Endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Various absorbable anti-adhesion agents have been used to prevent postoperative synechia formation after endonasal surgery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-adhesion effects of HyFence and Mediclore after endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) compared to a mixed solution of hyaluronic acid and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Guardix-Sol).
    METHODS: In this retrospective study, endonasal DCR and silicone tube intubation were performed on 198 eyes of 151 patients. Three different anti-adhesion adjuvants were applied to the osteotomy site in the nasal cavity after standard endonasal DCR procedures. The subjects were classified into three respective groups: group A (71 eyes, Guardix-Sol 1.5 g), group B (89 eyes, HyFence 1.5 mL), and group C (38 eyes, Mediclore 1 cc). The three groups were evaluated by asking patients about subjective symptoms and by performing lacrimal irrigation tests and endoscopic examinations.
    RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in age, sex, timing of tube removal, or follow-up period among the three groups. There were no statistically significant differences in success rates among the three groups (p = 0.990, 91.5% [65 / 71], 92.1% [82 / 89], and 92.1% [35 / 38], respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: HyFence and Mediclore are safe and effective adjunctive modalities following endonasal DCR compared to Guardix-Sol. Therefore, these agents can be considered good alternatives to Guardix-Sol to increase the success rate of endonasal DCR in treating patients with poor prognosis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the success rate of conventional dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) and endoscopic DCR performed in patients with acute dacryocystitis.
    METHODS: Records of patients with acute dacryocystitis and operated during 2007-2008 were reviewed. Patients who completed a follow-up of 60 months were included in our study. Demographic characteristics, surgery types, success rate, and follow-up periods were recorded. Success was defined as the elimination of epiphora, absence of dacryocystitis, and negative syringing test result (i.e., unrestricted flow of irrigated saline to the nose).
    RESULTS: A total of 67 patients were operated during the period. Fifty-seven patients completed the follow-up of 60 months. The mean age in the conventional and endoscopic groups was 39.5 ± 8.5 and 39.5 ± 8.4 years, respectively. The participants included 33 female and 24 male patients. Endoscopic DCR was performed in 28 (endoscopic group) and conventional DCR (conventional group) in 29 patients. Conventional DCR was performed after subsidence of the acute attack, which took an average of 10 days (range, 9-19 days). After a period of 60 months, patency on syringing and resolution of epiphora was documented in 26 patients in the conventional group (success rate, 89.7%) and 23 patients in the endonasal group (success rate, 82.1%) (P = 0.654).
    CONCLUSIONS: The success rates of conventional and endonasal DCR during a follow-up period of five years in patients with acute dacryocystitis are almost similar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify and analyze the role of preoperative computed tomography (CT) in patients with tearing symptoms with nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO).
    METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records and CT results on 218 patients who complained of tearing symptoms with NLDO between January 2014 and December 2014. All patients were recruited from Kim\'s Eye Hospital\'s outpatient clinic and assessed by clinical history, examination, and CT to evaluate periocular pathology and nasolacrimal drainage system. Patients with abnormal findings assessed by preoperative CT were further reviewed.
    RESULTS: CT was performed on 218 patients (average age, 58.2 ± 11.9 years). Of these, 196 (89.9%) had endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy, 14 (6.4%) declined surgery, and 8 (3.7%) were inoperable due to abnormal CT findings. Soft tissue opacity was the most common finding which 243 cases (85.9%) of 283 obstructed nasolacrimal duct and 89 cases (81.7%) of 109 non-obstructed nasolacrimal duct showed it. Thirty-nine (17.8%) of 218 patients showed either maxillary sinusitis or ethmoidal sinusitis and 32 (14.7%) of 218 patients presented with periocular inflammation. Other abnormal CT findings included septal deviations, previous fractures, masses, and structural abnormalities of nasal cavity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative CT imaging is useful in the assessment of both nasolacrimal drainage and nearby anatomical structures. This information will be helpful in planning surgical interventions and management of NLDO.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the results of endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy performed in a tertiary care hospital. Prospective, nonrandomized, interventional clinical study. A prospective interventional study was performed on 104 patients presenting with epiphora between January 2006 and January 2010. All patients were operated by one surgeon. Out of 104 cases, 08 cases were of revision endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Bicanalicular silicon intubation was performed in all cases of revision endonasal DCR. Twelve patients had concomitant sinonasal disease for which septoplasty or FESS was done. The patency of nasolacrimal duct was assessed by doing syringing of lacrimal passage weekly for 1 month, monthly for 3 month, then at 6 month and 1 year. Out of 104 patients 10 patients lost follow up after surgery. Ninety four patients were followed for 1 year. On syringing, rhinostomy site was found patent in 80 patients (85.10 %), therefore they were fully satisfied. In 6 cases (6.38 %) minimal block was seen with clear fluid regurgitation, were to some extent symptomatically relieved and were found to be satisfied, whereas in 08 cases (8.51 %) syringing showed complete block. They required further management. Success rate of our study is comparable to other studies on endonasal DCR as well as external DCR, with advantages of less intra-operative bleeding, shorter operative time, better cosmesis, preservation of lacrimal pump mechanism. Other nasal pathology can be treated at the same time. Our results are clinically as well as statistically highly significant (P value < 0.0001).






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    To circumvent the disadvantages of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy such as small rhinostomy size, high failure rate and expensive equipment, we hereby introduce a modified technique of non-endoscopic mechanical endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (NE-MEDCR). Surgery is performed under general anesthesia with local decongestion of the nasal mucosa. A 20-gauge vitrectomy light probe is introduced through the upper canaliculus until it touches the bony medial wall of the lacrimal sac. While directly viewing the transilluminated target area, a nasal speculum with a fiber optic light carrier is inserted. An incision is made vertically or in a curvilinear fashion on the nasal mucosa in the lacrimal sac down to the bone using a Freer periosteum elevator. Approximately 1 to 1.5 cm of nasal mucosa is removed with Blakesley forceps. Using a lacrimal punch, the thick bone of the frontal process of the maxilla is removed and the inferior half of the sac is uncovered. The lacrimal sac is tented into the surgical site with the light probe and its medial wall is incised using a 3.2 mm keratome and then excised using the Blakesley forceps. The procedure is completed by silicone intubation. The NE-MEDCR technique does not require expensive instrumentation and is feasible in any standard ophthalmic surgical setting.





