EEG channel selection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, electroencephalography (EEG) has been investigated for identifying brain disorders. This technique involves placing multiple electrodes (channels) on the scalp to measure the brain\'s activities. This study focuses on accurately detecting mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from the recorded EEG signals. To achieve this, this study first introduced discrete wavelet transform (DWT)-based approaches to generate reliable biomarkers for MCI. These approaches decompose each channel\'s signal using DWT into a set of distinct frequency band signals, then extract features using a non-linear measure such as band power, energy, or entropy. Various machine learning approaches then classify the generated features. We investigated these methods on EEGs recorded using 19 channels from 29 MCI patients and 32 healthy subjects. In the second step, the study explored the possibility of decreasing the number of EEG channels while preserving, or even enhancing, classification accuracy. We employed multi-objective optimization techniques, such as the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO), to achieve this. The results show that the generated DWT-based features resulted in high full-channel classification accuracy scores. Furthermore, selecting fewer channels carefully leads to better accuracy scores. For instance, with a DWT-based approach, the full-channel accuracy achieved was 99.84%. With only four channels selected by NSGA-II, NSGA-III, or PSO, the accuracy increased to 99.97%. Furthermore, NSGA-II selects five channels, achieving an accuracy of 100%. The results show that the suggested DWT-based approaches are promising to detect MCI, and picking the most useful EEG channels makes the accuracy even higher. The use of a small number of electrodes paves the way for EEG-based diagnosis in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effective management of dementia requires the timely detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This paper introduces a multi-objective optimization approach for selecting EEG channels (and features) for the purpose of detecting MCI. Firstly, each EEG signal from each channel is decomposed into subbands using either variational mode decomposition (VMD) or discrete wavelet transform (DWT). A feature is then extracted from each subband using one of the following measures: standard deviation, interquartile range, band power, Teager energy, Katz\'s and Higuchi\'s fractal dimensions, Shannon entropy, sure entropy, or threshold entropy. Different machine learning techniques are used to classify the features of MCI cases from those of healthy controls. The classifier\'s performance is validated using leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) cross-validation (CV). The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA)-II is designed with the aim of minimizing the number of EEG channels (or features) and maximizing classification accuracy. The performance is evaluated using a publicly available online dataset containing EEGs from 19 channels recorded from 24 participants. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in performance when utilizing the NSGA-II algorithm. By selecting only a few appropriate EEG channels, the LOSO CV-based results show a significant improvement compared to using all 19 channels. Additionally, the outcomes indicate that accuracy can be further improved by selecting suitable features from different channels. For instance, by combining VMD and Teager energy, the SVM accuracy obtained using all channels is 74.24%. Interestingly, when only five channels are selected using NSGA-II, the accuracy increases to 91.56%. The accuracy is further improved to 95.28% when using only 8 features selected from 7 channels. This demonstrates that by choosing informative features or channels while excluding noisy or irrelevant information, the impact of noise is reduced, resulting in improved accuracy. These promising findings indicate that, with a limited number of channels and features, accurate diagnosis of MCI is achievable, which opens the door for its application in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human emotion recognition remains a challenging and prominent issue, situated at the convergence of diverse fields, such as brain-computer interfaces, neuroscience, and psychology. This study utilizes an EEG data set for investigating human emotion, presenting novel findings and a refined approach for EEG-based emotion detection. Tsallis entropy features, computed for q values of 2, 3, and 4, are extracted from signal bands, including theta-θ (4-7 Hz), alpha-α (8-15 Hz), beta-β (16-31 Hz), gamma-γ (32-55 Hz), and the overall frequency range (0-75 Hz). These Tsallis entropy features are employed to train and test a KNN classifier, aiming for accurate identification of two emotional states: positive and negative. In this study, the best average accuracy of 79% and an F-score of 0.81 were achieved in the gamma frequency range for the Tsallis parameter q = 3. In addition, the highest accuracy and F-score of 84% and 0.87 were observed. Notably, superior performance was noted in the anterior and left hemispheres compared to the posterior and right hemispheres in the context of emotion studies. The findings show that the proposed method exhibits enhanced performance, making it a highly competitive alternative to existing techniques. Furthermore, we identify and discuss the shortcomings of the proposed approach, offering valuable insights into potential avenues for improvements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recognizing the emotional states of humans through EEG signals are of great significance to the progress of human-computer interaction. The present study aimed to perform automatic recognition of music-evoked emotions through region-specific information and dynamic functional connectivity of EEG signals and a deep learning neural network. EEG signals of 15 healthy volunteers were collected when different emotions (high-valence-arousal vs. low-valence-arousal) were induced by a musical experimental paradigm. Then a sequential backward selection algorithm combining with deep neural network called Xception was proposed to evaluate the effect of different channel combinations on emotion recognition. In addition, we also assessed whether dynamic functional network of frontal cortex, constructed through different trial number, may affect the performance of emotion cognition. Results showed that the binary classification accuracy based on all 30 channels was 70.19%, the accuracy based on all channels located in the frontal region was 71.05%, and the accuracy based on the best channel combination in the frontal region was 76.84%. In addition, we found that the classification performance increased as longer temporal functional network of frontal cortex was constructed as input features. In sum, emotions induced by different musical stimuli can be recognized by our proposed approach though region-specific EEG signals and time-varying functional network of frontal cortex. Our findings could provide a new perspective for the development of EEG-based emotional recognition systems and advance our understanding of the neural mechanism underlying emotion processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The key research aspects of detecting and predicting epileptic seizures using electroencephalography (EEG) signals are feature extraction and classification. This paper aims to develop a highly effective and accurate algorithm for seizure prediction. Efficient channel selection could be one of the solutions as it can decrease the computational loading significantly. In this research, we present a patient-specific optimization method for EEG channel selection based on permutation entropy (PE) values, employing K nearest neighbors (KNNs) combined with a genetic algorithm (GA) for epileptic seizure prediction. The classifier is the well-known support vector machine (SVM), and the CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database is used in this research. The classification results from 22 patients using the channels selected to the patient show a high prediction rate (average 92.42%) compared to the SVM testing results with all channels (71.13%). On average, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity with selected channels are improved by 10.58%, 23.57%, and 5.56%, respectively. In addition, four patient cases validate over 90% accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity rates with just a few selected channels. The corresponding standard deviations are also smaller than those used by all channels, demonstrating that tailored channels are a robust way to optimize the seizure prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motor imagery (MI) brain-computer interface (BCI) and neurofeedback (NF) with electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are commonly used for motor function improvement in healthy subjects and to restore neurological functions in stroke patients. Generally, in order to decrease noisy and redundant information in unrelated EEG channels, channel selection methods are used which provide feasible BCI and NF implementations with better performances. Our assumption is that there are causal interactions between the channels of EEG signal in MI tasks that are repeated in different trials of a BCI and NF experiment. Therefore, a novel method for EEG channel selection is proposed which is based on Granger causality (GC) analysis. Additionally, the machine-learning approach is used to cluster independent component analysis (ICA) components of the EEG signal into artifact and normal EEG clusters. After channel selection, using the common spatial pattern (CSP) and regularized CSP (RCSP), features are extracted and with the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), support vector machine (SVM) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifiers, MI tasks are classified into left and right hand MI. The goal of this study is to achieve a method resulting in lower EEG channels with higher classification performance in MI-based BCI and NF by causal constraint. The proposed method based on GC, with only eight selected channels, results in 93.03% accuracy, 92.93% sensitivity, and 93.12% specificity, with RCSP feature extractor and best classifier for each subject, after being applied on Physionet MI dataset, which is increased by 3.95%, 3.73%, and 4.13%, in comparison with correlation-based channel selection method.





