Attention mechanisms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have demonstrated that microRNAs (miRNAs) are critically important for the prediction, diagnosis, and characterization of diseases. However, identifying miRNA-disease associations through traditional biological experiments is both costly and time-consuming. To further explore these associations, we proposed a model based on hybrid high-order moments combined with element-level attention mechanisms (HHOMR). This model innovatively fused hybrid higher-order statistical information along with structural and community information. Specifically, we first constructed a heterogeneous graph based on existing associations between miRNAs and diseases. HHOMR employs a structural fusion layer to capture structure-level embeddings and leverages a hybrid high-order moments encoder layer to enhance features. Element-level attention mechanisms are then used to adaptively integrate the features of these hybrid moments. Finally, a multi-layer perceptron is utilized to calculate the association scores between miRNAs and diseases. Through five-fold cross-validation on HMDD v2.0, we achieved a mean AUC of 93.28%. Compared with four state-of-the-art models, HHOMR exhibited superior performance. Additionally, case studies on three diseases-esophageal neoplasms, lymphoma, and prostate neoplasms-were conducted. Among the top 50 miRNAs with high disease association scores, 46, 47, and 45 associated with these diseases were confirmed by the dbDEMC and miR2Disease databases, respectively. Our results demonstrate that HHOMR not only outperforms existing models but also shows significant potential in predicting miRNA-disease associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facial expression recognition (FER) plays a crucial role in affective computing, enhancing human-computer interaction by enabling machines to understand and respond to human emotions. Despite advancements in deep learning, current FER systems often struggle with challenges such as occlusions, head pose variations, and motion blur in natural environments. These challenges highlight the need for more robust FER solutions. To address these issues, we propose the Attention-Enhanced Multi-Layer Transformer (AEMT) model, which integrates a dual-branch Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), an Attentional Selective Fusion (ASF) module, and a Multi-Layer Transformer Encoder (MTE) with transfer learning. The dual-branch CNN captures detailed texture and color information by processing RGB and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features separately. The ASF module selectively enhances relevant features by applying global and local attention mechanisms to the extracted features. The MTE captures long-range dependencies and models the complex relationships between features, collectively improving feature representation and classification accuracy. Our model was evaluated on the RAF-DB and AffectNet datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the AEMT model achieved an accuracy of 81.45% on RAF-DB and 71.23% on AffectNet, significantly outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods. These results indicate that our model effectively addresses the challenges of FER in natural environments, providing a more robust and accurate solution. The AEMT model significantly advances the field of FER by improving the robustness and accuracy of emotion recognition in complex real-world scenarios. This work not only enhances the capabilities of affective computing systems but also opens new avenues for future research in improving model efficiency and expanding multimodal data integration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tomato disease image recognition plays a crucial role in agricultural production. Today, while machine vision methods based on deep learning have achieved some success in disease recognition, they still face several challenges. These include issues such as imbalanced datasets, unclear disease features, small inter-class differences, and large intra-class variations. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a method for classifying and recognizing tomato leaf diseases based on machine vision. First, to enhance the disease feature details in images, a piecewise linear transformation method is used for image enhancement, and oversampling is employed to expand the dataset, compensating for the imbalanced dataset. Next, this paper introduces a convolutional block with a dual attention mechanism called DAC Block, which is used to construct a lightweight model named LDAMNet. The DAC Block innovatively uses Hybrid Channel Attention (HCA) and Coordinate Attention (CSA) to process channel information and spatial information of input images respectively, enhancing the model\'s feature extraction capabilities. Additionally, this paper proposes a Robust Cross-Entropy (RCE) loss function that is robust to noisy labels, aimed at reducing the impact of noisy labels on the LDAMNet model during training. Experimental results show that this method achieves an average recognition accuracy of 98.71% on the tomato disease dataset, effectively retaining disease information in images and capturing disease areas. Furthermore, the method also demonstrates strong recognition capabilities on rice crop disease datasets, indicating good generalization performance and the ability to function effectively in disease recognition across different crops. The research findings of this paper provide new ideas and methods for the field of crop disease recognition. However, future research needs to further optimize the model\'s structure and computational efficiency, and validate its application effects in more practical scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to explore methods for classifying and describing volleyball training videos using deep learning techniques. By developing an innovative model that integrates Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and attention mechanisms, referred to BiLSTM-Multimodal Attention Fusion Temporal Classification (BiLSTM-MAFTC), the study enhances the accuracy and efficiency of volleyball video content analysis. Initially, the model encodes features from various modalities into feature vectors, capturing different types of information such as positional and modal data. The BiLSTM network is then used to model multi-modal temporal information, while spatial and channel attention mechanisms are incorporated to form a dual-attention module. This module establishes correlations between different modality features, extracting valuable information from each modality and uncovering complementary information across modalities. Extensive experiments validate the method\'s effectiveness and state-of-the-art performance. Compared to conventional recurrent neural network algorithms, the model achieves recognition accuracies exceeding 95 % under Top-1 and Top-5 metrics for action recognition, with a recognition speed of 0.04 s per video. The study demonstrates that the model can effectively process and analyze multimodal temporal information, including athlete movements, positional relationships on the court, and ball trajectories. Consequently, precise classification and description of volleyball training videos are achieved. This advancement significantly enhances the efficiency of coaches and athletes in volleyball training and provides valuable insights for broader sports video analysis research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lemon, as an important cash crop with rich nutritional value, holds significant cultivation importance and market demand worldwide. However, lemon diseases seriously impact the quality and yield of lemons, necessitating their early detection for effective control. This paper addresses this need by collecting a dataset of lemon diseases, consisting of 726 images captured under varying light levels, growth stages, shooting distances and disease conditions. Through cropping high-resolution images, the dataset is expanded to 2022 images, comprising 4441 healthy lemons and 718 diseased lemons, with approximately 1-6 targets per image. Then, we propose a novel model lemon surface disease YOLO (LSD-YOLO), which integrates Switchable Atrous Convolution (SAConv) and Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM), along with the design of C2f-SAC and the addition of a small-target detection layer to enhance the extraction of key features and the fusion of features at different scales. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed LSD-YOLO achieves an accuracy of 90.62% on the collected datasets, with mAP@50-95 reaching 80.84%. Compared with the original YOLOv8n model, both mAP@50 and mAP@50-95 metrics are enhanced. Therefore, the LSD-YOLO model proposed in this study provides a more accurate recognition of healthy and diseased lemons, contributing effectively to solving the lemon disease detection problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In both plant breeding and crop management, interpretability plays a crucial role in instilling trust in AI-driven approaches and enabling the provision of actionable insights. The primary objective of this research is to explore and evaluate the potential contributions of deep learning network architectures that employ stacked LSTM for end-of-season maize grain yield prediction. A secondary aim is to expand the capabilities of these networks by adapting them to better accommodate and leverage the multi-modality properties of remote sensing data. In this study, a multi-modal deep learning architecture that assimilates inputs from heterogeneous data streams, including high-resolution hyperspectral imagery, LiDAR point clouds, and environmental data, is proposed to forecast maize crop yields. The architecture includes attention mechanisms that assign varying levels of importance to different modalities and temporal features that, reflect the dynamics of plant growth and environmental interactions. The interpretability of the attention weights is investigated in multi-modal networks that seek to both improve predictions and attribute crop yield outcomes to genetic and environmental variables. This approach also contributes to increased interpretability of the model\'s predictions. The temporal attention weight distributions highlighted relevant factors and critical growth stages that contribute to the predictions. The results of this study affirm that the attention weights are consistent with recognized biological growth stages, thereby substantiating the network\'s capability to learn biologically interpretable features. Accuracies of the model\'s predictions of yield ranged from 0.82-0.93 R2 ref in this genetics-focused study, further highlighting the potential of attention-based models. Further, this research facilitates understanding of how multi-modality remote sensing aligns with the physiological stages of maize. The proposed architecture shows promise in improving predictions and offering interpretable insights into the factors affecting maize crop yields, while demonstrating the impact of data collection by different modalities through the growing season. By identifying relevant factors and critical growth stages, the model\'s attention weights provide valuable information that can be used in both plant breeding and crop management. The consistency of attention weights with biological growth stages reinforces the potential of deep learning networks in agricultural applications, particularly in leveraging remote sensing data for yield prediction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates the use of hyperspectral and LiDAR UAV time series data for explaining/interpreting plant growth stages within deep learning networks and forecasting plot-level maize grain yield using late fusion modalities with attention mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To enhance medical image classification using a Dual-attention ResNet model and investigate the impact of attention mechanisms on model performance in a clinical setting.
    METHODS: We utilized a dataset of medical images and implemented a Dual-attention ResNet model, integrating self-attention and spatial attention mechanisms. The model was trained and evaluated using binary and five-level quality classification tasks, leveraging standard evaluation metrics.
    RESULTS: Our findings demonstrated substantial performance improvements with the Dual-attention ResNet model in both classification tasks. In the binary classification task, the model achieved an accuracy of 0.940, outperforming the conventional ResNet model. Similarly, in the five-level quality classification task, the Dual-attention ResNet model attained an accuracy of 0.757, highlighting its efficacy in capturing nuanced distinctions in image quality.
    CONCLUSIONS: The integration of attention mechanisms within the ResNet model resulted in significant performance enhancements, showcasing its potential for improving medical image classification tasks. These results underscore the promising role of attention mechanisms in facilitating more accurate and discriminative analysis of medical images, thus holding substantial promise for clinical applications in radiology and diagnostics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Transcranial sonography (TCS) plays a crucial role in diagnosing Parkinson\'s disease. However, the intricate nature of TCS pathological features, the lack of consistent diagnostic criteria, and the dependence on physicians\' expertise can hinder accurate diagnosis. Current TCS-based diagnostic methods, which rely on machine learning, often involve complex feature engineering and may struggle to capture deep image features. While deep learning offers advantages in image processing, it has not been tailored to address specific TCS and movement disorder considerations. Consequently, there is a scarcity of research on deep learning algorithms for TCS-based PD diagnosis.
    METHODS: This study introduces a deep learning residual network model, augmented with attention mechanisms and multi-scale feature extraction, termed AMSNet, to assist in accurate diagnosis. Initially, a multi-scale feature extraction module is implemented to robustly handle the irregular morphological features and significant area information present in TCS images. This module effectively mitigates the effects of artifacts and noise. When combined with a convolutional attention module, it enhances the model\'s ability to learn features of lesion areas. Subsequently, a residual network architecture, integrated with channel attention, is utilized to capture hierarchical and detailed textures within the images, further enhancing the model\'s feature representation capabilities.
    RESULTS: The study compiled TCS images and personal data from 1109 participants. Experiments conducted on this dataset demonstrated that AMSNet achieved remarkable classification accuracy (92.79%), precision (95.42%), and specificity (93.1%). It surpassed the performance of previously employed machine learning algorithms in this domain, as well as current general-purpose deep learning models.
    CONCLUSIONS: The AMSNet proposed in this study deviates from traditional machine learning approaches that necessitate intricate feature engineering. It is capable of automatically extracting and learning deep pathological features, and has the capacity to comprehend and articulate complex data. This underscores the substantial potential of deep learning methods in the application of TCS images for the diagnosis of movement disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Diagnosing lung diseases accurately is crucial for proper treatment. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have advanced medical image processing, but challenges remain in their accurate explainability and reliability. This study combines U-Net with attention and Vision Transformers (ViTs) to enhance lung disease segmentation and classification. We hypothesize that Attention U-Net will enhance segmentation accuracy and that ViTs will improve classification performance. The explainability methodologies will shed light on model decision-making processes, aiding in clinical acceptance. Methodology: A comparative approach was used to evaluate deep learning models for segmenting and classifying lung illnesses using chest X-rays. The Attention U-Net model is used for segmentation, and architectures consisting of four CNNs and four ViTs were investigated for classification. Methods like Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping plus plus (Grad-CAM++) and Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) provide explainability by identifying crucial areas influencing model decisions. Results: The results support the conclusion that ViTs are outstanding in identifying lung disorders. Attention U-Net obtained a Dice Coefficient of 98.54% and a Jaccard Index of 97.12%. ViTs outperformed CNNs in classification tasks by 9.26%, reaching an accuracy of 98.52% with MobileViT. An 8.3% increase in accuracy was seen while moving from raw data classification to segmented image classification. Techniques like Grad-CAM++ and LRP provided insights into the decision-making processes of the models. Conclusions: This study highlights the benefits of integrating Attention U-Net and ViTs for analyzing lung diseases, demonstrating their importance in clinical settings. Emphasizing explainability clarifies deep learning processes, enhancing confidence in AI solutions and perhaps enhancing clinical acceptance for improved healthcare results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Color-changing melon is an ornamental and edible fruit. Aiming at the problems of slow detection speed and high deployment cost for Color-changing melon in intelligent agriculture equipment, this study proposes a lightweight detection model YOLOv8-CML.Firstly, a lightweight Faster-Block is introduced to reduce the number of memory accesses while reducing redundant computation, and a lighter C2f structure is obtained. Then, the lightweight C2f module fusing EMA module is constructed in Backbone to collect multi-scale spatial information more efficiently and reduce the interference of complex background on the recognition effect. Next, the idea of shared parameters is utilized to redesign the detection head to simplify the model further. Finally, the α-IoU loss function is adopted better to measure the overlap between the predicted and real frames using the α hyperparameter, improving the recognition accuracy. The experimental results show that compared to the YOLOv8n model, the parametric and computational ratios of the improved YOLOv8-CML model decreased by 42.9% and 51.8%, respectively. In addition, the model size is only 3.7 MB, and the inference speed is improved by 6.9%, while mAP@0.5, accuracy, and FPS are also improved. Our proposed model provides a vital reference for deploying Color-changing melon picking robots.





