Angular pregnancy

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Angular pregnancy, a rare condition, marked by implantation positioned medially to the uterotubal junction within the lateral angle of the endometrial cavity poses a risk of severe complications, such as uterine rupture, placental retention, postpartum hemorrhage, and even necessitating hysterectomy, all of which can be fatal. Distinguishing angular pregnancy from other emergent conditions, particularly interstitial and cornual pregnancies, is crucial due to similar presentations and difference in embryo viability, risk, and management. While angular pregnancies can progress to term, they are associated with an elevated complication rate. Here, we present a case of primigravida with angular pregnancy who opted for evacuation under hysteroscopic guidance subsequent to unsuccessful pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Angular pregnancies are rare and difficult to diagnose. Evidence suggests they are associated with a higher risk of intrauterine growth restriction and abnormal third stage of labor due to a retained placenta. The lack of standardized AP diagnostic criteria impacts on their correct identification and makes the treatment of potential complications challenging. We present a case of the successful conservative surgical management of a retained placenta after a term AP also complicated by intrauterine growth restriction. Moreover, to identify the best evidence regarding AP diagnostic criteria and retained placenta therapeutic approaches, we have realized an expert literature review.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    It can be difficult to distinguish an interstitial pregnancy from an angular pregnancy because of the close proximity of the implantation sites. The difference in pregnancy outcomes between interstitial and angular pregnancies makes this distinction very important. A 39-year-old gravida 7 para 4 who had undergone a laparoscopic right salpingo-oophorectomy (RSO) one year ago and a pregnancy termination via dilation and curettage (D&C) three weeks ago was suspected to have a ruptured right interstitial or angular pregnancy. The patient underwent a laparoscopic total hysterectomy. The postoperative histologic diagnosis was an abortion of a right angular pregnancy. Indeed, it is essential to rule out an interstitial or angular pregnancy during adnexal surgery, even soon after elective abortion. Proper management of an angular pregnancy could prevent a fatal outcome following a rupture or massive hemorrhage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cornual pregnancy (CP) is a subtype of ectopic pregnancy that is implanted in the interstitial segment of the fallopian tube which is defined as the tubal section crossing uterine muscular tissue. Widely recognized risk factors for CP are endometriosis, uterine leiomyomata, or pelvic inflammatory disease; all these diseases can cause tubal anatomic changes and consequently alter embryo physiological implant process. Many treatment options are available for this condition each one must be tailored according to patient and operating scenario. The incidence of uterine ruptures in the scarred uterus appears to be low, but the fear of it remains and therefore medical treatment might be favored over cornual wedge resection. The actual risk of uterine rupture after medical treatment is unknown. Multiple testing strategies exist to diagnose CP, but caution needs to be used to avoid a false diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Currently, the treatment strategies for angular pregnancy in the first trimester after assisted reproduction technology (ART) are unclear. Improper treatment will cause unnecessary losses to patients, especially infertile patients, after ART. The purpose of this study was to clarify the pregnancy outcomes of expectant treatment for angular pregnancy post-ART and to provide a basis for the formulation of clinical treatment strategies.
    UNASSIGNED: This retrospective case series study was performed at the Reproductive Medicine Center of a university hospital. Maternal data and pregnancy outcomes were collected and analyzed for all patients diagnosed with angular pregnancies after ART between January 2016 and August 2021. The outcomes included live birth, term birth, premature birth, early pregnancy loss, fetal death, placental abruption, uterine rupture, maternal death, and hysterectomy.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 78 patients were analyzed in this study, of whom 54 (69.2%) had live births, 44 (56.4%) had term births, 21 (26.9%) had an early pregnancy loss, 1 (1.3%) had mid-trimester missed abortion, 1 (1.3%) underwent mid-trimester labor induction due to fetal malformation, and 1 (1.3%) underwent uterine rupture. There were no cases of maternal death, placental abruption, or hysterectomies.
    UNASSIGNED: Angular pregnancy after ART is not as dangerous as that described in previous studies; most cases could be treated expectantly under close-interval follow-up and obtain live birth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Heterotopic pregnancy is a rare, difficult to diagnose and life-threatening pathology, which requires timely decisions made by an experienced multidisciplinary team. In this type of multiple pregnancy there are both intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies present. Its incidence increases in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology or in pregnancies with ovulation induction. This article presents an angular heterotopic pregnancy case in a 34-year-old multigravida. The patient was admitted on the 14th week of gestation due to abdominal pain on the left side with suspicion of heterotopic pregnancy. Transabdominal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed to confirm the diagnosis of heterotopic angular pregnancy in the left cornu of the uterus. Multidisciplinary team made a decision to keep monitoring the growth of both pregnancies by ultrasound while maternal vitals were stable. Due to intensifying abdominal pain, diagnostic laparoscopy was performed. No signs of uterine rupture were observed, and no additional surgical procedures were performed. Maternal status and ultrasonographic findings were closely monitored. The mass in the left cornu of the uterus did not change significantly and the fetal growth of the intrauterine pregnancy matched its gestational age throughout pregnancy. At the 41st week of gestation, a healthy female neonate was born via spontaneous vaginal delivery. The incidence rate of heterotopic pregnancy tends to grow due to an increased number of pregnancies after assisted reproductive technology and ovulation induction. It is important to always assess the risk factors. The main methods for diagnosing heterotopic pregnancies are ultrasonography and MRI. The main management tactics for heterotopic pregnancy include expectant management as well as surgical or medical termination of the ectopic pregnancy. Expectant management may be chosen as an option only in a limited number of cases, if the clinical situation meets the specific criteria. When applicable, expectant management may reduce the frequency of unnecessary interventions and help to prevent patients from its complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Angular pregnancy is a rare form of eccentric intrauterine gestation. To determine the management strategy, angular pregnancy should be differentiated from interstitial pregnancy and cornual pregnancy.
    UNASSIGNED: A 37-year-old woman (gravida 5, para 4) with no previous disease history was referred because of a retained placenta with hemorrhage 20 days following the manual vacuum aspiration of an intrauterine pregnancy performed after the diagnosis of miscarriage at 8 weeks of gestation. At the initial examination, a prominent vascular mass was identified in the left lateral portion of the uterus. The patient\'s serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin level was 1949 IU/L. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an enlarged angular space occupied by a suspected retained placenta with expansion of the surrounding myometrium. Three-dimensional computerized tomography showed a prominent vascular mass with a feeding left uterine artery and draining thick left ovarian vein. The diagnosis consisted of retained placenta accreta with marked vascularity after evacuation of a miscarriage in a woman with angular pregnancy. Uterine artery chemoembolization was performed followed by the administration of a single dose of systemic methotrexate. Because the gestational mass persisted and spontaneous expulsion appeared to be unlikely, despite the gradual decline of serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin levels, hysteroscopic resection of the retained placenta was performed and the patient\'s subsequent recovery was uneventful.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Angular pregnancy is characterized as implant medial to the uterotubal junction in lateral angular of uterine. It was a rare obstetric complication with severe complications like uterine rupture and retained placenta.
    METHODS: We report a case of 2 incomplete aborted angular pregnancy that was diagnosed and treated with hysteroscopy. In this case, both of patient were performed operative hysteroscopy for incomplete abortion, and with the assistance of hysteroscopy, the angular pregnancy was detected.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hysteroscopy can more intuitively display the conditions inside the uterine cavity, reduce the intraoperative and postoperative complications, and shorten the hospitalization time of patients. During hysteroscopy, angular pregnancy can be visualized in the upper lateral side of the uterine cavity. Based on the investigation results of clinical cases, this is the first case report of hysteroscopy in the treatment of incomplete aborted angular pregnancy.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Angular and interstitial pregnancies have been reported with live births and are often complicated by adherent placentas. Most cases had been treated with hysterectomy or corneal resection.
    METHODS: We successfully treated four patients with conservative management (including one reported previously). Case 1 had a vaginal delivery, but the placenta remained attached. We maintained the patient under observation and delivered the placenta on postpartum day 9. Case 2 underwent a C-section. Uterine artery embolization controlled the hemorrhage without placenta removal. The placenta had disappeared by postpartum day 136. Case 3 underwent a C-section. The right uterine angle, where the placenta was attached, was bulging. We manually removed the placenta.
    CONCLUSIONS: We propose a new entity in angular or interstitial pregnancies called \"angular placenta attachment\" that could be diagnosed during C-sections or after vaginal delivery without placental separation. Expectant management may be considered for adherent placentas in these cases.





