
C 端
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss-of-function mutants are fundamental resources for gene function studies. However, it is difficult to generate viable and heritable knockout mutants for essential genes. Here, we show that targeted editing of the C-terminal sequence of the embryo lethal gene MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASES 1 (OsMPK1) results in weak mutants. This C-terminal-edited osmpk1 mutants displayed severe developmental defects and altered disease resistance but generated tens of viable seeds that inherited the mutations. Using the same C-terminal editing approach, we also obtained viable mutants for a wall-associated protein kinase (Os07g0493200) and a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase (Os01g0239700), while the null mutations of these genes were lethal. These data suggest that protein kinase activity could be reduced by introducing frameshift mutations adjacent to the C-terminus, which could generate valuable resources for gene function studies and tune protein kinase activity for signaling pathway engineering.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42994-024-00165-5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Lipases are catalysts widely applied in industrial fields. To sustain the harsh treatments in industries, optimizing lipase activities and thermal stability is necessary to reduce production loss. (2) The thermostability of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL) was evaluated via B-factor analysis and consensus-sequence substitutions. Five single-point variants (K24S, D27N, D27R, P29S, and A30P) with improved thermostability were constructed via site-directed mutagenesis. (3) The optimal reaction temperatures of all the five variants displayed 5 °C improvement compared with TLL. Four variants, except D27N, showed enhanced residual activities at 80 °C. The melting temperatures of three variants (D27R, P29S, and A30P) were significantly increased. The molecular dynamics simulations indicated that the 25-loop (residues 24-30) in the N-terminus of the five variants generated more hydrogen bonds with surrounding amino acids; hydrogen bond pair D254-I255 preserved in the C-terminus of the variants also contributes to the improved thermostability. Furthermore, the newly formed salt-bridge interaction (R27…E56) in D27R was identified as a crucial determinant for thermostability. (4) Our study discovered that substituting residues from the 25-loop will enhance the stability of the N-terminus and C-terminus simultaneously, restrict the most flexible regions of TLL, and result in improved thermostability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unstructured regions in functional proteins have gained attention in recent years due to advancements in informatics tools and biophysical methods. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), a large family of cell surface receptors, contain unstructured regions in the form of the i3 loop and C-terminus. This review provides an overview of the functional significance of these regions in GPCRs. GPCRs transmit signals from the extracellular environment to the cell interior, regulating various physiological processes. The i3 loop, located between the fifth and sixth transmembrane helices, and the C-terminus, connected to the seventh transmembrane helix, are determinant of interactions with G proteins and with other intracellular partners such as arrestins. Recent studies demonstrate that the i3 loop and C-terminus play critical roles in allosterically regulating GPCR activation. They can act as autoregulators, adopting conformations that, by restricting G protein access, modulate receptor coupling specificity. The length and unstructured nature of the i3 loop and C-terminus provide unique advantages in GPCR interactions with intracellular protein partners. They act as \"fishing lines\", expanding the radius of interaction and enabling GPCRs to tether scaffolding proteins, thus facilitating receptor stability during cell membrane movements. Additionally, the i3 loop may be involved in domain swapping between GPCRs, generating novel receptor dimers with distinct binding and coupling characteristics. Overall, the i3 loop and C-terminus are now widely recognized as crucial elements in GPCR function and regulation. Understanding their functional roles enhances our comprehension of GPCR structure and signaling complexity and holds promise for advancements in receptor pharmacology and drug development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mitochondria, the major subunits of oxidative phosphorylation complexes are translated by the mitochondrial ribosome (mito-ribosome). The correct insertion and assembly of these subunits into the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) are facilitated by mitochondrial oxidase assembly protein 1 (Oxa1) during the translation process. This co-translational insertion process involves an association between the mito-ribosome and the C-terminus of Oxa1 (Oxa1-CTD) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods were mainly used to investigate the structural characterization of yeast Oxa1-CTD and its mode of interaction with the E. coli 70S ribosome. Oxa1-CTD forms a transient α-helical structure within the residues P342-Q385, which were reported to form an α-helix when combining with the ribosome. Two conserved contact sites that could interact with the ribosome were further identified. The first site was located on the very end of the N-terminus (V321-I327), and the second one encompassed a stretch of amino acid residues I348-Q370. Based on our discoveries and previous reports, a model has been proposed in which Oxa1-CTD interacts with ribosomes, accompanied by transient-to-stable transitions at the second contact site. These observations may enhance our understanding of the potential role of Oxa1-CTD in facilitating the assembly of oxidative phosphorylation complexes and provide insight into the structural characteristics of Oxa1-CTD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TRESK (K2P18.1) possesses unique structural proportions within the K2P background potassium channel family. The previously described TRESK regulatory mechanisms are based on the long intracellular loop between the second and the third transmembrane segments (TMS). However, the functional significance of the exceptionally short intracellular C-terminal region (iCtr) following the fourth TMS has not yet been examined. In the present study, we investigated TRESK constructs modified at the iCtr by two-electrode voltage clamp and the newly developed epithelial sodium current ratio (ENaR) method in Xenopus oocytes. The ENaR method allowed the evaluation of channel activity by exclusively using electrophysiology and provided data that are otherwise not readily available under whole-cell conditions. TRESK homodimer was connected with two ENaC (epithelial Na+ channel) heterotrimers, and the Na+ current was measured as an internal reference, proportional to the number of channels in the plasma membrane. Modifications of TRESK iCtr resulted in diverse functional effects, indicating a complex contribution of this region to K+ channel activity. Mutations of positive residues in proximal iCtr locked TRESK in low activity, calcineurin-insensitive state, although this phosphatase binds to distant motifs in the loop region. Accordingly, mutations in proximal iCtr may prevent the transmission of modulation to the gating machinery. Replacing distal iCtr with a sequence designed to interact with the inner surface of the plasma membrane increased the activity of the channel to unprecedented levels, as indicated by ENaR and single channel measurements. In conclusion, the distal iCtr is a major positive determinant of TRESK function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The small GTPase Ran is the main regulator of the nucleo-cytoplasmic import and export through the nuclear pore complex. It functions as a molecular switch cycling between the GDP-bound inactive and GTP-bound active state. It consists of a globular (G) domain and a C-terminal region, which is bound to the G-domain in the inactive, GDP-bound states. Crystal structures of the GTP-bound active form complexed with Ran binding proteins (RanBP) show that the C-terminus undergoes a large conformational change, embracing Ran binding domains (RanBD). Whereas in the crystal structures of macromolecular complexes not containing RanBDs the structure of the C-terminal segment remains unresolved, indicating its large conformational flexibility. This movement could not have been followed either by experimental or simulation methods. Here, starting from the crystal structure of Ran in both GDP- and GTP-bound forms we show how rigid the C-terminal region in the inactive structure is during molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Furthermore, we show how MD simulations of the active form are incapable of mapping the open conformations of the C-terminus. By using the MDeNM (Molecular Dynamics with excited Normal Modes) method, we were able to widely map the conformational surface of the C-terminus of Ran in the active GTP-bound form, which allows us to envisage how it can embrace RanBDs.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The N-terminus of parathyroid hormone-related protein regulates bone marrow stromal cell differentiation. We hypothesized that the nuclear localization sequence and C-terminus are involved. MicroRNA and gene expression analyses were performed on bone marrow stromal cells from mice lacking the nuclear localization sequence and C-terminus (PthrpΔ/Δ ) and age-matched controls. Differentiation assays with microRNA, cytochemical/histologic/morphologic, protein, and gene expression analyses were performed. PthrpΔ/Δ bone marrow stromal cells are anti-osteochondrogenic, pro-adipogenic, and pro-myogenic, expressing more Klf4, Gsk-3β, Lif, Ct-1, and microRNA-434 but less β-catenin, Igf-1, Taz, Osm, and microRNA-22 (p ⩽ 0.024). PthrpΔ/Δ osteoblasts had less mineralization, osteocalcin, Runx2, Osx, Igf-1, and leptin (p ⩽ 0.029). PthrpΔ/Δ produced more adipocytes, Pparγ, and aP2, but less Lpl (p ⩽ 0.042). PthrpΔ/Δ cartilage pellets were smaller with less Sox9 and Pth1r, but greater Col2a1 (p ⩽ 0.024). PthrpΔ/Δ produced more myocytes, Des, and Myog (p ⩽ 0.021). MicroRNA changes supported these findings. In conclusion, the nuclear localization sequence and C-terminus are pro-osteochondrogenic, anti-adipogenic, and anti-myogenic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transcription factor p73 is a structural and functional homolog of TP53, the most famous and frequently mutated tumor-suppressor gene. The TP73 gene can synthesize an overwhelming number of isoforms via splicing events in 5\' and 3\' ends and alternative promoter usage. Although it originally came into the spotlight due to the potential of several of these isoforms to mimic p53 functions, it is now clear that TP73 has its own unique identity as a master regulator of multifaceted processes in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, and cancer. This remarkable functional pleiotropy is supported by a high degree of mechanistic heterogeneity, which extends far-beyond the typical mode of action by transactivation and largely relies on the ability of p73 isoforms to form protein-protein interactions (PPIs) with a variety of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. Importantly, each p73 isoform carries a unique combination of functional domains and residues that facilitates the establishment of PPIs in a highly selective manner. Herein, we summarize the expanding functional repertoire of TP73 in physiological and oncogenic processes. We emphasize how TP73\'s ability to control neurodevelopment and neurodifferentiation is co-opted in cancer cells toward neoneurogenesis, an emerging cancer hallmark, whereby tumors promote their own innervation. By further exploring the canonical and non-canonical mechanistic patterns of p73, we apprehend its functional diversity as the result of a sophisticated and coordinated interplay of: (a) the type of p73 isoforms (b) the presence of p73 interaction partners in the cell milieu, and (c) the architecture of target gene promoters. We suppose that dysregulation of one or more of these parameters in tumors may lead to cancer initiation and progression by reactivating p73 isoforms and/or p73-regulated differentiation programs thereof in a spatiotemporally inappropriate manner. A thorough understanding of the mechanisms supporting p73 functional diversity is of paramount importance for the efficient and precise p73 targeting not only in cancer, but also in other pathological conditions where TP73 dysregulation is causally involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: A synthetic peptide from the C-terminal end of C4-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is implicated in the proteolysis of the enzyme, and Glc-6P or phosphorylation of the enzyme modulate this effect. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a cytosolic, homotetrameric enzyme that performs a variety of functions in plants. Among them, it is primarily responsible for CO2 fixation in the C4 photosynthesis pathway (C4-PEPC). Here we show that proteolysis of C4-PEPC by cathepsin proteases present in a semi-purified PEPC fraction was enhanced by the presence of a synthetic peptide containing the last 19 amino acids from the C-terminal end of the PEPC subunit (pC19). Threonine (Thr)944 and Thr948 in the peptide are important requirements for the pC19 effect. C4-PEPC proteolysis in the presence of pC19 was prevented by the PEPC allosteric effector glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6P) and by phosphorylation of the enzyme. The role of these elements in the regulation of PEPC proteolysis is discussed in relation to the physiological context.






