Conformational entropy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The first- and second-generation clinically used HIV-1 integrase (IN) strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) are key components of antiretroviral therapy (ART), which work by blocking the integration step in the HIV-1 replication cycle that is catalyzed by a nucleoprotein assembly called an intasome. However, resistance to even the latest clinically used INSTIs is beginning to emerge. Developmental third-generation INSTIs, based on naphthyridine scaffolds, are promising candidates to combat drug-resistant viral variants. Among these novel INSTIs, compound 4f exhibits two distinct conformations when binding with intasomes from HIV-1 and the closely related prototype foamy virus (PFV) despite the high structural similarity of their INSTI binding pockets. The molecular mechanism and the key active site residues responsible for these differing binding modes in closely related intasomes remain elusive. To unravel the molecular determinants governing the two distinct binding modes, we applied a novel molecular dynamics-based free energy method that utilizes alchemical pathways to overcome the sampling challenges associated with transitioning between the two bound conformations of ligand 4f within the crowded environments of the INSTI binding pockets in these intasomes. The calculated conformational free energies successfully recapitulate the experimentally observed binding mode preferences in the two viral intasomes. Analysis of the simulated structures suggests that the observed binding mode preferences are caused by amino acid residue differences in both the front and the central catalytic sub-pocket of the INSTI binding site in HIV-1 and PFV. Additional free energy calculations on mutants of HIV-1 and PFV revealed that while both sub-pockets contribute to binding mode selection, the central sub-pocket plays a more important role. These results highlight the importance of both side chain and solvent reorganization, as well as the conformational entropy in determining the ligand binding mode, and will help inform the development of more effective INSTIs for combatting drug-resistant viral variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we utilize Protein Residue Networks (PRNs), constructed using Local Spatial Pattern (LSP) alignment, to explore the dynamic behavior of Catabolite Activator Protein (CAP) upon the sequential binding of cAMP. We employed the Degree Centrality of these PRNs to investigate protein dynamics on a sub-nanosecond time scale, hypothesizing that it would reflect changes in CAP\'s entropy related to its thermal motions. We show that the binding of the first cAMP led to an increase in stability in the Cyclic-Nucleotide Binding Domain A (CNBD-A) and destabilization in CNBD-B, agreeing with previous reports explaining the negative cooperativity of cAMP binding in terms of an entropy-driven allostery. LSP-based PRNs also allow for the study of Betweenness Centrality, another graph-theoretical characteristic of PRNs, providing insights into global residue connectivity within CAP. Using this approach, we were able to correctly identify amino acids that were shown to be critical in mediating allosteric interactions in CAP. The agreement between our studies and previous experimental reports validates our method, particularly with respect to the reliability of Degree Centrality as a proxy for entropy related to protein thermal dynamics. Because LSP-based PRNs can be easily extended to include dynamics of small organic molecules, polynucleotides, or other allosteric proteins, the methods presented here mark a significant advancement in the field, positioning them as vital tools for a fast, cost-effective, and accurate analysis of entropy-driven allostery and identification of allosteric hotspots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) is the archetypical eukaryotic kinase. The catalytic subunit (PKA-C) structure is highly conserved among the AGC-kinase family. PKA-C is a bilobal enzyme with a dynamic N-lobe, harbouring the Adenosine-5\'-triphosphate (ATP) binding site and a more rigid helical C-lobe. The substrate-binding groove resides at the interface of the two lobes. A distinct feature of PKA-C is the positive binding cooperativity between nucleotide and substrate. Several PKA-C mutations lead to the development of adenocarcinomas, myxomas, and other rare forms of liver tumours. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy shows that these mutations disrupt the allosteric communication between the two lobes, causing a drastic decrease in binding cooperativity. The loss of cooperativity correlates with changes in substrate fidelity and reduced kinase affinity for the endogenous protein kinase inhibitor (PKI). The similarity between PKI and the inhibitory sequence of the kinase regulatory subunits suggests that the overall mechanism of regulation of the kinase may be disrupted. We surmise that a reduced or obliterated cooperativity may constitute a common trait for both orthosteric and allosteric mutations of PKA-C that may lead to dysregulation and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human thymidylate synthase (hTS) is essential for DNA replication and therefore a therapeutic target for cancer. Effective targeting requires knowledge of the mechanism(s) of regulation of this 72 kDa homodimeric enzyme. Here, we investigate the mechanism of binding cooperativity of the nucleotide substrate. We have employed exquisitely sensitive methyl-based CPMG and CEST NMR experiments enabling us to identify residues undergoing bifurcated linear 3-state exchange, including concerted switching between active and inactive conformations in the apo enzyme. The inactive state is populated to only ~1.3%, indicating that conformational selection contributes negligibly to the cooperativity. Instead, methyl rotation axis order parameters, determined by 2H transverse relaxation rates, suggest that rigidification of the enzyme upon substrate binding is responsible for the entropically-driven cooperativity. Lack of the rigidification in product binding and substrate binding to an N-terminally truncated enzyme, both non-cooperative, support this idea. In addition, the lack of this rigidification in the N-terminal truncation indicates that interactions between the flexible N-terminus and the rest of the protein, which are perturbed by substrate binding, play a significant role in the cooperativity-a novel mechanism of dynamic allostery. Together, these findings yield a rare depth of insight into the substrate binding cooperativity of an essential enzyme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While protein conformational heterogeneity plays an important role in many aspects of biological function, including ligand binding, its impact has been difficult to quantify. Macromolecular X-ray diffraction is commonly interpreted with a static structure, but it can provide information on both the anharmonic and harmonic contributions to conformational heterogeneity. Here, through multiconformer modeling of time- and space-averaged electron density, we measure conformational heterogeneity of 743 stringently matched pairs of crystallographic datasets that reflect unbound/apo and ligand-bound/holo states. When comparing the conformational heterogeneity of side chains, we observe that when binding site residues become more rigid upon ligand binding, distant residues tend to become more flexible, especially in non-solvent-exposed regions. Among ligand properties, we observe increased protein flexibility as the number of hydrogen bonds decreases and relative hydrophobicity increases. Across a series of 13 inhibitor-bound structures of CDK2, we find that conformational heterogeneity is correlated with inhibitor features and identify how conformational changes propagate differences in conformational heterogeneity away from the binding site. Collectively, our findings agree with models emerging from nuclear magnetic resonance studies suggesting that residual side-chain entropy can modulate affinity and point to the need to integrate both static conformational changes and conformational heterogeneity in models of ligand binding.
    Proteins are the workhorses of our cells. They are large molecules that ‘fold’ into specific, often highly complex, three-dimensional configurations. These structures are not static, but rather dynamic and flexible. In other words, proteins can shift between different three-dimensional shapes to perform their tasks within the cell. To perform their roles, many proteins have to bind to small molecule ligands. Many ligands are drugs, which means that their effectiveness depends on their ability to bind to and impact the proteins involved in the disease they are treating. When a ligand binds to a protein, it can reshape the protein. For example, certain conformations of the protein, which were difficult for the protein to be in on its own, may become more stable when the ligand binds. Additionally, upon ligand binding, some parts of the protein may move relative to each other. Previous studies have shown that these movements can affect the interaction between ligand and protein. However, these studies only examined a small number of proteins. Therefore, Wankowicz et al. set out to determine, in greater detail, what happens to protein flexibility upon ligand binding. First, a pipeline was created to model alternative configurations of the protein both with and without ligands attached. These models measured flexibility within protein structures. The models revealed that when ligands bind to proteins, the flexibility of different regions of the protein changes – and does so in a consistent way. Proteins that become more rigid in the region interacting with their ligands become less rigid in other, distant regions, and vice versa. In other words, the rest of the protein is able to compensate for any changes in flexibility caused by ligand binding, which may contribute to how well a ligand binds to a protein. This study demonstrates the ability of ligands to affect the entire structure of the proteins they bind to, and therefore sheds new light on the role of proteins’ innate conformational flexibility during this process. These results will contribute to our understanding of how the ligands and proteins involved in different cellular processes interact with each other – and, potentially, how these interactions can be manipulated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Statistical mechanical models that afford an intermediate resolution between macroscopic chemical models and all-atom simulations have been successful in capturing folding behaviors of many small single-domain proteins. However, the applicability of one such successful approach, the Wako-Saitô-Muñoz-Eaton (WSME) model, is limited by the size of the protein as the number of conformations grows exponentially with protein length. In this work, we surmount this size limitation by introducing a novel approximation that treats stretches of 3 or 4 residues as blocks, thus reducing the phase space by nearly three orders of magnitude. The performance of the \'bWSME\' model is validated by comparing the predictions for a globular enzyme (RNase H) and a repeat protein (IκBα), against experimental observables and the model without block approximation. Finally, as a proof of concept, we predict the free-energy surface of the 370-residue, multi-domain maltose binding protein and identify an intermediate in good agreement with single-molecule force-spectroscopy measurements. The bWSME model can thus be employed as a quantitative predictive tool to explore the conformational landscapes of large proteins, extract the structural features of putative intermediates, identify parallel folding paths, and thus aid in the interpretation of both ensemble and single-molecule experiments.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This Perspective is intended to raise questions about the conventional interpretation of protein folding. According to the conventional interpretation, developed over many decades, a protein population can visit a vast number of conformations under unfolding conditions, but a single dominant native population emerges under folding conditions. Accordingly, folding comes with a substantial loss of conformational entropy. How is this price paid? The conventional answer is that favorable interactions between and among the side chains can compensate for entropy loss, and moreover, these interactions are responsible for the structural particulars of the native conformation. Challenging this interpretation, the Perspective introduces a proposal that high energy (i.e., unfavorable) excluding interactions winnow the accessible population substantially under physical-chemical conditions that favor folding. Both steric clash and unsatisfied hydrogen bond donors and acceptors are classified as excluding interactions, so called because conformers with such disfavored interactions will be largely excluded from the thermodynamic population. Both excluding interactions and solvent factors that induce compactness are somewhat nonspecific, yet together they promote substantial chain organization. Moreover, proteins are built on a backbone scaffold consisting of α-helices and strands of β-sheet, where the number of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors is exactly balanced. These repetitive secondary structural elements are the only two conformers that can be both completely hydrogen-bond satisfied and extended indefinitely without encountering a steric clash. Consequently, the number of fundamental folds is limited to no more than ~10,000 for a protein domain. Once excluding interactions are taken into account, the issue of \"frustration\" is largely eliminated and the Levinthal paradox is resolved. Putting the \"bottom line\" at the top: it is likely that hydrogen-bond satisfaction represents a largely under-appreciated parameter in protein folding models.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small molecule receptor-binding is dominated by weak, non-covalent interactions such as van-der-Waals hydrogen bonding or electrostatics. Calculating these non-covalent ligand-receptor interactions is a challenge to computational means in terms of accuracy and efficacy since the ligand may bind in a number of thermally accessible conformations. The conformational rotamer ensemble sampling tool (CREST) uses an iterative scheme to efficiently sample the conformational space and calculates energies using the semi-empirical \'Geometry, Frequency, Noncovalent, eXtended Tight Binding\' (GFN2-xTB) method. This combined approach is applied to blind predictions of the modes and free energies of binding for a set of 10 drug molecule ligands to the cucurbit[n]urils CB[8] receptor from the recent \'Statistical Assessment of the Modeling of Proteins and Ligands\' (SAMPL) challenge including morphine, hydromorphine, cocaine, fentanyl, and ketamine. For each system, the conformational space was sufficiently sampled for the free ligand and the ligand-receptor complexes using the quantum chemical Hamiltonian. A multitude of structures makes up the final conformer-rotamer ensemble, for which then free energies of binding are calculated. For those large and complex molecules, the results are in good agreement with experimental values with a mean error of 3 kcal/mol. The GFN2-xTB energies of binding are validated by advanced density functional theory calculations and found to be in good agreement. The efficacy of the automated QM sampling workflow allows the extension towards other complex molecular interaction scenarios.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioinformatics and biophysical studies of intrinsically disordered proteins and regions (IDRs) note the high entropy at individual sequence positions and in conformations sampled in solution. This prevents application of the canonical sequence-structure-function paradigm to IDRs and motivates the development of new methods to extract information from IDR sequences. We argue that the information in IDR sequences cannot be fully revealed through positional conservation, which largely measures stable structural contacts and interaction motifs. Instead, considerations of evolutionary conservation of molecular features can reveal the full extent of information in IDRs. Experimental quantification of the large conformational entropy of IDRs is challenging but can be approximated through the extent of conformational sampling measured by a combination of NMR spectroscopy and lower-resolution structural biology techniques, which can be further interpreted with simulations. Conformational entropy and other biophysical features can be modulated by post-translational modifications that provide functional advantages to IDRs by tuning their energy landscapes and enabling a variety of functional interactions and modes of regulation. The diverse mosaic of functional states of IDRs and their conformational features within complexes demands novel metrics of information, which will reflect the complicated sequence-conformational ensemble-function relationship of IDRs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The internal motions of integral membrane proteins have largely eluded comprehensive experimental characterization. Here the fast side-chain dynamics of the α-helical sensory rhodopsin II and the β-barrel outer membrane protein W have been investigated in lipid bilayers and detergent micelles by solution NMR relaxation techniques. Despite their differing topologies, both proteins have a similar distribution of methyl-bearing side-chain motion that is largely independent of membrane mimetic. The methyl-bearing side chains of both proteins are, on average, more dynamic in the ps-ns timescale than any soluble protein characterized to date. Accordingly, both proteins retain an extraordinary residual conformational entropy in the folded state, which provides a counterbalance to the absence of the hydrophobic effect. Furthermore, the high conformational entropy could greatly influence the thermodynamics underlying membrane-protein functions, including ligand binding, allostery, and signaling.






