Dikerogammarus villosus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This dataset documents the diversity of eukaryotic endo- and epibiotic organisms from 612 host individuals of seven gammarid (Amphipoda) species (Gammarus pulex, Gammarus zaddachi, Gammarus roeselii, Gammarus tigrinus, Dikerogammarus villosus, Pontogammarus robustoides, Echinogammarus ischnus) of native and invasive origin in the Baltic region of Poland. We identify 60 symbiotic species of nine phyla from 16 localities of freshwater and brackish habitats. Twenty-nine symbiotic species belonged to the Ciliophora, 12 to Apicomplexa, 8 to Microsporidia, 3 to Platyhelminthes, 2 to Acanthocephala, 2 to Nematoda, 2 to Rotifera, 1 to Choanozoa and 1 to Nematomorha. The material in this Data in Brief paper is composed of three Microsoft® Excel files. The first file represents the raw data on the number of individuals (infrapopulation size) of each eukaryotic symbiont taxa recorded in each host individual and location. The data set contains information on the assemblage of symbionts per host individual in one table-matrix; macro- (host) and symbiont taxa name, host length, the date of collection, the geographic coordinates and locality name in columns; and amphipod host specimens in lines. The second file reports the symbiont species list (the species breakdown by phyla in spreadsheets) with information on host species, sampling date, locality and geographic coordinates, infection site, obtained sequences (if the case), brief morphological characteristics and microphotographs. The third file reports measured water parameters, habitat features and host density per sample. We generate the present dataset to evaluate the richness, diversity, population and community features of symbiotic organisms in native and invasive gammarid hosts in Poland. Biological sciences: ParasitologyEnvironmental Science: Ecology; Hydrology and Water Quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neonicotinoids are the most widely used synthetic insecticides in the world. These insecticides are widely distributed in the ecosystem, indicating that more attention should be paid to the potential risks regarding their use in agriculture. Due their intensive use, non-target species in the environment are also exposed to their putative effects. Within acute exposure trials, the time related effect of sublethal dose of the neonicotinoid preparation APACS 50 WG was investigated on swimming behaviour and the multi-xenobiotic resistance system (MXR) activity, as a first line defence pathway of adult Dikerogammarus villosus. Results showed that treated animals manifested an increased swimming activity. Exposed animals were monitored by the rhodamine B accumulation assay, and APACS 50 WG exerted distinct changes in the MXR activity as well. Our results suggested that application of neonicotinoid at a low concentration (3.9 ng/l) contributed to the activation of locomotor activity and at the same concentration range the transmembrane transport mechanisms was altered too.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Worldwide freshwater ecosystems are increasingly affected by invasive alien species. In particular, Ponto-Caspian gobiid fishes and amphipods are suspected to have pronounced effects on aquatic food webs. However, there is a lack of systematic studies mechanistically testing the potential synergistic effects of invasive species on native fauna. In this study we investigated the interrelations between the invasive amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus and the invasive fish species Neogobius melanostomus in their effects on the native amphipod Gammarus pulex. We hypothesized selective predation by the fish as a driver for displacement of native species resulting in potential extinction of G. pulex. The survival of G. pulex in the presence of N. melanostomus in relation to the presence of D. villosus and availability of shelter was analyzed in the context of behavioural differences between the amphipod species.
    Gammarus pulex had a significantly higher susceptibility to predation by N. melanostomus compared to D. villosus in all experiments, suggesting preferential predation by this fish on native gammarids. Furthermore, the presence of D. villosus significantly increased the vulnerability of G. pulex to fish predation. Habitat structure was an important factor for swimming activity of amphipods and their mortality, resulting in a threefold decrease in amphipods consumed with shelter habitat structures provided. Behavioral differences in swimming activity were additionally responsible for higher predation rates on G. pulex. Intraguild predation could be neglected within short experimental durations.
    The results of this study provide evidence for synergistic effects of the two invasive Ponto-Caspian species on the native amphipod as an underlying process of species displacements during invasion processes. Prey behaviour and monotonous habitat structures additionally contribute to the decline of the native gammarid fauna in the upper Danube River and elsewhere.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus is one of the most successful invaders in Central European rivers. Contrary to studies on its ecology, ecophysiological studies comparing the species\' physiological traits are scarce. In this context, in particular the metabolic activity of the invasive species has rarely been considered and, moreover, the few existing studies on this species report strongly deviating results. The purpose of this study was to assess the metabolic activity and behavior of D. villosus and other common European amphipod species (Gammarus fossarum, Gammarus roeselii) in relation to temperatures covering the thermal regime of the invaded habitats. Based on direct calorimetric measurements of metabolic heat dissipation at three temperature levels (5°C, 15°C and 25°C), we found the routine metabolic rate of D. villosus to be significantly lower than that of the other studied gammarid species at the medium temperature level. The estimated resting metabolic rate indicated a similar trend. At 5°C and 25°C, both routine and resting metabolic rate did not differ between species. Compared to G. fossarum and G. roeselii, D. villosus exhibited lower locomotor activity at the low and medium temperatures (5°C and 15°C). In contrast, its locomotor activity increased at the high experimental temperature (25°C). G. fossarum and G. roeselii were apparently more active than D. villosus at all studied temperatures. We conclude that D. villosus has both physiological and behavioral adaptations that lead to a reduction in metabolic energy expenditure, which is assumed to be beneficial and might contribute to its invasive success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We studied the physiological and behavioral responses of the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus during exposure to four total ammonia concentrations (NH3+NH4(+); TotAmm): 0.003 (control), 0.06, 1.6, and 7.0 mmol L(-1) (0.042, 0.84, 22.4, and 98.0 mg L(-1)) for a period of up to 12 h at 21 °C. During the transition period from the control to treatment concentration as well as during the first hour of exposure to 0.06 and 1.6 mmol L(-1), gammarids increased their locomotor activity, which was manifested in significantly higher routine metabolic rates compared to control conditions. At control conditions, the resting metabolic rate amounted to 0.98±0.26 mW g(-1) and significantly increased by 19 and 37% at 0.06 and 1.6 mmol L(-1), respectively. The highest examined [TotAmm] caused a rapid and significant increase in resting metabolic rate by 37% within the first 4 h of exposure before gammarids died. The exposure to elevated [TotAmm] also resulted in a significant decreased RNA:DNA ratio and significantly higher glycogen concentrations compared to the control. We conclude that even a short exposure to TotAmm of 0.06 mmol L(-1), which may occur in natural habitats, disturbs the physiology and behavior of D. villosus and leads to increased metabolic costs of the maintenance and reduced protein synthesis.





