Dental impression technique

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The accuracy of intraoral scanning is critical for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing workflows in dentistry. However, data regarding the scanning accuracy of various adjacent restorative materials and intraoral scanners are lacking. This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the effect of adjacent restorative material type and CEREC\'s intraoral scanners on the accuracy of intraoral digital impressions for inlay cavities.
    METHODS: The artificial tooth was prepared with an occlusal cavity depth of 2 mm, a proximal box width at the gingival floor of 1.5 mm, and an equi-gingival margin extended disto-occlusally at the transition line angle on both the lingual and buccal sides for an inlay restoration. The adjacent teeth were veneered with crowns made of gold and zirconia, and an artificial tooth (resin) was utilized as the control group. The inlay cavity and adjacent teeth (Gold, Zirconia, and resin) were scanned 10 times using Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics (CEREC) Primescan (PS), Omnicam (OC), and Bluecam (BC). A reference scan was obtained using a laboratory scanner (3-shape E3). Scanning was performed according to the manufacturer\'s instructions, including powder application for the BC group. Standard tesselation language files were analyzed using a three-dimensional analysis software program. Experimental data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance and the Tukey\'s post-hoc comparison test.
    RESULTS: The restorative materials of the adjacent teeth significantly affected the accuracy of the intraoral digital impressions (p < .05). The zirconia group exhibited the highest trueness deviation, followed by the resin and gold groups, with each demonstrating a statistically significant difference (p < .05). The resin group demonstrated the highest maximum positive deviation and deviation in precision. Gold exhibited the lowest average deviation value for trueness compared with those of the other adjacent restorative materials. Intraoral scanner type significantly influenced the trueness and precision of the scan data (p < .05). The average deviation of trueness according to the intraoral scanner type increased in the following order: BC > PS > OC. The average deviation in precision increased in the following order: PS>OC>BC (p < .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The restorative materials of the adjacent tooth and the type of intraoral scanner affect the accuracy of the intraoral digital impression. The trueness of the digital images of the BC group, obtained by spraying the powder, was comparable to that of the PS group. Among the adjacent restorative materials, zirconia exhibited the lowest trueness. In contrast, PS demonstrated the highest precision among the intraoral scanners, while resin displayed the lowest precision among the adjacent restorative materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Axial displacement of prosthetic components is a major concern in implant dentistry, particularly during screw tightening. However, implant manufacturers provide different recommended torques for tightening implant prosthetic components, which can lead to errors in prosthesis fit before and after impression making. Implant-abutment connection angle or abutment geometries can affect axial displacement. This study aimed to compare the axial displacement between conventional and digital components based on the tightening torque and differences in the implant-abutment connection angles and geometries. The results showed that scan bodies with different implant-abutment connection geometries exhibited smaller axial displacement with increasing tightening torque than other prosthetic components. Except for the scan bodies, there was no difference in the axial displacement of prosthetic components when tightened with the same torque. However, regardless of the use of digital or conventional method of impression making, the axial displacement between the impression making component and the abutment when tightened to the recommended torques were significantly different. In addition, axial displacement was affected by the internal connection angle. The results of this study indicate that the tightening torque and geometry of prosthetic components should be considered to prevent possible misfits which can occur before and after impression making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the application of digital impression and resin model technology in removable partial dentures (RPD) for Kennedy classⅠandⅡdentition defects.
    METHODS: Patients with Kennedy classⅠorⅡdental defect were selected and grouped in accordance with the following denture production processes: digital impression/resin model/cast cobalt-chromium alloy framework group (group A), digital impression/resin model/laser printed titanium framework group (group B), alginate impression/plaster model/cast cobalt-chromium alloy framework group (group C), and alginate impression/plaster model/laser printed titanium framework group (group D), with 40 cases in each group. The final RPD was examined in place in the mouth, and the evaluation indicators included the retention force of clamp ring, the tightness of connector and base, and the accuracy of occlusion. The evaluation scores of each index were used for analysis on the Kruskal-Wallis rank-sum test.
    RESULTS: No statistically significant difference in the score of each index was found among the four groups in RPD.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cast cobalt-chromium alloy and laser-printed titanium framework RPD using digital impression and resin model can meet the clinical restoration requirements of patients with Kennedy classⅠandⅡdentition defects.
    目的: 评估肯氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ类牙列缺损数字化印模及树脂模型技术在可摘局部义齿(RPD)中的应用效果。方法: 选择肯氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ类牙列缺损患者,按照义齿制作流程分组:数字化印模/树脂模型/钴铬合金铸造支架组(A组)、数字化印模/树脂模型/激光打印钛支架组(B组)、藻酸盐印模/石膏模型/钴铬合金铸造支架组(C组)、藻酸盐印模/石膏模型/激光打印钛支架组(D组),每组40例。对最终完成的RPD在口内就位情况进行检查,评估指标包括卡环固位力、连接体和基托在口内的密合度、咬合准确度,各项指标评估分值使用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验进行分析。结果: 4组RPD各项指标的评分值差异无统计学意义。结论: 利用数字化印模及树脂模型完成的铸造钴铬合金和激光打印钛支架式RPD能够满足肯氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ类牙列缺损患者的临床修复要求。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate whether and to what extent different scenarios of rotational freedom in different IAC designs affect the vertical dimension of a three-part fixed partial denture (FPD). At the same time, the experimental setup should simulate all clinical and laboratory steps of the implementation of such an FPD as accurately as possible.
    METHODS: Twenty identical pairs of jaw models were fabricated from aluminum, each lower-jaw model holding two implants with conical or flat IACs. Three impressions of each model were taken to fabricate stone casts and three-unit FPDs. Three assembly scenarios were compared for the vertical position stability they offered for these FPDs, differing by how the sequential implant components (impression posts > laboratory analogs > abutments 1 > abutments 2) were aligned with the positional index of the IAC. In this way, a total of 60 stone casts and FPDs were fabricated and statistically analyzed for changes in vertical dimension (p < 0.05).
    RESULTS: Regardless of whether a conical/flat IAC was used (p > 0.05), significantly greater mean changes in vertical dimension were consistently (all comparisons p < 0.0001) found in a \"worst-case scenario\" of component alignment alternating between the left- and right-limit stop of the positional index (0.286/0.350 mm) than in a \"random scenario\" of 10 dentists and 10 technicians with varying levels of experience freely selecting the alignment (0.003/0.014 mm) or in a \"best-case scenario\" of all components being aligned with the right-limit stop (-0.019/0.005 mm).
    CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of integrating a superstructure correctly in terms of vertical dimension appears to vary considerably more with assembly strategies than with IAC designs. Specifically, our findings warrant a recommendation that all implant components should be aligned with the right-limit stop of the positioning index.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives: Some small defects may remain in the impression after making a two-step putty-light body impression. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the dimensional accuracy of 2-step and relined 2-step (3-step) putty-light body impressions. Materials and Methods: In this in vitro study, 30 impressions were made with putty, light body, and extra-light body addition silicone materials using the 2-step and 3-step impression techniques (N=15). An epoxy resin master model was made duplicating a maxillary typodont with left first premolar and first molar teeth prepared with a shoulder finish line and truncated pyramidal-shaped indices in the mid-palate and third molar sites. In addition to creating a reference digital model by scanning the master model, 30 master casts were scanned to produce digital models. The anteroposterior (AP) and cross-sectional (CS) dimensional accuracy of the models were compared with the master model using linear measurements. Moreover, tooth size measurements were made and compared using the root mean square (RMS). Two-sample t-test was applied to analyze the data (α=0.05). Results: The mean AP and RMS differences between the two study groups were not significant (P>0.05). However, the CS difference between the two groups was significant (P<0.001), and the 3-step impression technique showed smaller discrepancies in comparison to the master model. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in accuracy of the two techniques for single-unit and multiple-unit preparations. The 3-step impression technique had a higher CS dimensional accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This clinical study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the conventional implant impression techniques compared to the digital impression ones in bilateral distal extension cases.
    METHODS: A total of 32 implants were placed in eight patients missing all mandibular posterior teeth except the first premolars. Each patient received a total of four implants, with two implants placed on each side, in order to provide support for three units of screw-retained zirconia restorations. Following osteointegration, the same patient underwent two implant-level impression techniques: Conventional open-tray impressions CII (splinted pick-up) and digital implant impressions DII with TRIOS 3 Shape intraoral scanner. The accuracy of impressions was evaluated utilizing a three-dimensional superimposition analysis of standard tessellation language (STL) files. Subsequently, the scan bodies were segmented using Gom inspect software to measure three-dimensional deviations in a color-coding map. Data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis test and then a post-hoc test to determine the significance level (P < 0.05).
    RESULTS: The study revealed that higher angular and positional deviations were shown toward distal scan bodies compared to mesial ones for both impression techniques. However, this difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Splinted open-tray conventional impression and intraoral scanning implant impression techniques have demonstrated comparable accuracy.
    BACKGROUND: Clinical Registration ID NCT05912725. Registered 22/06/ 2023- Retrospectively registered, https://register.
    RESULTS: gov .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective To evaluate and compare the stability of the open tray impression coping within the set impression while attaching the lab analog when polyether (PE) heavy body and polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) putty impression materials were used and the implant platform was placed sub-gingivally at three different depths. Methods Two impression materials, PE and PVS, and custom-made plexiglass models with embedded single implants to simulate implant positioning depths of 0 mm, 2 mm, and 4 mm, sub-gingivally, were used in the study. Open tray impressions were made after attaching impression coping to the implant embedded in the model. Implant lab analog was attached to the impression coping in the set impression, and its stability was measured using a universal testing machine. Forty-two open tray impressions were made in six groups, with seven impressions in each group. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were calculated. A comparison of the mean stability between the two impression materials at each depth was done using an independent t-test. Comparison of the mean stability between the three different subgingival implant depths in each material was done by one-way ANOVA with the Scheffe multiple comparison test (post-hoc analysis). The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results The stability of the impression coping was measured as the force in Newtons required for the displacement of the analog attached to the impression coping embedded in the set impression. PE with the embedded impression coping at a depth of 0 mm gave the highest mean stability value (4.37+/-0.41), and the least mean stability was offered by PVS with the embedded impression coping at 4 mm depth (1.88+/-0.37). When an independent t-test was done to compare the mean stability values of PE and PVS, there was a statistically significant difference at 0 mm, 2 mm, and 4 mm. On doing one-way ANOVA to compare the mean stability between the different depth groups, there was a statistically significant difference between the three depth groups in PE and PVS. Scheffe multiple comparison tests (post-hoc analysis) revealed a statistically significant difference between 0 mm, 2 mm, and 4 mm subgingival depths of the impression coping placement in both PE and PVS. Conclusion The accuracy of the master cast is an important determinant for the precise fit and long life of the final prosthesis. In the case of maxillary anterior implant placements where deep subgingival placement of the implant platform is needed for aesthetic and functional reasons, the impression material should be selected carefully to ensure the stability of the impression coping. Among the materials included in the present study, the PE impression material offered the maximum stability for impression coping compared to PVS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine if different types of core substrates have any effect on the trueness and precision of digital intraoral impressions.
    METHODS: A customized typodont with four similar cores of natural dentine, composite, metal (Ni-Cr), and zirconia in the position of premolars was fabricated. The study model was scanned five times with two types of intraoral scanners (Carestream 3600 and 3Shape Trios 3), and a reference standard scan was obtained using a laboratory scanner (3shape D1000). A metrology software (Geomagic X) was used to align the data of experimental scans and the reference scan to determine deviation values (trueness). Precision values were calculated with random superimposition in each intraoral scanner group. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare differences between different substrates, and the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the average values between the two scanners.
    RESULTS: Trios 3 was found to be significantly truer and more precise than Carestream 3600 (p value = .005, <0.001). There were no significant differences in the trueness of different substrates when they were scanned by Trios 3, while different materials showed significantly different trueness values in the Carestream 3600 group (p value = .003). Dentin showed the best trueness, and zirconia performed worse than other substrates. Regarding the precision of the scanners, neither of the scanners was affected by the type of scanning substrate.
    CONCLUSIONS: For Carestream 3600, substrate type did impact the trueness of intraoral scans, with dentin and zirconia showing the highest and lowest accuracy, respectively, while Trios 3 was similarly accurate across all substrates. Trios 3 had both higher trueness and precision than Carestream 3600.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report explores how the presence of an adjacent implant influenced the restoration of a tooth with pulpitis in a gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) patient. A patient with GERD requires a tooth-colored crown not only for aesthetics but also to address potential galvanic concerns arising from an adjacent implant. GERD, a condition causing non-cavity erosion, weakens tooth structure over time, presenting significant challenges in treatment. It resulted in bite relapse and insufficient occlusal clarity over time. A comprehensive treatment approach was needed to restore both function and appearance. This involved managing galvanism using non-metallic materials to ensure optimal occlusal clarity, as well as meticulously reinforcing and restoring tooth structure. Monoblock post-fused crowns were chosen for their superior durability, stability, and comfort. The ceramic layering not only effectively prevented galvanic issues by insulating the tooth structure but also significantly improved the natural appearance of teeth, thereby promoting long-term oral health and successfully managing complex dental concerns. The dental team successfully restored the damaged tooth by considering specific factors that influenced the treatment plan, including achieving optimal aesthetic outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The impression technique highly influences the adaptation of ceramic restorations. Not enough information is available to compare the marginal (MF) and internal fit (IF) of endocrowns fabricated with various digitization techniques. Therefore, this in-vitro study aimed to compare the MF and IF of lithium disilicate (LDS) endocrowns fabricated through direct and indirect digital scanning methods.
    METHODS: One extracted maxillary molar was used to fabricate endocrowns. The digitization of the model was performed with (G1) direct scanning (n = 10) utilizing an intraoral scanner (IOS), (G2) indirectly scanning the conventional impression taken from the model using the same IOS (n = 10), (G3) indirectly digitalizing the obtained impression using an extraoral scanner (EOS) (n = 10), and (G4) scanning the poured cast using the same EOS (n = 10). The MF and IF of the endocrowns were measured using the replica method and a digital stereomicroscope. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to analyze data.
    RESULTS: The studied groups differed significantly (p<0.001). G2 (130.31±7.87 μm) and G3 (48.43±19.14 μm) showed the largest and smallest mean vertical marginal gap, respectively. G2 and G3 led to the highest and lowest internal gaps in all regions, respectively. With significant differences among the internal regions (p<0.001), the pulpal area demonstrated the most considerable misfit in all groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Scanning the impression using an extraoral scanner showed smaller marginal and internal gaps.





