Archaeal Proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methanogenic archaea are chemolithotrophic prokaryotes that can reduce carbon dioxide with hydrogen gas to form methane. These microorganisms make a significant contribution to the global carbon cycle, with methanogenic archaea from anoxic environments estimated to contribute > 500 million tons of global methane annually. Archaeal methanogenesis is dependent on the methanofurans; aminomethylfuran containing coenzymes that act as the primary C1 acceptor molecule during carbon dioxide fixation. Although the biosynthetic pathway to the methanofurans has been elucidated, structural adaptations which confer thermotolerance to Mfn enzymes from extremophilic archaea are yet to be investigated. Here we focus on the methanofuran biosynthetic enzyme MfnB, which catalyses the condensation of two molecules of glyceralde-3-phosphate to form 4‑(hydroxymethyl)-2-furancarboxaldehyde-phosphate. In this study, MfnB enzymes from the hyperthermophile Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and the mesophile Methanococcus maripaludis have been recombinantly overexpressed and purified to homogeneity. Thermal unfolding studies, together with steady-state kinetic assays, demonstrate thermoadaptation in the M. jannaschii enzyme. Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to provide a structural explanation for the observed properties. These reveal a greater number of side chain interactions in the M. jannaschii enzyme, which may confer protection from heating effects by enforcing spatial residue constraints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperthermophilic archaea such as Pyrococcus furiosus survive under very aggressive environmental conditions by occupying niches inaccessible to representatives of other domains of life. The ability to survive such severe living conditions must be ensured by extraordinarily efficient mechanisms of DNA processing, including repair. Therefore, in this study, we compared kinetics of conformational changes of DNA Endonuclease Q from P. furiosus during its interaction with various DNA substrates containing an analog of an apurinic/apyrimidinic site (F-site), hypoxanthine, uracil, 5,6-dihydrouracil, the α-anomer of adenosine, or 1,N6-ethenoadenosine. Our examination of DNA cleavage activity and fluorescence time courses characterizing conformational changes of the dye-labeled DNA substrates during the interaction with EndoQ revealed that the enzyme induces multiple conformational changes of DNA in the course of binding. Moreover, the obtained data suggested that the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex can proceed through dissimilar kinetic pathways, resulting in different types of DNA conformational changes, which probably allow the enzyme to perform its biological function at an extreme temperature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNAs are often modified to invoke new activities. While many modifications are limited in frequency, restricted to non-coding RNAs, or present only in select organisms, 5-methylcytidine (m5C) is abundant across diverse RNAs and fitness-relevant across Domains of life, but the synthesis and impacts of m5C have yet to be fully investigated. Here, we map m5C in the model hyperthermophile, Thermococcus kodakarensis. We demonstrate that m5C is ~25x more abundant in T. kodakarensis than human cells, and the m5C epitranscriptome includes ~10% of unique transcripts. T. kodakarensis rRNAs harbor tenfold more m5C compared to Eukarya or Bacteria. We identify at least five RNA m5C methyltransferases (R5CMTs), and strains deleted for individual R5CMTs lack site-specific m5C modifications that limit hyperthermophilic growth. We show that m5C is likely generated through partial redundancy in target sites among R5CMTs. The complexity of the m5C epitranscriptome in T. kodakarensis argues that m5C supports life in the extremes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DPANN is a widespread and diverse group of archaea characterized by their small size, reduced genome, limited metabolic pathways, and symbiotic existence. Known DPANN species are predominantly obligate ectosymbionts that depend on their host for proliferation. The structural and molecular details of host recognition, host-DPANN intercellular communication, and host adaptation in response to DPANN attachment remain unknown. Here, we use electron cryotomography (cryo-ET) to show that the Microcaldus variisymbioticus ARM-1 may interact with its host, Metallosphaera javensis AS-7 through intercellular proteinaceous nanotubes. Combining cryo-ET and sub-tomogram averaging, we show the in situ architectures of host and DPANN S-layers and the structures of the nanotubes in their primed and extended states. In addition, comparative proteomics and genomic analyses identified host proteomic changes in response to DPANN attachment. These results provide insights into the structural basis of host-DPANN communication and deepen our understanding of the host ectosymbiotic relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Family GH1 glycosyl hydrolases are ubiquitous in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and are utilized in numerous industrial applications, including bioconversion of lignocelluloses. In this study, hyperacidophilic archaeon Cuniculiplasma divulgatum (S5T=JCM 30642T) was explored as a source of novel carbohydrate-active enzymes. The genome of C. divulgatum encodes three GH1 enzyme candidates, from which CIB12 and CIB13 were heterologously expressed and characterized. Phylogenetic analysis of CIB12 and CIB13 clustered them with β-glucosidases from genuinely thermophilic archaea including Thermoplasma acidophilum, Picrophilus torridus, Sulfolobus solfataricus, Pyrococcus furiosus, and Thermococcus kodakarensis. Purified enzymes showed maximal activities at pH 4.5-6.0 (CIB12) and 4.5-5.5 (CIB13) with optimal temperatures at 50°C, suggesting a high-temperature origin of Cuniculiplasma spp. ancestors. Crystal structures of both enzymes revealed a classical (α/β)8 TIM-barrel fold with the active site located inside the barrel close to the C-termini of β-strands including the catalytic residues Glu204 and Glu388 (CIB12), and Glu204 and Glu385 (CIB13). Both enzymes preferred cellobiose over lactose as substrates and were classified as cellobiohydrolases. Cellobiose addition increased the biomass yield of Cuniculiplasma cultures growing on peptides by 50%, suggesting that the cellobiohydrolases expand the carbon substrate range and hence environmental fitness of Cuniculiplasma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dozens of new antiviral systems have been recently characterized in bacteria. Some of these systems are present in eukaryotes and appear to have originated in prokaryotes, but little is known about these defense mechanisms in archaea. Here, we explore the diversity and distribution of defense systems in archaea and identify 2610 complete systems in Asgardarchaeota, a group of archaea related to eukaryotes. The Asgard defense systems comprise 89 unique systems, including argonaute, NLR, Mokosh, viperin, Lassamu, and CBASS. Asgard viperin and argonaute proteins have structural homology to eukaryotic proteins, and phylogenetic analyses suggest that eukaryotic viperin proteins were derived from Asgard viperins. We show that Asgard viperins display anti-phage activity when heterologously expressed in bacteria. Eukaryotic and bacterial argonaute proteins appear to have originated in Asgardarchaeota, and Asgard argonaute proteins have argonaute-PIWI domains, key components of eukaryotic RNA interference systems. Our results support that Asgardarchaeota played important roles in the origin of antiviral defense systems in eukaryotes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome segregation is a fundamental process that preserves the genetic integrity of all organisms, but the mechanisms driving genome segregation in archaea remain enigmatic. This study delved into the unknown function of SegC (SSO0033), a novel protein thought to be involved in chromosome segregation in archaea. Using fluorescence polarization DNA binding assays, we discovered the ability of SegC to bind DNA without any sequence preference. Furthermore, we determined the crystal structure of SegC at 2.8 Å resolution, revealing the multimeric configuration and forming a large positively charged surface that can bind DNA. SegC has a tertiary structure folding similar to those of the ThDP-binding fold superfamily, but SegC shares only 5-15% sequence identity with those proteins. Unexpectedly, we found that SegC has nucleotide triphosphatase (NTPase) activity. We also determined the SegC-ADP complex structure, identifying the NTP binding pocket and relative SegC residues involved in the interaction. Interestingly, images from negative-stain electron microscopy revealed that SegC forms filamentous structures in the presence of DNA and NTPs. Further, more uniform and larger SegC-filaments are observed, when SegA-ATP was added. Notably, the introduction of SegB disrupts these oligomers, with ATP being essential for regulating filament formation. These findings provide insights into the functional and structural role of SegC in archaeal chromosome segregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The model haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii is polyploid with about 20 copies of its major chromosome. Recently it has been described that highly efficient intermolecular gene conversion operates in H. volcanii to equalize the chromosomal copies. In the current study, 24 genes were selected that encode proteins with orthologs involved in gene conversion or homologous recombination in archaea, bacteria, or eukaryotes. Single gene deletion strains of 22 genes and a control gene were constructed in two parent strains for a gene conversion assay; only radA and radB were shown to be essential. Protoplast fusions were used to generate strains that were heterozygous for the gene HVO_2528, encoding an enzyme for carotinoid biosynthesis. It was revealed that a lack of six of the proteins did not influence the efficiency of gene conversion, while sixteen mutants had severe gene conversion defects. Notably, lack of paralogous proteins of gene families had very different effects, e.g., mutant Δrad25b had no phenotype, while mutants Δrad25a, Δrad25c, and Δrad25d were highly compromised. Generation of a quadruple rad25 and a triple sph deletion strain also indicated that the paralogs have different functions, in contrast to sph2 and sph4, which cannot be deleted simultaneously. There was no correlation between the severity of the phenotypes and the respective transcript levels under non-stressed conditions, indicating that gene expression has to be induced at the onset of gene conversion. Phylogenetic trees of the protein families Rad3/25, MutL/S, and Sph/SMC/Rad50 were generated to unravel the history of the paralogous proteins of H. volcanii. Taken together, unselected intermolecular gene conversion in H. volcanii involves at least 16 different proteins, the molecular roles of which can be studied in detail in future projects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methanogens often inhabit sulfidic environments that favor the precipitation of transition metals such as iron (Fe) as metal sulfides, including mackinawite (FeS) and pyrite (FeS2). These metal sulfides have historically been considered biologically unavailable. Nonetheless, methanogens are commonly cultivated with sulfide (HS-) as a sulfur source, a condition that would be expected to favor metal precipitation and thus limit metal availability. Recent studies have shown that methanogens can access Fe and sulfur (S) from FeS and FeS2 to sustain growth. As such, medium supplied with FeS2 should lead to higher availability of transition metals when compared to medium supplied with HS-. Here, we examined how transition metal availability under sulfidic (i.e., cells provided with HS- as sole S source) versus non-sulfidic (cells provided with FeS2 as sole S source) conditions impact the metalloproteome of Methanosarcina barkeri Fusaro. To achieve this, we employed size exclusion chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and shotgun proteomics. Significant changes were observed in the composition and abundance of iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, and molybdenum proteins. Among the differences were alterations in the stoichiometry and abundance of multisubunit protein complexes involved in methanogenesis and electron transport chains. Our data suggest that M. barkeri utilizes the minimal iron-sulfur cluster complex and canonical cysteine biosynthesis proteins when grown on FeS2 but uses the canonical Suf pathway in conjunction with the tRNA-Sep cysteine pathway for iron-sulfur cluster and cysteine biosynthesis under sulfidic growth conditions.IMPORTANCEProteins that catalyze biochemical reactions often require transition metals that can have a high affinity for sulfur, another required element for life. Thus, the availability of metals and sulfur are intertwined and can have large impacts on an organismismal biochemistry. Methanogens often occupy anoxic, sulfide-rich (euxinic) environments that favor the precipitation of transition metals as metal sulfides, thereby creating presumed metal limitation. Recently, several methanogens have been shown to acquire iron and sulfur from pyrite, an abundant iron-sulfide mineral that was traditionally considered to be unavailable to biology. The work presented here provides new insights into the distribution of metalloproteins, and metal uptake of Methanosarcina barkeri Fusaro grown under euxinic or pyritic growth conditions. Thorough characterizations of this methanogen under different metal and sulfur conditions increase our understanding of the influence of metal availability on methanogens, and presumably other anaerobes, that inhabit euxinic environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, interest in very small proteins (µ-proteins) has increased significantly, and they were found to fulfill important functions in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic species. The halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii encodes about 400 µ-proteins of less than 70 amino acids, 49 of which contain at least two C(P)XCG motifs and are, thus, predicted zinc finger proteins. The determination of the NMR solution structure of HVO_2753 revealed that only one of two predicted zinc fingers actually bound zinc, while a second one was metal-free. Therefore, the aim of the current study was the homologous production of additional C(P)XCG proteins and the quantification of their zinc content. Attempts to produce 31 proteins failed, underscoring the particular difficulties of working with µ-proteins. In total, 14 proteins could be produced and purified, and the zinc content was determined. Only nine proteins complexed zinc, while five proteins were zinc-free. Three of the latter could be analyzed using ESI-MS and were found to contain another metal, most likely cobalt or nickel. Therefore, at least in haloarchaea, the variability of predicted C(P)XCG zinc finger motifs is higher than anticipated, and they can be metal-free, bind zinc, or bind another metal. Notably, AlphaFold2 cannot correctly predict whether or not the four cysteines have the tetrahedral configuration that is a prerequisite for metal binding.





