioural scenarios. In one, the soft tissues\' behaviour was modelled by considering the porous-fibrous properties, whereas in the other case they were simplified assuming isotropic-hyperelastic response, as had been traditionally considered. The damping analysis, which mimic the conditions of an experimental test of the literature, consisted of applying two different compressive loads to the jaw. The motion analysis evaluated the condylar path during the mandible centric depression by the action of muscular forces. From the results of both analyses, the contact pressures, intra-articular fluid pressure, path features, and stress/strain values were compared using the porous-fibrous and isotropic-hyperelastic models. Besides the great differences observed between patients due patient-specific morphology, the porous-fibrous approach yielded results closer to the reference experimental values and to the outcomes of other computational studies of the literature. Our findings underscore, therefore, the importance of considering realistic joint geometries and porous-fibrous contribution in the computational modelling of the TMJ, but also in the design of further joint replacements or in the development of new biomaterials for this joint.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many physically immobile plants develop passive yet ingenious strategies for active seed dispersal through self-deformation in response to external stimuli, such as humidity. These hygroscopic deformations are usually driven by the internal heterogeneous architecture, which provides valuable, inspiring information for the development of novel actuating systems. The Daucus carota compound umbel is an interesting structure showing a distinct hygroscopic deformation that operates at hierarchical levels among these plants. Here, we investigate the structure of the primary and secondary rays of the umbel associated with their deformation through mechanical analyses. We reveal that through controlling both the cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) and lignification, the multi-level bending behavior of the umbel is achieved, which contributes to efficient seed protection and dispersal. The primary rays generally show more significant bending curvature changes than the secondary rays, and within each level, the outer rays exhibit a larger motion amplitude than the middle and inner rays. Mechanical testing and theoretical analysis support that adjusting the lignin content within the ray structure compensates for the effect of the small differences in cellulose MFA on its bending behavior, which contributes to the overall hygroscopic deformation. Findings also show that the primary outer ray can generate reaction forces that are more than 700 times its weight, which is higher than that for the pine cone scales. The new insights from this work are instructive for bioinspired designs of complex, self-deforming structures and devices. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: The carrot (Daucus carota) compound umbels exhibit a unique hierarchical, hygroscopic deformation for seed dispersal among immobile plants. In this work, we elucidate that the multi-level bending behavior of the umbel is achieved through manipulating the cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) and lignification of the primary and secondary rays for the first time. We also discover that adjusting the degree of lignification compensates for the effect of small cellulose MFA differences on the bending behavior theoretically and experimentally. The primary outer rays deform in a highly efficient manner, in which reactions forces about more than 700 times its weight are generated. The findings presented are instructive for bioinspired designs of complex, self-deforming structures and devices.





