Evolutionary innovation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Venom is a remarkable innovation found across the animal kingdom, yet the evolutionary origins of venom systems in various groups, including spiders, remain enigmatic. Here, we investigated the organogenesis of the venom apparatus in the common house spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum. The venom apparatus consists of a pair of secretory glands, each connected to an opening at the fang tip by a duct that runs through the chelicerae. We performed bulk RNA-seq to identify venom gland-specific markers and assayed their expression using RNA in situ hybridisation experiments on whole-mount time-series. These revealed that the gland primordium emerges during embryonic stage 13 at the chelicera tip, progresses proximally by the end of embryonic development and extends into the prosoma post-eclosion. The initiation of expression of an important toxin component in late postembryos marks the activation of venom-secreting cells. Our selected markers also exhibited distinct expression patterns in adult venom glands: sage and the toxin marker were expressed in the secretory epithelium, forkhead and sum-1 in the surrounding muscle layer, while Distal-less was predominantly expressed at the gland extremities. Our study provides the first comprehensive analysis of venom gland morphogenesis in spiders, offering key insights into their evolution and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A recent publication in Nature has generated much heated discussion about evolution, its tendency towards increasing diversity and complexity, and its potential status above and beyond the known laws of fundamental physics. The argument at the heart of this controversy concerns assembly theory, a method to detect and quantify the influence of higher-level emergent causal constraints in computational worlds made of basic objects and their combinations. In this short essay, I briefly review the theory, its basic principles and potential applications. I then go on to critically examine its authors\' assertions, concluding that assembly theory has merit but is not nearly as novel or revolutionary as claimed. It certainly does not provide any new explanation of biological evolution or natural selection, or a new grounding of biology in physics. In this regard, the presentation of the paper is starkly distorted by hype, which may explain some of the outrage it created.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the drivers of life\'s diversification has been the emergence of \"evolutionary innovations\": The evolution of traits that grant access to underused ecological niches. Since ecological interactions can occur separately from mating, mating-related traits have not traditionally been considered factors in niche evolution. However, in order to persist in their environment, animals need to successfully mate just as much as they need to survive. Innovations that facilitate mating activity may therefore be an overlooked determinant of species\' ecological limits. Here, we show that species\' historical niches and responses to contemporary climate change are shaped by an innovation involved in mating-a waxy, ultra-violet-reflective pruinescence produced by male dragonflies. Physiological experiments in two species demonstrate that pruinescence reduces heating and water loss. Phylogenetic analyses show that pruinescence is gained after taxa begin adopting a thermohydrically stressful mating behavior. Further comparative analyses reveal that pruinose species are more likely to breed in exposed, open-canopy microhabitats. Biogeographic analyses uncover that pruinose species occupy warmer and drier regions in North America. Citizen-science observations of Pachydiplax longipennis suggest that the extent of pruinescence can be optimized to match the local conditions. Finally, temporal analyses indicate that pruinose species have been buffered against contemporary climate change. Overall, these historical and contemporary patterns show that successful mating can shape species\' niche limits in the same way as growth and survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Helicostoa sinensis E. Lamy, 1926 is a unique freshwater gastropod species with a sessile habit. This enigmatic species was first found cemented on river limestones from China about 120 years ago and described together with the genus. It was never collected again and has been considered monotypic. Here, we report the rediscovery of Helicostoa from several rivers in China, and describe a second species of this genus based on a comprehensive study. In addition to the unique sessile habit of both species, the new Helicostoa species presents one of the most remarkable cases of sexual dimorphism within molluscs. Only the adult female is sessile and the original aperture of the female is sealed by shell matter or rock, while an opening on the body whorl takes the function of the original aperture. The male is vagile, with a normal aperture. Our results confirm the recently suggested placement of Helicostoa within the family Bithyniidae. The sessility of Helicostoa species is considered as an adaption to the limestone habitat in large rivers. The extreme sexual dimorphism and secondary aperture of females are considered as adaptations to overcome the obstacles for mating and feeding that come with a sessile life style.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary cell biology explores the origins, principles, and core functions of cellular features and regulatory networks through the lens of evolution. This emerging field relies heavily on comparative experiments and genomic analyses that focus exclusively on extant diversity and historical events, providing limited opportunities for experimental validation. In this opinion article, we explore the potential for experimental laboratory evolution to augment the evolutionary cell biology toolbox, drawing inspiration from recent studies that combine laboratory evolution with cell biological assays. Primarily focusing on approaches for single cells, we provide a generalizable template for adapting experimental evolution protocols to provide fresh insight into long-standing questions in cell biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades. Therefore, understanding the extent to which species will cope with rising temperatures is of paramount importance. Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to change the morphological and functional traits encoded by its genome in response to the environment. I show here that plasticity pervades not only natural but also artificial systems that mimic the developmental process of biological organisms, such as self-replicating and evolving computer programs-digital organisms. Specifically, the environment can modify the sequence of instructions executed from a digital organism\'s genome (i.e. its transcriptome), which results in changes in its phenotype (i.e. the ability of the digital organism to perform Boolean logic operations). This genetic-based pathway for plasticity comes at a fitness cost to an organism\'s viability and generation time: the longer the transcriptome (higher fitness cost), the more chances for the environment to modify the genetic execution flow control, and the higher the likelihood for the genome to encode novel phenotypes. By studying to what extent a digital organism\'s phenotype is influenced by both its genome and the environment, I make a parallelism between natural and artificial evolving systems on how natural selection might slide trait regulation anywhere along a continuum from total environmental control to total genomic control, which harbours lessons not only for designing evolvable artificial systems, but also for synthetic biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The drivers behind evolutionary innovations such as contrasting life histories and morphological change are central questions of evolutionary biology. However, the environmental and ecological contexts linked to evolutionary innovations are generally unclear. During the Pleistocene glacial cycles, grounded ice sheets expanded across the Southern Ocean continental shelf. Limited ice-free areas remained, and fauna were isolated from other refugial populations. Survival in Southern Ocean refugia could present opportunities for ecological adaptation and evolutionary innovation. Here, we reconstructed the phylogeographic patterns of circum-Antarctic brittle stars Ophionotus victoriae and O. hexactis with contrasting life histories (broadcasting vs brooding) and morphology (5 vs 6 arms). We examined the evolutionary relationship between the two species using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) data. COI data suggested that O. victoriae is a single species (rather than a species complex) and is closely related to O. hexactis (a separate species). Since their recent divergence in the mid-Pleistocene, O. victoriae and O. hexactis likely persisted differently throughout glacial maxima, in deep-sea and Antarctic island refugia, respectively. Genetic connectivity, within and between the Antarctic continental shelf and islands, was also observed and could be linked to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and local oceanographic regimes. Signatures of a probable seascape corridor linking connectivity between the Scotia Sea and Prydz Bay are also highlighted. We suggest that survival in Antarctic island refugia was associated with increase in arm number and a switch from broadcast spawning to brooding in O. hexactis, and propose that it could be linked to environmental changes (such as salinity) associated with intensified interglacial-glacial cycles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isoprenoids are among the largest and most chemically diverse classes of organic compounds in nature and are involved in the processes of photosynthesis, respiration, growth, development, and plant responses to stress. The basic building block units for isoprenoid synthesis-isopentenyl diphosphate and its isomer dimethylallyl diphosphate-are generated by the mevalonate (MVA) and methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathways. Here, we summarize recent advances on the roles of the MEP and MVA pathways in plant growth, development and stress responses, and attempt to define the underlying gene networks that orchestrate the MEP and MVA pathways in response to developmental or environmental cues. Through phylogenomic analysis, we also provide a new perspective on the evolution of the plant isoprenoid pathway. We conclude that the presence of the MVA pathway in plants may be associated with the transition from aquatic to subaerial and terrestrial environments, as lineages for its core components are absent in green algae. The emergence of the MVA pathway has acted as a key evolutionary event in plants that facilitated land colonization and subsequent embryo development, as well as adaptation to new and varied environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A number of conceptual difficulties arise when considering the evolutionary origin of consciousness from the pre-conscious condition. There are parallels here with biological pattern formation, where, according to Alan Turing\'s original formulation of the problem, the statistical properties of molecular-level processes serve as a source of incipient pattern. By analogy, the evolution of consciousness can be thought of as depending in part on a competition between alternative variants in the microstructure of synaptic networks and/or the activity patterns they generate, some of which then serve as neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs). Assuming that NCCs perform this function only if reliably ordered in a particular and precise way, Turing\'s formulation provides a useful conceptual framework for thinking about how this is achieved developmentally, and how changes in neural structure might correlate with change at the level of conscious experience. The analysis is largely silent concerning the nature and ultimate source of conscious experience, but shows that achieving sentience is sufficient to begin the process by which evolution elaborates and shapes that first experience. By implication, much of what evolved consciousness achieves in adaptive terms can in principle be investigated irrespective of whether or not the ultimate source of real-time experience is known or understood. This includes the important issue of how precisely NCCs must be structured to ensure that each evokes a particular experience as opposed to any other. Some terminological issues are clarified, including that of \"noise,\" which here refers to the statistical variations in neural structure that arise during development, not to sensory noise as experienced in real time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogen is a most important nutrient resource for Escherichia coli and other bacteria that harbor the glnKamtB operon, a high-affinity ammonium uptake system highly interconnected with cellular metabolism. Although this system confers an advantage to bacteria when growing under nitrogen-limiting conditions, little is known about the impact of these genes on microbial fitness under nutrient-rich conditions. Here, the genetically tractable E. coli BW25113 strain and its glnKamtB-null mutant (JW0441) were used to analyze the impact of GlnK-AmtB on growth rates and oxidative stress tolerance. Strain JW0441 showed a shorter initial lag phase, higher growth rate, higher citrate synthase activity, higher oxidative stress tolerance and lower expression of serA than strain BW25113 under nutrient-rich conditions, suggesting a fitness cost to increase metabolic plasticity associated with serine metabolism. The overexpression of serA in strain JW0441 resulted in a decreased growth rate and stress tolerance in nutrient-rich conditions similar to that of strain BW25113, suggesting that the negative influence on bacterial fitness imposed by GlnK-AmtB can be traced to the control of serine biosynthesis. Finally, we discuss the potential applications of glnKamtB mutants in bioproduction processes.





