Brain tumor

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain tumor (BT) is an awful disease and one of the foremost causes of death in human beings. BT develops mainly in 2 stages and varies by volume, form, and structure, and can be cured with special clinical procedures such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgical mediation. With revolutionary advancements in radiomics and research in medical imaging in the past few years, computer-aided diagnostic systems (CAD), especially deep learning, have played a key role in the automatic detection and diagnosing of various diseases and significantly provided accurate decision support systems for medical clinicians. Thus, convolution neural network (CNN) is a commonly utilized methodology developed for detecting various diseases from medical images because it is capable of extracting distinct features from an image under investigation. In this study, a deep learning approach is utilized to extricate distinct features from brain images in order to detect BT. Hence, CNN from scratch and transfer learning models (VGG-16, VGG-19, and LeNet-5) are developed and tested on brain images to build an intelligent decision support system for detecting BT. Since deep learning models require large volumes of data, data augmentation is used to populate the existing dataset synthetically in order to utilize the best fit detecting models. Hyperparameter tuning was conducted to set the optimum parameters for training the models. The achieved results show that VGG models outperformed others with an accuracy rate of 99.24%, average precision of 99%, average recall of 99%, average specificity of 99%, and average f1-score of 99% each. The results of the proposed models compared to the other state-of-the-art models in the literature show better performance of the proposed models in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and f1-score. Moreover, comparative analysis shows that the proposed models are reliable in that they can be used for detecting BT as well as helping medical practitioners to diagnose BT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field holds promise in improving medical management, particularly in personalized strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors. However, integrating AI into clinical practice has proven to be a challenge. Deep learning (DL) is very convenient for extracting relevant information from large amounts of data that has increased in medical history and imaging records, which shortens diagnosis time, that would otherwise overwhelm manual methods. In addition, DL aids in automated tumor segmentation, classification, and diagnosis. DL models such as the Brain Tumor Classification Model and the Inception-Resnet V2, or hybrid techniques that enhance these functions and combine DL networks with support vector machine and k-nearest neighbors, identify tumor phenotypes and brain metastases, allowing real-time decision-making and enhancing preoperative planning. AI algorithms and DL development facilitate radiological diagnostics such as computed tomography, positron emission tomography scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by integrating two-dimensional and three-dimensional MRI using DenseNet and 3D convolutional neural network architectures, which enable precise tumor delineation. DL offers benefits in neuro-interventional procedures, and the shift toward computer-assisted interventions acknowledges the need for more accurate and efficient image analysis methods. Further research is needed to realize the potential impact of DL in improving these outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction This study aimed to evaluate the setup accuracy of the new shim mask with mouth bite compared to the standard full brain mask in stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and radiotherapy (SRT) treatments for brain metastases or tumors. Method A combined retrospective and prospective design was employed, involving 40 patients treated at our center. Patients previously treated using standard head masks formed the retrospective cohort, while those treated with the Shim mask and mouth bite formed the prospective cohort. Daily cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were obtained before each treatment session to ensure patient setup accuracy. Key metrics included absolute shifts in translational and rotational directions, the number of repeat CBCTs, and the time interval between CBCTs. Results The Shim mask significantly reduced the mean setup errors in the lateral translation (p=0.022) from 0.17 cm (SD=0.10) to 0.10 cm (SD=0.10), and in X-axis rotation (p=0.030) from 0.79° (SD=0.43) to 0.47° (SD=0.47). By considering cutoff points of 1 mm in translational and 1° in rotational directions, the Shim mask was significantly more accurate in the lateral direction (p=0.004). Moreover, while 70% of patients in the standard group required repeat CBCT scans, none in the Shim group did, resulting in an average time saving of 10.4 minutes per patient. Conclusion The Shim mask with mouth bite offers enhanced immobilization accuracy in SRT/SRS treatments, leading to time and potential cost savings by reducing the need for repeat CBCT scans. This underscores the importance of adopting innovative immobilization techniques to optimize patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Demand for emergency neuroimaging is increasing. Even magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often performed outside office hours, sometimes revealing more uncommon entities like brain tumors. The scientific literature studying artificial intelligence (AI) methods for classifying brain tumors on imaging is growing, but knowledge about the radiologist\'s performance on this task is surprisingly scarce. Our study aimed to tentatively fill this knowledge gap. We hypothesized that the radiologist could classify intra-axial brain tumors at the emergency department with clinically acceptable accuracy. We retrospectively examined emergency brain MRI reports from 2013 to 2021, the inclusion criteria being (1) emergency brain MRI, (2) no previously known intra-axial brain tumor, and (3) suspicion of an intra-axial brain tumor on emergency MRI report. The tumor type suggestion and the final clinical diagnosis were pooled into groups: (1) glial tumors, (2) metastasis, (3) lymphoma, and (4) other tumors. The final study sample included 150 patients, of which 108 had histopathological tumor type confirmation. Among the patients with histopathological tumor type confirmation, the accuracy of the MRI reports in classifying the tumor type was 0.86 for gliomas against other tumor types, 0.89 for metastases, and 0.99 for lymphomas. We found the result encouraging, given the prolific need for emergency imaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain tumors are a leading cause of death globally, with numerous types varying in malignancy, and only 12% of adults diagnosed with brain cancer survive beyond five years. This research introduces a hyperparametric convolutional neural network (CNN) model to identify brain tumors, with significant practical implications. By fine-tuning the hyperparameters of the CNN model, we optimize feature extraction and systematically reduce model complexity, thereby enhancing the accuracy of brain tumor diagnosis. The critical hyperparameters include batch size, layer counts, learning rate, activation functions, pooling strategies, padding, and filter size. The hyperparameter-tuned CNN model was trained on three different brain MRI datasets available at Kaggle, producing outstanding performance scores, with an average value of 97% for accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Our optimized model is effective, as demonstrated by our methodical comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches. Our hyperparameter modifications enhanced the model performance and strengthened its capacity for generalization, giving medical practitioners a more accurate and effective tool for making crucial judgments regarding brain tumor diagnosis. Our model is a significant step in the right direction toward trustworthy and accurate medical diagnosis, with practical implications for improving patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glioblastoma (GBM) is a primary CNS tumor that is highly lethal in adults and has limited treatment options. Despite advancements in understanding the GBM biology, the standard treatment for GBM has remained unchanged for more than a decade. Only 6.8% of patients survive beyond five years. Telomerase, particularly the hTERT promoter mutations present in up to 80% of GBM cases, represents a promising therapeutic target due to its role in sustaining telomere length and cancer cell proliferation. This review examines the biology of telomerase in GBM and explores potential telomerase-targeted therapies. We conducted a systematic review following the PRISMA-P guidelines in the MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus databases, from January 1995 to April 2024. We searched for suitable articles by utilizing the terms \"GBM\", \"high-grade gliomas\", \"hTERT\" and \"telomerase\". We incorporated studies addressing telomerase-targeted therapies into GBM studies, excluding non-English articles, reviews, and meta-analyses. We evaluated a total of 777 records and 46 full texts, including 36 studies in the final review. Several compounds aimed at inhibiting hTERT transcription demonstrated promising preclinical outcomes; however, they were unsuccessful in clinical trials owing to intricate regulatory pathways and inadequate pharmacokinetics. Direct hTERT inhibitors encountered numerous obstacles, including a prolonged latency for telomere shortening and the activation of the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). The G-quadruplex DNA stabilizers appeared to be potential indirect inhibitors, but further clinical studies are required. Imetelstat, the only telomerase inhibitor that has undergone clinical trials, has demonstrated efficacy in various cancers, but its efficacy in GBM has been limited. Telomerase-targeted therapies in GBM is challenging due to complex hTERT regulation and inadequate inhibitor pharmacokinetics. Our study demonstrates that, despite promising preclinical results, no Telomerase inhibitors have been approved for GBM, and clinical trials have been largely unsuccessful. Future strategies may include Telomerase-based vaccines and multi-target inhibitors, which may provide more effective treatments when combined with a better understanding of telomere dynamics and tumor biology. These treatments have the potential to be integrated with existing ones and to improve the outcomes for patients with GBM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to the modular hypothesis for the control of movement, muscles are recruited in synergies, which capture muscle coordination in space, time, or both. In the last two decades, muscle synergy analysis has become a well-established framework in the motor control field and for the characterization of motor impairments in neurological patients. Altered modular control during a locomotion task has been often proposed as a potential quantitative metric for characterizing pathological conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review is to analyze the recent literature that used a muscle synergy analysis of neurological patients\' locomotion as an indicator of motor rehabilitation therapy effectiveness, encompassing the key methodological elements to date. Searches for the relevant literature were made in Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus. Most of the 15 full-text articles which were retrieved and included in this review identified an effect of the rehabilitation intervention on muscle synergies. However, the used experimental and methodological approaches varied across studies. Despite the scarcity of studies that investigated the effect of rehabilitation on muscle synergies, this review supports the utility of muscle synergies as a marker of the effectiveness of rehabilitative therapy and highlights the challenges and open issues that future works need to address to introduce the muscle synergies in the clinical practice and decisional process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly aggressive, invasive, and growth factor-independent grade IV glioma. Survival following the diagnosis is generally poor, with a median survival of approximately 15 months, and it is considered the most aggressive and lethal central nervous system tumor. Conventional treatments based on surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy only delay progression, and death is inevitable. Malignant glioma cells are resistant to traditional therapies, potentially due to a subpopulation of glioma stem cells that are invasive and capable of rapid regrowth.
    METHODS: This is a literature review. The systematic retrieval of information was performed on PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar. Specified keywords were used in PubMed and the articles retrieved were published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and were associated with brain GBM cancer and the sodium iodide symporter (NIS). Additionally, the words \'radionuclide therapy OR mesenchyma, OR radioiodine OR iodine-131 OR molecular imaging OR gene therapy OR translational imaging OR targeted OR theranostic OR symporter OR virus OR solid tumor OR combined therapy OR pituitary OR plasmid AND glioblastoma OR GBM OR GB OR glioma\' were also used in the appropriate literature databases of PubMed and Google Scholar. A total of 68,244 articles were found in this search on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sodium Iodide Symporter and GBM. These articles were found till 2024. To study recent advances, a filter was added to include articles only from 2014 to 2024, duplicates were removed, and articles not related to the title were excluded. These came out to be 78 articles. From these, nine were not retrieved and only seven were selected after the removal of keyword mismatched articles. Appropriate studies were isolated, and important information from each of them was understood and entered into a database from which the information was used in this article.
    RESULTS: As a result of their natural capacity to identify malignancies, MSCs are employed as tumor therapy vehicles. Because MSCs may be transplanted using several methods, they have been proposed as the ideal vehicles for NIS gene transfer. MSCs have been used as a delivery vector for anticancer drugs in many tumor models due to their capacity to move precisely to malignancies. Also, by directly injecting radiolabeled MSCs into malignant tumors, a therapeutic dosage of beta radiation may be deposited, with the added benefit that the tumor would only localize and not spread to the surrounding healthy tissues.
    CONCLUSIONS: The non-invasive imaging-based detection of glioma stem cells presents an alternate means to monitor the tumor and diagnose and evaluate recurrence. The sodium iodide symporter gene is a specific gene in a variety of human thyroid diseases that functions to move iodine into the cell. In recent years, an increasing number of studies related to the sodium iodide symporter gene have been reported in a variety of tumors and as therapeutic vectors for imaging and therapy. Gene therapy and nuclear medicine therapy for GBM provide a new direction. In all the preclinical studies reviewed, image-guided cell therapy led to greater survival benefits and, therefore, has the potential to be translated into techniques in glioblastoma treatment trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is a common cause of seizures, and hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is the predominant subtype. BRAFV600E mutations in MTLE-HS have only been reported infrequently. Herein, we illustrate the neurologic, radiological, and histopathological details of a patient with MTLE-HS and BRAFV600E mutant neurons. A 31-year-old male with medically refractory epilepsy presented with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) findings typical of mesial temporal sclerosis without a mass lesion. The surgical specimens showed ILAE Type 1 HS with neurons immunopositive for BRAFV600E mutant protein distributed along the Cornu Ammonis (CA) curvature. Instead of the normal mostly perpendicular orientation of pyramidal neurons relative to the hippocampal surface, the BRAF mutant neurons were often oriented in a parallel manner. On CD34 immunostaining, sparse clusters or nodules of CD34+ stellate cells and single immunopositive stellate cells were identified. BRAFV600E or CD34 immunopositive cells were less than 1 % of total cells. The patient responded well to surgery with no further seizures after 2 years and occasional auras. Hippocampal BRAF mutant non-expansive lesion (HBNL) has been used to describe such lesions with preserved cytoarchitecture and without overt tumor mass. Others may argue for the dual pathology of HS with early ganglioglioma. Whether pre-neoplastic lesions or early tumors, these cases are important for understanding early glioneuronal tumorigenesis and suggest that BRAFV600E studies should be routinely performed on MTLE-HS cases in the setting of clinical trials. With next-generation sequencing, a FANCL deletion was detected in almost half of the alleles in our case, suggesting that many of the histologically normal-appearing cells of the hippocampus contain this alteration. FANCL mutations can result in cytogenetic anomalies and defective DNA repair and therefore may underlie the development of a low frequency BRAF alteration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Meningioma is the most common primary brain tumor, with a clear preponderance in women. Obesity is considered a risk factor for the development of meningioma. Obesity is also the clinical hallmark of metabolic syndrome, characterized by glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Lifestyle and metabolic factors directly impact overweight and obesity and are therefore potential risk factors for meningioma development. The aim of this study is to assess lifestyle and metabolic factors for meningioma risk in women.
    UNASSIGNED: The Cohort of Norway (CONOR) is a nationwide health survey, conducted between 1994 and 2003, including anthropometric measures, blood tests, and health questionnaires. Linkage to the National Cancer Registry enabled the identification of intracranial meningioma during follow-up until December 2018.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 81,652 women were followed for a combined total of 1.5 million years, and 238 intracranial meningiomas were identified. Increasing levels of physical activity (HR 0.81; 95% CI 0.68-0.96; p trend <0.02) and parity (HR 0.83; 95% CI 0.71-0.97; p trend <0.03) were negatively associated with meningioma risk. Diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance increased the risk for meningioma (HR 2.54; 95% CI 1.60-4.05). Overweight and obesity were not associated with meningioma risk, nor was metabolic syndrome. However, participants without metabolic dysfunction had a reduced meningioma risk, while participants with all five metabolic factors present had a 4-fold risk increase for meningioma (HR 4.28; 95% CI 1.34-13.68).
    UNASSIGNED: Lifestyle factors seem to significantly influence meningioma risk. However, disentangling the complex associations and interactions between factors for meningioma risk will be a challenging task for future studies.





