Artisanal fishers

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measuring technical efficiency plays a magnificent role in identifying the possible sources of productivity gain with the existing fish resources and technologies. However, there is no any efficiency study that has been conducted in the study area. Because of this gap, the causes, magnitude and possible solutions for the inefficiency of fishers have remained unknown. Thus, the paper aims to estimate the level of technical efficiency (TE) and its determinants in the fishery of Lake Tana. To address these objectives, data from 367 randomly selected fishers were collected using a multi-stage random sampling procedure. A Cobb Douglass functional form with a single-stage estimation procedure was employed to estimate the level of TE and its determinants simultaneously. The study reveals that the level of TE among sampled fishers varied from 13.5 % to 91.2 %, with a mean TE of 70.8 %. The prevailing TE level and the average yield gap of 6.46 kg per trip per fisher, substantiate the potential for improving (by 29.2 %) the current volume of fish production, with the existing fishing technologies. In addition, fishers who are situated around water hyacinth infested areas are technically less efficient (68.7 %) compared to the non-infested areas (72.9 %). The efficiency level was positively influenced by factors, such as training and marketing site. Whereas, number of non-fishing months and distance from home to the Lake were the hindering factors for the efficiency. The study confirms that no fishers in the study area are operating at their full potential and this could have a short-run implication for the substantial improvement of fish catch without additional input and technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An artificial reef (AR) programme is being undertaken by the local fisheries authority in Terengganu, Malaysia, in an effort to mitigate the depletion of fish stocks in the coastal zone. This program is intended to protect inshore fishery habitats from trawls to increase fishery resources and improve the economic conditions of artisanal fishing communities. This article aims to present data on fishers\' demographic characteristics and artificial reef fishing activity on Terengganu coastal water. Primary data were collected using stratified sampling that involved 430 respondents from four fishing communities in Terengganu, namely Setiu, Marang, Dungun and Kemaman. The dataset was obtained through a self-structured questionnaire. Data analysis and summary are presented using tables and figures. The findings provide valuable feedback on the socio-economic impact and economic value of artificial reefs to the fishermen and can be useful for policymakers to prevent the over-exploitation of fishery resources in Malaysian marine territories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Pacific coast of Colombia is characterized by mangrove ecosystems which play a crucial role as possible nurseries for juvenile sharks. However, trophic food webs from coastal ecosystems are heavily disturbed by increased fishing pressure, which affects numerous shark species. In this region of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), fisheries\' data from coastal areas are scarce and unspecific, as most sharks from artisanal fisheries are landed decapitated and finless, making their morphological identification difficult. For the establishment and implementation of effective regional conservation and management policies, information on the diversity and population dynamics of shark species is crucial. We therefore sequenced the mitochondrial NADH2 gene of 696 samples taken from fishermen\'s landings of shark\'s bycatch along the Colombian north Pacific coast. We were able to identify 14 species of sharks, two of the most abundant species were Sphyrna lewini and Carcharhinus falciformis, both evaluated on IUCN the Red List of Threatened species (Critically Endangered and Vulnerable) and CITES regulated. We found low genetic diversity in the sampled area increasing the concern for both species in the region, even more considering that the majority of individuals were juveniles. Our results showed the importance of genetic markers for first population genetic insights as a complementary tool during the decision-making process in management plans. For this specific region, strategies such as the delimitation of conservation priority areas or the regulation of fishing gears could help improve the sustainability of shark populations in the Colombian Pacific.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    COVID-19 has profoundly impacted global livelihoods and disrupted the food supply chain, including the aquaculture and fisheries industries. Little is known about the response to COVID-19 and the impact it has on incomes, livelihoods and knowledge and practice in the coastal artisanal fishers communities of Bangladesh. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the socio-demographics of selected coastal fishers, their knowledge about COVID-19 and the preventive practice taken to reduce it. The impact on their fishing habits and income was also examined to determine potential policy areas. Data were collected via a structured questionnaire from 250 respondents from three coastal districts, Cox\'s Bazar, Patuakhali and Barguna, Bangladesh during April-June 2020. The research shows that the fishers\' knowledge about COVID-19 and measures taken to reduce it were significantly higher in Patuakhali and Barguna than in Cox\'s Bazar. The pandemic caused lower consumer demand, reduced fish prices and created fish transportation issues due to movement restrictions enforced during the lockdown. Irrespective of geographical location, fishing trips were reduced by frequency and duration compared with the pre-COVID-19 period, consequently lowering the income of fishers. Fishers have received little or no support from private, non-governmental or governmental sources. Considering the evidence in this paper of economic hardship, this paper recommends artisanal fishers in Bangladesh should be provided with support to improve their health education, access to professional health facilities and financial services. This will contribute to improved food security and sustainable livelihoods that can better withstand local and/or global crises.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The capture of ornamental fish is one of the main economic activities of riverine families in the Amazon. However, studies regarding the local ecological knowledge of workers in this activity are still incipient. In view of this, we have studied and explored the local ecological knowledge of artisanal fishers who specialize in the capture of fish for the aquarium trade in the middle part of the Negro River basin and investigated issues related to the ecological aspects of the fish species that are targeted by this trade in the region.
    METHODS: Therefore, we conducted semi-structured interviews and applied questionnaires to artisanal fishers of ornamental fish (N = 89), from the municipality of Barcelos, from January to April 2016.
    RESULTS: In total, 41 popular names were cited, which correspond to four ethnocategories and 10 families. The main species were Paracheirodon axelrodi (12.5%), Hemigrammus bleheri (8.3%), Ancistrus dolichopterus (6.4%), Symphysodon discus (5.3%), and Potamotrygon motoro (3.8%). According to the fishers, the species of fish known in the region as \"piabas\" have a preference for living in clusters (28.9%) and carry out migratory movements (26.1%). The diet of local fish species reported by fisheries is diverse, though mainly based on periphyton (42.2%), and the reproductive cycle directly influenced by the period of flooding of rivers in the region (37.6%) CONCLUSION: Our study revealed that the fishers possess information on the ecological aspects of local ornamental fish species, many of which are consistent with scientific literature. The information presented may assist in the decision-making process for the management of local fishery resources and contribute to the resumption of growth and sustainability in the capture of ornamental fish.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate the environmental impacts generated by the hydroelectric complex in the Madeira River, Brazilian Amazon, based on the perceptions of local fishers and fishery database, it focus attention on three main impacts: (i) on local fishery stocks; (ii) in fish fauna and (iii) on the aquatic ecosystems. The local fishers were selected through the \"snowball\" approach for the application of semi-structured interviews. All the local fishers confirmed having perceived a decline in fishery productivity following the impounding of the Madeira River. Changes in the condition of the fish were also perceived by the local fishers, including exophthalmia (82%), a reduction in the weight or length of the fish (25%), and irregular breeding patterns (14%). In the case of impacts on the river, changes in the hydrological cycle were the process remembered most frequently (75%). The results elucidated a range of environmental impacts caused by the hydroelectric dams of the Madeira River.






