Contact Inhibition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolic rewiring during the proliferation-to-quiescence transition is poorly understood. Here, using a model of contact inhibition-induced quiescence, we conducted 13C-metabolic flux analysis in proliferating (P) and quiescent (Q) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to investigate this process. Q cells exhibit reduced glycolysis but increased TCA cycle flux and mitochondrial respiration. Reduced glycolytic flux in Q cells correlates with reduced glycolytic enzyme expression mediated by yes-associated protein (YAP) inhibition. The increased TCA cycle activity and respiration in Q cells is mediated by induced mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) expression, rendering them vulnerable to MPC inhibition. The malate-to-pyruvate flux, which generates NADPH, is markedly reduced by modulating malic enzyme 1 (ME1) dimerization in Q cells. Conversely, the malate dehydrogenase 1 (MDH1)-mediated oxaloacetate-to-malate flux is reversed and elevated in Q cells, driven by high mitochondrial-derived malate levels, reduced cytosolic oxaloacetate, elevated MDH1 levels, and a high cytoplasmic NAD+/NADH ratio. Transcriptomic analysis revealed large number of genes are induced in Q cells, many of which are associated with the extracellular matrix (ECM), while YAP-dependent and cell cycle-related genes are repressed. The results suggest that high TCA cycle flux and respiration in Q cells are required to generate ATP and amino acids to maintain de-novo ECM protein synthesis and secretion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells that collide with each other repolarize away from contact, in a process called contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL), which is necessary for correct development of the embryo. CIL can occur even when cells make a micron-scale contact with a neighbor-much smaller than their size. How precisely can a cell sense cell-cell contact and repolarize in the correct direction? What factors control whether a cell recognizes it has contacted a neighbor? We propose a theoretical model for the limits of CIL where cells recognize the presence of another cell by binding the protein ephrin with the Eph receptor. This recognition is made difficult by the presence of interfering ligands that bind nonspecifically. Both theoretical predictions and simulation results show that it becomes more difficult to sense cell-cell contact when it is difficult to distinguish ephrin from the interfering ligands, or when there are more interfering ligands, or when the contact width decreases. However, the error of estimating contact position remains almost constant when the contact width changes. This happens because the cell gains spatial information largely from the boundaries of cell-cell contact. We study using statistical decision theory the likelihood of a false-positive CIL event in the absence of cell-cell contact, and the likelihood of a false negative where CIL does not occur when another cell is present. Our results suggest that the cell is more likely to make incorrect decisions when the contact width is very small or so large that it nears the cell\'s perimeter. However, in general, we find that cells have the ability to make reasonably reliable CIL decisions even for very narrow (micron-scale) contacts, even if the concentration of interfering ligands is ten times that of the correct ligands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collective cell migration is fundamental for the development of organisms and in the adult for tissue regeneration and in pathological conditions such as cancer. Migration as a coherent group requires the maintenance of cell-cell interactions, while contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL), a local repulsive force, can propel the group forward. Here we show that the cell-cell interaction molecule, N-cadherin, regulates both adhesion and repulsion processes during Schwann cell (SC) collective migration, which is required for peripheral nerve regeneration. However, distinct from its role in cell-cell adhesion, the repulsion process is independent of N-cadherin trans-homodimerisation and the associated adherens junction complex. Rather, the extracellular domain of N-cadherin is required to present the repulsive Slit2/Slit3 signal at the cell surface. Inhibiting Slit2/Slit3 signalling inhibits CIL and subsequently collective SC migration, resulting in adherent, nonmigratory cell clusters. Moreover, analysis of ex vivo explants from mice following sciatic nerve injury showed that inhibition of Slit2 decreased SC collective migration and increased clustering of SCs within the nerve bridge. These findings provide insight into how opposing signals can mediate collective cell migration and how CIL pathways are promising targets for inhibiting pathological cell migration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To computationally investigate the recent experimental finding such that extracellular ATP release caused by exogeneous mechanical forces promote wound closure, we introduce a mathematical model, the Cellular Potts Model (CPM), which is a popular discretized model on a lattice, where the movement of a \"cell\" is determined by a Monte Carlo procedure. In the experiment, it was observed that there is mechanosensitive ATP release from the leading cells facing the wound gap and the subsequent extracellular Ca2+ influx. To model these phenomena, the Reaction-Diffusion equations for extracellular ATP and intracellular Ca2+ concentrations are adopted and combined with CPM, where we also add a polarity term because the cell migration is enhanced in the case of ATP release. From the numerical simulations using this hybrid model, we discuss effects of the collective cell migration due to the ATP release and the Ca2+ influx caused by the mechanical forces and the consequent promotion of wound closure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a tumor with a dismal prognosis that arises from precursor lesions called pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PanINs). Progression from low- to high-grade PanINs is considered as tumor initiation, and a deeper understanding of this switch is needed. Here, we show that synaptic molecule neuroligin-2 (NLGN2) is expressed by pancreatic exocrine cells and plays a crucial role in the regulation of contact inhibition and epithelial polarity, which characterize the switch from low- to high-grade PanIN. NLGN2 localizes to tight junctions in acinar cells, is diffusely distributed in the cytosol in low-grade PanINs and is lost in high-grade PanINs and in a high percentage of advanced PDACs. Mechanistically, NLGN2 is necessary for the formation of the PALS1/PATJ complex, which in turn induces contact inhibition by reducing YAP function. Our results provide novel insights into NLGN2 functions outside the nervous system and can be used to model PanIN progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contact inhibition (CI) represents a crucial tumor-suppressive mechanism responsible for controlling the unbridled growth of cells, thus preventing the formation of cancerous tissues. CI can be further categorized into two distinct yet interrelated components: CI of locomotion (CIL) and CI of proliferation (CIP). These two components of CI have historically been viewed as separate processes, but emerging research suggests that they may be regulated by both distinct and shared pathways. Specifically, recent studies have indicated that both CIP and CIL utilize mechanotransduction pathways, a process that involves cells sensing and responding to mechanical forces. This review article describes the role of mechanotransduction in CI, shedding light on how mechanical forces regulate CIL and CIP. Emphasis is placed on filamin A (FLNA)-mediated mechanotransduction, elucidating how FLNA senses mechanical forces and translates them into crucial biochemical signals that regulate cell locomotion and proliferation. In addition to FLNA, trans-acting factors (TAFs), which are proteins or regulatory RNAs capable of directly or indirectly binding to specific DNA sequences in distant genes to regulate gene expression, emerge as sensitive players in both the mechanotransduction and signaling pathways of CI. This article presents methods for identifying these TAF proteins and profiling the associated changes in chromatin structure, offering valuable insights into CI and other biological functions mediated by mechanotransduction. Finally, it addresses unanswered research questions in these fields and delineates their possible future directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experiments performed using micro-patterned one dimensional collision assays have allowed a precise quantitative analysis of the collective manifestation of contact inhibition locomotion (CIL) wherein, individual migrating cells reorient their direction of motion when they come in contact with other cells. Inspired by these experiments, we present a discrete, minimal 1D Active spin model that mimics the CIL interaction between cells in one dimensional channels. We analyze the emergent collective behaviour of migrating cells in such confined geometries, as well as the sensitivity of the emergent patterns to driving forces that couple to cell motion. In the absence of vacancies, akin to dense cell packing, the translation dynamics is arrested and the model reduces to an equilibrium spin model which can be solved exactly. In the presence of vacancies, the interplay of activity-driven translation, cell polarity switching, and CIL results in an exponential steady cluster size distribution. We define a dimensionless Péclet number Q-the ratio of the translation rate and directional switching rate of particles in the absence of CIL. While the average cluster size increases monotonically as a function of Q, it exhibits a non-monotonic dependence on CIL strength, when the Q is sufficiently high. In the high Q limit, an analytical form of average cluster size can be obtained approximately by effectively mapping the system to an equivalent equilibrium process involving clusters of different sizes wherein the cluster size distribution is obtained by minimizing an effective Helmholtz free energy for the system. The resultant prediction of exponential dependence on CIL strength of the average cluster size and [Formula: see text] dependence of the average cluster size is borne out to reasonable accuracy as long as the CIL strength is not very large. The consequent prediction of a single scaling function of Q, particle density and CIL interaction strength, characterizing the distribution function of the cluster sizes and resultant data collapse is observed for a range of parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapies have been questioned as MSCs are capable of both promoting and inhibiting tumorigenesis. Both MSCs and tumor cells replicate to increase their population size; however, MSCs, but not tumor cells, stop dividing when they reach confluence due to cell-cell contact inhibition and then differentiate. We hypothesized that contact inhibition results in the production of effector molecules by confluent MSCs and these effectors are capable of suppressing tumor cell growth. To test this hypothesis, we co-cultured breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) with either confluent or sub-confluent bone-marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs); in addition, we treated various tumor cells with conditioned media (CM) obtained from either confluent or sub-confluent BM-MSCs. The results showed that the growth of tumor cells co-cultured with confluent BM-MSCs or treated with CM obtained from confluent BM-MSCs was inhibited, and this effect was significantly stronger than that seen with tumor cells co-cultured with sub-confluent BM-MSCs or CM obtained from sub-confluent BM-MSCs. Subcutaneous tumor formation was completely prevented by the inoculation of tumor cells mixed with CM. In the future, soluble anti-tumor effectors, produced by confluent MSCs, may be used as cell-free therapeutics; this approach provides a solution to current concerns associated with cell-based therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the epithelium, cell density and cell proliferation are closely connected to each other through contact inhibition of proliferation (CIP). Depending on cell density, CIP proceeds through three distinct stages: the free-growing stage at low density, the pre-epithelial transition stage at medium density, and the post-epithelial transition stage at high density. Previous studies have elucidated how cell morphology, motion, and mechanics vary in these stages. However, it remains unknown whether cellular metabolism also has a density-dependent behavior. By measuring the mitochondrial membrane potential at different cell densities, here we reveal a heterogeneous landscape of metabolism in the epithelium, which appears qualitatively distinct in three stages of CIP and did not follow the trend of other CIP-associated parameters, which increases or decreases monotonically with increasing cell density. Importantly, epithelial cells established a collective metabolic heterogeneity exclusively in the pre-epithelial transition stage, where the multicellular clusters of high- and low-potential cells emerged. However, in the post-epithelial transition stage, the metabolic potential field became relatively homogeneous. Next, to study the underlying dynamics, we constructed a system biology model, which predicted the role of cell proliferation in metabolic potential toward establishing collective heterogeneity. Further experiments indeed revealed that the metabolic pattern spatially correlated with the proliferation capacity of cells, as measured by the nuclear localization of a pro-proliferation protein, YAP. Finally, experiments perturbing the actomyosin contractility revealed that, while metabolic heterogeneity was maintained in the absence of actomyosin contractility, its ab initio emergence depended on the latter. Taken together, our results revealed a density-dependent collective heterogeneity in the metabolic field of a pre-epithelial transition-stage epithelial monolayer, which may have significant implications for epithelial form and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    External and internal mechanical forces modulate cell morphology, movement, proliferation and metabolism, and represent crucial inputs for tissue homeostasis. The transcriptional regulators YAP and TAZ are important effectors of mechanical signaling and are frequently activated in solid tumors, correlating with metastasis, chemoresistance, and shorter patient survival. YAP/TAZ activity is controlled by various pathways that sense cell shape, polarity, contacts, and mechanical tension. In tumors, aberrant YAP/TAZ activation may result from cancer-related alterations of such regulatory networks. The tumor suppressor DAB2IP is a Ras-GAP and scaffold protein that negatively modulates multiple oncogenic pathways and is frequently downregulated or inactivated in solid tumors. Here, we provide evidence that DAB2IP expression is sustained by cell confluency. We also find that DAB2IP depletion in confluent cells alters their morphology, reducing cell packing while increasing cell stiffness. Finally, we find that DAB2IP depletion in confluent cells favors YAP/TAZ nuclear localization and transcriptional activity, while its ectopic expression in subconfluent cells increases YAP/TAZ retention in the cytoplasm. Together, these data suggest that DAB2IP may function as a sensor of cell interactions, contributing to dampening cellular responses to oncogenic inputs in confluent cells and that DAB2IP loss-of-function would facilitate YAP/TAZ activation in intact epithelia, accelerating oncogenic transformation.





