Continuous light

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is critical for achieving year-round food security in many regions of the world. CEA is a resource-intensive endeavor, with lighting consuming a large fraction of the energy. To lessen the burden on the grid and save costs, an extended photoperiod strategy can take advantage of off-peak time-of-day options from utility suppliers. However, extending the photoperiod limits crop production morphologically and physiologically if pushed too long. Here, we present a continuous-light dynamic light-emitting diode (LED) strategy (involving changes in spectra, intensity, and timing), that overcomes these limitations. We focused on tomato, a well described photoperiodic injury-sensitive species, and mini-cucumber, a photoperiodic injury-tolerant species to first assess morphological responses under control (16-h photoperiod, unchanging spectrum), constant (24-h photoperiod, unchanging spectrum), and two variations of a dynamic LED strategy, dynamic 1 (16-h \"day\", 3-h \"peak\", 8-h \"night\" spectra) and dynamic 2 (20-h \"day\", 5-h \"peak\", 4-h \"night\" spectra). Next, we tested the hypothesis of photorespiration\'s involvement in photoperiodic injury by using a leaf gas exchange coupled with chlorophyll fluorescence protocol. We further explored Adenosine triphosphate (ATP): Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) ratio supply/demand responses by probing photosynthetic electron flow and proton flow with the MultispeQ instrument. We found canopy architecture can be tuned by minor variations of the same dynamic LED strategy, and we highlight dynamic 1 as the optimal choice for both tomato and mini-cucumber as it improved biomass/architecture and first-yield, respectively. A central discovery was that dynamic 1 had a significantly higher level of photorespiration than control, for both species. Unexpectedly, photorespiration was comparable between species under the same treatments, except under constant. However, preliminary data on a fully tolerant tomato genotype grown under constant treatment upregulated photorespiration similar to mini-cucumber. These results suggest that photoperiodic injury tolerance involves a sustained higher level of photorespiration under extended photoperiods. Interestingly, diurnal MultispeQ measurements point to the importance of cyclic electron flow at subjective nighttime that may also partially explain why dynamic LED strategies mitigate photoperiodic injury. We propose an ontology of photoperiodic injury involving photorespiration, triose phosphate utilization, peroxisomal H2O2-catalase balance, and a circadian external coincidence model of sensitivity that initiates programmed cell death.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Light spectra have been demonstrated to result in different levels of comfort or stress, which affect plant growth and the availability of health-promoting compounds in ways that sometimes contradict one another. To determine the optimal light conditions, it is necessary to weigh the vegetable\'s mass against the amount of nutrients it contains, as vegetables tend to grow poorly in environments where nutrient synthesis is optimal. This study investigates the effects of varying light conditions on the growth of red lettuce and its occurring nutrients in terms of productivities, which were determined by multiplying the total weight of the harvested vegetables by their nutrient content, particularly phenolics. Three different light-emitting diode (LED) spectral mixes, including blue, green, and red, which were all supplemented by white, denoted as BW, GW, and RW, respectively, as well as the standard white as the control, were equipped in grow tents with soilless cultivation systems for such purposes.
    RESULTS: Results demonstrated that the biomass and fiber content did not differ substantially across treatments. This could be due to the use of a modest amount of broad-spectrum white LEDs, which could help retain the lettuce\'s core qualities. However, the concentrations of total phenolics and antioxidant capacity in lettuce grown with the BW treatment were the highest (1.3 and 1.4-fold higher than those obtained from the control, respectively), with chlorogenic acid accumulation (8.4 ± 1.5 mg g- 1 DW) being particularly notable. Meanwhile, the study observed a high glutathione reductase (GR) activity in the plant achieved from the RW treatment, which in this study was deemed the poorest treatment in terms of phenolics accumulation.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the BW treatment provided the most efficient mixed light spectrum to stimulate phenolics productivity in red lettuce without a significant detrimental effect on other key properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flowering time is an important trait for all major market classes of hemp (Cannabis sativa), affecting yields and quality of grain, fiber, and cannabinoids. C. sativa is usually considered a short-day plant, flowering once night length reaches a critical threshold. Variations in flowering time within and across cultivars in outdoor grown populations have been previously identified, likely corresponding to genetic differences in this critical night length. Further, some C. sativa are photoperiod insensitive, colloquially referred to as \"autoflowering.\" This trait has anecdotally been described as a simple recessive trait with major impacts on phenology and yield. In this work, the locus responsible for the \"autoflower\" trait (Autoflower1), as well as a major-effect flowering time locus, Early1, were mapped using bulked segregant analysis. Breeder-friendly high-throughput molecular marker assays were subsequently developed for both loci. Also detailed are the flowering responses of diverse cultivars grown in continuous light and the result of crossing two photoperiod insensitive cultivars of differing pedigree.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Continuous light (CL) is available throughout the polar day for plants in the Arctic during the growing season, whereas provenances of the same species experience a very different environment with non-CL (NCL) just a few latitudes to the south. Both provenances need to acclimate to climate warming, yet we lack comprehensive understanding of how their growth, photosynthesis and leaf traits differ. Further, the provenances presumably have morphological and physiological adaptations to their native environments and therefore differ in response to photoperiod. We tested the height growth, leaf longevity, biomass accumulation, biomass allocation and rates of gas exchange of northern (67°N) and southern (61°N) Finnish silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) origins in CL- and NCL-treatments in a 4-month chamber experiment. Irrespective of photoperiod, 67°N had higher area-based photosynthetic rate (Anet), stomatal conductance (gs) and relative height growth rate (RGR), but lower stomatal density and fewer branches and leaves than 61°N. Photoperiod affected height growth cessation, biomass and photosynthetic traits, whereas leaf longevity and many leaf functional traits remained unchanged. In CL, both provenances had lower gs, higher RGR, increased shoot:root ratio and increased sink sizes (more branching, more leaves, increased total plant dry weight) compared with NCL. In NCL, 67°N ceased height growth earlier than in CL, which altered biomass accumulation and distribution patterns. Northern conditions impose challenges for plant growth and physiology. Whether a provenance inhabits and is adapted to an area with or without CL can also affect its response to the changing climate. Northern birches may have adapted to CL and the short growing season with a \'polar day syndrome\' of traits, including relatively high gas exchange rates with low leaf biomass and growth traits that are mainly limited by the environment and the earlier growth cessation (to avoid frost damage).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supplemental light is needed during the winter months in high latitude regions to achieve the desired daily light integral (DLI) (photoperiod × intensity) for greenhouse pepper (Capsicum annuum) production. Peppers tend to have short internodes causing fruit stacking and higher labor time for plant maintenance when grown under supplemental light. Far-red light can increase internode length, and our previous study on tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) also discovered monochromatic blue light at night during continuous lighting (CL, 24 h) increased stem elongation. Furthermore, the use of low-intensity, long photoperiod lighting can reduce light fixture costs and overall electricity costs due to lower power prices during the night. Therefore, we investigated the use of blue and/or far-red light during the night period of CL to increase stem elongation. Three pepper cultivars with different internode lengths/growing characteristics (\'Maureno,\' \'Gina,\' and \'Eurix\') were used to investigate the effects on plant morphology in a short experiment, and one cultivar \'Maureno\' was used in a long experiment to assess the impact on fruit yield. The five lighting treatments that were used are as follows: 16 h of white light during the day followed by either 8 h of darkness (16W - control), white light (24W), blue light only (16W + 8B), blue + far-red light (16W + 8BFR), or far-red light only (16W + 8FR). Calculated nighttime phytochrome photostationary state (PSS) was 0.833, 0.566, 0.315, and 0.186 for 24W, 16W + 8B, 16W + 8BFR, and 16W + 8FR respectively. All five treatments had the same DLI in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and far-red light. The 16W + 8BFR and 16W + 8FR treatments significantly increased internode length compared to 16W and 24W but neither was more impactful than the other. The 16W + 8B treatment also increased internode length but to a lesser extent than 16W + 8BFR and 16W + 8FR. This indicates that a nighttime PSS of 0.315 is sufficient to maximize stem elongation. Both 16W + 8B and 16W + 8BFR drove photosynthesis during the nighttime supporting a similar yield compared to 16W. Therefore, 16W + 8BFR is the most potential lighting strategy as it can lead to a greater reduction in the light fixture and electrical costs while maintaining yield and enhancing internode length.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main goal of growing plants under various photoperiods is to optimize photosynthesis for using the effect of day length that often acts on plants in combination with biotic and/or abiotic stresses. In this study, Brassica juncea plants were grown under four different day-length regimes, namely., 8 h day/16 h night, 12 h day/12 h night, 16 h day/8 h night, and continuous light, and were infected with a necrotrophic fungus Alternaria brassicicola. The development of necroses on B. juncea leaves was strongly influenced by leaf position and day length. The largest necroses were formed on plants grown under a 16 h day/8 h night photoperiod at 72 h post-inoculation (hpi). The implemented day-length regimes had a great impact on leaf morphology in response to A. brassicicola infection. They also influenced the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents and photosynthesis efficiency. Both the 1st (the oldest) and 3rd infected leaves showed significantly higher minimal fluorescence (F0) compared to the control leaves. Significantly lower values of other investigated chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, e.g., maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), were observed in both infected leaves compared to the control, especially at 72 hpi. The oldest infected leaf, of approximately 30% of the B. juncea plants, grown under long-day and continuous light conditions showed a \'green island\' phenotype in the form of a green ring surrounding an area of necrosis at 48 hpi. This phenomenon was also reflected in changes in the chloroplast\'s ultrastructure and accelerated senescence (yellowing) in the form of expanding chlorosis. Further research should investigate the mechanism and physiological aspects of \'green islands\' formation in this pathosystem.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term continuous light exposure (CL) and western diet (WD) effects on Adropin expression, RORα, and Rev-erb-α nuclear receptors and energy homeostasis were studied in rats. Thirty-two male Wistar rats (250-290 g) were enrolled for 3 months in the following groups (n = 8/group): (a) Normal control group (NC), (b) CL group, (c) WD group, and (d) CL + WD group. Then, indirect calorimetry and food intake (FI) were measured. Finally, Adropin, hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), adipocyte triglyceride lipase (ATGL), and free fatty acids (FFA) were measured. Additionally, the histopathology and gene expression of Enho, RORα, and Rev-erb-α genes were done. The CL alone elevated the Adropin plasma level and gene expression, increased RORα expression, and decreased the Rev-erb-α nuclear receptor expression mainly in the liver and kidney. Besides, CL increased the total energy expenditure (TEE) and decreased the respiratory quotient. WD alone or in combination with the CL reversed gene expression of Enho, RORα, and Rev-erb-α. Combined CL and WD increased the TEE, reduced the food intake, increased the ATGL, and reduced the Adropin level in addition to widespread degenerative changes in the liver, spleen, and renal tissues. The deleterious effects of CL and WD on energy homeostasis may include Adropin with the involvement of the RORα and Rev-erb-α nuclear receptors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To understand the dynamic changes of hydroponic lettuce growth, ascorbate (AsA) pool and metabolism under two different dark period light intensities (LL, 20 μmol·m-2·s-1; CL, 200 μmol·m-2·s-1) of continuous light and normal light (NL, 0 μmol·m-2·s-1) provided by red (R) and blue (B) LEDs, the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, ascorbate pool size, AsA metabolism-related enzyme activities, and H2O2 contents of lettuce were measured at 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, and 72 h after light treatment and the lettuce growth parameters were measured on the 9th day after light treatment. The results showed that compared with the NL, CL treatment for 9 days significantly increased the biomass, dry matter content, and specific leaf weight of lettuce, but had no significant effect on the leaf area and root-to-shoot ratio; LL had no significant effect on lettuce biomass, but it would reduce the root-shoot ratio. Compared with the NL, the AsA content of CL increased significantly within 8 h after light treatment (at the end of first dark period), and then maintained at a relatively stable level with a slight increase; there was no significant difference in AsA contents between NL and LL showing the same circadian rhythm characteristics. Overall, the activities of L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH), ascorbate peroxidase(APX), monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), and glutathione reductase (GR) under CL were the highest among the three treatments, and the differences with the other two treatments reached significant levels at several time points; there was almost no significant difference in the activities of GalLDH, APX, MDHAR, and GR between NL and LL; there was no significant difference in the activities of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) under different treatments. Compared with the NL, CL caused a sharp decrease of PSⅡ maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) in lettuce within 0-8 h after treatment, which then stabilized at a relatively stable level; the Fv/Fm value under the LL was almost the same as the NL. Except for 32 h, the H2O2 content of lettuce under CL was the highest among the three treatments during the entire experimental period, and was significantly higher than that of NL at several time points; the H2O2 content of LL was almost the same as NL. In summary, lettuce biomass, AsA contents, AsA metabolism-related enzyme activities, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and H2O2 contents were regulated by the dark period light intensities of continuous light rather than continuous light signals.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The predictable oscillation between the light of day and the dark of night across the diel cycle is a powerful selective force that has resulted in anticipatory mechanisms in nearly all taxa. At polar latitude, however, this oscillation becomes highly attenuated during the continuous light of polar day during summer. A general understanding of how animals keep time under these conditions is poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that the common murre (a seabird, Uria aalge) can use melatonin and corticosterone, hormones associated with timekeeping, to track the diel cycle despite continuous light. We also tested the assumption that common murres breeding during polar summer schedule their colony attendance by time of day and sex, as they do at subpolar latitude. In the Atlantic population, common murres have a plumage color dimorphism associated with fitness-related traits, and we investigated the relationship of this dimorphism with colony attendance, melatonin, and corticosterone. The common murres did not schedule their attendance behavior by time of day or sex, yet they had higher concentrations of melatonin and, to a more limited extent, corticosterone during \"night\" than \"day\". Melatonin also linked to behavioral state. The two color morphs tended to have different colony-attendance behavior and melatonin concentrations, lending support for balancing selection maintaining the plumage dimorphism. In common murres, melatonin can signal time of day despite continuous light, and the limited diel variation of corticosterone contributes to the mounting evidence that polar-adapted birds and mammals require little or no diel variation in circulating glucocorticoids during polar day.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the effects of light quality of continuous light before harvest on the growth and ascorbic acid (AsA) metabolism of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under relative high nitrogen level, lettuce plants grown under different nitrogen levels (8, 10 and 12 mmol·L-1) were subjected to continuous light with different red: blue light ratios (2R:1B and 4R:1B) before harvest. The results showed that the shoot fresh weight of lettuce under 12 mmol·L-1 nitrogen level was significantly higher than that under other treatments. There were no significant differences in shoot dry weight, root fresh weight, root dry weight, soluble sugar content, nitrate content and AsA content in leaves among the treatments at different nitrogen levels. The content of AsA in leaves was significantly higher than that in petioles before and after continuous light. Under the same nitrogen level, the fresh weight of lettuce under continuous light quality 4R:1B was significantly higher than that under other treatments. The content of AsA in lettuce leaves increased in different degrees after continuous light before harvest. High yield and AsA content could be obtained by 72 h continuous light with red and blue light 4R:1B at 12 mmol·L-1 nitrogen level. After continuous light, the content of AsA increased significantly due to the increase of the ratio of red light and nitrogen level, which increased the activities of L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH) and dehydroascorbic acid reductase (DHAR) involved in AsA synthesis and in the recycling of DHAR to AsA respectively.






