• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engineered smart microbes that deliver therapeutic payloads are emerging as treatment modalities, particularly for diseases with links to the gastrointestinal tract. Enterohemorrhagic E coli (EHEC) is a causative agent of potentially lethal hemolytic uremic syndrome. Given concerns that antibiotic treatment increases EHEC production of Shiga toxin (Stx), which is responsible for systemic disease, novel remedies are needed. EHEC encodes a type III secretion system (T3SS) that injects Tir into enterocytes. Tir inserts into the host cell membrane, exposing an extracellular domain that subsequently binds intimin, one of its outer membrane proteins, triggering the formation of attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions that promote EHEC mucosal colonization. Citrobacter rodentium (Cr), a natural A/E mouse pathogen, similarly requires Tir and intimin for its pathogenesis. Mice infected with Cr(ΦStx2dact), a variant lysogenized with an EHEC-derived phage that produces Stx2dact, develop intestinal A/E lesions and toxin-dependent disease. Stx2a is more closely associated with human disease. By developing an efficient approach to seamlessly modify the C. rodentium genome, we generated Cr_Tir-MEHEC(ΦStx2a), a variant that expresses Stx2a and the EHEC extracellular Tir domain. We found that mouse pre-colonization with HS-PROT3EcT-TD4, a human commensal E. coli strain (E. coli HS) engineered to efficiently secrete- an anti-EHEC Tir nanobody, delayed bacterial colonization and improved survival after challenge with Cr_Tir-MEHEC(ΦStx2a). This study provides the first evidence to support the efficacy of engineered commensal E. coli to intestinally deliver therapeutic payloads that block essential enteric pathogen virulence determinants, a strategy that may serve as an antibiotic-independent antibacterial therapeutic modality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fimbriae are essential virulence factors for many bacterial pathogens. Fimbriae are extracellular structures that attach bacteria to surfaces. Thus, fimbriae mediate a critical step required for any pathogen to establish infection by anchoring a bacterium to host tissue. The human pathogen enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7encodes 16 fimbriae that may be important for EHEC to initiate infection and allow for productive expression of virulence traits important in later stages of infection, including a type III secretion system (T3SS) and Shiga toxin; however, the roles of most EHEC fimbriae are largely uncharacterized. Here, we provide evidence that two EHEC fimbriae, Yad and Yeh, modulate expression of diverse genes including genes encoding T3SS and Shiga toxin and that these fimbriae are required for robust colonization of the gastrointestinal tract. These findings reveal a significant and previously unappreciated role for fimbriae in bacterial pathogenesis as important determinants of virulence gene expression.IMPORTANCEFimbriae are extracellular proteinaceous structures whose defining role is to anchor bacteria to surfaces. This is a fundamental step for bacterial pathogens to establish infection in a host. Here, we show that the contributions of fimbriae to pathogenesis are more complex. Specifically, we demonstrate that fimbriae influence expression of virulence traits essential for disease progression in the intestinal pathogen enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria express multiple fimbriae; therefore, these findings may have broad implications for understanding how pathogens use fimbriae, beyond adhesion, to initiate infection and coordinate gene expression, which ultimately results in disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) is a group of pathogenic bacteria that is associated with worldwide human foodborne diarrheal illnesses and the development of hemolytic uremic syndrome, a potentially deadly condition associated with Shiga toxins (Stxs). Currently, approved vaccines for human prophylaxis against infection do not exist, and one barrier preventing the successful creation of EHEC vaccines is the absence of dependable animal models, including mice, which are naturally resistant to EHEC infection and do not manifest the characteristic signs of the illness. Our lab previously developed gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based EHEC vaccines, and assessed their efficacy using Citrobacter rodentium, which is the mouse pathogen counterpart of EHEC, along with an Stx2d-producing strain that leads to more consistent disease kinetics in mice, including lethality. The purpose of this study was to continue evaluating these vaccines to increase protection. Here, we demonstrated that subcutaneous immunization of mice with AuNPs linked to the EHEC antigens EscC and intimin (Eae), either alone or simultaneously, elicits functional robust systemic humoral responses. Additionally, vaccination with both antigens together showed some efficacy against Stx2d-producing C. rodentium while AuNP-EscC successfully limited infection with non-Stx2d-producing C. rodentium. Overall, the collected results indicate that our AuNP vaccines have promising potential for preventing disease with EHEC, and that evaluation of novel vaccines using an appropriate animal model, like C. rodentium described here, could be the key to finally developing an effective EHEC vaccine that can progress into human clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a critical public health concern due to its role in severe gastrointestinal illnesses in humans, including hemorrhagic colitis and the life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome. While highly pathogenic to humans, cattle, the main reservoir for EHEC, often remain asymptomatic carriers, complicating efforts to control its spread. Our study introduces a novel method to investigate EHEC using organoid-derived monolayers from adult bovine ileum and rectum. These polarized epithelial monolayers were exposed to EHEC for four hours, allowing us to perform comparative analyses between the ileal and rectal tissues. Our findings mirrored in vivo observations, showing a higher colonization rate in the rectum compared with the ileum (44.0% vs. 16.5%, p < 0.05). Both tissues exhibited an inflammatory response with increased expression levels of TNF-a (p < 0.05) and a more pronounced increase of IL-8 in the rectum (p < 0.01). Additionally, the impact of EHEC on the mucus barrier varied across these gastrointestinal regions. Innovative visualization techniques helped us study the ultrastructure of mucus, revealing a net-like mucin glycoprotein organization. While further cellular differentiation could enhance model accuracy, our research significantly deepens understanding of EHEC pathogenesis in cattle and informs strategies for the preventative measures and therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asymptomatic long-term carriers of Shigatoxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are regarded as potential source of STEC-transmission. The prevention of outbreaks via onward spread of STEC is a public health priority. Accordingly, health authorities are imposing far-reaching restrictions on asymptomatic STEC carriers in many countries. Various STEC strains may cause severe hemorrhagic colitis complicated by life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), while many endemic strains have never been associated with HUS. Even though antibiotics are generally discouraged in acute diarrheal STEC infection, decolonization with short-course azithromycin appears effective and safe in long-term shedders of various pathogenic strains. However, most endemic STEC-strains have a low pathogenicity and would most likely neither warrant antibiotic decolonization therapy nor justify social exclusion policies. A risk-adapted individualized strategy might strongly attenuate the socio-economic burden and has recently been proposed by national health authorities in some European countries. This, however, mandates clarification of strain-specific pathogenicity, of the risk of human-to-human infection as well as scientific evidence of social restrictions. Moreover, placebo-controlled prospective interventions on efficacy and safety of, e.g., azithromycin for decolonization in asymptomatic long-term STEC-carriers are reasonable. In the present community case study, we report new observations in long-term shedding of various STEC strains and review the current evidence in favor of risk-adjusted concepts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During infections, host cells are exposed to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and virulence factors that stimulate multiple signaling pathways that interact additively, synergistically, or antagonistically. The net effect of such higher-order interactions is a vital determinant of the outcome of host-pathogen interactions. Here, we demonstrate one such complex interplay between bacterial exotoxin- and PAMP-induced innate immune pathways. We show that two caspases activated during enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) infection by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Shiga toxin (Stx) interact in a functionally antagonistic manner; cytosolic LPS-activated caspase-11 cleaves full-length gasdermin D (GSDMD), generating an active pore-forming N-terminal fragment (NT-GSDMD); subsequently, caspase-3 activated by EHEC Stx cleaves the caspase-11-generated NT-GSDMD to render it nonfunctional, thereby inhibiting pyroptosis and interleukin-1β maturation. Bacteria typically subvert inflammasomes by targeting upstream components such as NLR sensors or full-length GSDMD but not active NT-GSDMD. Thus, our findings uncover a distinct immune evasion strategy where a bacterial toxin disables active NT-GSDMD by co-opting caspase-3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 is a common food-borne pathogen that can cause acute diseases. Lysine acetylation is a post-translational modification (PTM) that occurs in various prokaryotes and is regulated by CobB, the only deacetylase found in bacteria. Here, we demonstrated that CobB plays an important role in the virulence of EHEC O157:H7 and that deletion of cobB significantly decreased the intestinal colonization ability of bacteria. Using acetylation proteomic studies, we systematically identified several proteins that could be regulated by CobB in EHEC O157:H7. Among these CobB substrates, we found that acetylation at the K44 site of CesA, a chaperone for the type-III secretion system (T3SS) translocator protein EspA, weakens its binding to EspA, thereby reducing the stability of this virulence factor; this PTM ultimately attenuating the virulence of EHEC O157:H7. Furthermore, we showed that deacetylation of the K44 site, which is deacetylated by CobB, promotes the interaction between CesA and EspA, thereby increasing bacterial virulence in vitro and in animal experiments. In summary, we showed that acetylation influences the virulence of EHEC O157:H7, and uncovered the mechanism by which CobB contributes to bacterial virulence based on the regulation of CesA deacetylation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) produce a capsule of polysaccharides identical to those composing the O-antigen polysaccharide of its LPS (lipopolysaccharide) molecules. In light of this, the impact of O26 polysaccharides on the immune evasion mechanisms of capsulated O26 EPEC compared to non-capsulated enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) was investigated. Our findings reveal that there was no significant difference between the levels in EPEC and EHEC of rhamnose (2.8:2.5), a molecule considered to be a PAMP (Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns). However, the levels of glucose (10:1.69), heptose (3.6:0.89) and N-acetylglucosamine (4.5:2.10), were significantly higher in EPEC than EHEC, respectively. It was also observed that the presence of a capsule in EPEC inhibited the deposition of C3b on the bacterial surface and protected the pathogen against lysis by the complement system. In addition, the presence of a capsule also protected EPEC against phagocytosis by macrophages. However, the immune evasion provided by the capsule was overcome in the presence of anti-O26 polysaccharide antibodies, and additionally, these antibodies were able to inhibit O26 EPEC adhesion to human epithelial cells. Finally, the results indicate that O26 polysaccharides can generate an effective humoral immune response, making them promising antigens for the development of a vaccine against capsulated O26 E. coli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pasteurization of raw milk is mandatory before sale in Canada and has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of food-borne illness associated with milk consumption. Consumption of raw milk sparks urgent concern from a public health perspective since it has been linked to numerous outbreaks by enteric organisms, particularly Escherichia coli-related illnesses and complications in pediatric populations. The sale and distribution of raw milk is illegal in Canada, based on these significant health risks, but growing popular interest and trends in consuming raw dairy products reflect changes in consumer preferences. Although the consumption of raw milk has been an ongoing issue, this new trend is alarming and action is needed to prevent serious consequences as seen in children and other populations with reduced immunity such as the elderly and pregnant people. This commentary explores key issues identified by a local public health unit during the investigation of a recent paediatric case of hemolytic uremic syndrome related to an E. coli O157:H7 infection that occurred within the context of consumption of raw milk. The main objective of this article is to highlight that the health risks and sequelae associated with consumption of raw milk far outweigh any potential benefits, with severe consequences particularly among children. Data and health impacts, distribution, regulation, pasteurization and proposed practice recommendations are also identified and discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-LEE-encoded Effector A (NleA) is a type III secreted effector protein of enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli as well as the related mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium. NleA translocation into host cells is essential for virulence. We previously published several lines of evidence indicating that NleA is modified by host-mediated mucin-type O-linked glycosylation, the first example of a bacterial effector protein modified in this way. In this study, we use lectins to provide direct evidence for the modification of NleA by O-linked glycosylation and determine that the interaction of NleA with the COPII complex is necessary for this modification to occur.





