
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is a prevalent condition in otolaryngology. A key obstacle is finding effective strategies for regenerating damaged cochlear hair cells in adult animals. A practical and reliable approach has been developed to create a superior cell source for stem cell transplantation in the inner ear to treat SNHL. Atoh1 is involved in the differentiation of neurons, intestinal secretory cells, and mechanoreceptors including auditory hair cells, and thus plays an important role in neurogenesis. Lentivirus-mediated transfection of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) was utilized to achieve stable expression of the essential transcription factor Atoh1, which is crucial for developing auditory hair cells without compromising cell survival. By manipulating the induction conditions through altering the cell growth environment using anti-adherent culture, the synergistic impact of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) was effectively applied to significantly improve the differentiation efficiency of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) into neural stem cells (NSCs) following Atoh1 transfection, thereby reducing the induction time. The study indicated that the newly proposed transdifferentiation method effectively transformed BMSCs into NSCs in a controlled environment, presenting a potential approach for stem cell transplantation to promote hair cell regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the early cerebellar primordium, there are two progenitor zones, the ventricular zone (VZ) residing atop the IVth ventricle and the rhombic lip (RL) at the lateral edges of the developing cerebellum. These zones give rise to the several cell types that form the GABAergic and glutamatergic populations of the adult cerebellum, respectively. Recently, an understanding of the molecular compartmentation of these zones has emerged. To add to this knowledge base, we report on the Msx genes, a family of three transcription factors, that are expressed downstream of Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling in these zones. Using fluorescent RNA in situ hybridization, we have characterized the Msx (Msh Homeobox) genes and demonstrated that their spatiotemporal pattern segregates specific regions within the progenitor zones. Msx1 and Msx2 are compartmentalized within the rhombic lip (RL), while Msx3 is localized within the ventricular zone (VZ). The relationship of the Msx genes with an early marker of the glutamatergic lineage, Atoh1, was examined in Atoh1-null mice and it was found that the expression of Msx genes persisted. Importantly, the spatial expression of Msx1 and Msx3 altered in response to the elimination of Atoh1. These results point to the Msx genes as novel early markers of cerebellar progenitor zones and more importantly to an updated view of the molecular parcellation of the RL with respect to the canonical marker of the RL, Atoh1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) can be histologically similar. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for cytokeratin 20 (CK20) and thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1) are commonly used to differentiate MCC from SCLC; however, these markers have limited sensitivity and specificity. To identify new diagnostic markers, we performed differential gene expression analysis on transcriptome data from MCC and SCLC tumors. Candidate markers included atonal BHLH transcription factor 1 (ATOH1) and transcription factor AP-2β (TFAP2B) for MCC, as well as carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule 6 (CEACAM6) for SCLC. Immunostaining for CK20, TTF-1, and new candidate markers was performed on 43 MCC and 59 SCLC samples. All three MCC markers were sensitive and specific, with CK20 and ATOH1 staining 43/43 (100%) MCC and 0/59 (0%) SCLC cases and TFAP2B staining 40/43 (93%) MCC and 0/59 (0%) SCLC cases. TTF-1 stained 47/59 (80%) SCLC and 1/43 (2%) MCC cases. CEACAM6 stained 49/59 (83%) SCLC and 0/43 (0%) MCC cases. Combining CEACAM6 and TTF-1 increased SCLC detection sensitivity to 93% and specificity to 98%. These data suggest that ATOH1, TFAP2B, and CEACAM6 should be explored as markers to differentiate MCC and SCLC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atoh1 overexpression is essential for hair cell (HC) regeneration in the sensory epithelium of mammalian auditory and vestibular organs. However, Atoh1 overexpression alone cannot induce fully mature and functional HCs in the mammalian inner ear. In the current study, we investigated the effect of Atoh1 constitutive overexpression in native HCs by manipulating Atoh1 expression at different developmental stages. We demonstrated that constitutive overexpression of Atoh1 in native vestibular HCs did not affect cell survival but did impair vestibular function by interfering with the subtype differentiation of HCs and hair bundle development. In contrast, Atoh1 overexpression in cochlear HCs impeded their maturation, eventually leading to gradual HC loss in the cochlea and hearing dysfunction. Our study suggests that time-restricted Atoh1 expression is essential for the differentiation and survival of HCs in the inner ear, and this is pivotal for both hearing and vestibular function re-establishment through Atoh1 overexpression-induced HC regeneration strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The retina has diverse neuronal cell types derived from a common pool of retinal progenitors. Many molecular drivers, mostly transcription factors, have been identified to promote different cell fates. In Drosophila, atonal is required for specifying photoreceptors. In mice, there are two closely related atonal homologs, Atoh1 and Atoh7 While Atoh7 is known to promote the genesis of retinal ganglion cells, there is no study on the function of Atoh1 in retinal development. Here, we crossed Atoh1Cre/+ mice to mice carrying a Cre-dependent TdTomato reporter to track potential Atoh1-lineage neurons in retinas. We characterized a heterogeneous group of TdTomato+ retinal neurons that were detected at the postnatal stage, including glutamatergic amacrine cells, AII amacrine cells, and BC3b bipolar cells. Unexpectedly, we did not observe TdTomato+ retinal neurons in the mice with an Atoh1-FlpO knock-in allele and a Flp-dependent TdTomato reporter, suggesting Atoh1 is not expressed in the mouse retina. Consistent with these data, conditional removal of Atoh1 in the retina did not cause any observable phenotypes. Importantly, we did not detect Atoh1 expression in the retina at multiple ages using mice with Atoh1-GFP knock-in allele. Therefore, we conclude that Atoh1Cre/+ mice have ectopic Cre expression in the retina and that Atoh1 is not required for retinal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastric cancer stem cells (GCSCs) are self-renewing tumor cells that govern chemoresistance in gastric adenocarcinoma (GAC), whereas their regulatory mechanisms remain elusive. Here, the study aims to elucidate the role of ATOH1 in the maintenance of GCSCs. The preclinical model and GAC sample analysis indicate that ATOH1 deficiency is correlated with poor GAC prognosis and chemoresistance. ScRNA-seq reveals that ATOH1 is downregulated in the pit cells of GAC compared with those in paracarcinoma samples. Lineage tracing reveals that Atoh1 deletion strongly confers pit cell stemness. ATOH1 depletion significantly accelerates cancer stemness and chemoresistance in Tff1-CreERT2; Rosa26Tdtomato and Tff1-CreERT2; Apcfl/fl ; p53fl/fl (TcPP) mouse models and organoids. ATOH1 deficiency downregulates growth arrest-specific protein 1 (GAS1) by suppressing GAS1 promoter transcription. GAS1 forms a complex with RET, which inhibits Tyr1062 phosphorylation, and consequently activates the RET/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway by ATOH1 deficiency. Combining chemotherapy with drugs targeting AKT/mTOR signaling can overcome ATOH1 deficiency-induced chemoresistance. Moreover, it is confirmed that abnormal DNA hypermethylation induces ATOH1 deficiency. Taken together, the results demonstrate that ATOH1 loss promotes cancer stemness through the ATOH1/GAS1/RET/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in GAC, thus providing a potential therapeutic strategy for AKT/mTOR inhibitors in GAC patients with ATOH1 deficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensorineural hearing loss is typically caused by damage to the cochlear hair cells (HCs) due to external stimuli or because of one\'s genetic factors and the inability to convert sound mechanical energy into nerve impulses. Adult mammalian cochlear HCs cannot regenerate spontaneously; therefore, this type of deafness is usually considered irreversible. Studies on the developmental mechanisms of HC differentiation have revealed that nonsensory cells in the cochlea acquire the ability to differentiate into HCs after the overexpression of specific genes, such as Atoh1, which makes HC regeneration possible. Gene therapy, through in vitro selection and editing of target genes, transforms exogenous gene fragments into target cells and alters the expression of genes in target cells to activate the corresponding differentiation developmental program in target cells. This review summarizes the genes that have been associated with the growth and development of cochlear HCs in recent years and provides an overview of gene therapy approaches in the field of HC regeneration. It concludes with a discussion of the limitations of the current therapeutic approaches to facilitate the early implementation of this therapy in a clinical setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rac small GTPases play important roles during embryonic development of the inner ear; however, little is known regarding their function in cochlear hair cells (HCs) after specification. Here, we revealed the localization and activation of Racs in cochlear HCs using GFP-tagged Rac plasmids and transgenic mice expressing a Rac1-fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensor. Furthermore, we employed Rac1-knockout (Rac1-KO, Atoh1-Cre;Rac1flox/flox) and Rac1 and Rac3 double KO (Rac1/Rac3-DKO, Atoh1-Cre;Rac1flox/flox;Rac3-/-) mice, under the control of the Atoh1 promoter. However, both Rac1-KO and Rac1/Rac3-DKO mice exhibited normal cochlear HC morphology at 13 weeks of age and normal hearing function at 24 weeks of age. No hearing vulnerability was observed in young adult (6-week-old) Rac1/Rac3-DKO mice even after intense noise exposure. Consistent with prior reports, the results from Atoh1-Cre;tdTomato mice confirmed that the Atoh1 promoter became functional only after embryonic day 14 when the sensory HC precursors exit the cell cycle. Taken together, these findings indicate that although Rac1 and Rac3 contribute to the early development of sensory epithelia in cochleae, as previously shown, they are dispensable for the maturation of cochlear HCs in the postmitotic state or for hearing maintenance following HC maturation. KEY MESSAGES: Mice with Rac1 and Rac3 deletion were generated after HC specification. Knockout mice exhibit normal cochlear hair cell morphology and hearing. Racs are dispensable for hair cells in the postmitotic state after specification. Racs are dispensable for hearing maintenance after HC maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the lineage-determining ability of transcription factors is often modulated according to cellular context, the mechanisms by which such switching occurs are not well known. Using a transcriptional programming model, we found that Atoh1 is repurposed from a neuronal to an inner ear hair cell (HC) determinant by the combined activities of Gfi1 and Pou4f3. In this process, Atoh1 maintains its regulation of neuronal genes but gains ability to regulate HC genes. Pou4f3 enables Atoh1 access to genomic locations controlling the expression of sensory (including HC) genes, but Atoh1 + Pou4f3 are not sufficient for HC differentiation. Gfi1 is key to the Atoh1-induced lineage switch, but surprisingly does not alter Atoh1\'s binding profile. Gfi1 acts in two divergent ways. It represses the induction by Atoh1 of genes that antagonise HC differentiation, a function in keeping with its well-known repressor role in haematopoiesis. Remarkably, we find that Gfi1 also acts as a co-activator: it binds directly to Atoh1 at existing target genes to enhance its activity. These findings highlight the diversity of mechanisms by which one TF can redirect the activity of another to enable combinatorial control of cell identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cerebellar nuclear (CN) neurons are a molecularly heterogeneous population whose specification into the different cerebellar nuclei is defined by the expression of varying sets of transcription factors. Here, we present a novel molecular marker, Pou3f1, that delineates specific sets of glutamatergic CN neurons. The glutamatergic identity of Pou3f1+ cells was confirmed by: (1) the co-expression of vGluT2, a cell marker of glutamatergic neurons; (2) the lack of co-expression between Pou3f1 and GAD67, a marker of GABAergic neurons; (3) the co-expression of Atoh1, the master regulator required for the production of all cerebellar glutamatergic lineages; and (4) the absence of Pou3f1-expressing cells in the Atoh1-null cerebellum. Furthermore, the lack of Pax6 and Tbr1 expression in Pou3f1+ cells reveals that Pou3f1-expressing CN neurons specifically settle in the interposed and dentate nuclei. In addition, the Pou3f1-labeled glutamatergic CN neurons can be further classified by the expression of Brn2 and Irx3. The results of the present study align with previous findings highlighting that the survival of the interposed and dentate CN neurons is largely independent of Pax6. More importantly, the present study extends the field\'s collective knowledge of the molecular diversity of cerebellar nuclei.





